====== [hemmerling] Game Engines ====== Related pages: *[[3dframeworks.html|3D Graphics Frameworks]]. *[[audiovision02.html|Audiovision 2/6 - Image, Video & Audio Collections, Stocks, Footage, Hosting]]. *[[coregames.html|CORE ( COREGAMES ) 1/3]]. *[[coregames02.html|CORE ( COREGAMES ) 2/2 - CORE Application Development]]. *[[coregames03.html|CORE ( COREGAMES ) 3/3 - CORE Apps]]. *[[diagrams.html|Diagrams & Graph Visualization]]. *[[gamedevelopment.html|Game Development]]. *[[luagames.html|Game Engines and Games with Lua as Scripting Language]]. *[[games.html|Games]]. *[[godot.html|Godot Engine]]. *[[dotnet.html|Microsoft .NET Framework 1/2]]. *[[dotnet02.html|Microsoft .NET Framework 2/2]]. *[[mud.html|Multi User Dungeon ( MUD )]]. *[[gameapp.html|My first 3D VRML Android App, made with Unity]]. *[[python.html|Python]]. *[[unity3d.html|Unity ( Unity 3D )]]. *[[virtualworld.html|The Virtual World]]. *[[vrml.html|Virtual Reality & Graphics]]. *[[webtech.html|Web Technologies ( HTML5, HTML, XML & Javascript )]]. ===== Buildbox ===== *[[http://www.buildbox.com/|Buildbox]] - "No-Code mobile game development. The power to design, build, and publish 3D & 2D mobile games without coding". *[[http://www.buildbox.com/color-switch-hits-75-million-downloads/|Buildbox Blog "Color Switch Hits 75 Million Downloads"]]. ===== Cocos Creator, Cocos2d-x ===== *[[http://www.cocos.com/|Cocos]]. *[[http://www.cocos.com/en/cocos2dx|Cocos "Cocos2d-x"]] - "Open Source Cross-Platform Game Development Framework". *[[https://www.cocos.com/en/creator|Cocos "Cocos Creator"]] - "Lightweight and Easy-to-Use: A Cross-Platform 2D/3D Game Creation Tool". *[[http://www.cocos.com/en/docs|Cocos "User Manuals, Docs, Demos"]]. *[[http://docs.cocos.com/creator/api/en/|Cocos Creator "User Manuals, Docs, Demos" - "Welcome to Cocos Creator JavaScript engine API reference"]]. *[[http://docs.cocos.com/cocos2d-x/manual/en/editors_and_tools/creator_to_cocos2dx.html|Cocos2d-x "User Manuals, Docs, Demos" - "Using Cocos Creator With C++ and Lua Project"]] - "If you are a C++ or Lua developer, Cocos Creator allows exporting of Scenes to sour code for further development". *[[http://docs.cocos.com/creator/1.9/manual/en/advanced-topics/cpp-lua.html|Cocos Creator "User Manuals, Docs, Demos" - "C++/Lua Support"]] - "If you are a C++ or Lua developer, Cocos Creator allows exporting of Scenes to source code for further development". *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocos2d|EN.Wikipedia "Cocos2d"]]. ===== Delta Engine ===== ==== The Company ==== *[[http://deltaengine.net/|Delta Engine GmbH]] ( no "www.") - "Delta Engine - Open Source Multiplatform Game Development", "The Delta Engine allows to write games or apps in C#. It is free to use on the PC. Convert your apps to other platforms (Html5, Android, etc) via our cloud services.". *[[http://deltaengine.net/learn/|Delta Engine - Learn]] ( no "www."). *[[http://deltaengine.net/learn/firststeps|Delta Engine - First Steps]] ( no "www."). *[[http://deltaengine.net/learn/tutorials|Delta Engine - Tutorials]] ( no "www."). *[[http://www.xing.com/profile/Benjamin_Nitschke|XING "Benjamin Nitschke"]], [[http://de.linkedin.com/in/benjaminnitschke|LinkedIn "Benjamin Nitschke"]]. *Blog [[http://blog.deltaengine.net/|Delta Engine Blog]]. *[[http://www.github.com/DeltaEngine|GitHub "Delta Engine"]]. *[[http://www.github.com/BenjaminNitschke|GitHub "Benjamin Nitschke"]]. *[[http://deltaengine.codeplex.com/|CodePlex "Delta Engine"]]. *[[http://www.facebook.com/DeltaEngine|Facebook "Delta Engine"]]. *[[http://plus.google.com/111406109896842033009/|Google+ "Delta Engine"]]. *[[http://www.twitter.com/DeltaEngine|Twitter "Delta Engine"]]. *[[http://www.youtube.com/exdreamduck|YouTube "Benjamin Nitschke"]]. ==== The SDK Platforms ==== *See [[3dframeworks.html|3D Graphics Frameworks]]. *You may install the SDKs using [[http://www.nuget.org/|NuGet]]. *[[http://nuget.codeplex.com/|CodePlex "NuGet"]]. *[[http://www.twitter.com/nuget|Twitter "NuGet Team"]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NuGet|EN.Wikipedia "NuGet"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NuGet|DE.Wikipedia "NuGet"]] - "Distributed as a Visual Studio extension, integrated with SharpDevelop. *[[http://www.icsharpcode.net/|ic#code "#develop (SharpDevelop)"]]. *[[http://sharpdevelop.codeplex.com/|CodePlex "SharpDevelop - The Open Source IDE for .NET"]]. *[[http://sharpdevelop.sourceforge.net/|SourceForge "SharpDevelop"]], [[http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/sharpdevelop/|SourceForge "SharpDevelop"]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SharpDevelop|EN.Wikipedia "SharpDevelop"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SharpDevelop|DE.Wikipedia "SharpDevelop"]]. ===== Facebook ===== ==== Game Platform ==== *[[http://www.facebook.com/gameroom/|Facebook Gameroom]] for Win7. ==== Events ==== *[[http://www.facebook.com/business/events/game-developers-conference|Facebook "Game Developers Conference"]] ( Facebook’s GDC 2018 hub ). ==== Resourcen ==== *"C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Facebook\Games\FacebookGameroom.exe", e.g. "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Facebook\Games\FacebookGameroom.exe" - The game launcher. *[[http://developers.facebook.com/docs/games|Facebook for Game Developers]]. *[[http://developers.facebook.com/blog/|Facebook Developer Blog]]. *[[http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2017/04/18/games-updates-f8/|Facebook Developer Blog "Games: Updates from F8"]], 2017-04-18. *[[http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2018/03/14/instant-games-platform-open/|Facebook Developer Blog "Instant Games Platform Now Open for All Developers"]] #, 2018-03-14. *[[http://www.adweek.com/digital/facebook-opened-its-instant-games-platform-to-all-developers/|Adweek "Facebook Opened Its Instant Games Platform to All Developers"]], 2018-03-14. *[[http://www.variety.com/2018/digital/news/facebook-instant-games-1202726455/|Variety "Gaming Is Coming Back to Facebook With Instant Games Developer Program Launch"]], 2018-03-14. *[[http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/315527/Facebook_opens_up_its_Instant_Games_platform_to_all_devs.php|Gamasutra "Facebook opens up its Instant Games platform to all devs"]], 2018-03-14. ===== Fortnite ===== *[[http://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/|Epic Games "Fortnite"]]. *[[http://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/creative|Epic Games "Fortnite Creative"]]. *May I really create my own game? ===== Game Engines with Lua as Scripting Language ( Core, Roblox, ... ) ===== *See. *[[luaapplications.html|Lua Applications and Applications including Games / Gameengines with Lua as Scripting Language]]. *[[luagames.html|Games and Game Engines with Lua as Scripting Language]]. ===== Godot Engine ===== *See [[godot.html|Godot Engine]]. ===== RPG Maker ===== *The commercial, affordable [[http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/|RPG Maker]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG_Maker|EN.Wikipedia "RPG Maker"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG_Maker|DE.Wikipedia "RPG Maker"]] - "A series of programs for the development of role-playing video games (RPGs)". ===== Sansar ===== *[[http://www.sansar.com/|Sansar]]. *[[http://help.sansar.com/|Sansar Help]]. *[[http://help.sansar.com/hc/en-us/community/topics|Sansar Community]]. *[[http://help.sansar.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000027426-Scripting|Sansar Community "Scripting New post"]] - "A place to talk about scripting in Sansar, which uses C#". *[[http://www.lindenlab.com/releases/sansar-creator-beta-opens|Linden Lab "The Metaverse’s Next Chapter: Sansar Opens to the Public in Creator Beta"]], 2017. *[[http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeUceQ5X5K5O274DLuEDMpA|YouTube "Sansar"]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sansar_(video_game)|EN.Wikipedia "Sansar (video game)"]]. ===== Twine ===== *[[http://www.twinery.org/|Twine]] - "An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories". *[[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/twine-textadventures-schreiben-a-1096345.html|SPIEGEL, Benedikt Frank "Angetippt. Abenteuer aus Text"]] - "Twine: Textadventures schreiben". *[[http://www.itch.io/games/tag-twine|itch.io - Top games tagged Twine]]. *[[http://www.giga.de/downloads/twine/gallery/text-adventures-die-5-besten-twine-abenteuer-fuer-lesefreunde/|GIGA "Text-Adventures: Die 5 besten Twine-Abenteuer für Lesefreunde"]]. ===== Unity ( Unity 3D ) ===== *See [[unity3d.html|Unity ( Unity 3D )]]. ===== Unreal Engine ===== ==== The Tool ==== *[[http://www.unrealengine.com/|Unreal Engine]] for Win7 and MacOSX - "Now FREE. FREE for game development. FREE for Virtual Reality. FREE for education. FREE for architecture. FREE for film. Pay a 5% royalty on games and applications you release. We succeed when you succeed". ==== Blueprints Visual Scripting ==== *Unreal Engine is dedicated for more advanced users, though you may generate simple games by a graphical script language "Blueprints Visual Scripting", creating an "AI Node Blueprint" without any C/C++ coding. Just real complex action and games need to be coded in C/C++. *[[http://www.google.de/search?q=Unreal+Blueprint|Google - Search for "Unreal Blueprint"]]. *[[http://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Blueprints/|Unreal Engine 4 Documentation "Blueprints Visual Scripting"]]. *[[http://www.unrealengine.com/blog/blueprint-basics|Unreal Engine Blog "Blueprint basics"]]. ==== Resources ==== *[[http://www.unrealtutorials.com/|UnRealTutorials.com - Unreal Engine 4, UDK, Blender, Unity 3D, GIMP, Adobe Flash, WordPress, HostGator, GoDaddy, Miscellaneous Tutorials, games and downloads!]]. *[[http://unrealtutorials.com/unreal-engine-tutorials/unreal-engine-4-tutorials/|UnRealTutorials.com "Unreal Engine 4 Tutorials"]]. *[[http://unrealtutorials.com/unreal-engine-tutorials/unreal-engine-4-tutorials/blueprints/|UnRealTutorials.com "Blueprints"]]. *[[http://www.raywenderlich.com/97058/unreal-engine-tutorial-for-beginners-part-1|Ray Wenderlich - Ray Wenderlich - Tutorials for Developers & Gamers "Unreal Engine Tutorial for Beginners: Part 1"]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_Engine|EN.Wikipedia "Unreal Engine"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_Engine|DE.Wikipedia "Unreal Engine"]]. ===== 3D GameStudio ( formerly: "Game Studio 3D" ) ===== ==== The Tool ==== *[[http://www.3dgamestudio.net/|3D Gamestudio]]. ==== Literature ==== *I got the book [[http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3893624384/hemmerling-21|Johann Lotter, Reinhard Wissdorf: "Game- Studio 3D"]]. It features the only shareware version of the VGT ( Virtual Game Toolkit ) by CONITEC Datensysteme ( today: [[http://www.conitec.com/|Conitec GmbH]] ), which is available on the accompanying CD. *The book deals with the destiny of the "SKAPEHANDER" game by [[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.op-group.com/|Archive.org "oP-Group"]] ( - 1999-04-30 ). *For the current release of this product, now called 3D GameStudio, there is a full version as german book ( in german language ) and a trial version. *[[http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3815567904/hemmerling-21|Apollo Medien GmbH "3D Game Studio 7.0"]]. *[[http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3446431195/hemmerling-21|Jonas Freiknecht "Spiele entwickeln mit Gamestudio: Virtuelle 3D-Welten mit Gamestudio A8 und Lite-C"]]. ==== Comparison of the Shareware version of "Gamestudio 3D" ( 1996 ) and the Trial Edition of "3D Gamestudio" ( 2000 ) ==== ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Shareware version ^ Trial version ^ ^ Release date | 1996-01-30 | 2000 | ^ WED editor | conitec WEDS restricted world editor Vers. 2.9 1996 | WED demo/trial version 4.3 | ^ 3D engine runtime | conitec ACKNEX virtual game engine V3.302 - NONREGISTERED VERSION | A4 engine V4.181 | ^ Level editor | yes | yes | ^ Modell editor | no | yes | ^ Number of levels | 1 | unlimited ? | ^ Maximum number of vertics ( walls + things + actors ) per level | 1000 | unlimited ? | ^ Maximum resolution | 320x400 | 640x480 ^ ^ Colors | 256 | 64K | ^ Light sources | ? | white | ^ Transparency | ? | fixed 50% | ^ Particles | ? | yes | ^ Actors, weapons | Sprites | Sprites, modells | ^ Maps | no | yes | ^ FLIC player | no | no | ^ AVI scene player | no | no | ^ CD audio support | no | no | ^ Operating system | MSDOS ( protected mode ), DOS box of WIN95/98 | WIN95/98, W2K | ^ Sound card support | Soundblaster, Adlib, Roland MPU | Windows audio devices | ^ ::: | ( but not Gravis Ultrasound, Microsoft SoundSystem ) | ::: | ^ 2 player mode | no | yes ( split screen ) | ^ Several windows | no | no | ^ Client/Server mode | no | no | ^ Controlling of external devices | no | no | ^ Resource compiler | no | no | ^ File packer | no | no | ^ Watermark in frame at runtime | no | yes | ^ Technical support (by E-Mail) | no | no | ^ Publication | no | no | ^ Expiration of the runtime engine | never | 30 days | ^ Expiration of the runtime engine | never | some minutes | ^ | | | ==== Resources ==== *[[http://www.firoball.de/|Robert Jäger]] - A3 Tools, AckWii Plugin... *The shareware version of 3D GameStudio does not make use of models ( .mdl files ), but the current 3D GameStudio version does, indeed ! =====Tools and Technologies relevant for Game Development, according to GlobalGameJam 2020 ===== *Adventure Game Studio *A-Frame *Amazon Lumberyard *Bitsy game maker *Clickteam Fusion *Cocos 2D *Construct *Corona SDK *CryEngine *Defold *.Net *Enchant.JS *Eye tracking equipment *GameMaker (any product) *Game Salad (Mac desktop, iPhone, iPad) *Godot Engine *Greenfoot *Haxe *Houdini *Inform *Intel XDK *LibGDX *Looking Glass *Play Canvas *PlayStation Mobile *Processing *Puzzlescript *RPG Maker *Ren/Py *Scratch *SDL *Stencyl *Tabletop Technology *Twine *Unity (any product) *Unreal Engine *Virtual reality head mount display (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc.) *VRFree by Sensoryx *Xenko =====Tools and Technologies relevant for Game Development, according to Accelevents Breakpoint-by-Backtrace 2021 ===== *Amazon Lumberyard *Cocos 2D *CryEngine *Godot Engine *Roblox *Unreal Engine *Unity ===== Some other Game Engines ===== *[[http://www.clickteam.com/multimedia-fusion-2|Clickteam "Clickteam - Multimedia Fusion 2"]] - "Minimum System Requirements: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, **2000 or 98 operating system, 200 Mhz Pentium processor or higher, 32 Mb RAM** (256 Mb for XP, Vista and 7)". *[[http://community.clickteam.com/|Clickteam Community]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clickteam|EN.Wikipedia "Clickteam"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia_Fusion|DE.Wikipedia "Multimedia Fusion"]]. *[[http://www.mycryengine.com/|CryENGINE 3]]. *[[http://www.mycryengine.com/index.php?conid=70|CryENGINE 3 "CryENGINE Free Use"]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CryEngine|EN.Wikipedia "CryEngine"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CryEngine|DE.Wikipedia "CryEngine"]]. *[[http://www.frostbite.com/|Frostbite]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frostbite_%28game_engine%29|EN.Wikipedia "Frostbite (game engine)"]], [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Frostbite_games|EN.Wikipedia "List of Frostbite games"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frostbite-Engine|DE.Wikipedia "Frostbite-Engine"]]. *The commercial [[http://www.heroengine.com/|Hero Engine]]. *"Develop online games in Real Time with your team and see all changes instantly". *"GET HEROENGINE NOW STARTING AT $99 A YEAR". *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeroEngine|EN.Wikipedia "HeroEngine"]]. *The commercial [[http://www.yoyogames.com/get|Yoyo Games "GameMaker Studio 2"]]. -CREATOR - Publish to your Mac or Windows desktop. -DEVELOPER - Publish high performance games on all desktop and mobile platforms, including the Xbox One Creators Program. -CONSOLE - These licenses enable you to publish your amazing games to Xbox One & PS4. -EDUCATION. *"JNGL - Just a Neat Game Library". *[[http://github.com/jhasse/jngl|GitHub "jhasse/jngl"]] - "Easy to use game library for C++ and Python". *[[http://www.bixense.com/jngl/|Bixense Game Studios "JNGL - Just a Neat Game Library"]] - "JNGL is an easy to use C++/Python game library for Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and the Nintendo Switch". *It was developed to replace the discontinued "Marmalade Game Platform". *[[http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/281278/Marmalade_is_giving_up_on_its_game_engine_biz_to_focus_on_game_dev.php|Gamasutra "Marmalade is giving up on its game engine biz to focus on game dev"]], 2016-09-13. *[[http://web.archive.org/web/2017*/https://www.madewithmarmalade.com|Archive.org "madewithmarmalade.com"]] ( - 2016-03-26 ). *[[http://www.valvesoftware.com/|Valve Corporation]]. *[[http://developer.valvesoftware.com/|Valve Developer Community]] *Wiki [[http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/|Valve Developer Community Wiki]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_%28game_engine%29|EN.Wikipedia "Source (game engine)"]] - "On March 3, 2015, Valve announced the Source 2 engine and that it will be free for developers". *[[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_Engine|DE.Wikipedia "Source Engine"]] - "Die Website zur Source Engine ist nicht mehr verfügbar und die Source Engine kann nicht mehr lizenziert werden. Auf der Game Developers Conference 2015 wurde der Nachfolger der Source Engine, die Source 2 Engine angekündigt. Die Source 2 Engine ist komplett kostenlos, die Bedingung hierbei ist: Das Spiel muss auf Steam veröffentlicht werden. Noch ist die Source 2 Engine allerdings noch nicht öffentlich verfügbar, also ist es momentan nicht möglich sie zu verwenden". ===== Physical Engines ===== *[[http://www.box2d.org/|Box2D]], [[http://code.google.com/p/box2d/|Google Code "box2d. A 2D Physics Engine for Games"]]. *[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box2D|EN.Wikipedia "Box2D"]]. *[[http://box2d-js.sourceforge.net|SourceForge "Box2DJS - Physics Engine for JavaScript"]], [[http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/box2d-js/|SourceForge "Box2DJS - Physics Engine for JavaScript"]]. *[[http://github.com/DJCordhose/games|GitHub "DJCordhose/games"]] - "Games Sandbox" in Javascript, using [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canvas_element|EN.Wikipedia "Canvas element"]], [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canvas_%28HTML-Element%29|DE.Wikipedia "Canvas (HTML-Element)"]]. *Slides [[http://djcordhose.github.io/games/slides/jsunconf.html/|Oliver Zeigermann, Nils Hartmann "80s Game Programming"]] with Javascript. {{tag>vrml "game engine", "game engines", game, engine, engines, "virtual reality" virtual reality "3d graphics" 3d graphics godot unity "unity 3d" unity3d unreal "applied interactive technologies" "applied interactive technology" applied interactive technologies technology}}