[hemmerling] The Notebook "ASUS Eee PC T101MT"


The Notebook


Camera / Webcam

  • The Asus webcam is “upside down”, “flipped”, “inverted” both with Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Linux.

Boot Options

  • BIOS message “Press F2 to run setup” → BIOS Setup Untility.
  • BIOS message “Press ESC for BBS POPUP → Select the boot device.
  • BIOS setting.
    • Boot menu:
      • Boot settings.
        • Boot Settings Configuration.
          • 1st Boot Device: [HDD:PM-Hitachi HTS] or [USB:VendorCo Produ].
          • 2nd Boot Device: [ATAPI CD-ROM].
        • Hard Disk Drives ⇒ You select between HDD boot or USB boot. The 1st drive will be booted. If you set USB as primary boot device: The order is automatically changed to boot from HDD, as soon as the USB stick is removed.
          • 1st Drive [HDD:PM-Hitachi HTS].
          • 2nd Drive [USB:VendorCo Produ].
        • Boot Settings Configuration
          • Quiet Boot [Enabled] ⇒ This option causes the Asus boot screen to be displayed :-), but no “fast boot” :-).
    • My experience:
      • Best to boot by USB stick, is pressing ESC at boot time, and then to select the USB device.
      • You may force to enter BIOS at next boot by Windows configuration:
        • “Settings / Recovery / If you're having problems with your PC, go to Settings and try resetting it / Recovery / Advanced startup - Restart now - / Choose an option - Troubleshoot. Reset your PC or use advanced options / Advanced options / Startup Settings / Restart”. Press F2 at boot time, so that the BIOS is entered.
        • It helped to load the BIOS defaults, to be able to enter BIOS by pressing F2 at boot time, from that on, easily.
  • BIOS message “Press F9 for image recovery” ( ASUS manual “F9-Recovery” in the ASUS manual ) → Windows textmode menu “Windows Boot Manager”, select “Windows Setup [EMS Enabled]” .
    • Menu options “Recovery” ( to start the system recovery ), “Backup” ( the factory default system files ).
  • Pressing F8 at startup of Windows → Windows textmode menu “Advanced Boot Options”.
    • Menu item “Repair your computer”.
  • Pressing the special button calls the “ASUS Express Gate Cloud” ( with games, photo album, Internet browser,.. )

How to upgrade from "Windows 7 Home Premium" to "Windows 8 Pro"

1 Get the "Windows 8 Pro" Upgrade

2 Get the ASUS T101MT Windows Drivers

3 Get a Windows7 Home Premium

4 Install a fresh "Windows 7 Home Premium"

Option 4.1: Use a "Windows 7 Home Premium" ISO Image

  • Plugin a USB memory stick with at least about 4 GB filesize. My “4 GB” USB memory stick has a reported 3.66 GB filesize.
  • Use the free software Microsoft Store "USB/DVD-Downloadtool für Windows 7" to store the downloaded “Windows 7 Home Premium” ISO image file on the USB memory stick.
  • Switch on the notebook with plugged-in USB memory stick, press “ESC” and select “USB” as boot device.
  • Install “Windows 7 Home Premium”:
    • Delete all paritions, so that all software installations are deleted.
    • Create a new single partition.

Option 4.2: Use a "Eee Recovery DVD Rev 1.0" DVD

Option 4.2.1: Use the "USB/DVD-Downloadtool für Windows 7" - I failed
  • Though I successfully created an ISO image in UDF format, with the contents of the DVD “Eee Recovery DVD Rev 1.0”, the free software Microsoft Store "USB/DVD-Downloadtool für Windows 7" aborted the copying of the ISO image on the USB memory stick :-(.
  • I was able to boot by USB memory stick with the corrupt data. But when I tried to do a data restore according to the instructions given by the booted backup/restore software, I was asked to enter the CD/DVD media into a drive - instead of restoring the data from the USB memory stick. So I failed to restore!
Option 4.2.2: Copy the DVD files manually to the USB Memory Stick ( untested )
Option 4.2.3: Use a DVD Player ( untested )
  • Attach a DVD player by USB to the notebook and put a “Eee Recovery DVD Rev 1.0” DVD or a “Windows 7 Home Premium” DVD into the player.
  • Switch on the notebook, press ESC and select USB as boot desvice.
  • Boot the “Eee Recovery DVD Rev 1.0” DVD or a “Windows 7 Home Premium” DVD.

5 Install the contents of a Windows8 Pro Upgrade

Option 5.1: Use "Windows Upgrade Assistant" ISO Images

Option 5.2: Use DVD Media

6 Do the "Windows 8 Pro Upgrade"


  • Switch on the notebook with plugged-in USB memory stick, press “ESC” and select “USB” as boot device.
  • Install “Windows 8 Pro Upgrade”:
  • Select the option “Custom: Install Windows only ( advanced )”, so that the contents of the harddisk is moved to a folder “Windows.old”.
  • When the installation is finished, delete the “Windows.old” folder.


7 Do the "Windows 8.1 Pro Update"

  • Windows 8 users may download and install the Windows 8.1 update in the “Windows App Store”, for free.

8 Hardware DownScaling


  • Run “Regedit” as Administrator.
  • Search for all items “Display1_DownScalingSupported” ( I found just 1 “key” item ).
  • Change the value of all items “Display1_DownScalingSupported” from “0” to “1”.
  • Reboot the computer.
  • Mouse-rightclick on the Windows desktop, select the menu item “Screen resolution”.
  • Change the screen resolution from 1024×600 to 1024×768.
  • Now you can execute Windows 8 Apps!


Backup & Recovery

  • Android Hilfe - Thread "Hat wer das Asus eee PC T101MT? Bitte melde Dich :D" - Tips for backup & recovery of Windows on the notebook “ASUS T101 MT”.
    • “Um die Wiederherstellung in den Auslieferungszustand durchzuführen muss man im Bios, denn BootBooster auf 'disable' stellen”.
    • “Der Bildschirm-Dreh-Button neben dem Power-Schalter, der geht z.B. nur wenn du TouchSuite 2DoorWay installierst”.
    • Backup:
      1. Disable Boot Booster in BIOS setup before you perform system recovery from USB flash disk, external optical drive or hidden partition.
      2. Ensure to connect your Eee PC to the AC power adapter before using F9 recovery to avoid recovery failure.
      3. Press <F9> during bootup.
      4. Select the language you use and click to continue.
      5. Connect a USB storage device to your Eee PC and click Backup in the Recovery System dialog box to start the recovery files backup.
        • The size of the connected USB storage device should be larger than 16GB.
        • Memory cards are not supported for this function.
        • A dialog box appears as a reminder if you have not connected the USB storage device for system recovery backup to your Eee PC.
      6. Select a desired USB storage device if more than one USB storage device is connected to your Eee PC and click Continue.
      7. All the data on the selected USB storage device will be cleared. Click Continue to start the backup or click Back to backup your important data. You will lose all your data on the selected USB storage device. Ensure to back up your important data beforehand.
      8. The system backup starts and click OK when done.
    • Using the USB storage device:
      1. Connect the USB storage device that you backup the system recovery files.
      2. Press <ESC> on bootup and the Please select boot device screen appears. Select USB:XXXXXX to boot from the connected USB storage device.
      3. Select the language you use and click Image:Icon03.JPG to continue.
      4. Click Recovery to start system recovery.
      5. Select a partition option and click Continue. Partition options:
        • Recover system to a partition - This option deletes all data on the system partition “C” and keeps the partition “D” unchanged.
        • Recover system to entire HD - This option deletes all partitions from your hard disk drive and creates a new system partition as drive “C” and a data partition as drive “D“.
      6. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the recovery process.
    • It's not a good idea to create a partition in the USB flash drive. You will lose all your data on the selected USB storage device upon creating a bootable disk . Future reference, if you are going to store files/documents on the USB device, the image of the OS wont work and is no longer usable. The USB flash drive that you will use to store the imageo f the OS will be intended for single use only..



  • Graphics screen hardware resolution: 1024×600. By hardware downscaling, 1024×768 or 1152×864.
  • My item is shipped with the wireless module “NE785H”.

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