Buch ”The ITSM Experience: Real Life Remarkable ITSM Experiences - 2010 Edition”. Herausgeber: Ivanka Menken, Art Of Service The Art of Service. Verlag: Emereo Pty Ltd (30. August 2010). ISBN-10: 1742444741. ISBN-13: 978-1742444741.
Die Herausgeberin Ivanka Menken schrieb mir in 2011 “Due to copyright restrictions we can't use the word ITIL on the cover or in the book”. Das Wort ITIL wurde daher in meinem Beitrag von der Redaktion durch ITSM ersetzt, was zu einigen sachlichen Unrichtigkeiten in meinem auf den Seiten 141-145 abgedruckten Beitrag führte. Hier an dieser Stelle veröffentliche ich die sachlich richtige Version meines Beitrags:
I am an engineer with focus on IT quality management.
My name is Rolf Hemmerling, I am engineer in information technology (Dipl-Ing.(FH), equivalent to Bachelor of Science ) living in Hannover, Germany. One of my core competences is quality management for IT infrastructures, based on ISO 9000 and ISO 27000. I am interested in ITIL since 2005, but certification is still in the queue and planned for 2011. In fact, my daily work, if I have a contract as consultant with a data center to improve quality management, does not follow the rules of V2 or V3 exactly, so far.
My role as companion and attester of the ITSM revolution - A Travel in Time.
Nevertheless or even just because I have this special unique look from my ISO 9000 / 27000 base outside to ITSM, I think this makes me the right person to describe the progress of ITSM by the way marketing of ITSM is done, by naming my own marketing experience.
The next encounter, in the same year in November, was more intensive and impressing: There was an free-of-charge evening speech event “ITIL - A temporary fashion or a guarantor for a cost efficient IT service management?” at a local university in my town, Fachhochschule Hannover - University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Now ITSM was a new methodology I was willing to take a deeper look at.
By the way, at that time, 2006 and 2007, the visit of the conference, including lunch and drinks in a high-quality hotel in Hamburg, was free of charge.
By a brief market research, I learned that now with the forced move from ITIL V.2 to ITIL V.3, the expensive ITSM training courses usually got longer for 1 day due to the larger amount of contents, resulting in a higher price.
In 2009, I had a 6-months project in a medium-size datacenter to introduce a quality management system. I used the standard ISO 9000 and ISO 27000 approach, successfully. I knew that I did not have the time to do something “new” for me in a real life project, while the client company expects easy going work, not “try and error”.
And to do the exam without expensive course, e.g.at any training and certification institution which is a partner of the “Prometic” network. I even noticed that the famous German TÜV-South consulting institution offers regular ITSM 3 Foundation exam “open to everybody without course” in their event calendars.
The trainers concentrate on company in-house teaching, which is still a cash cow, and on teaching the higher levels of ITSM.
First when the methodology and technology are new, the “introductory” advertising events are free, but the real money is earned by concatenating an expensive training which just is good to be trained to pass the test, with the exam.
In a later stage of the market, advertising events are not free anymore, as the importance of the topic is well known, so that managers are targeted who are willing to pay ( the company's money ) to participate in conferences.
On the other hand, instead of going to more and more expensive conferences, the experts organize themselves in special interest groups with affordable annual subscriptions (e.g. iTSMF) and meet at regional events, to share experiences, knowledge and information.
The market gets transparent: It is not mandatory anymore to take an expensive course as prerequisite to pass the exam. This is good for all self-employed IT experts and IT experts in small and medium size companies which are unwilling or unable to pay for expensive trainings just to pass an exam.
As you need to learn the lectures anyway, not taking an exam preparation course means to invest time to learn with books - with a higher risk not to pass the exam successfully, but with the option to learn more for the profession than just for a test.
Rolf Hemmerling