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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2021-11-17 , 2020-11-10 Online conference “SQLite & Tcl Conference” by TCL Community Association.
2021-11-13 - 2021-11-14 Online conference Tux-Tage.
2021-11-18 Online speech “Sicherheit in der Cloud-Ära - DevOps mit Hacker-Mindset” at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2021-11-08 - 2021-11-12 Online conference PASS Data Community Summit.
2021-11-02 - 2021-11-04 Online conference Microsoft Ignite by Microsoft.
2021-11-02 Online event “Mit Six Sigma zu fehlerfreien Prozessen und mehr Qualität” ( “With Six Sigma to zero-defect processes and more quality” ) by Alexander von Coburg and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-10-26 - 2021-10-27 Online conference KonMeGA - Kongress-Messe für Gebäude-Automation.
2021-03-23 - 2021-03-24
2021-10-25 Online event “Anwendung und Interpretation der harmonisierten Bewertungstabellen und Aufgaben-Prioritäts-Tabellen nach AIAG/VDA (2019) in Design- und Prozess-FMEA” by Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schloske and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-10-19 - 2021-10-21
2021-10-19 Online event “Digitale Transformation durch VeränderungsMacher*innen aktiv mitgestalten” ( “Active participation in digital transformation by change makers” ) by Simone Kauffeld and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-10-07 Online event SolidLine Experience Day by SolidLine GmbH - Ein Unternehmen der Bechtle Gruppe and COFFEE GmbH - Ein Unternehmen der Bechtle Gruppe
2021-10-05 - 2021-10-07 Online conference “EVOLVE21” by ASG Technologies.
2021-10-05 - 2021-10-06 Online conference “Keysight World” by Keysight Technologies.
2020-09-22 - 2020-09-24
2021-09-28 Online seminar ”Schneider Electric Innovation Summit DACH 2021"” by Schneider Electric.
2021-09-28 Online seminar “STM32Cube with Azure RTOS - Advanced hands-on workshop” by STMicroelectronics.
2021-09-27 Online event “Besondere Merkmale - systematisch ermitteln und durchgängig behandeln” by Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schloske and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-09-16 Online barcamp “Oops - we do it again - Data & Analytics BarCamp Vol. 4” by The Data Warehouse Institute ( TDWI ).
2021-09-15 - 2021-09-16 Online conference “Stud.IP-Tagung 2021” by Stud.IP-Portal.
2021-09-14 - 2021-09-15 Online event “Indie Campus - Retention & Monetisation Summit” by 4Players GmbH.
2021-09-07 - 2021-09-12 Online conference EuroForth 2021 with online pre-conference “Forth standard meeting”.
2021-08-22 - 2021-08-29 Online conference Debian Conference ( DebConf ).
2021-08-21 - 2021-08-22 Online conference FroSCOn.
2020-08-22 - 2020-08-23
2021-07-18 Online event “Agile Tools” by Agile Wednesday.
2021-07-18 Online event “SkillTree” with the topic “Workshop zu Gaming und Rechtsextremismus” ( “Workshop about gaming and extremism” ) by nordmedia GmbH.
2021-06-21 Online event “Messung von Agilität - Umgang mit Metriken” ( “Measuring of agility - How to deal with metrics?” ) by agyleOS GmbH and Agile Wednesday.
2021-07-16 7 Online event “HAISEM-Lab Schnuppertag zum Thema - Intelligente Systeme: Eine Herausforderung für das moderne Software Engineering?” ( “HAISEM-Lab introductory day with the topic - Intelligent Systems: A challenge for modern software engineering?” ) by Universität Hildesheim, HAISEM Lab.
2021-07-13 Online event “Ist Fahren auf Sicht die neue Strategie? Strategisch Denken, Handeln und Führen in dynamischen Zeiten” by Prof. Dr. Dirk Zupancic and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-07-13 Online event “Empowering Game Development - Richtige Tools, um dein Spiel besser zu machen” ( “Empowering Game Development - The right tools to improve your game” ) by Meetup "Hannover Game Development Meetup".
2021-06-28 Online event “Künstliche Intelligenz - Blick in die digitale Zukunft” ( “Artifical Intelligence - View into the digital future” ) by Prof. Dr. Walter Simon and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-06-23 Online event “SkillTree” with the topic “Wir gründen ein Games-Studio! Was man rechtlich beachten muss” ( “We are founding a Games Studio! What you have to consider from legal point of view” ) by nordmedia GmbH.
2021-06-21 - 2021-06-23 I participated in the free seminars of the online conference TDWI Konferenz 2021 by TDWI Germany e.V..
2021-06-17 - 2021-06-18 Online seminar “Programmierbarkeits-Kurs Python” ( “Software development with Python” ) by UpgradeIT, a project of Universität Hildesheim.
2021-06-17 Online event ”Phoenix Contact Dialog Days - Edition Process Automation ” by PHOENIX CONTACT.
2021-06-17 Online conference [NODES 2021] by Neo4J.
2021-06-15 - 2021-06-19 Online fair ”ACHEMA Pulse”.
2021-06-15 Online seminar “Artificial Intelligence on Intel Platforms using Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit & OpenVINO” by Intel and SIGS DATACOM GmbH.
2021-06-09 Online-Vortrag “Java Remote Debugging & Code-Qualitätsanalyse” von Wolfgang Liegel ( Open Value ) und Spilberg GmbH.
2021-06-03 - 2021-06-04 Online seminar “Python Boot Camp” by UpgradeIT of Universität Hildesheim.
2021-06-02 Online event “F8 Refresh” by Facebook, section Facebook Developers.
2021-05-26 - 2021-05-27 Online seminar “Reinforcement Learning” by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2021-05-24 - 2020-05-28 Online conference Data + AI Summit North America 2021 by Databricks.
2021-05-20 Online event “FIREABEND - Meetup der Gamesbranche in Niedersachsen und Bremen” ( “FIREABEND – Meetup of the gaming industry Lower Saxony and Bremen” ) with the focus topic “Die Höhen und Tiefen des Selfpublishing” ( The ups and downs of self-publishing” ) by nordmedia GmbH.
2021-05-19 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Digitalisation in Lower Saxony - Implementation projects in medium-size companies” by CADSPEED GmbH, Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken e.V., Walter AG, Phoenix Contact GmbH and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2021-05-19 Online seminar “Die richtige Wahl der Hardware für Ihre KI-Anwendung” ( “The right hardware choice for your AI application” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2021-05-17 Online event “Effiziente Remote Audits auf Basis digitaler Auditplattformen” ( “Efficient remote audits based on digital audit platforms” ) by Alexander Stoffers and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-05-12 Online event “Blockchain meets Gaming - Integration, Vorteile, NFTs und Tokenization” by Meetup "Hannover Game Development Meetup".
2021-04-21 Online event “LEGO Serious Play kennenlernen” ( “Introduction to LEGO Serious Play” ) by Agile Wednesday.
2021-04-16 Speech “In Meetings erfolgreich punkten - auch virtuell” ( “Beeing Sucessfull at meetings - also at virtual meetings” ) by Marion Knaths on the online conference Hannover Messe - WomenPower as part of the ”Hannover Messe HM21 Digital Edition”.
2021-04-12 - 2021-04-16 Online event “Digital Enterprise Virtual Experience at Hannover Messe 2021” by SIEMENS.
2021-04-12 - 2021-04-16 Online event “Digital Enterprise Virtual Experience at Hannover Messe 2021” by SIEMENS.
2021-04-12 - 2021-04-16 Online event “Phoenix Contact Dialog Days – Edition Hannover Messe” by PHOENIX CONTACT.
2021-04-08 Online seminar “Future of Testing: Mobile. Virtual Event for Mobile Engineers” by applitools.
2021-03-31 Online event “SkillTree” with the topic “Zentrale Bausteine für einen erfolgreichen Antrag zur Gamesförderung” ( “Central components for a successful application for game sponsorship” ) by Steffen Rühl and nordmedia GmbH.
2021-03-25 - 2021-03-26 Online seminar “Software-Architekturen für Künstliche Intelligenz Anwendungen” ( “Software architektures for artificial intelligence application” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2021-03-25 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Digitale Qualitäts- und Prozesssicherung (ERP & Co.)” by Gutshofbrauerei "Das Freie", Campus-Brauerei ( Uni Hannover ) and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2021-03-23 Online event “Virtual Roundtable. How to run Enterprise Hackathons like a pro” with a virtual panel discussion by HackerEarth For Programmers.
2021-03-18 Online event “Nuvias Summit 2021” by Nuvias Deutschland GmbH
2021-03-17 Online event “Lesung: 'Agile Short Stories'” ( “Play reading 'Agile Short Stories'” ) by Agile Wednesday.
2021-03-17 Online event “hubraum Mixed Reality Program with NREAL DEMO DAY” by Deutsche Telekom’s Tech Incubator hubraum NREAL, UNITY, Qualcomm and MobiledgeX.
2021-03-13 - 2021-03-14 Online conference Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2021 by Chemnitzer Linux-Tage.
2021-03-12 - 2021-03-14 Online hackathon “Challenge One Health Hackathon” by Challenge One Health, Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen GmbH und x-HACK. The open innovation event platform for changemakers.
2021-03-11 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Digitalisierung zwischen Handwerk und halbautomatisierter Anlagentechnik” by weist + wienecke oberflächenveredelung GmbH and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2021-03-10 Online workshop “Grundlagen des Product Managements, Vorträge zur marktnahen Validierung von Ideen, Tipps zum Pitch” by Challenge One Health, Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen GmbH and x-HACK. The open innovation event platform for changemakers.
2021-03-10 Online event “Future-Lab Elektronik - Warm-Up für neue Sicherheits-Norm” ( “Future-Lab Elektronik - Warm-Up for the new safety norm” ) by PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH and Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH
2021-03-10 Online event “FIREABEND - Meetup der Gamesbranche in Niedersachsen und Bremen” ( “FIREABEND – Meetup of the gaming industry Lower Saxony and Bremen” ) with the focus topic “Successful on Steam - Ask us Anything with: Valve” by nordmedia GmbH and Valve Corporation.
2021-02-26 Online seminar “Beschleunigung von KI-Anwendungen mit Tensor Processing Units” ( “Acceleration of AI applications by Tensor Processing Units” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2021-02-25 Online speech “cyberJUGHH - Testcontainers - The past, the present and the future” by Kevin Wittek at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2021-02-25 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Automatisierungslösungen, maschinelles Lernen sowie Qualitätskontrolle mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (u. a. Demo´s von, Heuwa, Yuanda Robotics)” by ibk IngenieurConsult GmbH and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2021-02-24 - 2021-02-25 Online event for computer game developers Breakpoint by Backtrace. Debugging. Performance. Stability by Accelevents.
2021-02-22 Online event “Die Rolle des QM in der Agilität” ( “The role of quality management for agility” ) by Siemens Mobility GmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-02-17 Online event “Digitaler Open Space: Was bleibt nach Corona?” by Agile Wednesday.
2021-02-11 - 2021-02-12 Online event “Künstliche Intelligenz in der Produktion” ( “Artifical intelligence on the shopfloor” ) by Deutsche Messe Technology Academy.
2021-02-11 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Industrial Internet of Things – Praxisanwendungen bei der Pneumatik” by Emerson Automation Solutions / AVENTICS GmbH and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2021-01-29 - 2020-01-31 The online event Global Game Jam - GGJ Hannover.
2021-01-27 Online seminar “Applied Time Series Analysis” by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2021-01-25 Online event “Pick up Feedback - für eine neue Feedback- und Lernkultur” ( “Pick up Feedback - for a new feedback culture and learning culture” ) by Tanja Föhr, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2021-01-17 Online event “Game Jam Preparation” by Meetup "Hannover Game Development Meetup".

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