[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2022-12-08 Online event “Hi, New Work. Session #22 ! New Work & New Learning” by Hi-X-DigiHub.
2022-11-16 - 2022-11-17 Online conference BARC "Digital Workplace by BARC. Einfach besser arbeiten" by BARC GmbH – Business Application Research Center.
2022-11-10 Online event “Hi, New Work. Session #21 ! New Work im Krankenhaus” by Hi-X-DigiHub.
2022-10-13 Online event “Hi, New Work. Session #20 ! New Leadership” by Hi-X-DigiHub.
2022-10-11 Conference Lua Workshop 2022 at Walther-Rathenau-Gewerbeschule in Freiburg, Germany.
2022-09-21 Online event “Scrum verkehrt - Anti-Patterns und wie man sie überwindet” ( “Scrum reverse - Anti patterns and how to overcome” ) by Agile Wednesday.
2022-09-12 - 2022-09-13 Online conference TECHIDE by Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Verkehr und Digitalisierung.
2021-12-01 - 2021-12-02
2020-12-02 - 2020-12-03
2022-09-08 Online event “Hi, New Work. Session #19 ! New Work & Familie” by Hi-X-DigiHub.
2022-07-13 - 2022-07-15 Watching of the livestream video broadcasting of the conference EuroPython 2022.
2022-07-12 Event “Sommerfest und Betriebsrundgang bei der IAV GmbH” ( “Summer party and factory tour at IAV GmbH” ) by IAV GmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. in Gifhorn, Germany.
2022-07-11 Event “Erfolgreiche Werbekampagnen in den sozialen Medien” ( “Successful advertising campaigns in social media” ) by Hi-X-DigiHub in Hildesheim, Germany.
2022-07-07 Event “Hi, New Work. Summer Special!” by Hi-X-DigiHub in Hildesheim, Germany.
2022-06-22 Event “baramundi Focus Tour” by baramundi software AG in Dortmund, Germany.
2022-06-15 Online event “Fit for Purpose” by Dieter Strasser and Agile Wednesday.
2022-06-14 Online speech “Kleinteilige Scale-to-Zero-Applikationen in der Google Cloud” ( “Small-sized scale-to-zero applications in the Google Cloud” ) by Florian Albrecht at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2022-06-04 - 2022-06-05 Online-Barcamp PythonCamp Cologne by Python User Group Köln, Germany.
2021-06-12 - 2021-06-13
2020-04-25 - 2020-04-26
2022-05-31 Online speech “JEE-Anwendungen auf Quarkus migrieren” ( “Migration of JEE applications on Quarkus” ) by Dirk Weil at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2022-05-23 Online event “TISAX - A true challenge for suppliers of the automotive industry” ( “TISAX - für Lieferanten der Automobil-Industrie eine echte Herausforderung” ) by DEKRA Testing and Certification GmbH, comNET GmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2022-05-19 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Robotik & Co.: Automatisierungslösungen im Mittelstand” ( “Robotik & Co.: Automation solutions with medium-size companies” ) by HVS HolzVerpackungSiedenburg, HVS HolzVerpackungSiedenburg, TEWISS – Technik und Wissen GmbH and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2022-05-17 - 2022-05-19 Online conference Pilz Automation Days 2022 by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG.
2022-04-27 Online event “Workshop Game Dev Tools” by Meetup "Hannover Game Development Meetup".
2022-04-25 Online event “Marketing fürs Qualitätsmanagement: Den eigenen Mehrwert intern besser verkaufen” ( “Marketing for quality management: Selling better the own added value” ) by Torsten Laub and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V..
2022-04-07 , Virtual conferences “Nuvias Summit 2020”, “Nuvias Sommerfest 2021”, “Nuvias Summit 2022” by Nuvias Deutschland GmbH.
2021-07-15 , 2020-09-10
2022-03-22 Online speech “GraphQL Anwendungen mit Spring Boot” ( “GraphQL applications with Spring Boot” ) by Nils Hartmann at the virtual regional online meeting of Java User Group Hamburg.
2022-03-21 , Three-part interactive online training “Free Scrum & Agile Training 2022” ( “Agilität & Agile Werte”, “Scrum Flow & Rollen”, “Meetings & Artefakte” ) by Proventa AG with practical exercises using Miro boards.
2022-03-23 , 2022-03-28
2022-03-16 Online event “Customer Experience statt Features” ( “Customer experience instead of features” ) by Agile Wednesday.
2022-03-10 Online event “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Digital services and business models” ( “Digitale Services und Geschäftsmodelle” ) by MediTECH Electronic GmbH and Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover ( IHK Hannover ).
2022-02-27 - 2022-03-05 Online event AgriTechnica Digital.
2022-02-17 Online seminar “AI Applications on Mixed Hardware” by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S.
2022-02-16 Online event “Was ist eigentlich dieses 'Business Agility'” by Agile Wednesday.
2022-02-10 Online barcamp “Irren ist menschlich – Mach ‘was draus Vol. 2. Data & Analytics F*ckUp Night” by The Data Warehouse Institute ( TDWI ).
2022-02-05 - 2022-02-06 Online conference FOSDEM.
2022-02-02 Online conference DataOps Unleashed by Solution Monday
2022-02-01 - 2022-02-03 Online conference Code Days by SIGS DATACOM GmbH as part of the online conference OOP
2021-02-09 - 2021-02-11
2022-01-29 - 2022-01-30 The online barcamps PycampLeipzig2021, PycampLeipzig2022.

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