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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2020-12-27 - 2020-12-30 Online event rC3 – Remote Chaos Experience, the digital edition of Chaos Communication Congress by Chaos Computer Club.
2020-12-17 Online event “Multiprojektmanagement - Praktische Anwendung bei einem öffentlichen Nahverkehrsunternehmen” ( “Multi project management - Practical implementation at a public local traffic enterprise” ) by Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V..
2020-12-17 Virtual event “Curiosity in the 21st Century” by TEDxHannoverSalon.
2020-12-08 Online event “Locking and Blocking” by Torsten Strauß at PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen.
2020-12-03 - 2020-12-04 Virtual conference World Sauna Forum by Sauna From Finland.
2020-12-01 - 2020-12-03 Online conference WAGO Live SPS by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.
2020-12-01 - 2020-12-02 Online conference 5G CMM EXPO.
2020-11-27 , 2019-11-29 Event and online event “acocon Kinoforum” ( “acocon cinema forum” ) by acocon-group ( acocon GmbH, goldsteps consulting GmbH & Co. KG, bluecue consulting GmbH & Co. KG , greenique, ein Geschäftsbereich der acocon GmbH ) in Bielefeld, Germany.
2018-11-30 , 2017-11-24
2016-11-25 , 2015-11-27
2020-11-27 Online seminar “GPU, TPU, Edge & Co: Wege durch den Hardware-Dschungel für Ihre KI-Anwendung” ( “GPU, TPU, Edge & Co: Guide through the hardware jungle for your AI application” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2020-11-24 Virtual event “Volunteering - Engage and Inspire!” by TEDxHannoverSalon.
2020-11-19 Virtual event IdeenExpo Science Slam ONLINE.
2020-11-18 Online event “Digitaler Open Space: Das Kanban Maturity Modell” by Dieter Strasser and Agile Wednesday.
2020-11-17 - 2020-11-19 Online conference Data + AI Summit Europe 2020 by Databricks.
2020-11-04 Online hands-on workshop “SoftConsole MCU Workshop” by Arrow Electronics, Inc. and Microchip Technology Inc. .
2020-10-26 Online event “Arbeitgeberattraktivität in Zeiten von New Work - Ist Gundlach ein GREAT PLACE TO WORK?” ( “Employer attractivity in times of New Work - Is Gundlach a GREAT PLACE TO WORK?” ) by Gundlach Bau und Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2020-10-23 - 2020-10-25 Online participation in the kickoff of the Hackathon {Cod1ng da V1nc1} Niedersachsen 2020.
2020-10-23 Event “FIREABEND - Meetup der Gamesbranche in Niedersachsen und Bremen” ( “FIREABEND – Meetup of the gaming industry Lower Saxony and Bremen” ) with the focus topic “Storytelling” by nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2020-10-22 Online conference IDLaw 2020 - Conference on Innovation and Digitalisation in Law by Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht.
2020-10-21 Online event “Digitaler Open Space: Change-Prozesse begleiten/gestalten” von Agile Wednesday.
2020-10-10 Seminar Der Power-Seller-2.0 by Mike Dierssen of Jürgen Höller Academy KG in Schweinfurt, Germany.
2020-10-06 Online hands-on workshop “Libero SoC Flash-FPGA Workshop” by Arrow Electronics, Inc. and Microchip Technology Inc. .
2020-10-05 - 2020-10-15 Online conference Voice Sumnit sponsored by ModevNetwork LLC.
2020-10-01 - 2020-10-02 Online conference “Arrow's World of Industry 4.0” by Arrow Electronics, Inc..
2020-09-28 Online event “ISO 19011:2018 - ein großes Potential - durch kompetente Auditoren und strategische, risikobasierte, leistungs- und prozessorientierte Ausrichtung den Auditnutzen steigern” ( “ISO 19011:2018 - a great potential - increasing the audit benefits by competent auditors and strategic risk-based result oriented and process oriented focussing” ) von Susanne Krüger, ATC-Krüger, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2020-09-28 Online seminar “Best Practices zur KI Optimierung” ( “Best practices for AI optimization” ) by HAISEM Lab ( Universität Hildesheim ), Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2020-09-23 Online conference “IBM Cloud Summit 2020” / “Think Virtual Pop-up 2020” by IBM Deutschland, with catering provided at home by Mias Dias Event GmbH & Co. KG.
2020-09-21 , 2020-09-22 Online seminar “FPGA- Hardwarearchitekturen für KI” by HAISEM Lab ( Universität Hildesheim ), Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2020-09-17 Online workshop “Workshop zur Computerspieleförderung des Bundes” ( “Workshop about sponsorship federal of computer games” ) by game – Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V..
2020-09-16 Online event “Digitaler Open Space: Change-Prozesse begleiten/gestalten” ( “Digitaler Open Space: Design and and guidance of change processes” ) by Agile Wednesday.
2020-09-15 Virtual conference Macht und Machbarkeit in der digitalen Transformation by Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit und Akademie für Sozialmedizin Niedersachsen e. V. (LVG & AFS)".
2020-09-10 , 2020-09-11 Online seminar “Software-Engineering für KI-Anwendungen” by HAISEM Lab ( Universität Hildesheim ), Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2020-09-08 Virtual online event “IT-Projekt sucht IT-Dienstleister/IT-Dienstleister sucht IT-Projekt” about Lyncronize - Das führende Matching für Digitalprojekte und – dienstleister. +10.000 Referenzprojekte. KI-basiert by smarTransfer GmbH and IT-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH Emsland ( it.emsland ).
2020-09-04 - 2020-09-05 Virtual conference ”#GMIS2020 Virtual Edition. GLocalisation : Towards inclusive and sustainable global value chains” by Global Manufacturing & Industrialisation Summit.
2020-09-03 - 2020-09-05 Virtual fair and conference IFA Xtended Space by Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin ( IFA ).
2020-08-27 - 2020-08-29 Virtual fair micromobility expo digital.
2020-08-27 Event “FIREABEND - Meetup der Gamesbranche in Niedersachsen und Bremen” ( “FIREABEND – Meetup of the gaming industry Lower Saxony and Bremen” ) with the focus topic “Screening der 'gamescom: opening night live'” ( “Screening of 'gamescom: opening night live'” ) by nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2020-08-25 Virtual online event “Virtual Germany #2 – Gamescom Edition” by nextReality.Hamburg.
2020-08-17 Event “Management 4.0: Szenarien Hybriden (Projekt-)Managements” ( “Management 4.0: Scenarios of hybride ( project ) management” ) by Institute for Social Technologies GmbH ( IFST ), GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2020-08-11 Virtual conference Dash 2020 - Virtual DevOps Event.
2020-07-15 Online event “Agile WH: Digitaler Open Space” by Agile Wednesday.
2020-07-14 - 2020-07-15 Virtual fair ”# HANNOVER MESSE - Digital Days” by Hannover Messe.
2020-06-22 - 2020-06-26 The virtual conference Spark+AI Summit by Databricks.
2020-06-22 Online event “ISO 27001:2013 - So haben wir es gemacht!” ( “ISO 27001:2013 - So we did it!” ) by Christoph Kroschke GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2020-06-19 Virtuelles Barcamp Barcamp Ems.
2020-06-18 Online event “PMO's im 21. Jahrhundert” ( “PMO's in the 21st. century” ) by Dr. Jörg Klein, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI.
2020-06-17 Online event “Agile WH: Kanban” by Agile Wednesday.
2020-06-16 - 2020-06-19 The virtual event “Grid Edge Summit” by Siemens AG.
2020-05-20 Online event “Agile WH: Open Space” by Agile Wednesday.
2020-05-15 Virtual conference German Testing WebCon – Die virtuelle Konferenz zu Software-Qualität by SIGS DATACOM GmbH.
2020-05-13 Online speech “Wertorientierte Projekte und Prozesse in der Praxis – Wie geht das?” ( “Value-oriented projects and process in practice - How to do it?” ) by Peter Samulat, Meetup "Regionalgruppe Hamburg der GI/GACM" and itSMF.
2020-04-27 - 2020-04-30 Online workshop ”4 Tages-Coaching für Networker” ( “4 days coaching for networkers” ) by Crossline Business.
2020-04-27 Online event Infrastructure WebConf by ThoughtWorks.
2020-04-23 Online speech “CyberJUG-HH : Spring Tools 4 - Bootiful Spring Tools für Eclipse, VS Code & Theia” by Martin Lippert at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2020-04-23 Online event “SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters” by Ben Weissman at PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen.
2020-04-02 Online event XING "ifaa-360ᴼAnalyse bei Einführung/Nutzung von Lean-Methoden" ( “ifaa-360ᴼAnalyis for implementation / use of Lean methods” ) by Ralph Conrad and “Lean for Professionals XING-Gruppe Karlsruhe”, “VDI-Arbeitskreis Produktionstechnik GPL-ADB”, “gfo Gesellschaft für Organisation Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe”, “MICHAELSBERGER IMPULSE”, “REFA BW Region Nord”.
2020-03-31 Online Event “Echte Krisen für Projektmanager: private und berufliche Rezepte” ( “True crisis for project managers: Private and business recipes” ) by PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover.
2020-03-27 Online conference CodeConf 2020 by ThoughtWorks.
2020-03-26 Online speech “CyberJUG-HH : Camunda in Action” by Marvin Kruse at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2020-03-13 Speech “SQL Server 2019 – meine Highlights” ( “SQL Server 2019 – my highlights” ) by Markus Raatz at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2020-03-11 Event “Friedrich Engels 200” by Michael Krätke, Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V and ”Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Landesbüro Niedersachsen” in Hannover, Germany.
2020-03-05 Event “Arbeiten in papierlosen Teams” ( “Working in paperless teams” ) by Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-26 , 2019-11-20 Event “Online Marketing Workshop in Hannover: SEO, Ads, Local Listing” by rankingCoach - SEO Software - SEO einfach selber machen in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-25 Discussion event “Yuval Noah Harari – Entwerfer einer neuen Perspektive über Herkunft und Zukunft des Individuums, der Menschheit, des Homo Sapiens” ( “Yuval Noah Harari – Developer of a new perspective about origin and future of the individual, the humans, the Homo Sapiens” ) by Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-24 Event “Anders Auditieren” ( “Audition in a different way” ) by Thomas Simon, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-21 Speech “Azure Data Factory & Azure Automation” by Christoph Seck at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2020-02-20 Conference ”Intelligente Mobilität Symposium 2020” ( “Intelligent mobility symposium 2020” ) by Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-20 Event “Robotic Process Automation im PMO” ( “Robotic Process Automation in the PMO” ) by Alexander Scheel and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany
2020-02-19 Event “Agile WH: Story Mapping” by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-17 Event “Meilenstein statt Stolperstein” ( “Milestone instead of stumbling block” ) by Christoph Maria Michalski, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-16 Event “Infrastruktur auf AWS mit Java bauen!” ( “Building infrastructure on AWS with Java!” ) by Gernot Glawe at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2020-02-06 Seminar “Intel Software Development & oneAPI Workshop” by Intel as part of the conference and exhibition OOP in München, Germany.
2020-02-05 Hands-on Workshop “Intel AI Developer Hands-On Workshop” by Intel as part of the conference and exhibition OOP in München, Germany.
2020-02-04 - 2020-02-06 Conference Code Days by SIGS DATACOM GmbH as part of the conference and exhibition OOP in München, Germany.
2020-01-31 - 2020-02-02 Event Global Game Jam by SAE Institute Hannover and APITs Lab in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-27 Seminar “Einsteigerabend LIBERATING STRUCTURES” ( “Introductory evening LIBERATING STRUCTURES” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-22 - 2020-01-23 Hands-on workshop “Erstellung von STACK-Aufgaben” ( “Implementation of STACK tasks” ) by Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen at Mathematisches Institut in Göttingen, Germany.
2020-01-21 Event “Wissen kompakt - SIMATIC Technology 'Komplexe Bewegungsführung einfach realisieren'” ( “Compact knowledge 'Simple implementation of controlled movements'” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-20 Event “Besonderheiten und Herausforderungen beim Projektmanagement von Verkehrsinfrastrukturprojekten” ( “Specific characteristics and challenges with project management of traffic infrastructure” ) by INROS LACKNER SE, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-19 Barcamp PycampLeipzig2020 in Leipzig, Germany.
2020-01-17 Discussion event “Der Kampf um die Köpfe” ( “The Fight for the mindset” ) by Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-16 Event “Themenabend - Domain Specific Languages” ( “Evening with focus topic Domain Specific Languages” ) at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2020-01-10 Speech “Azure Data Fabric Wrangling Data Flows” by Christoph Seck at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.

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