[hemmerling] How to compile, link, build and customize the AMBULANT Open SMIL Player 2.0.2 for Windows


The Toolchain

1 Documentation

2 Localization / Multi-Language Support

3 Build Tools and Framworks

On Windows

  1. The commercial IDE Microsoft Visual Studio Professional”.
    • In the directory ”<install_dir>\projects\, there are solution files for Microsoft Visual Studio.
      • ”<install_dir>\projects\vc8-smil21/Ambulant-win32.sln” and ”<install_dir>\project\vc8-smil21/third_party_packages.sln” for Visuals Studio 2005 ( = VC8 ), on W2k, WinXp.
    • The pre-built binaries are for W2k. Later Ambulant player editions, i.e. Ambulant 2.2, are for WinXP only ( installation work on W2k, but the application does not run on W2k ).
    • The GUI is built with the commercial EN.Wikipedia "Microsoft Foundation Class Library", so you can´t compile and link the application with the free Microsoft Visual Studio Express editions :-(.
  2. A newer Microsoft Windows SDK than supplied with Visual Studio 2005 ( e.g. “Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2” ).
  3. DirectX SDK ( e.g. “Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (December 2004)” ).


  • The free IDE Apple Xcode.
  • In the directory ”<install_dir>/projects/, there are solution files for the free IDE Apple Xcode v2.3, v3.0, v3.1, v3.2.

On Linux

Multiplatform Frameworks

Optional Multiplatform Frameworks

4 Testing

  • The OpenSource Valgrind - instrumentation framework for dynamic testing of applications written in C/C++ language, e.g. detection of memory leaks.
    • Testing of the player is supported by supplying a suppression file “valgrind.supp”.

5 Installers

Installer for Windows

Installer for Linux

  • A shell script, using cp, mkdir, hdiutil.

The Build Process

1. Prerequisites

  1. Download and install the player binaries from Sourceforge "ambulant / files", and optionally the binaries of the browser plugins.
  2. Get a simple SMIL file and some data ( a JPG graphics file, a MPEG4 video ).
  3. Experience SMIL by playing the SMIL file with the player and optionally with the browser.
  4. Download and install the sources from
    1. Third Party Packages,win32_wm5|Sourceforge "ambulant / files / Third Party Packages,win32_wm5". The subdirectories of the directory “INTO third_party_packages” must be copied in the directory ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages”.
      • Please put the contents of the archive in the directory ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages”.
      • Additionally, the subdirectories of the directory <xerces_dir>\src\xercesc” ( i.e. ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\xerces-c-3.1.1\src\xercesc” ) must be copied in the directory ”<ambulant_dir>\include\xercesc”.
    2. ffmpeg for Ambulant, win32 ( “20110119-win32-prebuilt” ).

2. Generate and view the Documentation

  1. Generate API documentation ”<install_dir>/Documentation/API/Doxyfile” with Doxygen.
  2. View the documentation in “HTML” and “PDF” format and the plain text files, optionally some other data files ( e.g. “Graffle” and “SVG” files ).
  3. Additionally, please read ”<ambulant_dir>/\third_party_packages\readme.txt” to learn how to install, compile and link necessary additional packages to make a new binary for Windows.

3. Make a new Binary

AMBULANT Open SMIL Player 2.0.2 for Windows, SMIL 2.1 Edition "vc8-smil21"


I can compile and link the player to an executable application, so that it plays SMIL files and displays images. The application can't play videos.

Unsolved Problem

I can´t figure out how to configure Ambulant at compilation time to use the precompiled ffmpeg libraries and DLLs to play MPEG videos. I put the DLLs in the ”<ambulant_dir>\bin\win32” directory, and I statically linked the supplied precompiled ffmpeg libaries. That's not enough, for shure. This is may “AmbulentPlayer Log”:

11:27:28 DEBUG	Ambulant Player: compile time version 2.0.2, runtime version 2.0.2
11:27:28 DEBUG	Ambulant Player: built on Jun 13 2011 for Windows/MFC
11:27:28 DEBUG	Ambulant Player: using DX Player
11:27:35 TRACE	plugin_engine: no plugin loader configured
11:27:35 TRACE	file:///v:/users/public//demo.smil: Parsing document...
11:27:35 TRACE	Using parser expat
11:27:35 TRACE	file:///v:/users/public/demo.smil: Parser done
11:27:35 DEBUG	dx_player: DirectShow video renderer disabled by preference
11:27:35 WARN	No renderer found for <video src="http://localhost/smil/demo.mpeg">, using none_playable
11:27:37 TRACE	none_playable.start(0x1a3be00)
11:27:37 TRACE	none_playable.stop(0x1a34cf8)
11:27:37 TRACE	Returning default rendering surface for node 

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open the solution file ”<ambulant_dir>\projects´\vc8-smil21\third_party_packages.sln” with VisualStudio 2005.
    • Execute the menu item “Build / Rebuild Solution”.
    • Create the dirctory ”<ambulant_dir>\lib\win32\”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\expat\lib\Debug\libexpat.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\expat\lib\Debug\libexpat.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\expat\lib\Debug\libjpeg.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\png128\projects\visualc71\Win32_LIB_Debug\ZLib\zlibd.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\png128\projects\visualc71\Win32_LIB_ASM_Debug\libpngd.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\png128\projects\visualc71\Win32_DLL_ASM_Debug\libpng13d.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
  2. Open the solution file ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\xerces-c-3.1.1\projects\Win32\VC8\xerces-all\xerces-all.sln” with VisualStudio 2005.
    • Execute the menu item “Build / Rebuild Solution”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\xerces-c-3.1.1\Build\Win32\VC8\Debug\xerces-c_3_1D.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy <ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\xerces-c-3.1.1\Build\Win32\VC8\Debug\xerces-c_3D.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
  3. Open the solution file ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\mp3lib\mp3lib.sln” with VisualStudio 2005.
    • Execute the menu item “Build / Rebuild Solution”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\mp3lib\Debug\mp3lib.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
  4. Install the precompiled libraries.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavcodec\avcodec.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavcore\avcore.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavdevice\avdevice.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavfilter\avfilter.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavformat\avformat.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavutil\avutil.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libswscale\swscale.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libswscale\swscale.lib” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\lib\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavcodec\avcodec-52.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavcore\avcore-0.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavdevice\avdevice-52.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavfilter\avfilter-1.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavformat\avformat-52.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libavutil\avutil-50.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libswscale\swscale-0.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
    • Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\third_party_packages\ffmpeg-windows-compat\libswscale\swscale-0.dll” to the directory <ambulant_dir>\bin\win32”.
  5. Open the solution file ”<ambulant_dir>\projects\vc8-smil21\Ambulant-win32.sln” with VisualStudio 2005. Execute the menu item “Build / Rebuild Solution”.
    • Error message “Cannot open include file: 'ddraw.h': No such file or directory”.
      • Solution: Copy ”<visualstudio_dir>\SmartDevices\SDK\Smartphone2003\Include\ddraw.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>\VC\include\ddraw.h”.
    • Problem #1.
      • Error message ”<visualstudio_dir>\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h(27614) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'lpSurf'”.
      • Solution: *Include the following code in the file ”<ambulant_dir>\include\ambulant\config\user.h”:
        #ifndef HEMMERLING_FIX
        #define HEMMERLING_FIX
        struct LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 {};
        struct LPDIRECTDRAW7 {};
    • Problem #2.
      • Error messages:
        • “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'vfwmsgs.h': No such file or directory”.
        • “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mmstream.h': No such file or directory”.
        • “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'amstream.h': No such file or directory”.
        • “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ddstream.h': No such file or directory”.
        • “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'austream.h': No such file or directory”.
        • “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3d9types.h': No such file or directory”.
      • Solution:
        • The files are not supplied with the SDK supplied with Visual Studio 2005.
          • Do.
            • Install the SDK “Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2” or a newer SDK.
            • Install the SDK “Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (December 2004)” or a newer SDK.
          • Instead of using the new SDK, you might.
            • Copy “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include\vfwmsgs.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>SDK\v2.0\include\vfwmsgs.h”.
            • Copy “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include\mmstream.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>SDK\v2.0\include\mmstream.h”.
            • Copy “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include\amstream.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>SDK\v2.0\include\amstream.h”.
            • Copy “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include\ddstream.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>SDK\v2.0\include\ddstream.h”.
            • Copy “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include\austream.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>SDK\v2.0\include\austream.h”.
            • Copy “C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (December 2004)\Include\d3d9types.h” to ”<visualstudio_dir>SDK\v2.0\include\d3d9types.h”.
    • Problem #3.
      • Error message “fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xercesc\util\Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp': No such file or directory”:
      • Solution: Copy ”<ambulant_dir>\include\xercesc\util\Xerces_autoconf_config.msvc.hpp” to ”<ambulant_dir>\include\xercesc\util\Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp”.
    • Problem #4.
      • Error message “Creating library... Performing Post-Build Event... The system cannot find the path specified. 0 file(s) copied. Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 'Performing Post-Build Event...'”.
      • Solution: Select “libambulant_win32” in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio, open by mouse-rightclick the “Properties”, select the bar “Configuration Properties / Build Events / Post-Build Event”.
        • The current value in the field “Command Line” is “copy “$(TargetPath)” ..\..\lib\win32”, while the path is relative to the Visual Studio Solution/Project files.
        • Please create the directory ”<ambulant_dir>/lib/win32”.
    • Problem #5.
      • Error message “LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libjpeg.lib'”.
      • Solution: Select “AmbulantPlayer” in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio, open by mouse-rightclick the “Properties”, select the bar “Configuration Properties / Linker / Input”.
        • The current value in the field “Additional Dependencies” includes the path entries “libjpeg.lib libexpat.lib libpng.lib zlib.lib xerces-c_2.lib”
        • Please modify the path entry to ”..\..\lib\win32\libambulant_win32_D.lib ..\..\lib\win32\libjpeg.lib ..\..\lib\win32\libexpat.lib ..\..\lib\win32\libpngd.lib ..\..\lib\win32\zlibd.lib ..\..\lib\win32\xerces-c_3D.lib ..\..\lib\win32\mp3lib.lib ..\..\lib\win32\avcodec.lib ..\..\lib\win32\avcore.lib ..\..\lib\win32\avdevice.lib ..\..\lib\win32\avfilter.lib ..\..\lib\win32\avformat.lib ..\..\lib\win32\avutil.lib ..\..\lib\win32\swscale.lib”.
    • Problem #6.
      • Errors.
        • Error message “LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'amstrmid.lib'”
        • Error message “LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'strmiids.lib'”.
      • Solution: Install the SDK “Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2” or a newer SD ( instead of using the new SDK, you might copy the missing libraries to ”<visualstudio_dir>\SDK\v2.0\Lib” ).
    • Problem #7.
      • Errors.
        • Error message “LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dxguid.lib'”.
        • Error message “LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'ddraw.lib'”.
      • Solution: Install the SDK “Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (December 2004)” or a newer SDK ( instead of using the DirectX SDK, you might copy the missing libraries to ”<visualstudio_dir>\SDK\v2.0\Lib” ).
    • Problem #8.
      • Errors.
        • Error message ”<ambuland_dir>\third_party_packages\zlib\contrib\masmx86\inffas32.asm(647) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands”.
        • Error message ”<ambuland_dir>\third_party_packages\zlib\contrib\masmx86\inffas32.asm(649) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands”.
        • Error message ”<ambuland_dir>\third_party_packages\zlib\contrib\masmx86\inffas32.asm(663) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands”.
        • Error message ”<ambuland_dir>\third_party_packages\zlib\contrib\masmx86\inffas32.asm(720) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands”.
      • Solution: Replace
        movd mm7,[esi]


        movd mm7,dword ptr[esi]

        in each error line.


  • ?

4. Create a Distributable by an Installer

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