====== [hemmerling] The inofficial Bricks Files ======
Related page:
  *[[ fischertechnik.html|The inofficial fischertechnik Files]].
===== LEGO =====
===== LEGO Mindstorms =====
==== LEGO Mindstorms RCX, 16-bit ( 1998 ) ====
==== LEGO Mindstorms NXT, 32-bit ( 2006 ) ====
==== LEGO Mindstorms MV3, 32-bit ( 2013 ) ====
==== Resources ====
  *pbForth => See [[forth04.html|FORTH 4/7]].
===== LEGO Technik =====

===== LEGO Serious Play =====
===== Bricks which are not LEGO =====
===== Software =====
  *The free LEGO designer tool [[http://www.lego.com/en-us/ldd#full-section-2|LEGO "Lego Digital Designer"]] 4.3 for Windows and MacOSX. 
    *Tip: Turn off Javascript to access the download button :-).
===== Online Services =====
  *The LEGO online designer tool [[http://www.mecabricks.com/|Mecabricks.com - Online LEGO Modeling]] - "Build & Render your 3D LEGO® models online. No plug-in, no installation. Everything happens in your browser".
    *[[http://www.mecabricks.com/en/workshop|Mecabricks Workspace]] - Login for the LEGO online designer tool.
===== Sales =====
  *[[http://www.landderbuntensteine.de/|Land der bunten Steine]], Hannover - "Seit 2011 Hannovers Spielwarengeschäft in der Südstadt".
    *Online Shop [[http://www.ldbsshop.de/|Land der bunten Steine - Dein Shop für Spielwaren]].
===== Resources =====
  *[[http://www.zusammengebaut.com/mecabricks-das-online-tool-fuer-den-virtuellen-lego-modellbau-42584/|Zusammengebaut.com "Mecabricks: Das Online-Tool für den virtuellen LEGO Modellbau"]].
  *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Digital_Designer|EN.Wikipedia "Lego Digital Designer"]].
===== Forums, Newsgroups =====
{{tag>brick bricks lego "lego serious play" serious play}}