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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2012-12-28 Participation in the meeting “Monthly Meeting Stammtisch” ( “Monthly Meeting round-table” ) by Couchsurfing International, Hannover, Germany.
2012-10-07 - 2012-12-21 I passed successfully the online course An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python of Rice University on the e-learning platform Coursera with the final grade “90.97 / 100.00”.
2012-12-14 Speech “Tool Time – Nützliches für die SSIS Toolbox” ( “Tool Time – Utilities for the SSIS Toolbox” ) by oh22data AG, at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2012-12-13 Participation in the virtual online conference PSoC WORLD - The most comprehensive virtual conference for embedded designers by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
2012-12-12 Event “TI Technology Day” by Texas Instruments Incorporated in Bochum, Germany.
2012-12-08 Event ”Global Day of Coderetreat in Bielefeld” by Softwarekammer MOB - Software Craftmanship Communities in Münster, Osnabrück & Bielefeld and klose brothers GmbH in Bielefeld, Germany.
2012-11-29 Speech “Micro ORM am Beispiel von Petapoco. Es muss nicht immer Entity-Framework sein...” ( “Micro ORM, taking Petapoco as example. It can't always be Entity framework sein...” ) by Kai Radewald on the regional event of .NET Usergroup Hannover, guided by indisoftware GmbH, in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-28 Event “nordmedia Business-Frühstück: 'Brötchen und Spiele'” ( “nordmedia business breakfast: 'Bread roll and Games'” ) by nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-28 Visit of the plant of CeH4 technologies GmbH in Celle, Germany by participation in the event Nacht der Unternehmen in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-27 , Conference ”Convention Camp” in Hannnover, Germany.
2011-11-08 , 2010-11-10
2009-11-26 , 2008-10-02
2012-11-26 Speech “Informationssicherheitsmanagement nach DIN ISO / IEC 27001 (Mehr) Aufwand für Qualitäts- und Umweltmanager, Führungskräfte und Geschäftsleitung?” ( “Information security management according to DIN ISO / IEC 27001 (More) effort for quality and environmental managers, executives and the executive board?” ) by Ksi Consult Ltd. & Co KG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-24 - 2012-11-25 Participation in the BarCamp BarCamp Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-11-21 Event “Embedded Day” by Agilent Technologies and dataTec GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-21 , 2012-08-15 Participation in the regional meeting of Access-Stammtisch Hannover in Isernhagen, Germany.
2012-11-20 Event “Teambildung - mit Methode zum leistungsfähigen Team” ( “Team building - with method to a powerful team” ) by Andreas Epping and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-18 Event “Science Slam an der Hochschule Hannover” ( “Science Slam at Hochschule Hannover” ) by Fachhochschule Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-15 Event World Usability Day Hannover by - qualitylabs Bartel & Quint and Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-14 Speech “Java without Jitter Achieving” by Azul Systems, Inc. on the event “2. Java-Stammtisch Hannover” ( “2nd. Java regulars' table Hannover” ) with Azul Systems, Inc. and Capgemini CS GmbH, organized by Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-11-01 Event “Ressourcenmanagement: Schlüssel zum Projekterfolg – Tools und Skills –” ( “Resource management: key for project success – Tools and skills -” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V, Leibniz Universität Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-10-18 Speech “Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch' ich Gewalt - Testen von Datenbank-Code” ( “If you are not willing, I will use force - Testing of database code” ) by Jens Schauder at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen at T-Systems on site services GmbH in Wolfsburg, Germany.
2012-10-17 Event “1. Java-Stammtisch Hannover” ( “1st. Java regulars' table Hannover” ), organized by Wolfgang Weigend, ORACLE Deutschland, Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-10-13 Event “SoCraMOB Open Space 2012.4” by Softwarekammer MOB - Software Craftmanship Communities in Münster, Osnabrück & Bielefeld and OVSoftware GmbH in Münster, Germany.
2012-10-09 Participation in the online event “Social-Media-Day” by DocGoy / Twitt´Erfolg.
2012-10-08 Event “Transformatives Lernen im Projektmanagement im Spannungsfeld von Handlung und Haltung” ( “Transformative learning in project managment between the (conflicting) priorities of activity and attitude” ) by I.Q Institut für Qualität im Management GbR, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-10-05 Participation in the event “Windows 8 Codefest” by Tom Wendel, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH and .NET Developers Group Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-09-28 - 2012-09-29 Participation in the BarCamp TechnologyCamp 2012 by Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen Strategie und Ansiedlung GmbH and Innovatives Niedersachsen GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-09-24 Speech “TRIZ - Erfinden im Vorübergehen?” ( “TRIZ - Inventing when passing by?” ) by Michael Schlüter, Michael Schlüter System- und Produktoptimierung ( MS-SPO ) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) as well as VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-09-22 Hands-on workshop “Code Retreat” by Java User Group Ostfalen at T-Systems on site services GmbH in Wolfsburg, Germany.
2012-09-17 - 2012-09-18 Seminar “Technische Dokumentation 'kompakt' - Schnelle Orientierung für Quer- und Neueinsteiger” ( “Technical documentation 'compakt' - Quick orientation for career changers and newbies” ) by VDI-Fortbildungszentrum Stuttgart and VDI in Stuttgart, Germany.
2012-09-13 Event “Regionalforum: ITSM Toolauswahl” ( “Regional forum: ITSM tool selection” ) by TUI InfoTec GmbH and itSMF in Hannover, Germany.
2012-09-12 Visit of the fair Wirtschaftsmesse Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-09-10 Event “Projektmanagement by HorsePower Hannover” ( “Project management by HorsePower Hannover” ) by HorsePower Hannover e.V., GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-09-08 , Conferences ICE:2012, ICE:2011, ICE:2010, ICE:2009, ICE:2006 ( Intelligent Communities for Europe ) in Lingen ( Ems ), Germany.
2011-08-20 , 2010-08-14
2009-08-22 , 2006-07-27
2012-09-07 Event “Einweihungsfeier des neuen Unternehmensgebäudes” ( “House-warming party in the new company building” ) by sycat IMS GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-08-06 Speech “Die neuen BI Features in Office 2013” ( “The new BI features in Office 2013” ) by Markus Thomanek, at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2012-08-24 Online webinar “Regionalmeeting ONLINE: 'Prozess - Management' schnell → einfach → erfolgreich” ( “Regionalmeeting ONLINE: 'Process - Management' quick → simple → sucessful” ) of Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V. Region Karlsruhe, VDI Arbeitskreis Produktionstechnik ADB and Michaelsberger Impulse.
2012-08-09 Event “PLAYSYS Beta Releaseparty” von Playsys - Zeig es ihnen in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-07-26 Speech “Secrets of a .NET Ninja” by Chris Eargle on the regional event of .NET Usergroup Hannover, guided by indisoftware GmbH, in Hannover, Germany.
2012-07-17 Event “Gewaltfreie Kommunikation in Projekten” ( “Non-violent communications in projects” ) by Andreas Epping and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-07-16 Speech “Geometrische Produktspezifikationen und -verifizierung” ( “Geometric product specification and verification” ) by GPS Messtechnik, Konstruktion und Unternehmensberatung Hildegard Pauler-Beckermann, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-07-12 Speech “Big Data” by Ralph Kemperdick, at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2012-07-10 Speech “Software-gestütztes Qualitätsmanagement im Bereich der Pflege-Dienstleistungen mit dem MITO-Methoden-Tool” ( “Software aided quality management in the care service industry with the MITO methods tool” ) by arvato Systems, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-07-04 Speech “UI/UX-Grundlagen für Entwickler” ( “UI/UX basics for developers” ) by Roland Weigelt on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-06-27 - 2012-06-28 Participation in the hands-on workshops of the event “Global Manufacturing Intelligence In Action ( Automation University Special )” by Rockwell Automation, Inc. in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-25 Speech “Poka Yoke” by TQU International GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-22 Event ”Web Summit European Tech Crawl” of the series of events of Dublin Web Summit, also named “Hamburg Tech Pub Summit” by Hamburg JavaScript Meetup / User Group in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-06-21 Event “Smart Grid – Fernwirktechnik für intelligente Netze” ( “Smart Grid – Telecontrol engineering for intelligent grids” ) by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, SSV Software Systems GmbH and E.ON Westfalen Weser Energie-Service GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-21 Speech “Automatische Analyse und Umstrukturierung von Java Anwendungen mit JaMoPP” ( “Automatic Analysis and reorganisation of Java applications with JaMoPP” ) by Jendrik Johannes, DevBoost at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen at Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-06-20 Veranstaltung “Wassertag 2012 – Innovative Technik für die Wasserwirtschaft. Kommunale und industrielle Wasserversorgung und Wasserentsorgung” ( “Water Day 2012 – Innovative technology for the water supply sector. Municipal and industrial water supply and water disposal” ) by Siemens AG in Bielefeld, Germany.
2012-06-19 Event “Training für Windows 8 Entwicklung mit .NET” ( “Training for Windows 8 development with .NET” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Bielefeld, Germany.
2012-06-14 Meeting “Meet & Greet - Kaffee und Eis für alle...!” ( “Meet & Greet - Coffee and ice for everybody...! ” ), an event of the branded “XING Meet & Greet” series of events, organized by Peter Dombrowski ( IMM Lounge UG haftungsbeschränkt, Zasumi ) in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-13 Conference “Pan-European Cortex MCU Summit. The Ultimate Overview about Cortex Mx Technologies & Suppliers” by EBV Elektronik GmbH & Co KG, Atmel Corporation, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Fujitsu, Infineon Technologies AG, NXP Semiconductors, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments and Toshiba Electronic Components, Inc. in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-12 Hands-on workshop “Atmel Technology on Tour 2012. Accelerated Development with Atmel SAM4 Cortex-M4 Processor-Based Flash Microcontrollers, Atmel Studio 6 and Atmel Software Framework” by Atmel Corporation in München, Germany.
2012-06-11 Event “Training für Windows 8 Entwicklung mit HTML5 & JavaScript” ( “Training for Windows 8 development with HTML5 & JavaScript” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-11 Event “Projektmanagement in Gesundheitsbetrieben - eine (Un)Möglichkeit?” ( “Project management in the health business - an (im)possibility?” ) by Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-07 Event “Windows 8 Metro UI & UX Training” by Sascha Wolter and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-06-07 Event “Regionalforum: Social Collaboration” ( “Regional forum: Social Collaboration” ) by GIS Gesellschaft für InformationsSysteme AG, Robinson Club GmbH and itSMF in Hannover, Germany.
2012-06-06 Seminar “Analog Dialogue – Discovery through Discussion Seminar Series: High Speed Solutions” by Analog Devices in Lehrte, Germany.
2012-06-06 Meeting “TAlk'n'b13R @ F9” by F9: Gesellschaft für digitale Kommunikation und Unternehmensentwicklung UG in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-31 Speech “Bewertung von Softwarearchitekturen” ( “Evaluation of software architectures” ) by Mahbouba Gharbi, Ralf Parr, Stefan Tilkov and AutoUni Volkswagen AG MobileLifeCampus at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen at AutoUni Volkswagen AG MobileLifeCampus in Wolfsburg, Germany.
2012-05-30 Speech “Requirements Engineering, das war gestern. Jetzt haben wir eine Business Process Engine!?” ( “Requirements Engineering, this is the past. Now we have a Business Process Engine!?” ) by oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-05-24 Regional meeting of Twitter "DrinkJS" in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-21 Speech “Hygieneanforderungen an Trinkwasser-Installationen in Gebäuden” ( “Hygiene requirements for drinking water installations in buildings” ) by Rainer Kryschi, KRYSCHI Wasserhygiene and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-16 Seminar “Engineering auf der Überholspur, nur mit SIMATIC PCS7 und COMOS. Projektierungstipps innerhalb von SIMATIC PCS 7” ( “Engineering on the fast lane, just with SIMATIC PCS7 and COMOS. Tips for project planning within SIMATIC PCS 7” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-15 Hands-on workshop “FREESCALE I.MX -Prozessorfamilie und ARM-DS-5-Entwicklungstools” ( “FREESCALE I.MX processor family and ARM-DS-5 development tools” ) by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. and Arrow Central Europe GmbH in Göttingen, Germany.
2012-05-10 Symposium “Smart Mobility”, an event in the series of events of India Days Hannover by Projektzentrum Hannover IT GmbH and German-Indian Business Center Hannover (GIBC) and in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-10 Speech “CouchDB – Eine Einführung” ( “CouchDB - An introduction” ) by Andy Wenk at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen at ckc group in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-05-08 Event “Indo German Science Slam”, an event in the series of events of India Days Hannover by Projektzentrum Hannover IT GmbH and German-Indian Business Center Hannover (GIBC) and in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-07 Event “Projektmanagement bei der Windwärts Energie GmbH. Einführung eines strukturierten Projektmanagements” ( “Project management at Windwärts Energie GmbH. Introduction of structured project management” ) by Windwärts Energie GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-05-04 Speech “SQL Server 2012 Beyond Relational - Volltextsuche, semantische Suche und Neuerungen bei geographischen Datentypen” ( “SQL Server 2012 Beyond Relational - Full text search, semantic search and news with geographic datatypes” ) by Steffen Krause, at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2012-05-03 Hands-on workshop “TOSHIBA M374-Workshop” by GLYN GmbH & Co. KG and Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH in Unterhaching, Germany.
2012-04-26 Regional meeting of Hannover JS - Hannover's monthly JavaScript Meetup bei Coworking Space "--Edelstall" in Hannover, Germany.
2012-04-25 Workshop “TTT Workshop - Sicherheits-, Funktions- und Endtest von elektrischen und elektronischen Baugruppen” ( “TTT Workshop - Safety test, function test and final test of electric and electronic components” ) by LXinstruments GmbH, Associated Research, Inc., Associated Power Technologies, Inc., Virginia Panel and ATX Hardware GmbH in Hildesheim, Germany.
2012-04-23 Speech “Das LCN-Bussystem” ( “The LCN bus system” ) by ISSENDORFF Mikroelektronik GmbH and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-04-21 - 2012-04-22 Hands-on workshop “2. Arduino Workshop” von Attraktor e.V. Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-04-20 Hands-on Workshop “IBM Rational Rhapsody Workshop” by IBM Deutschland GmbH in München, Germany.
2012-04-19 Event “LabVIEW-Anwendertreffen” ( “Labview users meeting” ) by National Instruments in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-04-17 Seminar “Funktionale Sicherheit in der Praxis. Industrial – Automotive – Medical/Healthcare – Avionik” ( “Functional safety in practice. Industrial – Automotive – Medical/Healthcare – Avionik” ) by NewTec GmbH and EBV Elektronik GmbH & Co KG in Kamen, Germany.
2012-04-05 Seminar “Tipps & Tricks für SIMATIC PCS 7” ( “Tips & tricks for SIMATIC PCS 7” ) by Siemens AG and DEHN + SÖHNE GmbH + Co. KG. in Hannover, Germany.
2012-03-28 Online conference “MATLAB Virtual Conference 2012” by The MathWorks, Inc.
2012-03-27 Workshop “Workshop für die Optimierung von Produktion und Instandhaltung” ( “Workshop about the optimisation of production and maintaince” ) by ifm consulting gmbh and Softing Industrial Networks GmbH in Garbsen, Germany.
2012-03-21 - 2012-03-22 Hands-on workshops “Workshop SIMATIC WinCC V11: Vom Basic Panel bis zur Prozessvisualisierung (Workshop 1)” ( “Workshop SIMATIC WinCC V11: From Basic Panel to the process visualisation (Workshop 1)” ) and “Workshop SIMATIC WinCC V11: Vom Basic Panel bis zur Prozessvisualisierung (Workshop 2)” ( “Workshop SIMATIC WinCC V11: From Basic Panel to the process visualisation (Workshop 2)” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2012-03-19 Event “Verwaltung trifft auf Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement trifft auf Verwaltung. Ein Erfahrungsbericht der Oberfinanzdirektion Niedersachsen (OFD)” ( “Administration meets project management. A field report of the regional tax office for Lower Saxony (OFD)” ) by Oberfinanzdirektion Niedersachsen, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-03-13 - 2012-03-16 Conference ”MoodleMoot” in Münster, Germany.
2012-03-10 Participation in the workshops “IT Camps auf der CeBIT 2012” ( “IT Camps on the CeBIT 2012” ) by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on the fair CeBIT in Hannover, Germany.
2012-03-09 Participation in the workshop ”BIRT@CeBIT” of Actuate Corporation on the fair CeBIT in Hannover, Germany.
2012-03-09 - 2012-03-10 Participation in the BarCamp Privacy Barcamp on the fair CeBIT in Hannover, Germany.
2012-03-08 Event “Measurement Day” by Agilent Technologies and dataTec GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-03-03 Participation in the BarCamp BSocialCamp in Braunschweig, Germany.
2012-02-28 Event “Siemens Industrietage 2012” ( “Siemens Industry Days 2012” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-27 Speech “Wertorientierte Audits” ( “Value oriented audits” ) by Dolch Consulting, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-24 Visit of the fairs Arbeitswelt 21 - Die Messe für Unternehmer, Personalverantwortliche und Weiterbildungsinteressierte aus KMU and Beruf & Bildung 2012 - Aus- und Weiterbildungsmarkt in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-23 Seminar “Effizientes Prozessmanagement. Mit SIMATIC PCS 7 – dem innovative Distributed Control System” ( “Efficient process management. With SIMATIC PCS 7 – the innovative distributed control system” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-23 Event “Regionalforum: Notfall-Management auf dem Prüfstand & Das Sicherheits-Rechenzentrum” ( “Regional forum: Emergency Management on the test bed & The safe and secure data center” ) by GRASS-MERKUR GmbH & Co. KG, Inge Mess - iM Software GmbH and itSMF in Hannover, Germany. Visit of the datacenter of GRASS-MERKUR GmbH & Co. KG in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-21 Seminar “Vom Sensor zum Prüfbericht” ( “From sensor to test report” ) by National Instruments in Minden, Germany.
2012-02-16 - 2012-02-17 Visit of the fair didactica - Die Bildungsmesse and of the special event day “MNU-Tag” by MNU - Deutscher Verein zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-16 Event ”Science Slam Hannover” by IdeenExpo GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2012-02-13 Regional meeting of MobileMonday Germany on the conference Mobile Developer Conference (MDC) and the foundation meeting “Gründungsmeeting” by Meetup "Hamburg Titanium" and Appcelerator, Inc. in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-02-09 Hands-on workshop “Kinetis Tech Day” / “Tech Day: Freescale und IAR Systems” ( “Kinetis Tech Day” / “Tech Day: Freescale and IAR Systems” ) by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., IAR System and Arrow Central Europe GmbH in Göttingen, Germany.
2012-02-08 Event “Stadt und soziale Ungleichheit” ( “The city and social unequality” ) by Prof. Dr. Walter Siebel and Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2012-01-28 Workshop ”Mojolicious workshop (Perl webframework)” by Marcos Rebelo, Perlmongers Hamburg and Attraktor e.V. in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-01-26 Participation in the event “TDWI Roundtable Hannover”, with the topic “Analyse von RFID-Daten” ( “Analysis of RFID data” ) by TDWI Germany e.V. and Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover, Germany.
2012-01-25 Speech “Einsatz von Git im Unternehmen” ( “Use of Git in companies” ) by René Preißel, Björn Stachmann and oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2012-01-24 Participation in the conference and business fair OOP 2012 - Software meets Business at the Special-Day of GEBIT Solutions GmbH in München, Germany.
2012-01-23 Speech “Die Idee der Balanced Scorecard zur Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen angewendet” ( “The idea of the Balanced Scorecard used for optimisation of business processes” ) by ContiTech AG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-01-19 Speech of Dr. Gunter Dunkel (NORD/LB) at the event Karriere - Köpfe - Konzerne of Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2012-01-12 Speech “Das Fracking Verfahren: Anwendungen in Deutschland zur besseren Förderung von Gas und Steigerung der Reserven” ( “The Fracking process: Applications in Deutschland for improved production of gas and an increase of reserves” ) by RWE Dea, Leibniz Universität Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2012-01-10 Speech “Ab Morgen läuft es - ein praktische Methode zur intern getragenen Gestaltung Ihrer Arbeitsorganisation” ( “It will run from tomorrow on - a practical method for internally supported design of your work organisation” ) by Die ProzessManufaktur GmbH, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.

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