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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2016-12-19 Participation in the meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence” about the topic “Grundrichtungen modernen Managements und ihre Synthese im EFQM- und DQS-Modell” ( “Basic concepts of modern management and its synthesis in the EFQM and DQS model” ), organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-12-15 Event “Weihnachtliches Hardwerken” ( “Chrismas craft” ) by Meetup "OK Lab Hannover" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-12-14 Speech “Was Sie schon immer über Code Reviews wissen wollten, ...” ( “What you wanted to know about code reviews, ...” ) by Tobias Baum at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-12-01 Event “Brain Patterns in der Softwareentwicklung” ( “Brain patterns in der Softwareentwicklung” ) by Learnical GbR, Julia Dellnitz & Lars Büsing at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen in Braunschweig, Germany.
2016-11-29 Event “LoRa Workshop” by Avnet Memec Silica, SILICA in Dortmund, Germany.
2016-11-25 , 2015-11-27 Event “acocon Kinoforum” ( “acocon cinema forum” ) by acocon-group ( acocon GmbH, goldsteps consulting GmbH & Co. KG, bluecue consulting GmbH & Co. KG , greenique, ein Geschäftsbereich der acocon GmbH ) in Bielefeld, Germany.
2016-11-19 BarCamp Modeling Craftsmanship Camp in Hannover, Germany.
2016-11-18 Event “Modeling Craftsmanship Camp - Warm-Up und Teaser” as a pre-evening meeting for the BarCamp Modeling Craftsmanship Camp in Hannover, Germany.
2016-11-17 Event with the focus topic “Vielfalt” ( “Diversity” ) as part of the series of events “Werkstatt attraktive Arbeitgeber” ( “Workshop attractive entrepreneurs” ) by Klemens Keindl, Agnes Wörner and Region Hannover in Hannover, Deutschland.
2016-11-17 Regional event about “IT Service Management im Produktions-Umfeld – Anders als Andere” ( “IT service management in the production environment – Other than others” ) by itSMF in Hannover, Germany.
2016-11-17 Event “nordmedia Business-Frühstück: ' Filmversicherung'” ( “nordmedia Business breakfast: 'Movie insurance'” ) by DFG Deutsche Filmversicherungs Gemeinschaft and nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-19 Event “Agilität spielerisch erleben” ( “Experience agility by games” ) by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2016-11-10 Speech “Technische Schulden erkennen, beherrschen und reduzieren” ( “Identifying, mastering and reducing technical depbt” ) by Carola Lilienthal at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-11-05 - 2016-11-06 Seminar “No Limits! Wie Sie in 48 Stunden mehr erreichen, als in den vergangenen 3 Jahren” ( “No Limits! How to achieve in 48 hours more than in the last 3 years” ) by Marc M. Galal and Jochen Schweizer in Wetzlar, Germany.
2016-11-03 Event ”Unternehmen 4.0 - Klassiker trifft Newcomer #2” ( “Enterprise 4.0 - Classic meets newcomer #2” ) by Unternehmerverbände Niedersachsen e.V. ( UVN )in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-27 Hands-on workshop “STM32 development ecosystem hands-on workshop” / “Improve your software efficiency with the STM32 development ecosystem” by STMicroelectronics GMBH in Dortmund, Germany.
2016-10-27 Speech “Einführen von Scrum - Beispiel aus der Praxis” ( “Introduction of Scrum - Example from practice” ) by Joachim Schenk at the meeting Meetup "Eurostaff Connect(s) - Hannover Developer Group", organized by Eurostaff Group GmbH and Netz-Weise in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-25 Event “Industrie Workshop - SCADA Expert Days. Tag 2: WinCC V14 RT Professional” ( “Industry Workshop - SCADA Expert Days. Day 2: WinCC V14 RT Professional” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-24 Seminar “Innovation Circle” with hands-on workshop “Yocto im professionellen Einsatz” ( “Professional use of Yocto” ) by Avnet Memec Silica, SILICA, Smart Factory OWL Initiative des Fraunhofer IOSB and Hochschulree OWL in Lemgo, Germany.
2016-10-24 Speech “Wissen bei der Umsetzung der ISO 9001:2015” ( “Knowledge with the implementation of ISO 9001:2015” ) by k+k information services GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-20 Event “Agilität in Deutschland - Geht das überhaupt?” ( “Agility in Germany - How shall this work?” ) by Dierk Söllner and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-19 Event “Video: Selbstorganisation braucht Führung” ( “Video: Self-organisation by leadership” ) by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-18 Event “Wissen kompakt 'Tipps & Tricks - Know How und Tools für die Automatisierungs- und Antriebstechnik'” ( “Compact knowledge 'Know how and tools for the automation and drives technology'” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-17 Event “Einführung Projektmanagement in der Business Unit Industrial Communication and Power Networks bei der HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG, Espelkamp” ( “Introduction of project management in the Business Unit Industrial Communication and Power Networks at the HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG, Espelkamp” ) by HARTING Technologiegruppe, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-14 - 2016-10-15 Event ”GDG DevFest Hamburg 2016” in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-10-13 , 2015-12-10 Event “ - Ignite Talks / Hannover” by Meetup " - 12 Minuten, und keine Sekunde länger" and neuwaerts GmbH at Transformationswerk in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-12 Speech “IntelliJ IDEA Trickkiste - Ein Entwickler packt aus” ( “IntelliJ IDEA bag of tricks - A developer reports” ) by Yann Cébron at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-10-06 - 2016-10-07 Seminar “Agil arbeiten. In der IT und anderswo” ( “Working agile. In the IT and elsewhere” ) by Learnical GbR, Julia Dellnitz & Lars Büsing bei the offlabin Hamburg, Deutschland.
2016-10-06 Event “ - der Startup Slam #5” by Meetup " - 12 Minuten, und keine Sekunde länger. Deine After-Work-Bildungs­dosis in HAMBURG" in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-10-05 Event “Wassertag 2016” ( “Water day 2016” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-30 - 2016-10-02 Hackathon Hack Institute "POST /bank hackathon //2016" by Deutsche Postbank AG and Hack Institute in Berlin, Germany.
2016-09-29 Event “Indu-Sol Stammtisch” ( “Indu-Sol round table” ) with the topics “PROFINET - Kommunikation der Zukunft” ( “PROFINET - Communication of the future” ) and “EMV - Potentialausgleich ist nicht nur Schutzpotential” ( “EMC - Potential equalization isn't just protection potential” ) by Indu-Sol GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany.
2016-09-29 Event “MES specials” by gbo datacomp GmbH in Paderborn, Germany.
2016-09-28 Event with the focus topic “Unternehmenskultur” ( “Enterprise culture” ) as part of the series of events “Werkstatt attraktive Arbeitgeber” ( “Workshop attractive entrepreneurs” ) by Klemens Keindl, Agnes Wörner and Region Hannover in Hannover, Deutschland.
2016-09-27 Speech “PROFIsafe Anwender-Workshop” ( “PROFIsafe user workshop” ) by PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) in Bad Pyrmont, Germany.
2016-09-26 Speech “ISO 14001:2015 - die Revision der Umweltmanagementnorm” ( “ISO 14001:2015 - the revision of the environmental management standard” ) by DQS GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-23 - 2016-09-25 Hackathon What The Data!? by Cybus GmbH, dezera GmbH, HAW Hamburg at Technologiezentrum Energie-Campus Hamburg in Hamburg-Bergedorf, Germany.
2016-09-22 - 2016-09-23 Conference ”NEXT16 – die Digital-Konferenz auf der Reeperbahn” ( “NEXT16 – the Digital Conference at the Reeperbahn” ), organized by SinnerSchrader Aktiengesellschaft in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-09-19 - 2016-09-21 Konferenz ”MASTERs 2016 - The premier technical training conference for embedded control engineers" - European Masters Berlin” by Microchip Technology Inc. in Berlin, Deutschland.
2016-09-17 - 2016-09-18 Conference PHP Unconference Hamburg by BOOT - Best of Open Technologies e.V. and Universität Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-09-15 Regional event about “Devops” with the speech ”'Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen' oder was?” ( ”'Old wine in new bottles' or what?” ) by “ck-consult Clemens Kemna”, the speech “Ein Rundflug über das Thema DevOps und die Antwort auf die Frage 'Bin ich reif für DevOps' der Digitalen Transformation” ( “An overview about the topic DevOps and answer to the question 'Am I ready for DevOps' of the digital transformation” ) by Olaf Garves, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions: Corporate Site and the speech “Agile Projekte und DevOps – Chancen und Challenge” ( “Agile projects and DevOps – Chances and challenge” ) by Roger Albrecht, OrgSource – Coaching für IT-Management, -Beratung und –Vertrieb, organized by itSMF in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-14 Seminar “Kompakt Forum: Robotik und Handhabungslösungen” ( “Forum Compact: Robotics and solutions for industrial handling” ) by Mitsubishi Electric Europe B. V. Niederlassung Deutschland in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-09-13 Event “Damit Know-how nicht verloren geht: Moderierter Wissenstransfer als erprobtes Instrument” ( “For keeping know-how: Moderated knowledge transfer as well-proven instrument” ) as part of the series of events “Austauschforum Wissensmanagement – Damit Know-how bleibt!” ( “Exchange forum knowledge management – So that know-how is kept up to date!” ) by Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V., the discussion group “Business Excellence” organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover as well as Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-12 Event “Chancen und Herausforderungen im klassischen und agilen Projektportfolio und Ressourcenmanagement” ( “Chances and challenges of the classical and agile project portefolio and resource management” ) by Carlo de Rooij, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-12 Event ”” by Meetup "TEDxMaschsee" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-09 - 2016-09-11 Conference Python Unconference Hamburg by BOOT - Best of Open Technologies e.V. and Universität Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
2015-09-04 - 2015-09-06
2014-11-29 - 2014-11-30
2016-09-08 Speech “Die Quadratur des Kreises? Wie NoSQL und der SQL Server zueinander finden” ( “Squaring the circle? How NoSQL and the SQL Server fit together” ) by Benjamin Kettner at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2016-09-03 - 2016-09-04 Seminar “nls Frei von Verkaufsblockaden” ( “nls Free of sales blockades” ) by Marc M. Galal in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-02 Event “Come2Together” on the eve of the seminar “nls Frei von Verkaufsblockaden” by Marc M. Galal in Hannover, Germany.
2016-09-01 Event “User Group Treffen 'Testmanagement und agile Entwicklung mit HPE / Quality Center und HPE ALM Octane'” ( “User Group Treffen 'Testmanagement and agile development with HPE / Quality Center and HPE ALM Octane'” ) with live webcast by Ofer Spiegel and Adi Kidron, organized by Vivit, 2016-09-01 in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-26 Event “HUAWEI Datacenter Innovationen” ( “HUAWEI datacenter innovations” ) by Huawei Technologies Deutschland GmbH and WITstor GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-25 Speech “Codequalitätskontrolle mit SonarQube” ( “Codequalitätskontrolle with SonarQube” ) by Josha von Gizycki at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen in Braunschweig, Germany.
2016-08-23 Speech “Auf die Plätze, fertig, Crash – 'Definition of Done' und QS in agilen Szenarien!” ( “Ready, steady, crash – 'Definition of Done' and QS in agile scenarios!” ) by Adriana Ardelean at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen and .NET Developers Group Braunschweig at CKC Group in Braunschweig, Germany.
2016-08-22 Visit of the plant “Stöcken” of Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, organized by Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V. ( DKV ) in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-22 Speech “Management- und Führungsprozesse für die DIN 9001:2015” ( “Management processes for the DIN 9001:2015” ) by Klaus Eberhardt ( eberhardt-consulting, MSS - UnternehmerHilfe eG ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-20 Hands-on PHP workshop ”Never Code Alone - Live Coding August - By wysiwyg!” by wysiwyg* software design GmbH at Tectrum - Technologiezentrum für Duisburg in Duisburg, Germany.
2016-08-18 Event “Geeks, Nerds & Introverts” by Meetup "TEDxMaschsee" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-18 Event “Und es geht doch: SAP und Anwenderwünsche unter einem Hut!- Lessons Learned aus einem Migrationsprojekt” ( “It works: SAP and user wishes under one hat!- Lessons learned of a migration project” ) by Sabine Steege and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-17 Event “Der neue Scrum-Guide und die neue Zertifizierung” ( “The new Scrum guide and the new certification” ) by Jan Brinkkötter and Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-13 BarCamp UX Camp Hamburg 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-08-12 Speech “Quality Assurance im Data Warehouse” ( “Quality assurance in the Data Warehouse” ) by Christoph Seck at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2016-08-11 Event “nordmedia Business-Frühstück: 'Digitalisierung des Antragswesens der nordmedia'” ( “nordmedia Business breakfast: 'Digitalisation of the application process of nordmedia'” ) about the use of software for management of application for quotation “progranta” by Milan Serwene, bildbau ag neue medien and nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-11 Event “Startup Meetup #6” by Gründerimpuls, t3n Magazin für Digitales Business, Hafven Coworking und Makerspace ( Die Werke GmbH & Co. KG ), hannoverimpuls, Smart Concept GmbH, KPMG and heinekingmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-07-18 Event “Embedded Node.js” by Meetup "node.HH - Node.js User Group" in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-07-14 Speech “Reporting Service 2016 - SSRS Back again!” ( “Reporting Service 2016 - SQL Server Reporting Services ( SSRS ) Back again!” ) by Jörg Knuth of Ceteris AG at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2016-07-11 Speech “Clean Code in Larger Legacy Code Base” by Arne Mertz at the regional meeting of Meetup "C++ User Group Hannover" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-07-02 - 2016-07-03 Conference RuhrJS, in Bochum, Germany.
2016-06-23 Event “IO-Link Anwender-Workshop” ( “IO-Link user workshop” ) by IO-Link Konsortium in Essen, Germany.
2016-06-22 Event “NXP Smarter World Tour” by NXP Semiconductors, Avnet Memec Silica and SILICA in Bochum, Germany.
2016-06-21 Seminar “Self-Service Analytics mit Qlik” ( “Self-Service Analytics with Qlik” ) by Digital Ratio GmbH as part of the conference TDWI Konferenz 2016 of TDWI Germany e.V. in München, Germany.
2016-06-17 - 2016-06-18 Hackathon “DB Open Data - Droidcon - relayr - Hackday” by Deutsche Bahn AG and relayr GmbH at DB mindbox in Berlin, Germany.
2016-06-16 Event “droidcon Community Lounge” by Meetup "GDG Berlin Android" in Berlin, Germany.
2016-06-16 Event “jobreloaded Kick-Off auf der droidcon Berlin” by Young Targets GmbH and Deutsche Hochschulwerbung as part of the conference Droidcon Berlin in Berlin, Germany.
2016-06-15 - 2016-06-17 Conference Droidcon Berlin in Berlin, Germany.
2016-06-14 Event “LabVIEW-Anwendertreffen” ( “Labview users meeting” ) by National Instruments in Berlin, Germany.
2016-06-10 Seminar “Arrow Electronics and Texas Instruments Power Seminar Series” by Texas Instruments Incorporated, Bourns, Inc. and ARROW Europe in Göttingen, Germany.
2016-06-09 Speech “Model-View-ViewModel mit JavaFX” ( “Model-View-ViewModel with JavaFX” ) by Manuel Mauky and Max Wielsch at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-06-08 Seminar “Safety-Seminar” ( “Safety seminar” ) by Rockwell Automation GmbH and SMC Pneumatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-06-08 Event “Search Technology Meetup VI” by Meetup "Search Technology Meetup Hamburg" in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-06-03 - 2016-06-05 Hackathon Hack Institute "POST /bank hackathon //2016" by Deutsche Postbank AG and Hack Institute in Köln, Germany.
2016-05-31 Hands-on workshop “Programmierbare Sicherheitslösungen (Kompaktworkshop)” ( “Programmable safety solutions (compact workshop)” ) by PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-05-28 Hands-on workshop “CSSclasses Hamburg” by OpenTechSchool Hamburg and, in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-05-26 , 2016-03-25 Regional meeting of Hannover JS - Hannover's monthly JavaScript Meetup at NewStore in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-25 , 2015-11-26
2016-05-25 Event with the focus topic “Führung” ( “Leadership” ) as part of the series of events “Werkstatt attraktive Arbeitgeber” ( “Workshop attractive entrepreneurs” ) by Klemens Keindl, Agnes Wörner and Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-05-24 Seminar “UL Seminar 'Fit für Amerika'” ( “UL Seminar 'Fit for America'” ) by Rockwell Automation GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-05-24 Speech “Spock und Geb: Testen mit Groovy” ( “Spock and Geb: Testing with Groovy” ) by Malte Wildt at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-05-23 Speech “Hochleistung durch Menschlichkeit” ( “Hochleistung durch Menschlichkeit” ) by Ralf J. Hesser, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-05-21 Event “SoCraMOB Open Space 2016.2” by Softwerkskammer MOB - Software Craftmanship Communities in Münster, Osnabrück & Bielefeld and Arvato Bertelsmann in Gütersloh, Germany.
2016-05-19 Speech “Aktoren, Reactive Programming mit Vert.x” ( “Actors, Reactive Programming with Vert.x” ) by Jochen Mader at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen at T-Systems on site services GmbH in Wolfsburg, Germany.
2016-05-18 Event “Hausbesuch bei arvato eCommerce” ( “Home visit at arvato eCommerce” ) by arvato eCommerce Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH and Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2016-05-12 Seminar “Funktionale Sicherheit (SIL) in der Prozessindustrie” ( “Funktional safety (SIL) in the process industry” ) by KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH, HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH, PHOENIX CONTACT and TÜV NORD in Essen, Germany.
2016-05-11 Event “JVM Functional Language Battle” by Falk Sippach and Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-05-10 Event “Zurück in die Zukunft - Wie Roboter unser Leben bereichern” ( “Back to the future - How robos enhance our life” ) by Sami Haddadin and Volkswagenstiftung in Hannover, Germany.
2016-05-09 Event “Agiles Projektmanagement und Ausschreibungsgeschäft. Ein Widerspruch?” ( “Agile project management and call for bids business. A contradiction?” ) by Adrian_Frost|Adrian Frost, Torsten Seipelt, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-05-06 Event “Terrorism inside out” by Meetup "TEDxMaschsee" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-28 Event “nordmedia Business-Frühstück: 'Die Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen e. V. stellt sich vor'” ( “nordmedia Business breakfast: 'Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen e. V. - Self-presentation'” ) by Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen e. V. and nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-25 Speech “Qualität / KAIZEN” ( “Quality / KAIZEN” ) by KAIZEN Institute Germany GmbH & Co. KG , Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-23 - 2016-04-24 Seminar Power-Days by Jürgen Höller Academy and Mike Dierssen in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-20 - 2016-04-21 Participation in the conference and exposition Apps World Germany 2016 as well as the Apps World Germany Hackathon 2016 in Berlin, Germany.
2016-04-19 Event about “DIN EN ISO 9001:2015” as part of the series of events “Austauschforum Wissensmanagement – Damit Know-how bleibt!” ( “Exchange forum knowledge management – So that know-how is kept up to date!” ) by Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V., the discussion group “Business Excellence” organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover as well as Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-16 Bootcamp ”Global Azure Bootcamp 2016” in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-04-14 Event “baramundi Focus Tour 2016” by baramundi software AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-14 Event ”” by Meetup "TEDxMaschsee" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-13 Event “Eclipse Platform News mit Simon Scholz” ( “Eclipse platform news with Simon Scholz” ) by Simon Scholz and Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-12 Seminar “Workshop Programm für Wonderware Systemintegratoren” ( “Workshop programm for Wonderware system integrators” ) by ”Wonderware by Schneider Electric” in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-04-12 Participation in the regional meeting of Meetup "PHP-Usergroup Hamburg (PHPUGHH)" in Hamburg, Germany.
2014-11-11 , 2014-04-08
2016-04-11 Event “Praxisbeispiel aus dem Bauprojektmanagement: Die klimafreundliche Wertanlage” ( “Practical example of civil engineering project management: The climate-friendly value portfolio” ) by Projektmanagementbau GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-04-08 Speech “Skalierbare DWH Architektur mit Data Vault” ( “Skalable DWH Architecture with Data Vault” ) by Michael Olschimke of Dörffler & Partner GmbH at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2016-04-05 Seminar “Halbtagesseminar Einsatz von Profibus- und PROFINET-Netzwerken” ( “Half-day seminar Use of PROFIBUS and PROFINET networks” ) by PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH in Stuhr, Germany.
2016-04-04 - 2016-04-08 Hands-on online workshop “RFID / NFC Online course” by STMicroelectronics GMBH.
2016-04-02 - 2016-04-03 Barcamp PythonCamp Cologne by Python User Group Köln and GFU Cyrus AG in Köln, Germany.
2015-03-28 - 2015-03-29
2014-03-29 - 2014-03-30
2016-03-30 Speech “Was das Haben mit dem Sein macht” ( “What the Have is doing with the Beeing” ) by Jens Förster in the Medienhaus Hannover e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-30 Speech “Sicher führen in Veränderungsprozessen” ( “Steady leadership in change processes” ) by Silvia Habedank, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-21 Event “Wissen kompakt 'SIMATIC HMI – Die sm@rte Schnittstelle'” ( “Compact knowledge 'SIMATIC HMI – The sm@rte interface'” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-17 Event “TEDxMaschsee: Language Horizons” by Meetup "TEDxMaschsee" in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-16 Regional meeting with the special topic “Cloud” of DOAG Deutsche ORACLE-Anwendergruppe e.V. at the fair CeBIT in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-12 Event “SoCraMOB Open Space 2016.1” by Softwerkskammer MOB - Software Craftmanship Communities in Münster, Osnabrück & Bielefeld and Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in Osnabrück, Germany.
2016-03-10 Event “DCUG Roundtable Hannover” with the topic “Cloudcomputing / Virtualisierung / Mobility / Networking / Diskussion / Vorträge” ( “Cloudcomputing / virtualisation / mobility / networking / discussion / speches” ) by DCUG – Citrix Roundtable Hannover, textor IT and Michael Wessel Informationstechnologie GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-10 Hands-on workshop “Einführung in Bluetooth Low Energy + Energy Harvesting Connectivity” ( “Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy + Energy Harvesting Connectivity” ) by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and Future Electronics Deutschland GmbH in Isernhagen, Germany.
2016-03-10 Speech “SQL Server 2016: Die Essentials” ( “SQL Server 2016: The essentials” ) by Markus Thomanek at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2016-03-09 Event “CeBIT Warmup ’16 – Hannover IT Networking” by Hannover IT e.V. und KSB INTAX v. Bismarck Rechtsanwälte Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater PartGmbB in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-08 Regional meeting of WP Meetup Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-05 International Open Data hackathon Open Data Day by Zühlke Engineering GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-05 Event ”Nighthacking on Tour mit Stephen Chin und Sebastian Daschner” ( “Nighthacking on Tour mit Stephen Chin und Sebastian Daschner” ) by Java User Group Hannover at Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-03-03 Seminar “Industrielle Durchfluss- und Füllstandmesstechnik” ( “Industrial instrumentation of flow rate and filling level” ) by KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH in Bremen, Germany.
2016-02-27 Event “Logic Pro X - Aufgedreht bis zum Anschlag mit Paul Goodyear” ( “Logic Pro X - At full volume with Paul Goodyear” ) by Paul Goodyear and FundK in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-25 Event “Industrie Tag – PCS 7 Technologie Hannover” ( “Industry day – PCS 7 technology Hannover” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-24 Speech “Effektive Code Reviews” ( “Effective code reviews” ) by Frank Sons, Agile Software & Code Quality and oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-02-23 Speech “Herausforderungen an das Wissensmanagement in Zeiten digitaler Transformation” ( “Challenges for the knowledge management in the age of digital transformations” ) by wissenswerft GmbH as part of the series of events “Austauschforum Wissensmanagement – Damit Know-how bleibt!” ( “Exchange forum knowledge management – So that know-how is kept up to date!” ) by Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V. and Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-22 Speech “9001:2015: High-Level-Structure, Wissen als Ressource, risikobasierter Ansatz, interessierte Parteien, nachhaltiges Prozessmanagement - Herausforderung für die Umsetzung” ( “9001:2015: High-level-structure, knowledge as resource, risk-based approach, interested parties, sustainable process management - Challenge for the implementation” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-18 Codejam ”SAP Codejam (SAP HANA with IoT)” by SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG and Inwerken AG in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-17 Seminar “Geräteintegration mit FDI/FDT und Package Unit Integration mit MTP” ( “Device integration with FDI/FDT and Package Unit Integration with MTP” ) by KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH, PHOENIX CONTACT, SAMSON AG, FieldComm Group (FCG), FDT Group and PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) in Frankfurt, Germany.
2016-02-15 Event “Umfeld- und Stakeholderanalysemethoden... von verkehrssicherheitstechnischen Projekten in den Golfstaaten” ( “Methods for environmental and stakeholder analyis... of traffic safety products in the Gulf countries” ) by JENOPTIK Robot GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-13 Event “Coderetreat in Dortmund” by Softwerkskammer Dortmund - Die Software Craftsmanship Community im Ruhrgebiet and getit GmbH in Dortmund, Germany.
2016-02-11 Seminar “DataStax Cassandra Day” by DataStax, Trivadis Holding AG, codecentric AG, nextevolution AG, The unbelievable Machine Company GmbH and Metro AG in Berlin, Germany.
2016-02-09 Event “Trau Deinen Ohren nicht: Computer oder Orchester als Klangquellen?” ( “Don't trust your ears: Computer or orchestra as sound source?” ) by Reinhard Kopiez and Raphael Thöne of Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover and Volkswagenstiftung in Hannover, Germany.
2016-02-06 BarCamp “Skills Camp Kreativwirtschaft” by Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft at betahaus in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-02-04 Speech “Was jeder Java-Entwickler über Strings wissen sollte” ( “What a Java developer should know about Strings” ) by Bernd Müller at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen at LINEAS Informationstechnik GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany.
2016-02-03 Speech “Use Case 2.0 und Story Maps – Planen und Modellierung in agilen Projekten” by Marcus Winteroll and Axel Scheithauer, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-01-29 - 2016-01-31 BarCamp ”Campus DevCamp Hamburg” by Young Targets GmbH at the Werkheim Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-01-28 Visit of the headquarter office of Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - AöR - in Berlin, Germany.
2016-01-27 Event “EtherNet/IP: The Future-Proof Industrial Ethernet Technology for Industry 4.0 (Frankfurt, Germany)” by ODVA in Frankfurt, Germany.
2016-01-26 Seminar “IoT - in a Nutshell: End Applications Edition” by SILICA in Hannover, Germany.
2016-08-25 - 2016-08-29 Hands-on online workshop “RFID / NFC Online course” by STMicroelectronics GMBH.
2016-01-25 Speech “Qualität von Lastenheften und Pflichtenheften sichern” ( “Qualität von Lastenheften und Pflichtenheften sichern” ) by Bertram Kösler, TECH INFO KÖSLER, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2016-01-21 Event “B&R Innovation-Workshop: Zukunftsorientierte Programmierung und Kommunikation” ( “B&R innovation workshop: Future-oriented programming and communications” ) by B&R Industrie-Elektronik GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2016-01-20 Speech “OO-Muster für Embedded- und Echtzeitsysteme” ( “OO patterns for embedded- and realtime systems” ) by Roelof Berg, Berg Solutions and oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany.
2016-01-19 Event “Einsatz von Design Thinking für IT-Requirements und Ausschreibungen - Best Practice und Erfahrungsaustausch” ( “Use of Design Thinking for IT requirements and bid invitations - Best practice and exchange of experiences” ) by Martin Seidel and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2016-01-07 Event Hackcamp Wolfsburg at NeosIT GmbH in Wolfsburg, Germany.
2015-07-18 , 2015-02-07
2015-10-30 - 2016-01-15 Participation in the competition Think BIG! DATA Contest von Magyar Telekom and Kitchen Budapest ( KIBU ).
2016-01-14 Speech “Grundlagen und Überblick zu den Reporting Services” ( “Basics and Overview about Reporting Services” ) by Marcus Möhle at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.

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