====== [hemmerling] Audiovision 6/9 - Video Tools III ====== ===== Legacy Video Software ===== ==== Legacy Video Authoring Tools ==== ==== Legacy Video Editing Tools ==== === Free Legacy Video Editing Tools === === Legacy Commercial Video Editing Tools === == Cinegy LLC & AIST == *Products: *I got "MoviePackPro 4" for Windows ( CD with paper manuals ), by AIST GmbH, with license key. *I won it at an online video competition in 2002. *It still installs and runs on Win10Pro 64-bit :-). *At program exit, with Win10, there is the Windows error message "Program Compatibility Assitant. This program might not have run correctly", though everything is ok. It does not help to activate "Windows XP ( Service Pack 3 ) Compability". *But... it is for DV and AVI files :-(. There is no option to import nor to export MPEG4 videos :-(. *I got just the "MoviePack eXtreme 4" CD for Windows, by AIST GmbH. *MovieXone - free DV video editor. Btw, I prefer to use the skin of the free downloadable, but expireing MoviePackProDemo with MovieXone ( directory "skins" ) and I am using the 100 transitions of MoviePackDemo with MovieXone ( directory "plugins" ) ! Just be shure not to overwrite the MoveXone file "ipathl.dll" with that of MoviePackProDemo. *Movie3D - free video compositing, animation und effects program, for WIN95/98, W2K. *Company websites: *[[http://www.cinegy.com/|Cinegy LLC]], USA. *Germany: *[[http://www.aist.com/|AIST GmbH, Germany ( .com )]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.de/|AIST GmbH, Germany ( .de )]] ( - 2006-04-08 ). *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.com/|AIST GmbH, Germany ( .com )]] *German contents ( - 2007-02-02 ). *Forwarding to [[http://www.cinegy.com/|Cinegy LLC]] ( 2010-05-01 - 2013-09-06 ). *New English contents ( 2017-02-08 - ). *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.com/CMS/index.php|Archive.org "AIST GmbH, Germany" ( .com, /CMS )]] ( - 2011-05-01 ). *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.co.uk/|Archive.org "AIST U.K."]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.fr/|Archive.org "AIST France"]], [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.apacabar.fr/editeur/default_ed.asp?code_edit=AIS|Archive.org "AIST France"]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aistsys.ch/|Archive.org "AIST Switzerland"]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.it/|Archive.org "AIST Italy"]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aistinc.com/|Archive.org "AIST USA"]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.automel.com/aist/|Archive.org "AIST Spain"]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.de/german/faq/index.php|Archive.org "AIST GmbH Germany - AIST Support FAQs" ( .de )]], [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aist.de/german/faq/index.php|Archive.org "AIST GmbH Germany - AIST Support FAQs" ( .com )]] - "Die Verbindung zum MySQL-Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden" :-(. == Literature == *Book [[http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3815822297/hemmerling-21|Angelika Mildner: "Best Friend Videos effektvoll gestalten. Mit CD-ROM"]], 2002. *Accompanying website [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.angelika-mildner.de/|Angelika Mildner]]. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.angelika-mildner.de/neu/neu.html|Angelika Mildner "NEUE Anleitungen und Downloads"]] ( - 2003-05-07 ). *"Transitionen kostenlos für MovieX". *"TV-TEST und Timecode-AVI". *Book [[http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/300006690X/hemmerling-21|Jan Lengwenat: "Mach es mit Movie Pack, m. CD-ROM"]], 2000. *Accompanying website [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.video3d.de/|archive.org "Jan Lengwenat: Video3D"]] ( - 2002-08-02 ). *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.lengwenat.de/|Archive.org "mMedia Lengwenat - Werbeagentur"]] ( - 2007-05-02 ). == Cinegy LLC & AIST Resources == *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ampfing-online.de/bewerbung/de/portfolio.html|Archive.org "Maxim Beliaev: Portfolio"]] -AIST skins. *[[http://forum.chip.de/discussion/59335/moviexone|CHIP-Forum "MovieXone"]], 2001-09. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://home.t-online.de/home/andreas.hennek/moviedv.htm|Archive.org "Bruno Peter Hennek: MovieDV4"]] ( - 2003-04-07 ). *[[http://web.archive.org/web/20040702043057/http://members.aon.at/motiongroup/|Archive.org "motiongroup: MovieX]] ( - 2004-07-02 ) - "In den Versionen MoviePack und eXtreme stecken so viele Features...". *[[http://www.orkastudio.com/|Orkastudio]] by Nik Nastev. *Once [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.orkastudio.com/|Archive.org "Orkastudio"]], [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://moviefx.orkastudio.com/|Archive.org "moviefx.orkastudio.com"]] provided AIST tutorials. *[[http://www.slashcam.de/suche/site_suche.html|slashCAM forum - Search]] - Search for "AIST" to find all articles and messages about AIST. *[[http://www.slashcam.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=36219|slashCAM forum "aist movie pack v6 upgrade ???"]], 2002-12. *[[http://www.videofreunde.ch/index.php?board/12-sw-von-aist/|Videofreunde.ch "SW von Aist"]]. *[[http://www.videomaker.com/article/c5/9142-test-bench-aist-moviepack-extreme-media-editing-software-suite/|Videomaker "Test Bench: AIST MoviePack eXtreme Media Editing Software Suite"]], 2002-12. *[[http://www.wcm.at/forum/showthread.php/aist_movie_3d_freeware_256x256pix_3d_modeling-49943.html|WCM Forum "Aist Movie 3D Freeware 256x256pix: 3d modeling"]], 2003-02 - Installation tip: "Der Download mit den Angaben z.B. 'ABC' für die Firma und FREEWARE für die Seriennummer sowie der Installationsart TYPICAL". *[[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.guck-mal-hier.de/MovieX/|Archive.org "Thomas Wesenberg: Erfahrungen mit MovieDV 4 von AIST"]] ( - 2005-02-05 ). ==== Legacy Video Tools ==== ==== Resources ==== {{tag>audiovision, video}}