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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2004-12-21 Speech “Projektmanagement im nahen und fernen Osten” ( “Project management in the Near East and Far East” by Lars Bauman, netshare solutions GmbH and Stephan König in Hannover, Germany.
2004-12-13 Speech “Konfliktlösung in Projektteams durch Mediation” ( “Solving problems in project teams by Mediation” ) by Lothar Kammer, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V., Gesellschaft zur Förderung Anwendungsorientierter Betriebswirtschaft und Aktiver Lernmethoden in Hochschule und Praxis e.V. ( GABAL ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2004-12-07 Workshop “Umsatzsteuer: Vorsicht Falle” ( “Take care of the turnover tax” ) by Andreas Eggers, Steuerkanzlei Heine, Eggers, Peggau at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-12-01 Seminar “Welche Versicherung benötigen Existenzgründer” ( “Which insurances are needed for founders of a new business?” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany.
2004-11-30 Workshop “Wie und wo organisiere ich mein Büro ?” ( “How and where to organize my office ?” ) by Anne Hoppe, Ihre Sekretärin Salzgitter at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-11-26 Event “X-Lounge on Tour - Publishing by Print bis Video” ( “X-Lounge on Tour - Publishing from print to video” ) by Comspot GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-11-24 Event “Walk in the customer's shoes - mit strategischem Marketing zu mehr Erfolg” ( “Walk in the customer's shoes - more success with strategic marketing” ) by Sönke Petersen-Jahn, Horticon Marketing-Consulting, and Carreer Service of the University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2004-11-16 Workshop “Unternehmensnachfolge - Praxisorientierte Bewertung von Unternehmen vor der Übernahme” ( “Buying a company - Rating of companies before company take-over” ) by Dirk Baule, Compass Management Service GmbH at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-11-15 Speech “Einführung eines Projektmanagement-Systems in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen” ( “Introduction of a project management system in a medium-size enterprise” ) of GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2004-11-10 Event “VMware Informationstag” ( “VMware promotion day” ) by VMware and Tech Data Midrange im Hannover, Germany.
2004-11-09 Workshop “Professionelle Texte für Werbung und Büroalltag” ( “Professional texts for advertising and for use in the office” ) by Sybille Templin, Marketing MiKS, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-11-03 Seminar “Business Plan und Kennzahlen” ( “Business plan and operating figures” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany.
2004-11-02 Seminar “Grundlagen der Messtechnik” ( “Instrumentation basics” ) by National Instruments im Braunschweig, Germany.
2004-11-02 Workshop “Ja, ich verkaufe gern - Verkaufstechniken für Existenzgründer” ( “Yes, I like to sell - sales techniques for promoters of an enterprise”) by Florian Gommlich, I-Unit GmbH, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-10-25 Speech “Von der Individual- zur Produktentwicklung: Projektmanagement im Wandel” ( “From individual development to product development - project management in flux” ) of GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2004-10-20 - 2004-10-21 Symposium “IMA 2004 - Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen” ( “Information systems for mobile applications” ) von GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany.
2004-10-20 Participation in the photo competion “Das Schönste am Haus” ( “The most beautiful in house and garden” ) of LBS.
2004-10-12 Workshop “Time is money - Zeitmanagement für Existenzgründer” ( “Time is money - time management for promoters of an enterprise” ) by Florian Gommlich, I-Unit GmbH, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-10-07 Event “licensing@night: Die Microsoft Lizenzmodelle im Vergleich” ( “licensing@night: Comparison of Microsoft's license modells” by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-10-07 Event “INTERBUS on tour” by INTERBUS Club im Hannover, Germany.
2004-10-07 Event “1-Tages Microsoft Sicherheitstraining für IT Professionals - Teil 2” ( “1-day Microsoft security training for IT professionals - Part 2” ), guided by Manuael Leonhardt, alphaBit GmbH and organized by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-10-06 Seminar “Steuerliche Grundlagen für Existenzgründer” ( “Tax basics for starting a business” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany.
2004-10-06 Vortrag “Drehbuch schreiben – gewusst wie” ( “Screenplay writing - how to” ) by Hans-Georg Struck, as part of the project ”enercity network” in Hannover, Germany.
2004-10-05 “Technischer Workshop” ( “Technical workshop” ) of the event “Microsoft Community Day - Connected System” by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2004-09-29 Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: Virtualisierung mit dem Microsoft Virtual PC und dem Microsoft Virtual Server” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: Virtualisation with the Microsoft Virtual PC and the Microsoft Virtual Server” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-09-28 Workshop “Modellierung live - Mehr Tempo und Qualität bei Entwicklung und Test von Embedded Systemen !” ( “Live modelling - Enhance speed and quality of development and tests of embedded systems !” ), by Artisan Software, iSystems, MicroConsult and FZI in Braunschweig, Germany.
2004-09-28 Workshop “Die Macht des ersten Eindrucks - Selfmarketing als kraftvolle Strategie” ( “The power of the first sight - selfmarketing as powerful strategy” ) by Ina von Janowski, Ci Online, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-09-27 Event “licensing@night: Werkzeuge für das Lizenzgeschäft” ( “licensing@night: Tools for the licensing business” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-09-17 Event “H2 for Students” der GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH during the fair H2Expo 2004, Internationale Fachmesse für Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Technologien in Hamburg, Germany.
2004-09-15 , 2004-03-11 Workshop “advanced” by Andreas Latsch, KMU aktiv Unternehmensberatung, during the event “Beratertag für Existenzgründer/innen und junge Unternehmen” ( “Consulting day for founders of a new business and for startup companies” ) of Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany.
2004-09-14 Workshop “Nachhaltige Unternehmensentwicklung: Effektivität und Effizienz durch das Prozessmanagement” ( “Development of a company: Effectivity and efficiency by process management” ) by Bogumila Szyja, Fachhochschule Wolfenbüttel, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-09-09 Speech “C++ in der .NET-Welt” ( “C++ in the world of .NET” ) by Bernd Marquardt and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2004-09-08 Events “CRM - Ihre Chancen und Potentiale als Partner” ( “CRM - Your chances and potentials as partner” ) and “ERP - Ihre Chancen und Potentiale als Partner” ( “ERP - Your chances and potentials as partner” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2004-09-07 Workshop “Arbeitsrecht aktuell - massive Änderungen durch Schuldrechtsmodernisierung und Agenda 2010” ( “Current labour law - massive changes by the modernisation of the law of obligations and by Agenda 2010” ) by Dietmar Weitzel, layer's office “Mühe und Kollegen” ( today: Mühe, Weitzel und Kollegen ), Salzgitter, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-08-26 Event “Kostenreduktion durch System- und Application-Tuning (MVS)” ( “Cost reduction by system and application tuning (MVS)” ) by Compuware GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-08-24 Workshop “Systematisches Vorgehen bei der Akquisition in jungen Unternehmen - Erfolgsfaktoren im Vertrieb und bei der Umsatzsteigerung” ( “Straight proceedings for acceptance in startup companies - success factors for marketing and sales increase” ) by Dirk Baule, Compass Management Service GmbH at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany.
2004-08-17 Roadshow “IBM eServer p5 - Give me five” by Magirus Germany GmbH and IBM in Hannover, Germany.
2004-08-12 DJ Bobo Dance Workshop” in Hannover, Germany.
2004-07-26 Participation in the Microsoft PC mouse design contest of the magazine Tomorrow and the management consultancy fischerAppelt.
2004-07-13 Visit of the plant “Hannover-Linden” of WABCO organized by KISS ME Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2004-07-09 Training “Lotus Notes 6.5” by GEDYS IntraWare GmbH and IBM in Hannover, Germany.
2004-07-08 Participation in the event “Was ist .NET ?” ( “What is .NET ?” ), guided by the Microsoft Student Partnern Markus Kobe and Neno Loje in Hamburg, Germany.
2004-06-21 - 2004-06-22 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in CorelDRAW” ( “Introduction to CorelDRAW” ).
2004-05-12 Workshop “Pushing Limits 2004”, a case study about the future of mobile communications, guided by Florian Gayk and organized by bonding, Hochschulgruppe Braunschweig and Rohde & Schwarz in Braunschweig, Germany.
2004-04-29 Seminar “Manipulationstechniken” ( “Manipulation techniques” ) by MARKET TEAM Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2004-04-27 Event “Handwerksmarketing für die Zukunft - Probleme und Lösungen” ( “The future of marketing for handcraft companies - problems and solutions”) of the series of events “FHH meets economy” by Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e. V., Advice Hannover e.V. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany.
2004-04-14 Event “1-Tages Microsoft Sicherheitstraining für IT Professionals” ( “1-day Microsoft security training for IT professionals” ), guided by Manuael Leonhardt, alphaBit GmbH and organized by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-03-29 Workshop “4D/Web Workshop” by 4D Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-02-18 Workshop “Get agile!” by microTOOL GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2004-02-17 Participation in the event “Direct Marketing Business Frühstück” ( “Direct Marketing Business Brunch” ) by Deutsche Post AG in Hannover, Deutschland.
2004-01-31 - 2004-02-02 Workshop “Fotokurs für AnfängerInnen” ( “Basic photo course” ) by Studentenwerk Hannover and Uni-Foto-AG in Hannover, Germany.
2004-01-29 “Versicherungstag 2004” ( “Insurance Day 2004” ) of University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2004-01-27 Scientific Computers GmbH: “Maple 9 - Infotag” ( “Maple 9 promotion day”) in Hannover, Germany.
2003-12-31 Business plan competition Startup-Impuls by hannoverimpuls GmbH and Sparkasse Hannover.
2003-11-20 Workshop “Assessment Center - Schlüsselkompetenzen im Rahmen von Auswahlverfahren der Deutschen Bahn AG” ( “Assessment Center - key competencies in the context of the selection procedure of Deutschen Bahn AG” by ”Deutsche Bahn AG, Personalmarketing Konzern”, as part of the event Career Topics 2003 im Hannover, Germany.
2003-11-18 Workshop “Schlüsselkompetenzen zum Erfolg” ( “Key competencies for success” ) by Dorothea Böhm, Junior Career Coaching, Intelligenz System Transfer, as part of the event ”Career Topics 2003” im Hannover, Germany.
2003-11-10 - 2003-11-13 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in C#” ( “Introduction to C#”).
2003-11-05 Speech “Visual Basic .NET - Starthilfe für Umsteiger” ( “Visual Basic .NET - starting asssitance for change-overs” ) by Jens Häupel and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2003-11-03 Workshop “Engineering Challenge: Top-Performance through Interaction”, a case study for the development of a new product at Continental AG, by MARKET TEAM Hannover and Continental AG in Hannover, Germany.
2003-10-27 , 2003-11-03 Seminar “Wie entsteht ein erfolgreicher Geschäftsplan?” ( “How to write a successfull business plan” ) / “BusinessplanLabor” ( “Business plan workshop” ), of Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung und Organisation, uni transfer und Carreer Service of the University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2003-11-10 , 2003-11-24
2003-12-08 , 2003-12-15
2003-10-25 , Visit of the production lines of the plant “Hannover Vinnhorst” of Bäckerei Konditorei Göing in Hannover, Germany.
2003-10-28 , Seminar “Training für Berufsstarter und Berufswechsler” ( “Training for job entrants and job changers” ) by Lars Kaletka of “THINKBIG, Agentur für Bildungsmarketing und Personalentwicklung” ( unimaeuse(R) / ABSOLVENTENforum - Akademie für Berufs- und Karriereförderung ), as part of the events KISS ME Hannover 2003 / Tag der Bewerbung 2003 in Hannover, Germany.
2003-10-10 , Seminar “Stress managen” ( “How manage stress” ) guided by Jutta Borchers, borchers intelligent communication, organized by Techniker Krankenkasse in Hannover, Germany.
2003-09-25 , Forum event “J2EE Standard einfach realisieren” ( “Simple implementation of the J2EE standard” ) of Compuware GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2003-09-17 , “Tessy After Works Seminar: Introduction to automated unit testing of embedded software” by Hitex in Hannover, Germany.
2003-09-11 , Workshop “Embedded Praxis” ( “Embedded practice” ) of Enea Embedded Technology GmbH, Artisan Software, iSystems and 4D Engineering GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2003-09-08 - 2003-09-10 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Macromedia Director 8.5/MX” ( “Introduction to Macromedia Director 8.5/MX” ).
2003-08-09 , Seminar “Assessment Center Training” by HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2003-07-14 - 2003-07-16 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in the Illustrator” ( “Introduction to Illustrator” ).
2003-07-09 , University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Apache-Webserver - Installation, Konfiguration und Betrieb” ( The “Apache webserver - Installation, configuration and operation” ), by Michael Nebel.
2003-07-09 , Seminar “Intrinsische Motivation” ( “Intrinsic motivation” ) by HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2003-06-18 , Speech “MultiThreading mit dem .NET Framework” ( “MultiThreading with the .NET framework” ) by Bernd Marquardt and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2003-05-28 , Seminar “Rhetorik und Präsentation” ( “Rhetoric and presenation” ) by HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2003-05-13 , Visit of the plant “Stöcken” of Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, organized by KISS ME Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2003-04-28 , Visit of the plant “Vahrenwald” of ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH, organized by Kooperationsstelle Hochschulen und Gewerkschaften Region Hannover - Hildesheim and ”University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Studium Generale” in Hannover, Germany.
2003-04-24 - 2003-04-25 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Workshops “Auswählen und Freistellen mit Photoshop 7” ( “Selecting and extracting with Photoshop 7” ) and “Bildgestaltung und Montage mit Photoshop 7” ( “Picture styling and assembly with Photoshop 7” ) by Hassan Mahramzadeh.
2003-04-23 , Speech “Entwickeln für den Tablet PC - Das Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK” ( “Developing for the Tablet PC - The Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK” ) by Frank Prengel and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2003-04-15 , Information seminar about the “WORLDSOFT Web@Master” sales partnership of Worldsoft AG in Hannover, Germany.
2003-02-19 , Speech “Grafikprogrammierung unter .NET” ( “Graphics programming with .NET” ) by Frank Lange and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2003-02-10 - 2003-02-11 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Maple” ( “Introduction to Maple” ) by Ingrid Gnutzmann.
2003-01-28 , Speech “IP-basierte Telekommunikation” ( “IP based telecommunications” ) by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
2003-01-23 , ADDITIVE GmbH: “Infoseminar & Workshop MATHEMATICA 4.2 und CONCEPTDRAW” ( “Info seminar and workshop MATHEMATICA 4.2 and CONCEPTDRAW” ) in Hannover, Germany.
2002-12-18 , Speech “Deklarativ programmieren mit Attributen” ( “Declarative programming with attributes” ) by Ralf Westphal and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2002-12-08 , Intercultural exkursion with foreign students to the Universum Science Center Bremen in Bremen, Germany.
2002-11-26 , Visit of the WABCO test area during a student excursion, guided by Prof. Dr. Zeggert in Jeversen, Germany.
2002-10-30 , Speech “ASP.NET - Tipps und Tricks” ( “ASP.NET - Tips and tricks” ) by Uwe Baumann and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2002-09-11 , Speech “Web Services in der Praxis mit Visual Studio .NET” ( “Web services in practice with Visual Studio .NET” ) by Christian Weyer and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2002-09-10 - 2002-09-11 Participation in the workshops of the “7. Feldbus-Kongress” ( “7th Fieldbus Congress”, today: “Industrial Communication Congress” ) at PHOENIX CONTACT in Blomberg, Germany.
2002-07-11 - 2002-07-12 VDE Hannover, Germany: “Messpraktikum zu Schutzmaßnahmen in Starkstromanlagen und bei elektrischen Geräten DIN VDE 0100 / 0105 / 0113 / 0413 / 0701 /2/ 0751 u. BGV A2 (VGB4)” ( “Practical measuring course about protective measures in power plants and for electic devices” ).
2002-06-26 , Speech “VB .NET or C# - die Qual der Wahl” ( “VB .NET or C# - the agony of the choice” ) by Frank Prengel and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2002-06-11 , Speech “Datensicherheit in KMU” ( “Data security in small and medium-sized enterprises” ) by DS DATA SYSTEMS GmbH and VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
2002-06-04 , Speech “Soft Skills” of MARKET TEAM Hannover and Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2002-05-27 - 2002-05-28 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Grundlagen XML” ( “XML basics” ) by Thomas Kröckertskothen.
2002-05-14 - 2002-05-16 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in PHP” ( “Introduction to PHP” ) by Michael Brückner.
2002-04-24 , Speech ”.NET Versioning und Deployment - Das Ende der 'DLL-Hölle'?” ( ”.NET versioning and deployment - No 'DLL inferno' anymore ?” ) by Uwe Baumann and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany.
2002-03-25 - 2002-03-27 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Flash” ( “Introduction to Flash” ).
2002-03-22 - 2002-03-23 Workshop ”Reloop DJ Crash Kurs” ( “Reloop DJ Crash Course” ) by “DJ Bosco” and in the workshop “Live Gig” of the event “PPC MUSIC Festival Week” of PPC MUSIC in Hannover, Germany.
2002-02-26 - 2002-02-28 Fachhochschule Hannover, Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss ( AStA ), Germany: Workshop “Netzwerkdienste unter Linux” ( “Network services with Linux” ).
2002-02-25 - 2002-02-26 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Dreamweaver” ( “Introduction to Dreamweaver” ).
2002-02-21 , Speech “Bluetooth - Technik, Dienste und Anwendungen” ( “Bluetooth - Technology, services and applications” ) by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
2002-01-31 - 2002-02-01 ABB Stotz-Kontakt and VDE Hannover, Germany: Course “Grundlagen SPS” ( “The basics of PLC storage control programming” ).
2001-12-10 - 2001-12-12 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Macros und VBA für Word und Access” ( “Macros and VBA for Word and Access” ).
2001-11-17 Speech ”'Die Botschaften der Klänge' - Audio-Design im Fernsehen” ( ”'The messages of sounds' - Audi design in TV” by Maximilian Kock and Andi Gleichmann at Medienhaus Hannover, Germany.
2001-11-14 , 2000-08-01 Developer Workshops of Togethersoft GmbH resp. of tiscon AG Infosystems, business department Together Distribution ( later: Borland Software Corporation ) about the case tool Borland Together in Lehrte, Germany resp. in Hannover, Germany.
2001-10-08 - 2001-10-13 University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany, special event “International Week”: Workshops “Einführung in the Coldfusion” ( “Introduction to Coldfusion” ), “Suse Installation” ( “Installation of Suse Linux” ) , “Erste Schritte mit Linux” ( “First steps with Linux” ), “Multimedia unter Linux” (” Multimedia with Linux” ), “Vmware”.
2001-10-18 Speech “Power-Line - Kommunikation über das Stromnetz” ( “Power-Line - communications over the power grid” ) by Intellon Design Center Europe GmbH and VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
2001-06-26 Event “A.S.I. Forum an der Uni Hannover: Als Ingenieur/in der Elektrotechnik in den Beruf starten... z.B. in der Automobil-Zulieferindustrie” ( “A.S.I. Forum at the University of Uni Hannover: Starting a career as electric engineer ... e.g. in the car supply industry” ) by A.S.I. and Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. in Hannover, Germany.
2001-05-16 - 2001-05-18 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Multimediales Webpublishing - Grundlagen und Designertechniken” ( “Web publishing of multimedia contents - basics and design technics” ).
2001-04-26 - 2001-04-27 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in MS Powerpoint” ( “Introduction to MS Powerpoint” ).
2001-04-20 - 2001-04-21 AStA of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany: Workshop “Linuxsicherheit im Netz” ( “Network security with Linux” ).
2001-04-02 - 2001-04-05 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Java für fortgeschrittene Programmierung” ( “Java for advanced programming” ), guided by Witoslaw Koczewski, MIT Consult AG.
2001-03-01 , Seminar “Assessmentcenter Training” by MLP in Hannover, Germany.
2001-02-26 - 2001-02-28 AStA of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover: Workshops “LaTeX” and “TrinuX”.
2001-01-29 - 2001-02-02 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Courses “Adobe Photoshop unter Windows” ( “Adobe Photoshop for Windows” ) and “Web-Design mit Photoshop” ( “Web design with Photoshop” ) by Hassan Mahramzadeh.
2001-01-25 Seminar “Bewerbung & Berufsstart” ( “Job application & start of profession” ) by MLP in Hannover, Germany.
2000-12-11 Seminar “Assessment-Center-Training - Hintergründe und Übungen zum Thema AC” ( “Assessment-Center-Training - AC Background infos and AC excercises” ) by NORD/LB during the event ”IN-Sight 2000” in Hannover, Germany.
2000-11-16 Speech “From e-Data to e-Knowledge: Optimierung der Kundenbeziehung mit Web-Mining” ( “From e-Data to e-Knowledge: Optimization of customer relations with web mining” by SAS Institute GmbH and VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
2000-09-25 - 2000-09-29 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Java” ( “Introduction to Java” ).
2000-09-21 Speech “Von GSM bis UMTS - Entwicklung in der mobilen Datenkommunikation” ( “From GSM to UMTS - The development of mobile data communications” ) by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
2000-09-05 Participation in the opening event “Launch in Hannover” of the e-business network First Tuesday in Hannover, Germany.
2000-04-19 Visit of the production facilities of ke Kommunikations Elektronik GmbH / Alcatel Germany GmbH ( today: KEYMILE ) during a student excursion, guided by Prof. Dr. Dreetz, in Hannover, Germany.
1999-11-22 Visit of the telecommunication installations at the Deutschen Telekom AG ( T-InterConnect [ Internet node ], tower “Telemax”, equipment floor of the tower [ transfer mode systems and TV senders ] ), organized by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany.
1999-07 - 1999-08 University Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany. Central Research Workshops, Microprocessor Engineering Department: 1st internship semester for the studies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover: Development of data aquisition software with 80C166 microcontrollers, hardware assembly of an interface board for a 80C166 microcontroller circuit board.
1998-12-05 University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany: Course “Einführung in den Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und in die Patentrecherche” ( “Introduction to industrial and intellectual property and to patent research” ).
1996-08-06 Visit of the plant “Wolfsburg” of Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg, Germany.
1992-03-06 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “RRZN-XWindow-Kursus” ( “X-Window” ).
1989-08-14 - 1989-09-08 Mercedes-Benz AG in Stuttgart, Germany: Data acquisition for Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Spanende Werkzeugmaschinen ( IFW ), as part of my student research project “Detektion von Bruchvorgängen bei Mehrspindelbohrmaschinen” ( “Detection of break events at automatic drilling machines with multiple spindles” ).
1989-07-14 Visit of Werum Software & Systems AG in Lüneburg, Germany.
1989-06-27 - 1989-06-30 University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “RRZN-Unix-Kursus” ( “Unix” ).
Since 1987 Regular visits of the fairs Hannover Messe Industrie and Hannover Messe CEBIT.
1986-07 - 1986-08 Philips und DuPont Optical GmbH ( today: Entertainment Distribution Company GmbH ( EDC ) ), “Development Physics” department, in Hannover, Germany. Advanced internship: Fabrication of electronic instrumentations in small number of pieces.
1986-02 - 1986-03 Siemens AG, telecommunication maintainance and assembly department in Bielefeld, Germany. Advanced internship: Cable laying and bedding, modification and extention of private telecommunication installations, extention of a fire alarm installations. Maintainance work at fire alarm installations.
1983-02 - 1983-03 Miele & Cie. GmbH & Co in Bielefeld, Germany. Advanced internship: Ironing machines and automatic diskwashers - assembly, automatic diskwashers - proving ground, assembly of vaccum cleaners - checkup.
1982-08 - 1982-10 Stadtwerke Bielefeld GmbH, Germany: Basic practical training “Metall” ( “Metal” ).
1982-04-22 - 1982-06-15 Bildungswerk der DAG e.V. and Deutsche Angestellten Akademie e.V in Flensburg, Germany: Course “Einführung in die Programmiersprache BASIC. Aufgaben und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines Klein-Computers”.
1982-01 Chamber of Crafts and Trades Flensburg, Germany: Introductory course for gas welding.
1976-10 - 1977-09 “Förderungslehrgang zur Erlernung des Maschinenschreibens / der Korrespondenz” ( “Typwriting and correspondence course” ).

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