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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2010-12-16 Speech ”'Skysails'- Innovativer Windantrieb für die moderne Schifffahrt” ( ”'Skysails'- Innovative wind drive propulsion system for the modern navy” ) by SkySails GmbH & Co. KG and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-12-15 Workshop “Oracle Developer Day Oracle und Microsoft .NET” ( “Oracle Developer Day Oracle and Microsoft .NET” ) by ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG in Berlin, Germany.
2010-12-13 Speech “Betrieb des Fernwärmenetzes und Planung von Fernwärmeanlagen in Hannover” ( “Operation of the district heating grid and the planning of district heating plant in Hannover” ) by Enercity, Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V. (DKV) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-12-09 Speech “Plus-Energie-Haus” ( “Plus Energy Building” ) by Prof. Dipl.-Ing. M. Sc. Econ. Manfred Hegger, Arbeitskreis Regenerative Energien (ACRE) and Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2010-12-08 Event ”Science Slam Hannover” by IdeenExpo GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2010-12-07 Speech “Neu entwickeltes Kreiskolbensystem der Firma Halttec Group” ( “New development of a rotary piston system by Firma Halttec Group” ) by Halttec Group Ltd., Leibniz Universität Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-12-02 Speech “Der neue Touareg - ein SUV, der in die Zeit passt” ( “The new Touareg - a contemporary SUV” ) by Volkswagen AG and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-12-01 Seminar “Planung eines Groß-Events aus Sicht der Hochfrequenztechnik” ( “Planning of a major event from point of view of high frequency technology” ) by Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG at the event ”IN-Sight 2010” in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-30 Speech “Moderne Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für Anwendungen in Elektro- und Hybridfahrzeugen” ( “Modern Lithium-Ionen batteries for application in electric cars and hybrid cars” ) by Johnson Controls, Leibniz Universität Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-25 Speech “Monitoring SQL Server, Analysis Services und Azure” ( “Monitoring SQL Server, Analysis Services and Azure” ) by Eero Mattila, Quest Software GmbH at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2010-11-25 Event “IuK-Branchenforum - IT-Management: IT-Management bei KMU - Ergebnisse aus 100 IT-Checks” ( “IuK-Branchenforum - IT-Management: IT Management in small and medium enterprises - Results of 100 IT Checks” ) by Hannover IT e.V., Hochschule Osnabrück, imug Beratungsgesellschaft, Ayali Unternehmensberatung and meravis Wohnungsbau- und Immobilien in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-24 Seminar “Oracle-Seminar: Hochverfuegbare Anwendungen mit MySQL” ( “Oracle-Seminar: Highly available applications with MySQL” ) by ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-11-24 Speech “Agiles Testen - Das agile Team im Einsatz” ( “Agile testing - The agile team at work” ) by Uwe Vigenschow, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-11-23 Event “8. IT-Business Club mit AutoVision: Demografischer Wandel - Herausforderung für KMU” ( “8. IT-Business Club at AutoVision: Demographical Change - Challenge for small and medium enterprises” ) by Hannover IT e.V., AutoVision and probicon GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-22 Speech “Gesetze und Vorgaben zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz” ( “Laws and demands for an intensification of energy efficiency” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-22 Event “50 Jahre Erfolg durch Innovation - Jubiläums-Kinoveranstaltung” ( “50 years success by innovation - jubilee cinema event” ) by Grundfos MANAGEMENT A/S in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-17 Event “Durchstarten! So bringe ich meine Idee an den Kunden” ( “Starting! How to communicate an idea to a customer” ) by the chamber of industry and commerce Industrie- und Handelskammer Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-11-16 Event “Supply Chain Design – Theorie und Anwendung” ( “Supply Chain Design – Theory and application” ) by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Begemann, Produktionstechnisches Zentrum Hannover, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-15 Speech “Windows Phone 7 – Das portable Tor zur Welt” ( “Windows Phone 7 – The portable gate to the world” ) by Tom Wendel on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-11-11 , Event ”IT-Meeting” with the topic “Broadband-technologies for tomorrow” of BLANKOM Digital GmbH, GTN Kommunikations- und Sicherungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Technologiezentrum Hildesheim GmbH ( TZH ), Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH, Innovationsnetzwerk Region Hildesheim and Universität Hildesheim, Technologietransferstelle in Hildesheim, Germany.
2010-04-27 ,
2009-10-22 , 2009-06-18
2005-01-19 , 2005-12-14
2010-11-09 Event “Aus der Praxis … für die Praxis” ( “From practice - for the practice” ) by *European Six Sigma Club Deutschland e.V. (ESSC-D) in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-05 Event “Die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise mit Blick auf Marx und Keynes” ( “The crisis of business and finance with view to Marx and Keynes” ), organized by Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-04 Speech “Lichtbasierte Fahrerassistenz - Innovative Lichtsysteme für das Kraftfahrzeug” ( “Light-based driver assistance - Innovative automotive light systems” ) by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Wallaschek, L-LAB and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-11-03 Workshop “Informationsworkshop für Planer und Systemintegratoren” ( “Information workshop for planners and system integrators” ) by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, BELIMO Automation AG, ICONAG-Leittechnik GmbH and ENERTEC Gmbh & Co. KG in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-11-01 Speech “Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung” ( “The future of power supply” ) by Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V. (DKV) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-28 Event “Project Management Office.. in Theorie und Praxis” ( “Project Management Office.. in theory and practice” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V, Leibniz Universität Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-26 Visit of the 3 congresses / fairs The Power of 3 - SNW Europe, Datacenter Technologies, Virtualization World in Frankfurt, Germany - sponsored by Hitachi Data Systems GmbH.
2010-10-25 Event “Dynamische Projekte im Mittelstand erfolgreich umsetzen – mit dem Kunden und für den Kunden” ( “Successful implementation of dynamic projects in medium-sized enterprises - with the customer and for the customer” ) by IMB Institut für Mittelstandsberatung GmbH, Aptive Software Group GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-25 Speech “ISO 9004 überarbeitet: Was macht Unternehmen erfolgreich?” ( “ISO 9004 revised: What makes companies successful?” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-15 Speech “Design Pattern und UML” by IT-P Information Technology-Partner GmbH on the regional event of .NET Usergroup Hannover, guided by indisoftware GmbH, in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-13 - 2010-10-20 Online course “Schnupperkurs Zeitmanagement” ( “Orientation course 'Time management'” ) by oncampus GmbH.
2010-10-12 Visit of the plant of Apostel Griechische Spezialitäten GmbH, organized by VDI in Garbsen, Germany.
2010-10-07 Visit of the fair BIOTECHNICA 2010 and the event jobvector career day in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-07 Visit of the plant of LPKF Laser & Electronics AG in Garbsen and the Robotation Academy in Hannover by participation in the event Lange Nacht der Industrie in Hannover, Germany.
2010-10-06 Speech “Der Projektleiter als Konfliktmanager und Verhandlungsführer - Mit Konflikten in Projekten konstruktiv umgehen” ( “The project manager as conflict manager and chief negotiator - How to deal with conflicts in projects, constructively” ) by Uwe Vigenschow, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-10-05 Workshop “Blue Box Workshop 2010. Kostenloser Workshop über iSystem.connect, Tracing, Profiling und Code Coverage” ( “Blue Box Workshop 2010. Free workshop about iSystem.connect, Tracing, Profiling and Code Coverage” ) by iSYSTEM AG in Lehrte, Germany.
2010-10-04 Speech “Hocheffiziente Pumpentechnik für die Wärme und Kälteverteilung” ( “High-efficient pumps for distribution of heat and coldness” ) by GRUNDFOS GMBH, Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V. (DKV) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-30 Event “Agiles BPM - Feuer und Wasser” ( “Agiles BPM - Fire and water” ) by BPM-Netzwerk Hamburg, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-09-28 Online conference “MATLAB Virtual Conference 2010” by The MathWorks, Inc.
2010-09-27 Speech “Compliance – noch mehr lästige Pflichten oder Wettbewerbschance für Unternehmen?” ( “Compliance – yet another duty or competitive business chance?” ) by Römermann Rechtsanwälte AG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-27 Event “Prozessorientiertes Projektmanagement - Vom Vertrieb in die Produktentwicklung” ( “Process oriented project management - from sales to product development” ) by ContiTech AG – Vibration Control, AKD Unternehmensberatung GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-23 Participation in the event “Gründungsevent PMI Local Group Hannover” ( “Foundation event of the PMI Local Group Hannover” ) in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-21 , 2009-09-30 Seminar ”Abendseminar” ( “After works seminar” ) by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in Bochum, Germany.
2010-09-16 Event “IT.Forum II/2010” by CEMA in Langenhagen, Germany.
2010-09-16 Event “Informationsveranstaltung Amateurfunk-Lehrgang” ( “Informative meeting amateur radio training” ) by DARC e.V. - Ortsverband H13 - Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-15 Visit of the plant of Baker Hughes, organized by VDI in Celle, Germany.
2010-09-12 Visit of the power plant “Kraftwerk Leinhausen” of enercity during the event day 23. Entdeckertag der Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-12 Visit of the repair shop “Eisenbahnausbesserungswerk Leinhausen” of S-Bahn Hannover during the event day 23. Entdeckertag der Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-11 Event “1. IT-Gründertag” ( 1st. Day for Promoters of IT Enterprises” ) by Dr. Appelhagen und Partner in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-09-09 Visit of the site “Wolfsburg” of Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH in Tappenbeck, Germany.
2010-09-09 Event “Regionalforum: Ergebnisse der itSMF-Marktstudie zur CMDB und 'CMDB bei OS'” ( “Regional forum: Results of the itSMF market study about CMDB and 'CMDB at OS'” ) by operational services GmbH & Co. KG and itSMF in Wolfsburg, Germany.
2010-09-07 Hands-on workshop “Windows Embedded Standard 7 Seminar” by Rudi Swiontek, HILF!GmbH and Arrow Central Europe GmbH in Dortmund, Germany.
2010-09-07 Visit of the site of ibk Ingenieurconsult GmbH, organized by VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-06 Speech “Zertifizierung von Gebäuden” ( “Certification of buildings” ) by Hochtief Consult Real Estate Services and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-09-04 Conference ”Energiekonferenz 'Atomkraft abschaffen - Die Zukunft ist erneuerbar!'” ( “Energy Conference 'Phasing out nuclear power - The future is regenerative!'” ) by FRAKTION DIE LINKE.Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
- “Erneuerbare jetzt!” ( “Renewable energies now!” ) by Dr. Hermann Scheer, EUROSOLAR e.V., Europäische Vereinigung für Erneuerbare Energien.
- “Forum IV: 'Erneuerbare Energien und Netze ausbauen'” ( “Forum IV: 'Upgrading renewable energies and energy grids'” ) by Marjana Schott, Peter Ahmels ( Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V. ), Klaus Müschen ( Umweltbundesamt and Ferdiand Dürr ( Campact e.V. - Kampagnen für eine lebendige Demokratie ).
- “Workshop 1: 'Erneuerbare Modellregionen Ost: Harz und Wietow'” ( Workshop 1: 'Model regions for renewable energy in East Germany: Harz and Wietow'” ) by Rolf Voigt ( RegModHarz - Regenerative Modellregion Harz ) and Wolfgang Methling.
- “Workshop 8: 'Bürgerbegehren: Energienetze und Rekommunialisierung'” ( Workshop 8: 'Bürgerbegehren: Energienetze und Rekommunialisierung' ) by BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz e.V..
2010-09-02 , 2009-09-03 Events ”ethernet@industry” in Hannover, Germany.
2008-09-04 , 2007-10-11
2006-09-14 , 2004-09-02
2002-08-21 , 2001-06-27
2010-08-31 Event “7. IT-Business Club bei htp: Mit Sicherheit performante Lösungen - RegioCloud. Anwendungsbeispiele und Geschäfts-Chancen” ( “7. IT-Business Club at htp: Performant, safe and secure solutions - RegioCloud. Application examples and business chances” ) by Hannover IT e.V., htp GmbH, Atego, Christmann Informationstechnik + Medien in Lehrte, Germany.
2010-08-26 Event “Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen und Vertragsverhandlungen in der Praxis” ( “Standard business conditions and contract negociations in practice” ) by Dr. Appelhagen und Partner and the chamber of industry and commerce Industrie- und Handelskammer Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-08-23 Speech “Bedeutung von Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarungen” ( “The importance of quality assurance agreements” ) by ContiTech AG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-08-18 Event “Der neue Stromzähler Smartmeter” ( “The new electricity meter Smartmeter” ) by smartOPTIMO GmbH & Co. KG, GWS Stadtwerke Hameln GmbH and VDI in Hameln, Germany.
2010-08-17 Event “3. Marketingabend 'Den Kunden im Visier'” ( “3rd. Marketing evening: 'The customer as target'” ) by Gründungswerkstatt Hannover und hannoverimpuls GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
- “Den Kunden im Visier” ( “Targeting the customer” ) by Harald Weber, b2bmarketing.
- “PR - Wie Sie mit Ihrem Unternehmen in die Medien kommen” ( “PR - how to become present in media” ) by Harald Jacke, JaMedia Jacke Medienservice.
2010-08-09 Event “Projektmanagement im öffentlichen Bereich - Am Beispiel der Gemeinde Wedemark” ( “Project management in the public sector - considering as example the municipal Wedemark” ) by Gemeinde Wedemark, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-08-05 Evening sales training seminar “Verkaufstraining nls®” by Marc M. Galal in Celle, Germany.
2010-08-03 Visit of the plant of Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt SLV Hannover, organized by VDI in Sarstedt, Germany.
2010-07-28 - 2010-08-01 Participation in the workshops of the seminar ”attac Sommerakademie 2010” in Hamburg, Germany
- “Triebkräfte des Wachstums” ( “Driving forces of growth” ), guided by Eckhard Stratmann-Mertens, Alexis Passadakis, Alfons Ruhoff.
- Harbour tour ”'Von Schatzkisten und Pfeffersäcken' – Hamburgs Handel mit der Dritten Welt” ( ”'About treasure chests and moneybags' – Hamburg's trading with the Third World” ) by Hafengruppe Hamburg.
- ”Wirtschaft aus der Kiste - Eine Anleitung zum selbstorganisierten Lernen von ökonomischen Zusammenhängen” ( “Economy out of the box - An instruction for self organized learning of economic interrelationships” ), guided by Benjamin Wand, Felix Wittmann, Jule Mücke, Steffen Lange.
- “Einführung in den Umgang mit Gruppenkonflikten” ( “Introduction how to deal with conflicts in groups” ), guided by Kurt Haymann.
- “Facebook, Youtube, Twitter und Co - Fluch oder Segen für die Bewegung?” ( “Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Co - Curse or mercy for the movement?” ), guided by Kay Schulze, Nico Wehnemann, Benni Bärmann.
- “Zwischen Verfassungsauftrag und Kommerz: Wie die Medien unsere Meinung manipulieren” ( “Between constitutional mandate and commerce - How media manipulates our opinion” ), guided by Almut Hielscher, Henning Hintze.
- “Pressearbeit für lokale (Attac-)Gruppen” ( “Press work for local ( Attac) groups” ), guided by Frauke Distelrath, attac press relations officer.
2010-07-14 Workshop “SMIL Workshop” by 42media services GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2010-07-13 Speech “Zurück in die Zukunft mit Silverlight 4” ( “Back to the Future with Silverlight 4” ) by Gregor Biswanger, impuls Informationsmanagement GmbH on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-07-01 Hands-on workshop “LTSpice Seminar” by Arrow Central Europe GmbH and Linear Technology in Göttingen, Germany.
2010-06-23 Event “Meet the experts - 'SQL Server Reise' mit Brent Ozar” ( “Meet the experts - 'SQL Server journey' with Brent Ozar” ) by Brent Ozar, Quest Software GmbH and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Berlin, Germany.
2010-06-21 Participation in the event Eclipse DemoCamps Helios 2010/Hanover by Brox IT Solutions GmbH, BREDEX GmbH, Yatta Solutions GmbH and FHDW Hannover - Fachhochschule für die Wirtschaft in Hannover, Germany.
2010-06-18 Event “Starter + Orgaaufbauseminar” ( “Seminar for starters and for organization generation” ) by Ralf Liebig, sales partner of Network World Alliance (NWA), in Seelze, Germany.
2010-06-17 Speech “Einsatz von Strahlpumpen für zuverlässige und effiziente Prozesse” ( “Use of jet pumps for reliable and efficient processes” ) and visit of the plant Körting Hannover AG, organized by VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-06-10 “TI Technology Day” by Texas Instruments Incorporated in Bad Nenndorf, Germany.
2010-06-07 Event “Flexibel Projekte planen trotz bzw. mit SAP?” ( “Flexible project planning in spite of or rather with SAP” ) by Campana & Schott Realisierungsmanagement, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-06-03 Event “Regionalforum: Das ABC der IT” ( “Regional forum: The ABC of IT” ) by Gustave Käller and itSMF in Hannover, Germany.
2010-06-02 Event “Branchenforum IuK 'SaaS / Cloud Computing - Hype oder Realität?'” ( “Industry forum IT and communications 'SaaS / Cloud Computing - hype or reality?'” ) by Hannover IT e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2010-05-27 Participation in the event “TDWI Roundtable Hannover”, focussing on geographic information system, by TDWI Germany e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2010-05-26 Visit of the plant Godshorner Röstkontor, organized by VDI in Langenhagen, Germany.
2010-05-20 Speech “Change Management als kontinuierlicher Prozess” ( “Change Management as continous process” ) by Björn Schneider, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH and Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-05-20 Visit of the plant ThyssenKrupp EGM GmbH, organized by VDI in Langenhagen, Germany.
2010-05-06 Speech “Alles Prozess- oder was? Vorschläge und Konzeption zu prozessbasierten, integrativen Managementsystemen” ( “Everything is a process - or what? proposals and conception for process based, integrative management systems” ) by Volkswagen AG, BOS GmbH & Co KG and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-05-05 Event “Measurement Day” by Agilent Technologies and dataTec GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2010-05-05 Webcast “Innovationsbremse Requirements Engineering (?)” ( “Innovation handicap requirements engineering (?)” ) by Tim Weilkiens, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH.
2010-05-03 Event “Einführung von Projektwissensmanagement” ( “Introduction of project knowledge management” ) by arvato services) and GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-04-29 Event “Prozessorientiertes Projektmanagement” ( “Process orientied project management” ) by Prof. Binner, Prof. Binner, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-04-27 , Event ”IT-Meeting” with the topic “Smart Home” of Issendorf KG, Zacharias Unternehmensgruppe Hameln, Medien Werft - Agentur für digitale Medien und Kommunikation mbH, Technologiezentrum Hildesheim GmbH ( TZH ), Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH , Innovationsnetzwerk Region Hildesheim and Universität Hildesheim, Technologietransferstelle in Hildesheim, Germany.
2010-04-26 Speech “QFD - Praktische Anwendung am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie” ( “QFD - Pratical application, considering as example the automotive industry” ) by Volkswagen AG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-04-21 Speech “Steht alles im Wiki? Softwarearchitekturen angemessen dokumentieren” ( “Is everything documented in the Wiki? Adequate documentation of software architectures” ) by Axel Scheithauer and Stefan Zörner, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-04-20 Event “Zertifizierung zum CBPP (Certified Business Process Professional) der EABPM” ( “Certification for CBPP (Certified Business Process Professional) of EABPM” ) by velocedge GmbH, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-04-19 Participation in the meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence”, organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI, hosted by TÜV NORD in Hannover, Germany.
2010-04-15 Event “Regionalforum: Erfolgsfaktoren der ITSM Einführung” ( “Regional forum: Success factors of an implementation of ITSM” ) by Klinikum Region Hannover GmbH, Values.Goals.Motives. Gesellschaft für Leistungsentfaltung, ITSM Consulting AG und itSMF in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-31 Speech “Klimawandel 2.0 – Wertschätzung beim Erheben von Anforderungen” ( “Climate change 2.0 - appraisals during the collection of requirements”) by Christel Sohnemann, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2010-03-30 Speech “Klimatechnik im Schiffbau” ( “Air-conditioning in the shipbuilding industry” ) by Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-23 Speech “Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen in der Logistik mit Hilfe der neuesten Informations- und Identtechniken” ( “Optimization of logistics business processes by the latest information technologies and identity technologies” ) by Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Bode, LOGIS.NET and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-18 Speech “Buchhaltung für Einsteiger” ( “Accounting for beginners” ) by Bernd Neumann, IT&Orga during the event “Gründerforum”, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany.
2010-03-16 Speech “Simulation der Strömungsvorgänge in Biogasfermentern” ( “Simulation of flow phenomena in biogas fermenters” ) by Forschungszentrum AUBIOS, Fachhochchule Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-15 Workshop “Systemische Projektsupervision mit lösungsfokussierten Methoden” ( “Systematical project supervision with solution-focused methods” ) by Dr. Jan Krueger and Bernd Schuster, MSK-Gesellschaft für Automatisierung mbH as well as GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-11 Event “50 Jahre Laser - und was kommt jetzt?” ( “50 years Laser - what's next ?” ) by Albert-Einstein-Institut, Hannover and QUEST:Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research as part of the series of symposiums “Frühjahrstagungen” of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft ( DPG ) in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-10 Speech “Schwerkraftwellen - Sphärenmusik tatsächlich hören” ( “Gravitational waves - listening to sphere music” ) by Prof. Dr. Bernard Schutz, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Golm as part of the series of symposiums “Frühjahrstagungen” of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft ( DPG ) in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-06 Event WikiCamp on the CeBIT Fair in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-06 Workshop “Zielgruppengerechter Dialog mit Schülern” ( “Target group appropriate dialogue with pupils” ) of the campaign ”Erlebe IT” of BITKOM e.V. at the event “erlebe it” - 2. Workshop für IT-Scouts” ( “erlebe it” - 2nd. workshop for IT scouts” ) on the CeBIT Fair in Hannover, Germany.
2010-03-02 Speech “Reporting Services 2008 R2” by Steffen Krause at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2010-02-24 Visit of the plant “Sarstedt” of Herbert Kannegiesser GmbH, organized by VDI in Sarstedt, Germany.
2010-02-22 Event “Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement in interkulturellen Teams” ( “Successful project management in intercultural teams” ) by Unternehmens- und Managementberatungsbüro Astrid Kühne, Lars Baumann, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.

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