In 2018-07, I failed to post a picture by BlueStacks, due to a software fault: The pictures from the smartphone “Gallery” were postet as “black” photos .
In Chrome, go to and sign in. Now right-click the page > Inspect > click the Tablet icon (top-left). The page should switch to mobile view, where you'll find a camera button at the bottom of the screen, which lets you upload a photo from your desktop”.
You may upload up to 10 photos from your smartphone to an Instagram album.
16:9 landscape photos taken by a smartphone are cut to a square photo, so left and right part of you photos are missing .
The smartphone app creates a folder named “Instagram” with a copy of all selected photos on the filesystem of your smartphone?!
Gyazo- “Share screen captures instantly. Take screenshots, GIFS, and replays that are ready to share. Save what's on your screen without missing a moment”.
YouTube Upload - “Select files to upload. Or drag and drop video files”. Maximum duration of a video is 15 minutes.
“For an account to be eligible for a custom URL, it must have 100 or more subscribers, be at least 30 days old, and have both uploaded channel art and a photo for your channel icon. Once you create a custom URL, you won't be able to edit it. Instead, you'll have to delete the existing URL and create a new one”.
Background picture: “Images must be at least 1024 x 576 pixels”. - “Already 4003 free icons for your games”.
Kenney - “Free game assets, no strings attached. We've created over 40,000 images, audio files and 3D models for you to use in your projects. Thanks to our public domain license you're even allowed to use them in commercial projects!”.
TwentyBN "The 20BN-jester Dataset V1" - “The 20BN-JESTER dataset is a large collection of densely-labeled video clips that show humans performing pre-definded hand gestures in front of a laptop camera or webcam. The dataset was created by a large number of crowd workers. It allows for training robust machine learning models to recognize human hand gestures. It is available free of charge for academic research”.
TwentyBN "The 20BN-something-something Dataset V2 " - “The 20BN-SOMETHING-SOMETHING dataset is a large collection of densely-labeled video clips that show humans performing pre-defined basic actions with everyday objects. The dataset was created by a large number of crowd workers. It allows machine learning models to develop fine-grained understanding of basic actions that occur in the physical world. It is available free of charge for academic research”.
TwentyBN "Data" - “The Leading Video Repository for Training Neural Networks”.
Experts told me: Video platforms are not suitable for image recognition learning. TwentyBN's technical trick & business model: Inverse labeling of videos. Don´t detect an object in a given video of a video platform, but let the crowd community generate and provide videos with the wanted object.