2005-12-19 | Speech “Hoch hinaus über den Dächern von Hannover - Projektmanagment-Praxis am Beispiel Torhaus am Aegi” ( “High above the roofs of Hannover - the practice of project management, 'Torhaus am Aegi' as example” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. und VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-12-16 | - | 2005-12-17 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX” of Prof. Lutz Hieber, Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, University of Hannover, Germany, sponsored by the European Social Fund ( ESF ): Workshop “MS PowerPoint - Professionelle und eindrucksvolle Präsentationen für die berufliche Praxis” ( “MS PowerPoint - professional and impressive presentations for daily business” ) by Manfred Bolte. |
2005-12-14 | Meeting event for small and medium-size IT companies ”IT-Meeting-Hildesheim” with the topic “IT Sicherheit” ( “IT security” ) by Technologiezentrum Hildesheim GmbH ( TZH ) and Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH in Hildesheim, Germany. | ||
2005-12-13 | Event “Einsatz von Open-Source-Software: Potentiale und Risiken” ( “Use of open source software: Potentials and risks” ) of the series of events “FHH meets economy” of Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V. and ”University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-12-12 | Speech “IT Projekte nach V Modell XT” ( “IT projects according to the V Model XT” ) by Roland Petrasch, Projektron GmbH, ID.on GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-12-09 | - | 2005-12-10 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Kreative Bewerbungsstrategien” ( “Creative strategies for job applications” ) by Iris Kadenbach, Strategic Coaching. |
2005-12-07 | Seminar ”'Mit Werten zum Geschäftserfolg !' - Leitbildentwicklung für Existenzgründer” ( ”'Business success with the help of values' - Mission statements for founders of a new business” ) by Marion Pusch, organized by uni transfer and Carreer Service by University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-12-06 | Seminar “Gedächnis- Konzentrations- und Motivationstraining” ( “Training of memory, concentration and motivation” ) of Roland Geisselhart and VDE Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-29 | Seminar “Finanzplanung - Die Unternehmensgründung kalkuliert” ( “Financial planning - calculating the formation of a company” ) of Wirtschafts-Senioren Hannover - Alt Hilft Jung e.V. and hannoverimpuls GmbH at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-28 | Speech “Umweltrecht: Konformität im Rahmen der Umsetzung von Managementsystemen” ( “Environmental law: Conformity in the context of the implemention of management systems” ) by uniconsult GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI, special interest group “Quality Management” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-24 | Event “ITIL - Modeerscheinung oder Garant für ein kosteneffizientes IT Service Management ?” ( “ITIL - A temporary fashion or a guarantor for a cost efficient IT service management ?” ) of the series of events “FHH meets economy” of Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-25 | - | 2005-11-26 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Moderation” ( “Moderation” ) by Iris Kadenbach, Strategic Coaching. |
2005-11-22 | Workshop “Stressfrei lernen” ( “Stress-free learning” ) guided by Jutta Borchers, borchers intelligent communication, organized by Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V. ( MTP ), Techniker Krankenkasse and Carreer Service of the University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-21 | Event “Arbeitskreis Excellence' - Erfahrungsaustausch” ( “Special interest group 'Excellence' - exchange of experiences” ) by Ingo Bergner, VDE, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI. | ||
2005-11-15 | Seminar “Kundenaquise - Kunden finden und gewinnen” ( “Aquisistion of customers - how to find and gain customers” ) of Stephan Böttger, 'Beratung, Training, Schulung, Coaching' and hannoverimpuls GmbH at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-14 | Participation in the virtual workshop of the real event “RFID - Die Brücke zwischen Informationsfluss und Warenfluss” ( “RFID - The bridge between the flow of information and the flow of goods” ) of 2005-11-14, organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany, as part of the series of events “neugierig.05”. | ||
2005-11-14 | Speech “Projekt-Portfolio-Management in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Vorgehensweise & Praxisbeispiele” ( “Project portfolio management in the public administration: Proceedings & practical examples” ) by Pcubed Programm Planning GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-11-11 | - | 2005-11-12 | |
2005-11-10 | Information and meeting event “Die Gestaltung allgemeiner Geschäftsbedingungen” ( “The design of general terms and conditions of business” ) by Steffen Helbig and René Weidig, Kanzlei Dr. Appelhagen und Partner, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2005-11-09 | Seminar ”'Keine Buchung ohne Beleg !' Einführung in das betriebliche Rechnungswesen” ( ”'No accounting without record'” - Introduction to cost accounting ) by Claudia Zimny, Office Solutions, organized by uni transfer and Carreer Service by University of Hannover. | ||
2005-11-08 | Workshop “Rhetorik Workshop” ( “Rhetoriks workshop” ) guided by Jutta Borchers, borchers intelligent communication, organized by Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V. ( MTP ), Techniker Krankenkasse and Carreer Service by University of Hannover of Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2006-06-29 | , | 2006-02-16 | Series of seminars “Existenzgründung” ( “Setting up business” ) by Harald A. Berendes, Dr. Groth & Partner and VDI, special interest group “Setting up business”, in Hannover, Germany. |
2006-01-18 | , | 2005-11-03 | |
2005-11-01 | Seminar “Markterkundung - Planbarer Erfolg durch Marktkenntnis” ( “Market research - scheduled success by market knowlege” ) of Sönke Petersen-Jahn, Horticon Marketing-Consulting and hannoverimpuls GmbH at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-10-20 | Speech “Erhöhung der Kundenzufriedenheit durch Prozessanalyse - am Beispiel der Schiebetür des 'VW T5 Multivan'” ( “Increase of the customer satisfaction by process analysis - considering as example the sliding door of the 'VW T5 Multivan'” ) of VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-10-18 | Seminar “Gründungsidee - Den Kundennutzen im Visier” ( “The business idea - focussing on the customer's benefit” ) of Andreas Latsch, IMB Institut für Mittelstandsberatung GmbH and hannoverimpuls GmbH at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-10-17 | Speech “Prozessorientiertes Projektmanagement nach CMMI an Beispielen der 'DB Systems' und der 'Bosch-Blaupunkt'” ( “Process oriented project management according to CMMI by example of 'DB Systems' and 'Bosch-Blaupunkt'” ) by MCG Management Consult GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-10-14 | - | 2005-10-15, | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Marketing” ( “Marketing” ) by Melanie Cordini. |
2005-11-18 | - | 2005-11-19 | |
2005-10-12 | Seminar “Erfolgreich starten mit System - Von der Geschäftsidee zum Marketingkonzept” ( “Successful start of business - From business idea to marketing concept” ) by Sönke Petersen-Jahn, Horticon Marketing-Consulting, organized by uni transfer and Carreer Service by University of Hannover. | ||
2005-10-07 | - | 2005-10-08, | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Qualitätsmanagement” ( “Quality management” ) by Götz Hendricks, QUBIC Beratergruppe für Qualität und Organisationsentwicklung GBR. |
2005-10-21 | - | 2005-10-22 | |
2005-10-07 | - | 2005-10-09 | Participation in the congress ”Die Möglichkeiten einer anderen Welt. Kongress zu konkreter Utopie und realpolitischer Intervention” ( “The potentials of another world. Congress for a concrete utopia and a real-political intervention” ) by the online magazine Sozalistische Positionen and “Loccumer Initiative kritischer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler” in Hannover, Germmany. |
- Speech “Freie Software - Gegenökonomie” ( “Free software - contra economy” ) by Stefan Meret. | |||
2005-10-05 | Seminar “Der Finanzplan - Theorie und Praxis” ( “The finance plan - theory and practice” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-10-04 | Seminar “Unternehmenspersöhnlichkeit - Erfolgsfaktor Gründerpersönlichkeit” ( “Corporate identity - the success factor is the personality of the promoter of an enterprise” ) of hannoverimpuls GmbH at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-09-27 | Workshop “Erfolgsfaktoren im Blick behalten! - Qualitätsmanagement auch für Kleinstunternehmer” ( “Focussing on sucess factors! - Quality management for small busines” ) by Hannelore Reichelt, Reichelt Kommunikation, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2005-09-26 | Visit of the soccer stadion “AWD-Arena” with speech “Der Ball ist rund und das Spiel hat 90 Minuten” ( “The soccer ball ist round and a soccer game lasts 90 minutes”, two famous quotations by the german soccer trainer Sepp Herberger ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-09-23 | - | 2005-09-24 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “MS Word für die berufliche Praxis” ( “Practical use of MS Word in business” ) by Eric Berendes of Unternehmensberatung Otto Effert M.A. & Partner. |
2005-09-28 | - | 2006-03-27 | Online seminar ”KMU Management” by University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Wolfenbüttel, Institute for E-Business and Chamber of Crafts and Trades Braunschweig, sponsored by the European Social Fund. |
2005-09-16 | - | 2005-09-17, | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Personalmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung - Mitarbeiter führen und motivieren” ( “HR managent and organisational development - directing and motivating team members” ) by Silke Hinz, Human Resources Germany, KEYMILE. |
2005-09-30 | - | 2005-10-01 | |
2005-09-09 | - | 2005-09-10, | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Projektmanagement” ( “Project management” ) by Daniel Wrede, QUBIC Beratergruppe für Qualität und Organisationsentwicklung GBR. |
2005-10-28 | - | 2005-10-29 | |
2005-09-07 | Seminar “Marketing” ( “Marketing” ) by Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover e.V. at Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-09-01 | Roadshow “Borland DevTracks: Optimierung der Softwareentwicklung” ( “Borland DevTracks: Optimisation of software develepment” ) by Borland Software Corporation in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2005-08-26 | - | 2005-08-27, | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Existenzgründung” ( “Setting up business” ) by EPUG ( Ingo Kommor, Eckard Sander, Stefan Schlutter, Michael Hagen, Bernd Strüve ). |
2005-09-02 | - | 2005-09-03 | |
2005-08-22 | Speech “Zusammensetzung von Projektteams” ( “Composition of project teams” ) by Bauer & Pirkner, Gesellschaft für Beratung, Training und Coaching, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-08-20 | Passing the paper tests of ETS ( Educational Testing Service ) in Hannover, Germany: | ||
- “TOEFL - Test of English as Foreign Language”. Result: 623 ( Maximum score: : 677 ). | |||
- “TWA - Test of Written English”. Result: 3.5 ( Maximum score: 7 ). | |||
2005-08-15 | - | 2005-09-22 | Series of seminars “SummerSchool 2005” of hannoverimpuls GmbH and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover in Hannover, Germany. |
2005-08-09 | - | 2005-08-14 | Participation in the workshops of the seminar ”attac Sommerakademie 2005” in Göttingen, Germany: |
- “Kampagnen planen” ( “How to organize a campaign” ), guided by Uli Wohland of Werkstatt für Gewaltfreie Aktion, Baden. | |||
- “Konsens: in Gruppen zu einvernehmlichen Lösungen kommen” ( “How to reach a consensus in teams” ), guided by Bernd Sahler of Werkstatt für Gewaltfreie Aktion, Baden. | |||
- “Organizing for Social Change. Moderation. Gruppe. Projekt. Der Blick fürs Ganze” ( “Organizing for Social Change. Moderation. Team. Project. The focus on the complete ensemble” ), guided by Johanna Jäger, Sonja Korspeter of Sprungbrett e.V.. | |||
- “Reportagenfotografie” ( “Reportage photography” ), guided by Ditmar Treber, Hans-Dieter Hey, Dietmar Wegewitz of Arbeiterfotografie e.V.. | |||
2005-08-03 | “Business Breakfast 2005” by Hitachi Data Systems in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2005-07-22 | - | 2005-07-23 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Präsentation” ( “Presentation” ) by Hans-Joachim Jürgens. |
2005-07-21 | Workshop “Gründungsmodul 3. Bürokratische Hürden im Gründungsprozess: Der richtige Umgang mit wichtigen Formularen” ( “Module 3. Administrative sticking points in the process of starting a business: How to handle important formulars” ) by Mrs. Köhn, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2005-07-15 | - | 2005-07-16 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Rhetorik” ( “Rhetoric” ) by Iris Kadenbach, Strategic Coaching. |
, | Joining of the organisation PASS Deutschland e.V., attendance in the local meeting of the Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Hannover, Germany, and Isernhagen, Germany. | ||
2010-05-13 | , | 2010-05-19 | |
2010-03-02 | , | 2009-11-19 | |
2009-09-10 | , | 2009-05-14 | |
2009-03-01 | , | 2009-01-08 | |
2008-11-13 | , | 2008-07-03 | |
2008-05-08 | , | 2008-03-13 | |
2007-11-22 | , | 2007-07-12 | |
2007-04-12 | , | 2007-01-11 | |
2006-10-12 | , | 2006-07-13 | |
2006-06-29 | , | 2005-07-12 | |
2005-07-11 | Speech “Projekt Control Office (PCO) - Ein systematischer Ansatz zur Etablierung von Projektmanagementprozessen und -methoden” ( “Projekt Control Office (PCO) - a systematical approach for establishing project management processes and methods” by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-07-07 | Workshop “Gründungsmodul 1. Der Weg in die Selbständigkeit: Voraussetzungen, Planung und Entscheidung” ( “Module 1. How to become self-employed: Qualifications, planning and decision” ) by Dr. Aßmann and Nathalie Hauer, Wirtschafts- und Innovationsförderung Salzgitter GmbH, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2005-06-29 | Seminar “Steuerfragen der Existenzgründung” ( “Tax considerations for founders of a new business” ), organized by uni transfer and Carreer Service by University of Hannover. | ||
2005-06-28 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: SQL Server 2005- ein technischer Überblick” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: SQL Server 2005 - a technical overview” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-06-27 | Speech “Informationssicherheit als Mangementaufgabe - ISMS nach BS 7799-2 und ISO 17799” ( “The management mission of information security - ISMS acording to BS 7799-2 and ISO 17799” ) by TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH ( TÜViT ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-06-03 | Workshop “MS Training: Security Workshop: Neue Geschäftsfelder - Security Update für Microsoft Netzwerke” ( “MS Training: Security Workshop: New business fields - security update for Microsoft networks” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-06-02 | Workshop “MS Training: Security Workshop: Neue Geschäftsfelder - Abgesicherter Datenzugriff im Netzwerk ” ( “MS Training: Security Workshop: New business fields - secure network data access” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-06-01 | Event “Community Day - C++ unter Visual Studio 2005 - Was ist neu und wie migriere ich” ( “Community Day - C++ with Visual Studio 2005 - What's new and how to migrate” ) of Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, guided by Bernd Marquardt, in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2005-05-31 | Workshop “Der Kunde will das Loch, nicht den Bohrer !” ( “The customer wants the hole, not the drill !” ) by Ina by Janowski, Ci Online, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2005-05-27 | - | 2005-05-28 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Präsentation - Visualisierung und Persönlichkeit” ( “Presentation - visualisation and personality” ) by Iris Kadenbach, Strategic Coaching. |
2005-05-23 | Speech “Risikomanagement in Technologieunternehmen” ( “Risk management in technology ventures” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-05-09 | Speech “Zertifizierung von Projektpersonal” ( “Certification of project staff” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-05-02 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: SQL Server 2005 - Datenmanagement der neuen Generation” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: SQL Server 2005 - data management vnext generation” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-04-29 | - | 2005-04-30 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Marketingstrategien für Existenzgründer” ( “Marketing strategies for founders of a new business” ) by Iris Kadenbach, Strategic Coaching. |
2005-04-27 | Seminar ”'Wer soll das bezahlen?' - Unternehmensfinanzierung” ( ”'How to finance a business?' - Business finance” organized by uni transfer und Carreer Service by University of Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-04-26 | Workshop “Liquiditätsplanung unter steuerlichen Aspekten” ( “Liquidity strategies with focus on tax considerations” ) by Andreas Eggers, Steuerkanzlei Heine, Eggers, Peggau at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2005-04-25 | Speech “Integration Risk-Management in ein vorhandenes Management-System” ( “Integration of risk management in an existing management system” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-04-19 | Event “Stil und Etikette im Business Bereich” ( “Style and etiquette in business”) of the series of events “FHH meets economy” of Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-04-18 | Speech “Projekt “Post Merger IT Integration” - ein Erfahrungsbericht” ( “Project “Post Merger IT Integration” - a testimonial” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-04-11 | Speech “TechTalk: Web services, sechs Jahre später: Missverständins oder Heilsbringer ?” ( “TechTalk: Web services, six years later: misconception or redeemer ?” ) by Christian Weyer and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-21 | , | 2005-04-06 | Event “Beratertag für Existenzgründer/innen und junge Unternehmen” ( “Consulting day for founders of a new business and for startup companies” ) of Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung / Technologie-Centrum Hannover (TCH) in Hannover, Germany. |
2004-09-15 | , | 2004-03-11 | |
2005-04-05 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - Neuerungen mit dem Service Pack 1” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - improvements with service pack 1” ) of Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-04-01 | - | 2005-04-02 | Job skills project ”uniPRAX”: Workshop “Public Relations - Die Welt der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit” ( “Public Relations - the world of public relations” ) by Kirsten Kadenbach, Kadenbach Coaching. |
2005-05-13 | - | 2005-05-14 | |
2005-03-31 | - | 2005-04-01 | Participation in the workshops “Embedded Linux Kickstart” and “Realtime Linux Kickstart” by Nicolas McGuire, OpenTech EDV Research GmbH, during the conference 2. Linux Automation Konferenz 2005 ( “2. Linux Automation Conference 2005” ) in Hannover, Germany. |
2005-03-21 | Event “MS Training: 'Der Tablet PC' Sales Training - Systemcenter” ( “MS Training: 'The Tablet PC' Sales Training - system center” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Laatzen, Germany. | ||
2005-03-15 | Workshop “Den Kunden im Fokus: Zielgerichtete Marketingplanung” ( “Focussing the customer - goal-oriented marketing strategies” ) by Ina von Janowski, Ci Online, at Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) in Salzgitter-Bad, Germany. | ||
2005-03-14 | Speech “Projekt-Coaching - Projekte zum Erfolg navigieren” ( “Project coaching - navigating projects to sucess”) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-03-10 | Participation in the Microsoft MSDN TechTalk event “NET Debugging in Produktionsumgebungen” ( “NET debugging in production environments” ) by Wolfgang Kroneder and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-03-01 | Participation in the opening event “Laserstandort Hannover - Realität und Vison” ( “Hannover the laser habitat - reality and vision” ) of Branchenforum Lasertechnik by hannoverimpuls GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2004-11 | - | 2005-02 | Participation in the competition ”Microsoft Imagine Cup 2005”. |
2005-02-28 | Speech “Papierloses Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie - Am Praxisbeispiel d. Fa. Autoliv GmbH, Elmshorn” ( “Paperless quality management in the car industry - Autoliv GmbH, Elmshorn, as practical example” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-23 | Seminar “Neue Technologien für Datenerfassungsanwendungen” ( “New technologies for data aquisition applications” ) by National Instruments in Bielefeld, Germany. | ||
2005-02-23 | Speech “Wer sitzt mir gegenüber? - Was können Verhaltensweisen von Menschen uns mitteilen und welche Potenziale verbergen sich dahinter ?” ( “Who is sitting vis-à-vis to me ? - What may we gather from the behaviour of people and what might be the hidden potentials ?” ) by Angelika Baur and VDI, in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-22 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: Zentrale Verwaltung mit Gruppenrichtlinien - Best Practices” ( Microsoft Tech@Night: Central administration with group policies - best practices” ) of Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-19 | Course “Telefontraining: Vom Kontakt zum Kontrakt” ( “Telephone training: From contact to contract” ) by Harald K. Busch, Volkshochschule Hannover, at Berufsbildendes Zentrum WUF der VHS Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-16 | - | 2005-02-17 | Conference “AAET 2005, 6th Braunschweig Conference - Automation, Assistence and Embedded Real Time Platforms for Transportation” by [GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2005-02-15 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 - ein technischer Überblick” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 - a technical overview” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-14 | Speech “Project Excellence für KMU” ( “Project excellence for small and medium-sized enterprises” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-10 | Participation in the opening event “Trends in der Produktionstechnik - Vision für 2010” ( “Trends of industrial engineering - visions for 2010” ) of Branchenforum Produktionstechnik by hannoverimpuls GmbH in Garbsen, Germany. | ||
2005-02-08 | Event “Microsoft Tech@Night: Windows XP Pro - Sicher und zuverlässig arbeiten am PC” ( Windows XP Pro - Save and reliable work with the PC” ) of Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-02-03 | - | 2005-02-04 | Conference ”Deutsch-Niederländische Automatisierungstage 2005” ( “German - Netherlands Automation Days” ) in Emden, Germany. |
2005-01-31 | - | 2005-02-18 | Online course “VB 2005 Developer Academy” by Dirk Primbs, Frank Fischer, Frank Prengel und Jens Häupel on theSpoke Germany. |
2005-01-31 | Event “Microsoft Community Day - Smart Client” by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2005-01-25 | Speech “Stressbewältigung” ( “How to handle mental pressure” ) by Klaus Kairies and VDE Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-01-19 | Meeting event for small and medium-size IT companies ”IT-Meeting-Hildesheim” with the topic “Open Source - Eine Chance für 2005 ?” ( “Open Source - a chance for 2005 ?” ) by Technologiezentrum Hildesheim GmbH ( TZH ) and Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH in Hildesheim, Germany. | ||
2005-01-17 | Speech “Projekt-Ideen-Management” ( “Management of ideas in projects” ) by Wolfgang Hirscher, Intermet GmbH and GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-01-13 | Speech “Visual Studio 2005 - First Contact” by Frank Fischer and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the event Microsoft MSDN TechTalk in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-01-12 | Veranstaltung “Microsoft Tech@Night: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - Troubleshooting und Notfallszenarien” ( “Microsoft Tech@Night: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - Troubleshooting and emergency scenarios” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2005-01-01 | Participation at photo competion “mmmm... Tut gut. Schmeckt gut.” ( “mmmm... It makes me feel better. It tastes well.” ) of Wick. |