2008-12-17 | Speech “Die IT-Revision der Sparkassse Hannover” ( “The IT revision of Sparkassse Hannover” ) by Sparkasse Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-12-15 | Speech “Konzernweite Transparenz im Einkauf durch den Aufbau eines globalen Data Warehouse” ( “Transparency accross the group of purchase by building a global data warehouse” ) by Dr. Wolfgang Behme, Continental AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-12-15 | Event “Projektmanagement bei der MTU Maintenance am Beispiel des 'Neubau Turbinen-Prüfstand II'” “Project management at the MTU Maintenance, considering as example “New building 'turbine testbed II'” ) by MTU Maintenance Hannover, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-12-11 | Visit of the plant “Barsinghausen” of Bergmann Automotive GmbH during a student excursion, guided by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pfeiffer, in Barsinghausen, Germany. | ||
2008-12-10 | Event “SMA Insight” by SMA Solar Technology AG in Niestetal, Germany. | ||
2008-12-09 | Speech “Prozessorientierte Einführung eines normkonformen Qualitätmanagementsystems in der BBS Neustadt” by BBS Neustadt a. Rbge, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-12-03 | Seminar “Realisierung von Innovationsprojekten am Beispiel Kraftwerk 50plus” ( “Implementation of innovation projects, considering as example the power plant 50plus” ) by E.ON AG at the event “IN-Sight 2008” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-12-02 | Event “An fünf Fingern abgezählt: Medienarbeit in Projekten” ( “Media relations work in projects” ) by Regina Lang, apropro siegfried haarbeck projektmanagement, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-12-01 | Speech “Brennstoffzellen in Europa - Entwicklungsstand und Anwendungsgebiete” ( “Fuel cells in Europe - Stage of development and fields of application” ) by Institut für Energieforschung (IEF), Forschungszentrum Jülich and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-24 | Speech “USchadG - Umwelthaftung, Produkthaftung und Umweltschadenshaftung” ( “USchadG - environmental liability, product liability and environmental damage liability” ) by Vogel, Brasch & Partner, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-20 | Visit of the plant “Hannover” of Nexans Deutschland GmbH during a student excursion organized by Kooperationsstelle Hochschulen und Gewerkschaften Region Hannover - Hildesheim and Zentrale Einrichtung für Weiterbildung der Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-19 | Speech “Der Agile Lieferschein - Featurebasiertes Anforderungsmanagement” ( “The agile bill of delivery - feature based requirements management” ) by Christian Weiss, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-11-18 | Event “Wirtschaftsethik” ( “Business ethics” ) of the series of events “FHH meets economy”, organized by Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V.. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-18 | Seminar “Embedded Codegenerierung und Verifikation in der Steuergeräteentwicklung für sicherheitskritische Anwendungen gemäß IEC 61508” ( “Embedded code generation and verification in the controller development for safety-critical applications according to IEC 61508” ) by Mathworks in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-15 | Seminar “Passivhäuser in Theorie und Praxis” ( “Theory and practice of passive houses ) by Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Passivhaus Institut and Kompetenzzentrum für Energieeffizienz e.V. during the fair EnergieSparTage2008 in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-10 | Event Capgemini sd&m Infotag” ( “Capgemini sd&m info day” ) by Capgemini sd&m in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-11-07 | Visit of the plant “Peine” of Rausch Schokoladen GmbH, organized by VDI in Peine, Germany. | ||
2008-11-06 | Speech “Der neue Opel Insignia als Produkt einer globalen Entwicklungsorganisation” ( “The new Opel Insignia as product of a global development organisation” ) by Adam Opel GmbH and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-05 | Event “United NetworX Symposium 2008” by Digi International, Hirschmann Automation and Control, HUBER+SUHNER, KEYMILE and Nortel Networks in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-11-04 | Speech “Störungen im europäischen Stromnetz am 4.11.2006” ( “Disturbances in the european power grid at 2008-11-04” ) by E.ON Netz and VDE in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-10-29 | Speech “Wie kitzelt man Auftraggeber? - Techniken um Anforderungen zu ermitteln” ( “How to tickle the client? - Methods to identify requirements” ) by Christel Sohnemann, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-10-25 | Visit of the fair EuroBLECH 2008 in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-10-23 | Event “Zemships Konferenz” ( “Zemships Conference” ) during the fair H2Expo 2008, Internationale Fachmesse für Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Technologien in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-10-21 | Speeches “Mobile Computing mit dem .NET Compact Framework 3.5” ( “Mobile computing with the .NET Compact Framework 3.5” ) and ”(Keine) Zeit für Herzrasen!” ( ”(No) Time for Tachycardia!” ) by Torsten Weber on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-10-17 | - | 2008-10-18 | Event “Powerbrands OWL” by Phoenix Contact, Schüco International KG, itelligence AG, ARI Armaturen and EK/servicegroup, in Bielefeld, Germany. |
2008-10-16 | Event “Pragmatisches Wissensmanagement - Systematische Steigerung des intellektuellen Kapitals” ( “Pragrmatical knowledge management - systematical increase of the intellectual capital” ) by Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-10-08 | - | 2008-10-09 | Conference “Elektrische Leistungsbordnetze und Komponenten von Straßenfahrzeugen” ( “Vehicle electrical systems and components of road vehicles” ) by GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2008-10-07 | Speech “RUBIN - die erste fahrerlose U-Bahn in Deutschland” ( “RUBIN - the first driverless metro in Germany” ) by Siemens AG and VDE in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-10-06 | Event “Energiesparende Hallenkühlung mit adiabaten Systemen” by HEYLO Energietechnik, Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein (DKV) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-10-02 | Conference ”Convention Camp” in Hannnover, Germany. | ||
2008-10-02 | Event “UML Werkzeug 'Enterprise Architect' meets Requirement und Change Management” ( “UML tool 'Enterprise Architect' meets Requirement and Change Management” ) by Polarion Software GmbH and SparxSystems Software GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-10-01 | Event “Testing Days 2008” by Compuware GmbH, Díaz & Hilterscheid Unternehmensberatung GmbH und Hans Schaefer in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-09-30 | Symposium “IMA 2008 - Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen” by GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-09-29 | Event “Umsetzung umweltpolitischer Ziele mittels EU-Projekten - Wie gestaltet sich die Kooperation mit Unternehmen aus Hannover - Erfahrungen aus und mit einem umwelttechnischen EU-Projekt” ( “Implementation of environmental objectives by EU projects - How does the cooperation work with companies from Hannover - Experiences of and with an environmental EU project” ) by Landeshauptstadt Hannover, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-09-25 | Event “NanoDay 2008” by Laboratorium für Nano- und Quantenengineering (LNQE), Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-09-25 | Event “Umweltschutz bei VW Nutzfahrzeuge am Beispiel der Lackiererei” by Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-09-22 | Speech “CSR/Nachhaltigkeit - Verantwortung für die Gesellschaft - verantwortlich für das Geschäft” by Bertelsmann Stiftung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-09-15 | - | 2008-09-19 | Event “Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Introduction Course (PEFC)” by Weiterbildungszentrum Brennstoffzelle Ulm e.V. in Ulm, Germany. |
2008-09-08 | - | 2008-09-12 | Event “Niedersächsische Brennstoffzellen Summer School 2008” ( “Lower Saxony Fuel Cell Summer School 2008” ) by Institut für Turbomaschinen und Fluid-Dynamik - TFD, Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany. |
2008-09-04 | - | 2008-09-07 | Visit of the fair SOLTEC Fachmesse für Sonne & Energie in Hameln, Germany. |
- Vortrag “CRM: Kundenbindung mit integrierten Marketing-, Vertriebs- und Kundendienstprozessen in Unternehmen der Solarindustrie” by eCONNEX AG. | |||
- Vortrag “Solarstromanlagen mit dem RAL-Qualitäts-Gütesiegel” by IBC SOLAR AG. | |||
2008-09-04 | Event “7 nach 5: HMI - Bedienen & Beobachten” ( “7 minutes past 5 pm: Handling and observing” ) by Siemens AG and DCC GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-09-01 | Event “Solare Kühlung” by EAW Energieanlagenbau GmbH, Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein (DKV) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-08-25 | - | 2008-08-29 | Seminar “International Summer School on PEFC” by Christian-Doppler-Laboratory for Fuel Cell Systems with Liquid Electrolytes, Graz University of Technology and Yokohama National University in Graz, Austria. |
2008-08-20 | Speech “Business Process Model and Notation: nur Grafik oder mehr?” ( “Business Process Model and Notation: just gaphics or even more?” ) by Markus Klink and Andrea Grass, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-08-19 | Speeches ”.Net Webseiten lesen lassen - HTML elegant geparst mit dem Html-Agility-Pack” ( “Reading of .Net webpages - elegant HTML parsing with the Html-Agility-Pack” ) by Werner Mager and “VSTO 3.0 - Was gibt es neues in der Office Entwicklung?” ( “VSTO 3.0 - What's new in the Office development ?” by Lars Keller on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-08-04 | - | 2008-08-15 | Course “7. VGB-Studentenkurs 'Einführung in die Kernkraftwerkstechnik'” ( “ÿ7. VGB student course 'Introduction to nuclear power plant technology'” ) by VGB PowerTech e.V. in Essen, Germany. |
- Visit of the plant “Gronau” of Urenco Germany GmbH in Gronau, Germany. | |||
- Visit of the interim storage facility Zwischenlager Ahaus, operated by Gesellschaft für Nucklear-Service (GNS) in Ahaus, Germany. | |||
- Visit of the manufaction of Castor devices at Gesellschaft für Nucklear-Service (GNS) and G. Siempelkamp GmbH & Co. KG at Siemens Technopark Mühlheim in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany. | |||
- Visit of the nuclear power plant Kernkraftwerk Grohnde, operated by E.ON AG, in Grohnde, Germany. | |||
- Visit of the academy Kraftwerksschule E. V. (KWS) in Essen, Germany. | |||
- Visit of the simulation centre Simulatorzentrum of “KSG Kraftwerks-Simulator-Gesellschaft mbH” and “GfS Gesellschaft für Simulatorschulung mbH” in Essen, Germany. | |||
2008-07-17 | Workshop “SolidWorks Workshop” by SolidLine AG in Sottrum, Germany. | ||
2008-07-16 | Seminar “Assessment-Center-Training” by Dr. Christina Hoon, organized by Career Center of University of Applied Sciences and Arts “Fachhochschule Hannover” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-07-15 | Speech “Microsoft SQL Server programmieren - Datenbank plus CLR = 2.5-tier Architektur” ( “Programming of Microsoft SQL Server - database plus CLR = 2.5-tier architecture” ) by Sico Algermissen on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-07-14 | - | 2008-07-15 | Seminar “MY WAY - Zukunftswerkstatt” ( “MY WAY - future workshop” ) by Ulrike Knoch-Ehlers and Daniel Görbing, organized by Career Center of University of Applied Sciences and Arts “Fachhochschule Hannover” in Hannover, Germany. |
2008-07-14 | Event “Projektmanagement im Erlebniszoo Hannover” ( “Project management in the experience zoo Hannover” by Zoo Hannover GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-07-10 | Visit of the nuclear power plant Kernkraftwerks Unterweser, operated by E.ON AG in Stadland, Germany, during a student excursion. | ||
2008-07-09 | Speech “UML und Testen” ( “UML and testing” ) by Stefan Bremer, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-07-08 | Participation in the meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence”, organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover - Hildesheim, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI, hosted by Lenze in Aerzen / Groß Berkel, Germany. | ||
2008-07-03 | Visit of the plant “Hildesheim” of Robert Bosch GmbH during a student excursion organized by Kooperationsstelle Hochschulen und Gewerkschaften Region Hannover - Hildesheim and Zentrale Einrichtung für Weiterbildung der Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-07-02 | Speech “Führung in agilen Projekten - Selbstorganisation und Mentoring in der Praxis” ( “Leadership in agile projects - self-organization and mentoring in practice” ) by Uwe Vigenschow, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-07-01 | Participation in the meeting “pl0gbar Hannover - web 2.0 in kuschelig” by Pl0gbar in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-06-26 | - | 2008-06-27 | Participation in the “Campus Challenge Finale” of the case study competition “Accenture Campus Challenge 2008” by Accenture GmbH in Kronberg, Germany. |
2008-06-23 | Visit of the plant SBZ-Schörling Brock Zweiwegetechnik GmbH, organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Gehrden, Germany. | ||
2008-06-19 | Event “LabVIEW Anwendertreffen” ( LabVIEW user meeting” ) by National Instruments in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-06-17 | Speech “Pac-Man meets Silverlight” by Karim El Jed on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-06-16 | Speech “Antragstellung und Management von EU-Projekten im Energie- und Umweltbereich” ( “Application making and management of EU projects in the field of energy and environment” ) by target GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-06-03 | Event “7 nach 5: Safety Integrated” ( “7 minutes past 5 pm: Safety Integrated” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-29 | Participation in the event “TDWI Roundtable Hannover”, focussing on “Data mining” by TDWI Germany e.V., KXEN, Inc. and Ralf Klinkenberg, Rapid-I GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-28 | Speech “Evolution of MATLAB with Cleve Moler” by Cleve Moler, Mathworks in Göttingen, Germany. | ||
2008-05-27 | ADDITIVE Soft- und Hardware für Technik und Wissenschaft GmbH: “Mathematica 6 Workshop” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-27 | Seminar “Gründung: Marketing für wissens- und technologiebasierte Gründungen” ( “Foundation: Marketing for science and technology based foundations” ) by inno nord GmbH, Viscom AG and Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., organized by uni transfer and Career Service der Uni Hannover in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-26 | Speech “Bedeutung und Erfolgsfaktoren des Produktentstehungsprozesses in der Industrie” ( “Importance and success factors of the product creation process in the industry” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-22 | Visit of the installations of Deutsche Telekom AG and Deutsche Flugsicherung on the mountain Brocken in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, during a student excursion, guided by Prof. Dölecke and Prof. Wehmeier. | ||
2008-05-20 | Regional event “Lauch Event” of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-05-20 | Seminar “Thementag: Fertigungstest von Funksystemen” ( “Focus day: Fabrication test of radio systems” ) by National Instruments in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-19 | Speech “Critical Personal Success Factors Entrepreneurship” by David Samuel in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-15 | Microsoft Student Technology Conference 2008, 2007, 2005 & 2004 “Take the chance to discover .NET” in Berlin, Duisburg, Kassel, Duisburg, Germany. | ||
2007-05-21 | - | 2007-05-22 | |
2005-05-18 | - | 2005-05-19 | |
2004-06-02 | - | 2004-06-03 | |
2008-04-29 | Seminar “Vision Thementag” ( “Vision focus day” ) by National Instruments, Basler Vision Technologies,, Polytec GmbH, CTMV Consulting Team Machine Vision in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-04-28 | Speech “Qualitätsentwicklung in Institutionen des öffentlichen Sektors durch Selbstbewertungen der Organisationsleistung mit dem Common Assessment Framework (CAF)” ( “Development of quality in institutions of the public sector by self-assessment of the organization performance with the Common Assessment Framework (CAF)” by qconsult saatweber, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-04-25 | Workshop “Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) mit Subversion” ( “Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) with Subversion” ) by Polarion Software GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-04-24 | Information and meeting event “Was jeder Gründer vom Arbeitsschutz wissen muss” by Ingenieurbüro Baum and BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-04-22 | Speech “Erfahrungsbericht Teamorganisation” ( “Field report about team organisation” ) by Prof. Greife, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-04-17 | Speech “Die neuen Common Rail Dieselmotoren - Das Grundkonzept zur nachhaltigen CO2-Reduzierung und Erfüllung der zukünftigen Abgasgrenzwerte” by Volkswagen AG and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-04-10 | Speech “Qualitätsmanagement mit VSTS und TFS - auch für Entwickler!” ( “Quality management with VSTS and TFS - also for developers !” ) by Thomas Schissler, artiso AG on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-04-08 | Participation in the meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence”, organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover - Hildesheim, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-04-07 | Speech “Heizen mit Holz - Eine alternative Wärmequelle?” by Stadtwerke Hannover AG and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-05-27 | Seminar “Erfolgreich im Team” ( “How to be sucess in teams” ) by Sabine Joswig, organized by Career Center of University of Applied Sciences and Arts “Fachhochschule Hannover” in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-04-01 | Seminar “TDM Seminar” by National Instruments in Wolfsburg, Germany. | ||
2008-03-18 | Online symposium “itSMF e-Symposium Sponsored by CA - Moving Your ITIL Implementation Forward - What are Your Next Steps?”, organized by itSMF and CA Germany GmbH. | ||
2008-03-17 | Speech “Zero Code DAL” by Kai Gloth on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller Germany. | ||
2008-03-09 | - | 2008-03-12 | Colloquium “Perspektiven in der Kerntechnik 2008” ( “Perspectives in the nuclear industry 2008” ) by Deutsches Atomforum e. V. and INFORUM Verlags- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Informationskreis KernEnergie in Hameln, Germany. Visit of the nuclear power plant Kernkraftwerk Grohnde, operated by E.ON AG, in Grohnde, Germany. |
2008-03-08 | Participation in the workshop “Spielt ihr noch oder lebt ihr schon - Ready for a Second Life” ( ” Are you still playing or already living - Ready for a Second Life” ) by Antares I. Reisky, VirtualArt Consulting GmbH and Sylvia Kegel ( SL: “Dibby Destiny” ), deutscher ingenieurinnen bund e. V. ( dib ) during the D21 congress on the Hannover Fair CEBIT 2008. | ||
2008-03-05 | Participation in the delveloper's meeting of Deutsche Telekom Interactive TV Award in the “T-Home Lounge” on the Hannover Fair CEBIT 2008. | ||
2008-03-04 | - | 2008-04-04 | Participation in the competition Deutsche Telekom Interactive TV Award. |
2008-03-04 | Speech “Zeitgerechte Arbeitswissenschaft” by Prof. Segner, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-03-03 | - | 2008-06-13 | Winner of the “Campus Challenge Federal State Finale 'Lower Saxony'” of the case study competition “Accenture Campus Challenge 2008” by Accenture GmbH in Hannover, Germany. |
2008-02-28 | Participation in the event “TDWI Roundtable Hannover”, focussing on “Data mining” by TDWI Germany e.V., KXEN, Inc.Fachhochschule Braunschweig / Wolfenbüttel, University of Applied Sciences and Ralf Klinkenberg, Rapid-I GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-02-25 | - | 2008-02-28 | RRZN: Course “Einführung in Python”. |
2008-02-21 | Information and meeting event “Die Macht des ersten Eindrucks” by Stephan Böttger, 'Beratung, Training, Schulung, Coaching' and BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-02-20 | - | 2008-02-21 | Conference “Hybridfahrzeuge und Energiemanagement 2008” ( “Hybrid vehicles and energy management 2008” ) by GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2008-02-19 | Seminar “Praxisseminar Messtechnik: Von der Aufgabenstellung zum Messsystem” ( “Seminar on practial instrumentation: From problem to measurement system” ) by National Instruments, A.M.S. Software GmbH and Werum Software & Systems AG in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-02-19 | Speech “OHSAS 18001, Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz (Arbeitsschutz) in Deutschland” ( “OHSAS 18001, job safety and health protection ( safety at work ) in Germany” ) by DQS GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-02-18 | Speech “Eine verteilte Anwendung mit WCF und WF - in Action!” by Christian Weyer on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-02-13 | - | 2008-02-14 | Conference “AAET 2008, 9. Braunschweiger Symposium - Automatisierungs- und Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel” ( “AAET 2008, 8th Braunschweig Conference - Automation, Assistence and Embedded Real Time Platforms for Transportation” ) by GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2008-02-12 | RRZN: Course “Literaturverwaltung - EndNote ( “Literature administration - EndNote” ). | ||
2008-02-12 | Event “7 nach 5: SIMATIC News - Neuheiten und Trends” ( “7 minutes past 5 pm: SIMATIC News - News and trends” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-02-11 | Speech “Den ganzen 'Eisberg' im Blick: Projekterfolge sichern durch 'educated interaction'” by Regina Tuscher, ADIRE, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-02-09 | Participation in the workshops of the event “Hamburger Gründertag” ( “Startup Day Hamburg” ) of Handelskammer Hamburg. | ||
2008-02-06 | Speech ”'Projektmanagement in schulischen Unterrichtsprojekten' - Erfahrungsbericht über Projektmanagement im Rahmen von Schule” ( ”'Project management in classroom projects' - Field report about project management at schools” ) by Arndt Beiderwieden, Wirtschaftsgymnasium der Berufsbildenden Schulen Osterholz-Scharmbeck and GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-02-05 | Speech “Was hat Sprache mit Qualität zu tun?” ( “How does speech deal with quality ?” ) by BRIGITTE BERNHARD solutions and Prüfinstitut HANSECONTROL GmbH, organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) und TÜV Nord in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-02-04 | Speech “Cando Project vs. Microsoft Project 2007. Ein Vergleich” ( “Cando Project vs. Microsoft Project 2007. A comparison” ) by Cando projects GmbH, SOLVIN information management GmbH and GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2008-01-31 | Visit of the plant of MeKo Laser-Materialbearbeitung, during a student excursion, organized by Laserzentrum Hannover ( LZH ) in Sarstedt, Germany. | ||
2008-01-29 | RRZN: Course “Literaturverwaltung - Bibliographix” ( “Literature administration - Bibliographix” ). | ||
2008-01-29 | Speech event “Unternehmer im Gespräch” ( “Interviews of entrepeneurs” ) with Sepp D. Heckmann, Deutsche Messe AG, organized by Institut für Prozessrecht und anwaltsorientierte Ausbildung in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-01-23 | Speech “Vortrag zum Ausschuss Normenpraxis des DIN” ( “Speech about 'Ausschuss Normenpraxis des DIN'” ) by Ausschuss Normenpraxis ( ANP ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-01-22 | Speech “Pragmatischer Wissensmanagementansatz zur Steigerung des intellektuellen Kapitals” by Prof. Dr. Binner, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2008-01-21 | Workhop “Workshop zu Mobile Computing: Einführung” ( “Workshop about mobile computing: Introduction” ) by Torsten Weber during the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2008-01-17 | Event “Service Transition” of the series of events “FHH meets economy” with Ralf Kneuper and Markus Bause, Serview GmbH, organized by Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V.. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany. |