2004-12-21 | Speech “Projektmanagement im nahen und fernen Osten” ( “Project management in the Near East and Far East” by Lars Bauman, netshare solutions GmbH and Stephan König in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-12-13 | Speech “Konfliktlösung in Projektteams durch Mediation” ( “Solving problems in project teams by Mediation” ) by Lothar Kammer, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V., Gesellschaft zur Förderung Anwendungsorientierter Betriebswirtschaft und Aktiver Lernmethoden in Hochschule und Praxis e.V. ( GABAL ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-12-07 | Workshop “Umsatzsteuer: Vorsicht Falle” ( “Take care of the turnover tax” ) by Andreas Eggers, Steuerkanzlei Heine, Eggers, Peggau at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-12-01 | Seminar “Welche Versicherung benötigen Existenzgründer” ( “Which insurances are needed for founders of a new business?” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11-30 | Workshop “Wie und wo organisiere ich mein Büro ?” ( “How and where to organize my office ?” ) by Anne Hoppe, Ihre Sekretärin Salzgitter at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-11-26 | Event “X-Lounge on Tour - Publishing by Print bis Video” ( “X-Lounge on Tour - Publishing from print to video” ) by Comspot GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11-24 | Event “Walk in the customer's shoes - mit strategischem Marketing zu mehr Erfolg” ( “Walk in the customer's shoes - more success with strategic marketing” ) by Sönke Petersen-Jahn, Horticon Marketing-Consulting, and Carreer Service of the University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11-16 | Workshop “Unternehmensnachfolge - Praxisorientierte Bewertung von Unternehmen vor der Übernahme” ( “Buying a company - Rating of companies before company take-over” ) by Dirk Baule, Compass Management Service GmbH at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-11-15 | Speech “Einführung eines Projektmanagement-Systems in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen” ( “Introduction of a project management system in a medium-size enterprise” ) of GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11-10 | Event “VMware Informationstag” ( “VMware promotion day” ) by VMware and Tech Data Midrange im Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11-09 | Workshop “Professionelle Texte für Werbung und Büroalltag” ( “Professional texts for advertising and for use in the office” ) by Sybille Templin, Marketing MiKS, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-11-03 | Seminar “Business Plan und Kennzahlen” ( “Business plan and operating figures” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11-02 | Seminar “Grundlagen der Messtechnik” ( “Instrumentation basics” ) by National Instruments im Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2004-11-02 | Workshop “Ja, ich verkaufe gern - Verkaufstechniken für Existenzgründer” ( “Yes, I like to sell - sales techniques for promoters of an enterprise”) by Florian Gommlich, I-Unit GmbH, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-10-25 | Speech “Von der Individual- zur Produktentwicklung: Projektmanagement im Wandel” ( “From individual development to product development - project management in flux” ) of GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-10-20 | - | 2004-10-21 | Symposium “IMA 2004 - Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen” ( “Information systems for mobile applications” ) von GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2004-10-20 | Participation in the photo competion “Das Schönste am Haus” ( “The most beautiful in house and garden” ) of LBS. | ||
2004-10-12 | Workshop “Time is money - Zeitmanagement für Existenzgründer” ( “Time is money - time management for promoters of an enterprise” ) by Florian Gommlich, I-Unit GmbH, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-10-07 | Event “licensing@night: Die Microsoft Lizenzmodelle im Vergleich” ( “licensing@night: Comparison of Microsoft's license modells” by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-10-07 | Event “INTERBUS on tour” by INTERBUS Club im Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-10-07 | Event “1-Tages Microsoft Sicherheitstraining für IT Professionals - Teil 2” ( “1-day Microsoft security training for IT professionals - Part 2” ), guided by Manuael Leonhardt, alphaBit GmbH and organized by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-10-06 | Seminar “Steuerliche Grundlagen für Existenzgründer” ( “Tax basics for starting a business” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-10-06 | Vortrag “Drehbuch schreiben – gewusst wie” ( “Screenplay writing - how to” ) by Hans-Georg Struck, as part of the project ”enercity network” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-10-05 | “Technischer Workshop” ( “Technical workshop” ) of the event “Microsoft Community Day - Connected System” by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2004-09-29 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: Virtualisierung mit dem Microsoft Virtual PC und dem Microsoft Virtual Server” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: Virtualisation with the Microsoft Virtual PC and the Microsoft Virtual Server” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-09-28 | Workshop “Modellierung live - Mehr Tempo und Qualität bei Entwicklung und Test von Embedded Systemen !” ( “Live modelling - Enhance speed and quality of development and tests of embedded systems !” ), by Artisan Software, iSystems, MicroConsult and FZI in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2004-09-28 | Workshop “Die Macht des ersten Eindrucks - Selfmarketing als kraftvolle Strategie” ( “The power of the first sight - selfmarketing as powerful strategy” ) by Ina von Janowski, Ci Online, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-09-27 | Event “licensing@night: Werkzeuge für das Lizenzgeschäft” ( “licensing@night: Tools for the licensing business” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-09-17 | Event “H2 for Students” der GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH during the fair H2Expo 2004, Internationale Fachmesse für Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Technologien in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2004-09-15 | , | 2004-03-11 | Workshop “advanced” by Andreas Latsch, KMU aktiv Unternehmensberatung, during the event “Beratertag für Existenzgründer/innen und junge Unternehmen” ( “Consulting day for founders of a new business and for startup companies” ) of Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. |
2004-09-14 | Workshop “Nachhaltige Unternehmensentwicklung: Effektivität und Effizienz durch das Prozessmanagement” ( “Development of a company: Effectivity and efficiency by process management” ) by Bogumila Szyja, Fachhochschule Wolfenbüttel, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-09-09 | Speech “C++ in der .NET-Welt” ( “C++ in the world of .NET” ) by Bernd Marquardt and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-09-08 | Events “CRM - Ihre Chancen und Potentiale als Partner” ( “CRM - Your chances and potentials as partner” ) and “ERP - Ihre Chancen und Potentiale als Partner” ( “ERP - Your chances and potentials as partner” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2004-09-07 | Workshop “Arbeitsrecht aktuell - massive Änderungen durch Schuldrechtsmodernisierung und Agenda 2010” ( “Current labour law - massive changes by the modernisation of the law of obligations and by Agenda 2010” ) by Dietmar Weitzel, layer's office “Mühe und Kollegen” ( today: Mühe, Weitzel und Kollegen ), Salzgitter, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-08-26 | Event “Kostenreduktion durch System- und Application-Tuning (MVS)” ( “Cost reduction by system and application tuning (MVS)” ) by Compuware GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-08-24 | Workshop “Systematisches Vorgehen bei der Akquisition in jungen Unternehmen - Erfolgsfaktoren im Vertrieb und bei der Umsatzsteigerung” ( “Straight proceedings for acceptance in startup companies - success factors for marketing and sales increase” ) by Dirk Baule, Compass Management Service GmbH at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2004-08-17 | Roadshow “IBM eServer p5 - Give me five” by Magirus Germany GmbH and IBM in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-08-12 | ”DJ Bobo Dance Workshop” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-07-26 | Participation in the Microsoft PC mouse design contest of the magazine Tomorrow and the management consultancy fischerAppelt. | ||
2004-07-13 | Visit of the plant “Hannover-Linden” of WABCO organized by KISS ME Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-07-09 | Training “Lotus Notes 6.5” by GEDYS IntraWare GmbH and IBM in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-07-08 | Participation in the event “Was ist .NET ?” ( “What is .NET ?” ), guided by the Microsoft Student Partnern Markus Kobe and Neno Loje in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2004-06-21 | - | 2004-06-22 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in CorelDRAW” ( “Introduction to CorelDRAW” ). |
2004-05-12 | Workshop “Pushing Limits 2004”, a case study about the future of mobile communications, guided by Florian Gayk and organized by bonding, Hochschulgruppe Braunschweig and Rohde & Schwarz in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2004-04-29 | Seminar “Manipulationstechniken” ( “Manipulation techniques” ) by MARKET TEAM Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-04-27 | Event “Handwerksmarketing für die Zukunft - Probleme und Lösungen” ( “The future of marketing for handcraft companies - problems and solutions”) of the series of events “FHH meets economy” by Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e. V., Advice Hannover e.V. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-04-14 | Event “1-Tages Microsoft Sicherheitstraining für IT Professionals” ( “1-day Microsoft security training for IT professionals” ), guided by Manuael Leonhardt, alphaBit GmbH and organized by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-03-29 | Workshop “4D/Web Workshop” by 4D Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-02-18 | Workshop “Get agile!” by microTOOL GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-02-17 | Participation in the event “Direct Marketing Business Frühstück” ( “Direct Marketing Business Brunch” ) by Deutsche Post AG in Hannover, Deutschland. | ||
2004-01-31 | - | 2004-02-02 | Workshop “Fotokurs für AnfängerInnen” ( “Basic photo course” ) by Studentenwerk Hannover and Uni-Foto-AG in Hannover, Germany. |
2004-01-29 | “Versicherungstag 2004” ( “Insurance Day 2004” ) of University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-01-27 | Scientific Computers GmbH: “Maple 9 - Infotag” ( “Maple 9 promotion day”) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2003-12-31 | Business plan competition Startup-Impuls by hannoverimpuls GmbH and Sparkasse Hannover. | ||
2003-11-20 | Workshop “Assessment Center - Schlüsselkompetenzen im Rahmen von Auswahlverfahren der Deutschen Bahn AG” ( “Assessment Center - key competencies in the context of the selection procedure of Deutschen Bahn AG” by ”Deutsche Bahn AG, Personalmarketing Konzern”, as part of the event Career Topics 2003 im Hannover, Germany. | ||
2003-11-18 | Workshop “Schlüsselkompetenzen zum Erfolg” ( “Key competencies for success” ) by Dorothea Böhm, Junior Career Coaching, Intelligenz System Transfer, as part of the event ”Career Topics 2003” im Hannover, Germany. | ||
2003-11-10 | - | 2003-11-13 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in C#” ( “Introduction to C#”). |
2003-11-05 | Speech “Visual Basic .NET - Starthilfe für Umsteiger” ( “Visual Basic .NET - starting asssitance for change-overs” ) by Jens Häupel and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2003-11-03 | Workshop “Engineering Challenge: Top-Performance through Interaction”, a case study for the development of a new product at Continental AG, by MARKET TEAM Hannover and Continental AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2003-10-27 | , | 2003-11-03 | Seminar “Wie entsteht ein erfolgreicher Geschäftsplan?” ( “How to write a successfull business plan” ) / “BusinessplanLabor” ( “Business plan workshop” ), of Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung und Organisation, uni transfer und Carreer Service of the University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany. |
2003-11-10 | , | 2003-11-24 | |
2003-12-08 | , | 2003-12-15 | |
2004-02-02 | |||
2003-10-25 | , | Visit of the production lines of the plant “Hannover Vinnhorst” of Bäckerei Konditorei Göing in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-10-28 | , | Seminar “Training für Berufsstarter und Berufswechsler” ( “Training for job entrants and job changers” ) by Lars Kaletka of “THINKBIG, Agentur für Bildungsmarketing und Personalentwicklung” ( unimaeuse(R) / ABSOLVENTENforum - Akademie für Berufs- und Karriereförderung ), as part of the events KISS ME Hannover 2003 / Tag der Bewerbung 2003 in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-10-10 | , | Seminar “Stress managen” ( “How manage stress” ) guided by Jutta Borchers, borchers intelligent communication, organized by Techniker Krankenkasse in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-09-25 | , | Forum event “J2EE Standard einfach realisieren” ( “Simple implementation of the J2EE standard” ) of Compuware GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-09-17 | , | “Tessy After Works Seminar: Introduction to automated unit testing of embedded software” by Hitex in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-09-11 | , | Workshop “Embedded Praxis” ( “Embedded practice” ) of Enea Embedded Technology GmbH, Artisan Software, iSystems and 4D Engineering GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-09-08 | - | 2003-09-10 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Macromedia Director 8.5/MX” ( “Introduction to Macromedia Director 8.5/MX” ). |
2003-08-09 | , | Seminar “Assessment Center Training” by HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-07-14 | - | 2003-07-16 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in the Illustrator” ( “Introduction to Illustrator” ). |
2003-07-09 | , | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Apache-Webserver - Installation, Konfiguration und Betrieb” ( The “Apache webserver - Installation, configuration and operation” ), by Michael Nebel. | |
2003-07-09 | , | Seminar “Intrinsische Motivation” ( “Intrinsic motivation” ) by HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-06-18 | , | Speech “MultiThreading mit dem .NET Framework” ( “MultiThreading with the .NET framework” ) by Bernd Marquardt and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-05-28 | , | Seminar “Rhetorik und Präsentation” ( “Rhetoric and presenation” ) by HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-05-13 | , | Visit of the plant “Stöcken” of Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, organized by KISS ME Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-04-28 | , | Visit of the plant “Vahrenwald” of ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH, organized by Kooperationsstelle Hochschulen und Gewerkschaften Region Hannover - Hildesheim and ”University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Studium Generale” in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-04-24 | - | 2003-04-25 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Workshops “Auswählen und Freistellen mit Photoshop 7” ( “Selecting and extracting with Photoshop 7” ) and “Bildgestaltung und Montage mit Photoshop 7” ( “Picture styling and assembly with Photoshop 7” ) by Hassan Mahramzadeh. |
2003-04-23 | , | Speech “Entwickeln für den Tablet PC - Das Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK” ( “Developing for the Tablet PC - The Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK” ) by Frank Prengel and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-04-15 | , | Information seminar about the “WORLDSOFT Web@Master” sales partnership of Worldsoft AG in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-02-19 | , | Speech “Grafikprogrammierung unter .NET” ( “Graphics programming with .NET” ) by Frank Lange and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-02-10 | - | 2003-02-11 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Maple” ( “Introduction to Maple” ) by Ingrid Gnutzmann. |
2003-01-28 | , | Speech “IP-basierte Telekommunikation” ( “IP based telecommunications” ) by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | |
2003-01-23 | , | ADDITIVE GmbH: “Infoseminar & Workshop MATHEMATICA 4.2 und CONCEPTDRAW” ( “Info seminar and workshop MATHEMATICA 4.2 and CONCEPTDRAW” ) in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-12-18 | , | Speech “Deklarativ programmieren mit Attributen” ( “Declarative programming with attributes” ) by Ralf Westphal and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-12-08 | , | Intercultural exkursion with foreign students to the Universum Science Center Bremen in Bremen, Germany. | |
2002-11-26 | , | Visit of the WABCO test area during a student excursion, guided by Prof. Dr. Zeggert in Jeversen, Germany. | |
2002-10-30 | , | Speech “ASP.NET - Tipps und Tricks” ( “ASP.NET - Tips and tricks” ) by Uwe Baumann and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-09-11 | , | Speech “Web Services in der Praxis mit Visual Studio .NET” ( “Web services in practice with Visual Studio .NET” ) by Christian Weyer and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-09-10 | - | 2002-09-11 | Participation in the workshops of the “7. Feldbus-Kongress” ( “7th Fieldbus Congress”, today: “Industrial Communication Congress” ) at PHOENIX CONTACT in Blomberg, Germany. |
2002-07-11 | - | 2002-07-12 | VDE Hannover, Germany: “Messpraktikum zu Schutzmaßnahmen in Starkstromanlagen und bei elektrischen Geräten DIN VDE 0100 / 0105 / 0113 / 0413 / 0701 /2/ 0751 u. BGV A2 (VGB4)” ( “Practical measuring course about protective measures in power plants and for electic devices” ). |
2002-06-26 | , | Speech “VB .NET or C# - die Qual der Wahl” ( “VB .NET or C# - the agony of the choice” ) by Frank Prengel and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-06-11 | , | Speech “Datensicherheit in KMU” ( “Data security in small and medium-sized enterprises” ) by DS DATA SYSTEMS GmbH and VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-06-04 | , | Speech “Soft Skills” of MARKET TEAM Hannover and Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-05-27 | - | 2002-05-28 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Grundlagen XML” ( “XML basics” ) by Thomas Kröckertskothen. |
2002-05-14 | - | 2002-05-16 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in PHP” ( “Introduction to PHP” ) by Michael Brückner. |
2002-04-24 | , | Speech ”.NET Versioning und Deployment - Das Ende der 'DLL-Hölle'?” ( ”.NET versioning and deployment - No 'DLL inferno' anymore ?” ) by Uwe Baumann and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-03-25 | - | 2002-03-27 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Flash” ( “Introduction to Flash” ). |
2002-03-22 | - | 2002-03-23 | Workshop ”Reloop DJ Crash Kurs” ( “Reloop DJ Crash Course” ) by “DJ Bosco” and in the workshop “Live Gig” of the event “PPC MUSIC Festival Week” of PPC MUSIC in Hannover, Germany. |
2002-02-26 | - | 2002-02-28 | Fachhochschule Hannover, Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss ( AStA ), Germany: Workshop “Netzwerkdienste unter Linux” ( “Network services with Linux” ). |
2002-02-25 | - | 2002-02-26 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Dreamweaver” ( “Introduction to Dreamweaver” ). |
2002-02-21 | , | Speech “Bluetooth - Technik, Dienste und Anwendungen” ( “Bluetooth - Technology, services and applications” ) by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | |
2002-01-31 | - | 2002-02-01 | ABB Stotz-Kontakt and VDE Hannover, Germany: Course “Grundlagen SPS” ( “The basics of PLC storage control programming” ). |
2001-12-10 | - | 2001-12-12 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Macros und VBA für Word und Access” ( “Macros and VBA for Word and Access” ). |
2001-11-17 | Speech ”'Die Botschaften der Klänge' - Audio-Design im Fernsehen” ( ”'The messages of sounds' - Audi design in TV” by Maximilian Kock and Andi Gleichmann at Medienhaus Hannover, Germany. | ||
2001-11-14 | , | 2000-08-01 | Developer Workshops of Togethersoft GmbH resp. of tiscon AG Infosystems, business department Together Distribution ( later: Borland Software Corporation ) about the case tool Borland Together in Lehrte, Germany resp. in Hannover, Germany. |
2001-10-08 | - | 2001-10-13 | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany, special event “International Week”: Workshops “Einführung in the Coldfusion” ( “Introduction to Coldfusion” ), “Suse Installation” ( “Installation of Suse Linux” ) , “Erste Schritte mit Linux” ( “First steps with Linux” ), “Multimedia unter Linux” (” Multimedia with Linux” ), “Vmware”. |
2001-10-18 | Speech “Power-Line - Kommunikation über das Stromnetz” ( “Power-Line - communications over the power grid” ) by Intellon Design Center Europe GmbH and VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2001-06-26 | Event “A.S.I. Forum an der Uni Hannover: Als Ingenieur/in der Elektrotechnik in den Beruf starten... z.B. in der Automobil-Zulieferindustrie” ( “A.S.I. Forum at the University of Uni Hannover: Starting a career as electric engineer ... e.g. in the car supply industry” ) by A.S.I. and Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2001-05-16 | - | 2001-05-18 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Multimediales Webpublishing - Grundlagen und Designertechniken” ( “Web publishing of multimedia contents - basics and design technics” ). |
2001-04-26 | - | 2001-04-27 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in MS Powerpoint” ( “Introduction to MS Powerpoint” ). |
2001-04-20 | - | 2001-04-21 | AStA of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany: Workshop “Linuxsicherheit im Netz” ( “Network security with Linux” ). |
2001-04-02 | - | 2001-04-05 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Java für fortgeschrittene Programmierung” ( “Java for advanced programming” ), guided by Witoslaw Koczewski, MIT Consult AG. |
2001-03-01 | , | Seminar “Assessmentcenter Training” by MLP in Hannover, Germany. | |
2001-02-26 | - | 2001-02-28 | AStA of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover: Workshops “LaTeX” and “TrinuX”. |
2001-01-29 | - | 2001-02-02 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Courses “Adobe Photoshop unter Windows” ( “Adobe Photoshop for Windows” ) and “Web-Design mit Photoshop” ( “Web design with Photoshop” ) by Hassan Mahramzadeh. |
2001-02-12 | |||
2001-01-25 | Seminar “Bewerbung & Berufsstart” ( “Job application & start of profession” ) by MLP in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2000-12-11 | Seminar “Assessment-Center-Training - Hintergründe und Übungen zum Thema AC” ( “Assessment-Center-Training - AC Background infos and AC excercises” ) by NORD/LB during the event ”IN-Sight 2000” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2000-11-16 | Speech “From e-Data to e-Knowledge: Optimierung der Kundenbeziehung mit Web-Mining” ( “From e-Data to e-Knowledge: Optimization of customer relations with web mining” by SAS Institute GmbH and VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2000-09-25 | - | 2000-09-29 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “Einführung in Java” ( “Introduction to Java” ). |
2000-09-21 | Speech “Von GSM bis UMTS - Entwicklung in der mobilen Datenkommunikation” ( “From GSM to UMTS - The development of mobile data communications” ) by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2000-09-05 | Participation in the opening event “Launch in Hannover” of the e-business network First Tuesday in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2000-04-19 | Visit of the production facilities of ke Kommunikations Elektronik GmbH / Alcatel Germany GmbH ( today: KEYMILE ) during a student excursion, guided by Prof. Dr. Dreetz, in Hannover, Germany. | ||
1999-11-22 | Visit of the telecommunication installations at the Deutschen Telekom AG ( T-InterConnect [ Internet node ], tower “Telemax”, equipment floor of the tower [ transfer mode systems and TV senders ] ), organized by VDI, special interest group “Information Technology” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
1999-07 - 1999-08 | University Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany. Central Research Workshops, Microprocessor Engineering Department: 1st internship semester for the studies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover: Development of data aquisition software with 80C166 microcontrollers, hardware assembly of an interface board for a 80C166 microcontroller circuit board. | ||
1998-12-05 | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany: Course “Einführung in den Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und in die Patentrecherche” ( “Introduction to industrial and intellectual property and to patent research” ). | ||
1996-08-06 | Visit of the plant “Wolfsburg” of Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg, Germany. | ||
1992-03-06 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “RRZN-XWindow-Kursus” ( “X-Window” ). | ||
1989-08-14 | - | 1989-09-08 | Mercedes-Benz AG in Stuttgart, Germany: Data acquisition for Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Spanende Werkzeugmaschinen ( IFW ), as part of my student research project “Detektion von Bruchvorgängen bei Mehrspindelbohrmaschinen” ( “Detection of break events at automatic drilling machines with multiple spindles” ). |
1989-07-14 | Visit of Werum Software & Systems AG in Lüneburg, Germany. | ||
1989-06-27 | - | 1989-06-30 | University of Hannover, Regionales Rechenzentrum ( RRZN ): Course “RRZN-Unix-Kursus” ( “Unix” ). |
Since 1987 | Regular visits of the fairs Hannover Messe Industrie and Hannover Messe CEBIT. | ||
1986-07 | - | 1986-08 | Philips und DuPont Optical GmbH ( today: Entertainment Distribution Company GmbH ( EDC ) ), “Development Physics” department, in Hannover, Germany. Advanced internship: Fabrication of electronic instrumentations in small number of pieces. |
1986-02 | - | 1986-03 | Siemens AG, telecommunication maintainance and assembly department in Bielefeld, Germany. Advanced internship: Cable laying and bedding, modification and extention of private telecommunication installations, extention of a fire alarm installations. Maintainance work at fire alarm installations. |
1983-02 | - | 1983-03 | Miele & Cie. GmbH & Co in Bielefeld, Germany. Advanced internship: Ironing machines and automatic diskwashers - assembly, automatic diskwashers - proving ground, assembly of vaccum cleaners - checkup. |
1982-08 | - | 1982-10 | Stadtwerke Bielefeld GmbH, Germany: Basic practical training “Metall” ( “Metal” ). |
1982-04-22 | - | 1982-06-15 | Bildungswerk der DAG e.V. and Deutsche Angestellten Akademie e.V in Flensburg, Germany: Course “Einführung in die Programmiersprache BASIC. Aufgaben und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines Klein-Computers”. |
1982-01 | Chamber of Crafts and Trades Flensburg, Germany: Introductory course for gas welding. | ||
1976-10 | - | 1977-09 | “Förderungslehrgang zur Erlernung des Maschinenschreibens / der Korrespondenz” ( “Typwriting and correspondence course” ). |