[hemmerling] My List of 'Companies of Interest' and 'Companies to Compliment'

Companies of Interest - A Wailing Wall & "J'accuse". The "Who-is-Who" of German Engineering, Automation, Automotive and IT Industry

This is my list of companies ( in focussed industries ), at which I would like to work, but at which I did not yet succeed with applications for jobs, contracts and formerly for internships. Let's consider it to be my personal wailing wall, my personal ”J'accuse” document :-).

  1. 365FarmNet GmbH, 2016-01.
  2. ( 1st solution consulting gmbh ), 2011-09, 2012-02.
  3. 4Com GmbH & Co. KG, interview in 2001. Interview at the job fair Career Dates in 2013-05.
  4. ( aam it GmbH ), 2014-01, 2016-09, 2017-03, 2018-07.
  5. ( ABAYOO c/o E2E Business Networking GmbH & Co.KG ), 2011-11.
  6. ( Absolventa GmbH ), 2011-12.
  7. Acando GmbH, 2011-04.
  8. ( activjob GmbH ), 2013-05.
  9. adesso AG, 2013-11.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “IT & IT Consulting” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2010.
  10. ( ADVERGY GmbH ), 2013-05.
  11. ( agex FLEX GmbH ), 2017-02.
  12. Agilent Technologies, 2011-05, 2013-01.
  13. ( A Good Search - A Great Find ), 2017-10, 2019-05.
  14. aicas GmbH, 2016-12.
  15. AIDA Development GmbH.
  16. ( AJ Infosystems LTD ), 2019-05.
  17. Aker Solutions, 2014-05.
  18. ( AKUB Consulting UG ), 2016-08.
  19. Alber GmbH, 2018-09.
  20. ALDI Nord, 2022-02.
  21. Allgeier SE ( formerly: Allgeier Holding AG ).
    1. ( Xiopia GmbH ), 2011-03, 2011-08.
    2. ( Allgeier Experts SE ), 2019-09.
  22. ALLNET GmbH, 2015-03.
  23. ( ALL@NET Recruiting ), 2010-11, 2011-05.
  24. ( alma mater GmbH ), 2011-04, 2011-07.
  25. Alstom LHB GmbH, Salzgitter-Watenstedt, 2007.
    • I participated in the ALSTOM workshop “Wie entsteht ein Zug? - Von der Anfrage bis zur Auslieferung” on the event IN-Sight in 2007 :-).
  26. ( Alpina HR Services AG ), 2014-03.
  27. Alten Group.
    1. INTESIMA GmbH - a daugther company of ALTEN Engineering -, 2011-07.
    • 2011-05, 2014-03.
    • Interview in Wolfsburg in 2013-03.
  28. ( Amadeus Fire IT-Services ), 2011-05, 2011-08, 2015-07, 2017-11, 2019-04.
    1. Amazon Distribution GmbH, 2012-05.
    2. Amazon VZ Garbsen GmbH, 2018-10.
  29. ( Amoria Bond GmbH ), 2017-12.
  30. Ampada GmbH, 2019-11.
  31. “ams.Solution AG” Group.
  32. Analysys Mason ( formerly: Allolio&Konrad Consulting GmbH ), 2022-02.
  33. ( Antal International ), 2013-03, 2013-03, 2014-11, 2016-06.
  34. Apple ( Republic of Ireland ) Retail, Skype video interview in 2014-05.
  35. Appen, 2016-08.
  36. Aptiv ( formerly: Delphi Automotive ), 2019-04.
  37. ( Alptus ), 2023-06.
    • I participated in the event ”Powerbrands OWL” ( 2008-10-17 - 2008-10-18 ) :-).
  38. arvato ( Bertelsmann ).
    • Gütersloh 2010-08, 2013-01, 2015-03.
    • Gütersloh 2017-11 by temporary employment / integration leasing.
    • arvato eCommerce Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, telephone interview in 2016-06.
    • “AST Angewandte System Technik GmbH, Holding” and “Angewandte System Technik GmbH Energie & Umwelttechnik GmbH”.
    • “A.S.T. Leistungselektronik GmbH, Berlin”, 2014-07.
    • “A.S.T. - Angewandte System Technik GmbH, Mess- und Regeltechnik, Dresden”, 2014-07.
    • “A.S.T. GMBH HAUS- & GEBÄUDETECHNIK, Dresden”, 2014-07.
  39. Atruvia AG, 2022-01.
  40. Atlantic GmbH, 2016-12.
  41. ( ATLAS TITAN GmbH ), 2011-04.
  42. Audials AG, 2016-12.
  43. audibene GmbH, 2014-09.
  44. Autoliv Inc., Braunschweig, 2008-01.
  45. AUCOTEC AG, 2012-04, 2015-10, 2017-10.
  46. AVALAS GmbH, 2011-01.
  47. AVENTICS GmbH, 2015-05, 2018-05.
  48. ( avpm gmbh & co. kg ), 2015-04.
  49. ( AXTERA GmbH ), 2014-10, 2015-08, 2016-10.
  50. Axis AB ( “Axis Communications” ), Axis Communications GmbH, 2016-01.
  51. ( AXTERA AG ), 2011-10.
  52. akYtec GmbH, 2022-09.
  53. Beckmann GmbH, 2021-11.
  54. ( Bernd Joseph - Personalberatung ), 2017-06.
  55. ( BISS GmbH ), 2019-03.
  56. ( BackUp GmbH ), 2016-01, 2016-03, 2016-10, 2018-02, 2018-09, 2019-02.
  57. Baker Hughes INTEQ GmbH, Celle, interview at the job fair KISSME in 2008. 2013-05.
  58. BASF ( Prosysnet department ), by temporary employment / integration leasing, 2017-06.
  59. Baumüller Gruppe.
    1. Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH, 2011-08, 2016-05.
    2. IEMTEC GmbH, 2016-05.
  60. bearingpoint / BearingPoint GmbH ( the job application was processed by access KellyOCG GmbH ), 2016-02.
  61. Bechtle Gruppe.
    1. Bechtle AG, 2022-06.
    2. HanseVision GmbH, 2020-04, 2022-06.
    1. Berghof GmbH, Berghof Testing”, 2018-09.
  62. Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - AöR -, 2015-12 with interview in 2016-01.
  63. Böllhoff GmbH, 2021-02.
  64. ( BM Invest GmbH ), 2020-08.
    • By temporary employment / integration leasing.
      • 2011-10.
      • Interview in 2012-02.
    • By contract for work and labor, 2013-01.
  65. ( be1ne / BeOne ), 2011-06.
  66. ( BERIS consulting GmbH ), 2011-07.
  67. ( Personalberatung, Herr Dipl. Inf. Bernd Joseph ), 2019-09.
  68. Bertrandt.
      • Invitation to Ingolstadt for an interview on 2006-05-08.
      • Invitation to Wolfsburg for an interview in 2010-09-09,
      • invitation to Ehningen for an interview in 2011-01-24.
      • 2012-05, 2014-08, 2014-10.
    1. ( Bertrandt Services GmbH ), 2010-12, 2011-02, 2014-01.
  69. ( best2find ), 2011-07, 2015-10.
  70. BG-PHOENICS GMBH, 2011-02, 2015-07.
  71. bib International College, 2019-09, 2022-12.
  72. bluebiz OHG, 2017-03.
  73. Bombardier Transportation, 2011-01, 2012-03.
    • I applied for participation in the challenge “The Booz Allen CEO Challenge” in 2006.
  74. Bosch.
      • I applied for participation in the event Bosch TechnikVision in 2006 and 2008.
      • My application for participation in the event Backstage@Bosch -Ihr Tag hinter den Kulissen of “Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH” and “Robert Bosch GmbH - Starter Motors and Generators” in Hildesheim, 2012 was accepted, but due to a new permanent job, I must revoke.
      • Interview at the job fair Career Dates in 2013-05.
    1. Bosch Power Tec GmbH, 2012-01.
    2. ( BOSCH Automotive Service Solutions, formerly: SPX Service Solutions ), 2013-01.
    3. At plant “Hildesheimer Wald”, Hildesheim, by temporary employment / integration leasing, 2013-12.
    4. ITK Engineering GmbH (Robert Bosch Gruppe), 2021-08, 2021-10, 2021-10.
  75. b-plus GmbH, 2016-01.
  76. ( BQengineering GmbH ), 2017-11.
  77. ( BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG - smart IT for your business / BRAIN FORCE Software GmbH ), 2011-06, 2013-08.
  78. ( Brandmonks GmbH ), 2020-06. I participated in the Flynne for SAP recruiting process, as job application for the SAP consulting companies
    1. Allgeier SE, 2011-03, 2011-08, 2019-09.
    2. apsolut GmbH, 2020-06.
  79. BridgingIT GmbH, 2022-01, 2022-03.
  80. ( brox IT-Solutions GmbH ), interview in 2015-05.
  81. ( Brunel GmbH ), 2011-06, 2021-04, 2023-04.
    • I was invited for an interview in 2011-07.
  82. Unternehmensgruppe Bürkert Fluid Control Systems.
  83. Busche.
  84. ( Oliver Büsching ), 2011-04.
  85. ( C2N ), 2010-10, 2011-04, 2011-07, 2019-10.
  86. ( c4c Engineering GmbH ), 2012-05.
  87. Capgemini CS GmbH ( formerly: Capgemini sd&m ), 2008, 2012-01.
    • I joined the “Capgemini TalentNetwork”, 2021-03.
    • I participated in the online event ”“WeloveIT. Abendveranstaltung mit Capgemini”, 2021-02.
    • I was invited to join and I participated in a special “information day” event in Hamburg in 2008 :-).
    • I applied for participation in the special event “IT & IT Consulting” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2010.
    • I particicpated in the special event expedITion 2011 in Bewegung - welche Innovationen braucht der Wandel?, 2011-07-16 in Munich :-).
  88. ( Careers International ), 2019-06.
  89. Carglass GmbH, 2021-09.
  90. CAS Software AG, 2016-11.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “IT & IT Consulting” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2010.
  91. Cavium Networks, telephone interview on 2006-03-20.
  92. ( CBS Personaldienstleistungen, Christina Bahri-Streibel, Schloßstraße 2, D-38100 Braunschweig ), 2011-01.
  93. ( CENIS Consulting-Engineering-Service GmbH ), 2011-06, 2011-09, 2012-01.
  94. ( centomo GmbH & Co. KG ), 2011-03.
  95. Chamaeleon AG, 2017-11.
    • 2011-04, 2015-03, 2021-06, 2023-01.
    • 2018-09 - I applied for a job as temporary worker.
    • 2023-01 - I applied for a job as temporary worker.
  96. ( CLEAR MOTIVE GmbH ), 2011-12.
  97. ( Cloud7 ), 2014-07.
  98. [http:///www.bnw.de/|Bildungswerk der Niedersächsischen Wirtschaft gemeinnützige GmbH]], 2017-12.
  99. COC AG, 2011-01.
  100. ( CodeFrog IT GmbH ). Invitation to Braunschweig for an interview in 2017-11.
  101. ( CodeControl GmbH ), 2020-04.
  102. Cofinpro AG, 2014-04.
  103. cognitas GmbH, 2015-05.
  104. Cognotekt GmbH, 2016-05.
  105. CompuGroup Medical Group ( CGM ), 2019-05.
  106. COMPRA GmbH, 2019-09.
  107. Computacenter AG & Co oHG (formerly: CompuNet ), 2001, 2013-07.
  108. ( COM Software GmbH ), 2011-08.
  109. Con-Sense GmbH, 2019-06.
  110. Continental AG, 2016-03.
    • Conti TEMIC & Conti TEVIS ( today: Continental Automotive Systems ), telephone interviews with Ingolstadt and Nürnberg in 2006.
    • I applied for participation in the ”AIESEC Business Breakfast bei der Continental AG” in 2009.
    • Continental Engineering Services GmbH (CES).
      • 2016-03.
      • 2016-10 - I applied for a job as temporary worker.
  111. ( Convers-Consult GmbH ), 2012-02.
  112. ( conceptQ GmbH ), 2011-09, 2013-07.
  113. ( CONSENSIT GmbH ), 2014-08.
  114. Coperion GmbH, 2019-10.
  115. CoreMedia AG, 2013-07.
  116. ( corpnext GmbH ), 2012-12.
  117. ( convanced GmbH ), 2018-08.
  118. Coursera, 2014-04.
  119. ( Cs2-Informatik ( 2011-2015 ), Cs2 ITEC GmbH & Co. KG ( 2019 - ) ), 2011-02, 2011-07, 2011-09, 2012-02, 2013-02, 2014-06, 2015-11, 2019-08.
  120. CIPHRON GmbH, 2016-04.
  121. CTS EVENTIM, 2016-05.
  122. DATEV eG, 2014-01, 2015-03.
  123. ( DATO(S) IT Competence GmbH, 7(S) - Gruppe ), 2011-10, 2012-03, 2013-02.
  124. Daimler, 2010-09.
    • I applied for participation in the “Daimler CAReer Day” on 2010-09-20 & 2010-09-21 / 2010-09-29, by applying for a concrete job of the “Traineeprogramm CAReer”.
    • Daimler FleetBoard GmbH, telephone interview in 2012-03.
  125. ( Darwin Recruitment ), 2012-01, 2013-04, 2013-06, 2013-07, 2014-03, 2016-01.
  126. ( DataRespons GmbH ), 2014-02, 2014-07.
  127. DB Bahn, 2013-02.
    • “DB Bahn - Regio Zuglabor”, 2013-02.
    • 2015-07 “Deutsche Bahn” in Frankfurt, by contract work as freelancer.
    • DB Zeitarbeit GmbH, 2019-10, 2023-05, 2024-03.
  128. Debeka-Gruppe, 2014-10.
  129. Decisio, 2016-09.
  130. ( DEKRA Commercial Services & Engineering GmbH ), 2011-04, 2011-07, 2012-05.
  131. DENIOS AG, 2021-03.
  132. DENSO EUROPE, 2013-01.
  133. DEOS AG, 2014-12.
    • I applied for participation in the workshop “GTO CeBIT Diversity Workshop” in 2005.
  134. DextraData GmbH, 2014-10.
  135. ( Die p.A.- GmbH ), 2012-02.
  136. Deutsche Post / Telekom / T-Systems / T-Home Entertain.
    1. Deutsche Windtechnik AG], 2020-05.
    2. Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore und Consulting GmbH, 2020-05.
    3. Deutsche Windtechnik X-Service GmbH, 2020-05.
  137. ( DHR Global ), 2021-12.
  138. ( DEVnet Holding GmbH ), 2011-07.
  139. ( Different4U ), 2021-01.
  140. ( DIE JOBMACHER Holding GmbH ), 2022-08, 2023-06.
    1. Diehl Metering GmbH, telephone interview 2018-04.
    2. Diehl Aerospace GmbH, 2018-04.
    3. Diehl Metal Applications GmbH, 2018-04.
    4. Diehl Defence GmbH & Co. KG, 2018-04.
  141. ( DIS Deutscher Industrie Service AG ( DIS AG ) ), 2011-04, 2011-07, 2011-10, 2012-05, 2013-04, 2020-07.
  142. Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, 2012-03, 2015-08.
  143. ( Dr. Deutsch GmbH ), 2011-11.
    • 2010-11, 2016-07, 2021-06.
    • ( 2014-12 by contract work as freelancer ).
    • ( 2014-12 by temporary employment / integration leasing ).
  144. ( Duven Consulting ), 2011-07.
  145. eBay Inc., eBay Marketplaces GmbH, eBay Europe S.à.r.l., eBay Customer Support GmbH, 2018-02.
  146. eBZ GmbH, 2022-10.
  147. ( Harald von Ehrenstein ), 2010-12.
  148. Elektrobit and AUDI.
  149. ene't GmbH, 2018-05.
  150. ENERCON.
    • ENERCON GmbH, 2011-05, 2013-03, 2015-05, 2016-07.
    • ENERCON Support GmbH, interview in 2016-06.
  151. enfore AG, 2017-20.
  152. ( engineering people gmbh ), 2010-12, 2014-06, 2016-10.
  153. ( ENNEACON GmbH ), interview in 2014-04.
    • I participated in the E.ON workshop “Realisierung von Innovationsprojekten am Beispiel Kraftwerk 50plus” on the event IN-Sight in 2008 :-).
  154. ( epos Systemhaus GmbH ), 2011-07.
  155. Erasys GmbH, 2015-01.
  156. ( Ericon GmbH ), 2014-12, 2016-07.
  157. ( ESM Software & Engineering GmbH ), 2016-09, 2017-01, 2018-10.
    • I applied for participation in the special event ”Summer School” in 2007 and 2008.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “Ernst & Young Win-Win-Award 'Think social!'” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2010.
  158. ESPRiT Engineering, telephone interview with CEO on 2010-11-16.
  159. Etengo.
  160. etn.group, 2021-11.
  161. European Aeronauctic Defence and Space Company ( EADAS ), 2006, 2010-09, 2011-08, 2011-08, interview at Airbus Hamburg / Buxtehude in 2011-08. 2012-01, 2013-08.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “EADS Internship Day” in Hamburg, 2010-11-12.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “Recruiting Day bei EUROCOPTER” in Donauwörth, 2012-01-23.
  162. ( euro engineering AG ), 2010-05, 2011-06, 2016-06.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “ExxonMobil Electrical Engineers' Day” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2011.
    • ( Application for job at customer ) - 2014-01, 2014-08, 2014-10, 2015-01, 2015-08, 2015-11, 2016-03.
    • Application for Consultant/Trainee Consultant - 2014-08.
    • ( Enginestaff ), 2015-12.
  163. EWE AG, 2020-02.
    1. BTC AG, 2011-04, 2013-03, 2020-02.
    2. EWE TEL GmbH, 2020-02.
    3. EWE NETZ GmbH, 2020-02.
    4. EWE Offshore Service & Solutions GmbH, 2020-02.
    5. WAYDO GmbH, 2020-02.
  164. exablue GmbH, 2019-03.
  165. ( Exakt Personal GmbH ), 2023-06.
  166. ( Excellence AG ), 2015-01.
  167. ( Exclusive Associates ), 2019-11.
  168. Exelonix GmbH, 2018-07.
  169. ( expertsnaut GmbH ), 2020-08.
  170. ( expertum Holding GmbH ), 2015-02.
  171. EXTESSY AG, interview at the job fair KISSME in 2008. 2010-07.
  172. ( EXXETA AG ) 2019-01.
  173. deister electronic GmbH, interview in 2007-12.
  174. Delticom AG, 2010-11.
  175. ( Peter Fischer, XING "Peter Fischer", LinkedIn "Peter Fischer" ), 2015-04.
  176. Fachhochschule Hannover / Hochschule Hannover, 2010-08, 2013-12, 2018-12.
    1. Bielefeld, 2012-04, 2014-06, 2015-01, 2017-01, 2018-09.
    2. Erfurt, 2014-07.
    3. Friedrichshafen, 2015-07, 2023-03.
    4. Hannover, 2011-03.
    5. Osnabrück, 2023-01.
    6. Rosenheim, 2013-09.
    7. Rostock, 2011-06.
    8. Schweinfurt, 2011-10.
    9. Stuttgart, 2015-02, 2017-08.
    10. Ulm, 2011-07, 2023-02.
    11. Wuppertal, 2014-12.
  177. ( FEV GmbH ), 2013-03.
    • 2001.
    • By application for a short-term employment at ENNEACON GmbH, which needed support to process a a short-term project for this company, 2014-04.
  178. ( Formel D GmbH ), 2011-08.
  179. ( FourEnergy GmbH ) , 2018-12.
  180. Francotyp Postalia / Francotyp Inovolabs GmbH, telephone interview in 2011-06.
  181. Freudenberg IT GmbH & Co. KG.
    1. Capol GmbH, 2018-07.
    1. Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, 2021-01.
    2. Fujitsu TDS GmbH, 2021-01.
    3. Fujitsu Services GmbH, 2021-01.
  182. FunkTronic GmbH, 2014-07.
  183. futronic GmbH, 2022-02.
  184. future Training & Consulting GmbH.
    1. adp Gauselmann GmbH, 2020-07.
    2. edict eGaming GmbH, 2020-07.
    3. BEIT GmbH, 2020-07.
    4. Merkur Sportwetten GmbH, 2020-07.
  185. ( GECAD GmbH ), 2019-04, 2019-08, 2019-11, 2021-02.
  186. ( GECO Deutschland GmbH ), 2010-08, 2014-01, 2020-01.
  187. ( geminiptc ), 2019-12.
  188. GFN AG, 2017-02.
  189. ( GFU-Softec GmbH ), 2015-07.
    1. ISTOS GmbH, 2023-01.
  190. ( GKM-recruitment AG ), 2011-06.
  191. Globe UAV GmbH, 2021-09.
  192. Götting KG, 2021-03.
  193. ( Goetzfried AG ), since 2010-10.
  194. Google Inc. / Google Germany GmbH ( 2014-07 ).
  195. ( XING "Swen Goslar" ), 2012-03.
  196. Gracenote, Inc., 2014-01.
  197. GRENKE AG, 2016-08.
  198. ( GRONET UG ), 2018-12.
  199. Grün AG.
  200. ( Günter Stahl GmbH ), 2012-01.
  201. ( GULP ), since 2010-08.
  202. HANNING & KAHL GmbH & Co KG, 2015-02, 2020-04.
  203. ( HAPEKO Hanseatische Personalkontor ), 2013-03, 2021-05.
  204. HARTING Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, invitation to Espelkamp for an interview in 2011-06.
  205. ( Harvey Nash GmbH ), 2010-08, 2011-06, 2011-07, 2012-03, 2014-11.
  206. Haufe Group, 2021-12.
  207. Haimer GmbH, 2023-01.
  208. ( Hays ), 2010-11, 2014-03, 2014-08, 2014-09, 2014-12, 2015-04, 2020-08, 2021-04.
  209. ( headway, headwayengineers ), 2011-04.
  210. Hesse GmbH, 2023-01.
  211. Wolfgang Höltgen.
  212. ( in-tech GmbH ), 2019-06.
  213. Incotec GmbH, 2018-09.
  214. Itron Holding Germany GmbH, by temporary employment, 2017-08, 2017-09.
  215. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH, 2013-05, 2017-10.
  216. Helbako GmbH, 2014-05.
  217. Hella KGaA Hueck & Co, 2008, 2011-04.
  218. Hesse GmbH, 2021-05.
  219. Hitex GmbH, 2016-09.
  220. Höft & Wessel AG / skeye / Almex / ( Metric, UK ), 2011-06, 2014-03.
  221. Hörmann Gruppe / Hörmann KG Antriebstechnik, 2016-05, 2019-06, 2021-05.
  222. Hornetsecurity GmbH ( formerly: antispameurope GmbH ), 2015-07, 2018-08.
  223. H&D International Group ( H & D, ehemals: Hönigsberg & Düvel Datentechnik GmbH ), 2012-12, 2017-07.
  224. ( HR-office GmbH ), 2018-02.
  225. H&S reliable solutions GmbH, invitation to Frankfurt for an interview in 2011-07.
  226. htp GmbH, interview in 2001.
  227. hubergroup, 2018-09.
  228. ( Hust-Personalberatung ), 2016-10.
  229. Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH, 2014-07, 2016-10.
  230. I+ME ACTIA GmbH, invitation to Braunschweig for an interview in 2011-08.
  231. IAV.
  232. ICT Software Engineering GmbH ( since end of 2008, it owns the former business unit “Automotive” of LINEAS Systeme GmbH ), 2009-01.
  233. ICT-Spirit UG, 2017-05.
  234. i:FAO Aktiengesellschaft, “i:FAO Group GmbH Softwareerstellung”, 2014-12, 2016-06.
  235. ifm electronic gmbh, telephone interview 2011-04-20.
  236. IGEMA GmbH, 2021-08.
  237. iks Gruppe GmbH, 2016-10.
  238. ( I. K. Hofmann GmbH ), 2014-08.
  239. IMEDAC GmbH, 2015-03.
  240. INFOnline GmbH, 2014-11.
  241. ifb Group, 2022-02.
  242. IMM Gruppe, 2015-01.
  243. imo elektronik GmbH, 2014-12, 2016-07.
  244. INOcSYSTEM, 2010-12.
  245. ( INPERSO GmbH ), 2012-04.
  246. inray Industriesoftware GmbH, 2015-05, 2016-06.
  247. ( Intuition-IT ), 2016-01.
  248. IONE GmbH, 2022-06.
  249. ( IPN Brainpower ), 2011-09, 2012-05, 2015-06, 2015-12.
  250. IPKS GmbH, 2015-04.
  251. ( IPS PROJECTS GMBH ), 2016-11.
  252. ( IQ - Intelligentes Ingenieur Management GmbH ), 2011-04 , 2014-01, 2015-03.
  253. ISB AG, 2016-11.
  254. iTAC Software AG, 2017-07, 2020-10.
  255. ITEBO GmbH, 2023-06.
  256. ( ITK Engineering ), 2021-04, 2021-07, 2021-08.
  257. ( IT-Projekte.de ), 2020-09.
  258. Itron, 2011-04.
  259. IT.TEM GmbH, 2016-04.
  260. ( ITU consult GmbH ), 2013-12.
  261. Jamit Labs GmbH, 2016-12.
  262. ( Japan Management ), 2011-07, 2012-05.
  263. JENOPTIK AG, 2016-03.
    • JENOPTIK Industrial Metrology Germany GmbH, 2016-03.
  264. ( Jeschke & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG ), 2010-11, 2011-08.
  265. ( Jet Consulting Limited ), 2011-10, 2012-05, 2012-12.
  266. ( JLink connecting experts GmbH ), 2014-03, 2015-05.
  267. ( JobImpulse Media GmbH ), 2019-12.
  268. Jungheinrich AG, 2014-07.
  269. ( jungwild GmbH ), 2020-01.
  270. KEBA Industrial Automation Germany GmbH ( formerly: LTI Motion ), 2021-04.
  271. KnCMiner AB, 2016-03.
  272. ( Keybird IT GmbH ), 2012-04.
  273. KEYMILE GmbH, 2012-05.
    • I applied for participation in the workshop “Kannegiesser Hochschultage” in 2007, 2011-03.
  274. ( Kelly Services GmbH ), 2014-04.
  275. ( kempers.partner ), 2015-07.
  276. ( KEYBIRD IT GmbH ), 2011-05.
  277. KION-Group ( KION, STILL, Linde MH, KIM ).
  278. Kimeta, 2022-01.
  279. KOPF GmbH, 2014-02.
  280. K-tronik GmbH, 2010-11.
  281. K&M Computer, 2012-12.
  282. ( komwert, HR ), 2013-07.
  283. KPIT, 2019-05.
    1. Delta Engine GmbH, 2014-02, 2021-12.
    2. klartxt gmbh, 2014-02.
    3. Neoskop GmbH, 2014-02.
    4. QNC GmbH, 2014-02.
    5. event it AG, 2014-01.
  284. Kreis Herford, 2022-12.
  285. Dirk Kreuter ( BV Bestseller Verlag GmbH ) - Zoom video interview in 2020-12 / 2021-01.
  286. KROHNE Gruppe, 2015-01.
  287. Krones AG.
    1. [http://www.krones.com/|Krones AG]], 2018-05.
    2. SYSKRON GmbH, 2018-05.
  288. KUKA AG, 2022-04.
  289. ( Ulf Lammers ), 2019-02.
  290. ( LeanDirection GmbH ), 2018-01.
  291. ( LEIFELD GmbH & Co KG ), 2011-05.
  292. Lenze SE, 2008-12, 2012-05.
    1. HEGLA New Technology GmbH & Co. KG, 2022-05.
    2. HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG Wartung und Service, 2022-05.
  293. Lidl Digital International GmbH & Co. KG, Lidl Vertriebs-GmbH & Co.KG Paderborn, 2022-01.
  294. Liebherr-International Deutschland GmbH / Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH, 2014-09.
  295. Lufapak GmbH, 2017-06.
  296. LUNAR GmbH ( Edeka ).
  297. Luxoft Germany ( “https” only ), 2022-09.
  298. ( LV Consulting ), 2015-07.
  299. macio GmbH, 2015-10.
  300. ( MATHEMA Software GmbH ), 2011-10.
  301. maxcluster GmbH, 2023-01.
  302. maxINtime GmbH, 2017-05.
  303. ( maybourgh Ltd. ), 2011-05.
  304. ( MBE-active ), 2011-12.
    • I applied for participation in the “McKinsey Campus 2011” event, 2011-01.
  305. ( MegaPart GmbH ), 2011-02, 2011-04, 2017-11.
  306. ( MEGIST GmbH ), 2012-02, 2012-04, 2013-11, 2018-08, 2019-01, 2019-02.
  307. Melitta.
    1. Melitta Gruppe, 2015-02, 2019-10.
    2. Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions GmbH & Co. KG, 2019-10.
    • I applied to become “Microsoft Student Partner” for Hannover, in 2004.
  308. MID GmbH, 2013-06.
  309. Miele & Cie. KG, 2008, 2012-03, 2013-05, 2021-06.
    • Application for a project as freelancer by GULP, 2016-04.
  310. ( MIFO Engineering GmbH ), 2015-03.
    1. Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG, 2022-02.
    2. Miltenyi Biomedicine GmbH, 2022-02.
  311. mindsquare AG, 2021-03.
  312. ( Minero GmbH ), 2013-10.
  313. ( MINT Solutions GmbH ), 2016-01, 2020-05.
  314. MIT Consult AG, interview in 2001.
  315. ( Akkodis ).
    1. ( Modis GmbH ), 2021-12.
  316. Modix GmbH, 2017-04.
  317. Möhlenhoff GmbH, 2019-09, 2019-10.
  318. momox GmbH, 2016-05.
  319. ( Morgan McKinley ), 2018-06.
  320. Motec GmbH, 2017-05.
  321. ( msg DAVID GmbH ), 2017-02.
  322. MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH, invitation to Lüdenscheid for an interview in 2011-07.
  323. m-u-t AG, 2010-11, 2011-05.
  324. ( MVB GmbH ), 2018-04.
  325. MyTaxi, 2013-03.
  326. ( Nadin Eckhardt ), 2014-11.
  327. Nationalexpress, 2024-05 :-(.
  328. National Instruments, Deutschland, 2008-12.
  329. NAVIGON AG / Garmin, 2011-10, 2013-01.
  330. Nect GmbH, 2021-03.
  331. ( Nemensis AG ), 2020-09, 2021-04.
  332. NeosIT GmbH, 2019-01.
  333. NeS GmbH ( Netto ), 2022-10, 2024-03.
    1. “NW Medien-Service Mitte GmbH”, 2023-04.
  334. ( Neumüller Personalberatung Regina Neumüller e.K. ), 2014-02, 2016-08, 2017-01, 2019-04.
  335. NewTec GmbH, 2012-04.
  336. ( new technology services gmbh ), 2013-07, 2015-05, 2017-08.
  337. ( Nigel Frank International ), 2016-09, 2016-09.
  338. ( Helge Nowak ), 2012-02.
  339. ( NTC-Systems OHG ), 2012-01.
  340. ( Ochre House ), 2013-01.
  341. Octapharma GmbH, 2019-08.
  342. Oliver Wyman, 2010-12, 2011-04.
  343. ( Dirk Ohlmeier ), 2021-09.
  344. ( online-recruiting.de ), 2010-11.
  345. OPTIBELT GmbH, 2015-02, 2019-07.
  346. ( Orizon GmbH ), 2021-03
  347. ( OSB AG ), 2011-06, 2015-04, 2017-09.
  348. ( Pacon Experts GmbH ), 2020-04.
  349. ( Personalblick GmbH ), 2022-10.
  350. ( P&D Profiling ), 2017-03.
  351. P3 Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, 2010-09, 2019-11.
  352. ( PAMEC PAPP GmbH ), 2013-10, 2015-02, 2016-01, 2016-02.
  353. parsQube GmbH, 2017-01.
  354. ( PENTASYS AG ), 2017-09, 2017-10, 2018-07.
  355. ( Personal 1 Personalservice GmbH ), 2015-07, 2015-08.
  356. ( Personaldock GmbH, 2016-06 ).
  357. Picologic GmbH, 2017-07.
  358. PICTURE GmbH, 2014-06.
  359. ( Piening GmbH ), 2023-05.
  360. Pi-Lar GmbH, 2018-06.
  361. Pinnacle Systems ( today: Avid Technology, Inc.), 2006-02.
  362. ( PIXIDA GmbH, interview at the job fair Career Dates in 2013-05.
  363. ( Philotech GmbH ), 2010-11.
  364. PHOENIX CONTACT, 2008, 2010.
    • I participated in the event ”Powerbrands OWL” ( 2008-10-17 - 2008-10-18 ) :-).
  365. Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, 2014-04, 2015-10.
  366. PLATH GmbH, 2010-07.
  367. Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 2013-08 ( by temporary employment / integration leasing ).
  368. Preh GmbH, 2013-03.
  369. PRISMA GmbH, 2011-04.
  370. ( ProData Consult ), 2015-04.
  371. progiton GmbH, 2018-09.
  372. ( PROJECT ROCKERS GmbH ), 2019-07.
  373. ( PROTEUS EUROPE ), 2010-05, 2012-01, 2012-02, 2014-01, 2014-03, 2016-07.
    • After application in 2010 for the “Engineering” event of access KellyOCG GmbH, as second step, I was asked to process the “P&G Management Success Drivers Assessment” :-).
  374. ( provativ GmbH ), 2018-09, 2021-01.
  375. ( Quildies Unternehmensberatung GmbH ), 2016-09, 2018-12.
  376. ( QUIP AG ), 2015-04.
  377. QSC AG.
    1. QSC AG, 2013-03.
    2. Q-loud GmbH, 2018-06.
  378. Qualidy GmbH, 2023-02.
  379. ( QualityScope GmbH / persOrange direct GmbH ), 2011-07, 2013-04.
  380. Quanto Group, 2017-06.
  381. Quest Software, 2013-02 - “Quest is now part of Dell” ( Dell Inc., Dell GmbH ).
  382. ( Ratbacher GmbH ), 2016-08.
  383. ( Redheads Ltd. ), 2012-05, 2020-04.
  384. Relay GmbH, 2023-03.
  385. Remmert GmbH, 2021-06.
  386. ( Resource Center e.K. ), 2011-11.
  387. ( Reutax AG Germany ), 2010-12, 2011-02, 2011-07, 2011-08. 2011-09, 2012-02.
  388. Rheinmetall AG, 2022-03.
    • Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH, 2022-03.
    • Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, 2022-03.
    • Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH, 2022-03.
  389. ( RLE INTERNATIONAL Produktentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH / “RLE Engineering & Services GmbH” ), 2014-09, 2020-12.
  390. ( Roc Search GmbH ), 2014-10, 2020-12.
  391. ROCK5 GmbH, 2016-11.
  392. Rohde & Schwarz, 2011-07.
    • HAMEG Instruments GmbH, 2015-11 - “Die HAMEG Instruments GmbH ist eine Rohde & Schwarz Tochtergesellschaft”.
    • I applied for application in the event start2009 in 2009.
    • I applied for application in the event start.ing2010 in 2010.
    • I applied for application in the event The Pitch in 2011.
  393. ( ROSA AG ), 2014-08.
  394. ROSEN Group, 2023-01.
  395. Rovsing A/S, 2011-12.
  396. ( Runtime Services GmbH, Division Engineering & IT ), 2013-08, 2013-12.
    • I applied for the RWE Power AG event “Technik & Tagebau 2008” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2007.
  397. SABIO GmbH, 2016-02.
    • Bremen, 2010-11, 2024-07.
    • SALT AND PEPPER West GmbH & Co. KG, Köln, 2011-05.
  398. ( [SAN]ITT[ Information Technology Trainings ), 2014-12, 2015-01, 2015-05, 2016-04.
  399. Sarstedt AG & Co. KG.
  400. Sartorius AG, 2012-05.
  401. ( Scale GmbH ), 2020-01.
  402. Scanfabrik KG, 2022-05.
  403. ( SEG GmbH ), 2015-11.
    1. Orga-Support GmbH, 2020-05.
    2. Aalto Financial Services GmbH, 2020-05.
  404. Shell Deutschland - telephone interview in 2007. I was asked to process the “Shell Questionnaire”, too.
    • I applied for the Shell event “Formel Shell Tage - Guaranteed IV” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2007.
  405. ( Schmitt GmbH / Schmitt Engineering ), 2010-11, 2013-04 ).
  406. ( Schotstek GmbH ), 2013-02.
  407. ( Heike Schroeder ), 2011-04.
  408. ( SCOPE Engineering GmbH ),2018-03, 2018-04.
  409. ( SECUSTAFF GmbH ), 2019-12, 2021-05, 2021-08.
  410. SEEBURGER AG, 2022-04.
  411. ( Selectancy ), 2018-02.
  412. Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG, 2011-02, interview at the job fair KISSME in 2008.
    • I participated in the Sennheiser workshop “Planung eines Groß-Events aus Sicht der Hochfrequenztechnik” on the event IN-Sight in 2010 :-).
  413. ( seneos GmbH ), 2014-07.
  414. ( Serma GmbH, formerly: Axeneon GmbH ), 2005, 2011-02, 2014-02.
  415. ( SFi Software GmbH ), 2010-11, 2013-07, 2014-08, 2016-03.
  416. shopware AG, 2016-09.
  417. SICK AG, 2015-09.
  418. Siemens.
  419. siganet GmbH, 2014-12.
  420. Silicon Image Inc. ( formerly: sci-worx GmbH, Sican ) in Garbsen, 2001.
  421. smartOPTIMO GmbH & Co. KG, a daughter company of Stadtwerke Münster GmbH. 2010-08.
  422. ( smart-recruiting Personalberatung ), 2017-11, 2018-02.
  423. SMA Solar Technology AG 2008, 2010-07, 2012-01.
    • I participated in the special event “SMA Insight” in 2008 :-).
  424. ( sms Consulting GmbH ), 2023-04.
  425. ( Softing Services GmbH ), 2010-12.
  426. Software AG, 2018-10.
  427. ( soorce GmbH ) 2016-08.
  428. Sophos Ltd., 2014-11.
  429. ( SOLIT GmbH ), 2014-12, 2016-06, 2018-02.
  430. ( Sources-IT GmbH ), 2015-02.
  431. ( Spencer Henderson & Partners ), 2011-05.
  432. ( SPIRIT/21 AG ), 2011-03, 2011-05.
  433. SprintEins GmbH, 2018-08.
  434. SSV Software Systems GmbH, interview in 2001.
  435. ( Staffxperts GmbH ), 2016-02.
  436. ( Star Cooperation ), 2011-03.
  437. Steep GmbH, 2020-03.
  438. StepStone GmbH, 2022-01.
  439. Sternico GmbH, 2019-01.
  440. ( Sterling Consulting ), 2011-06, 2011-12.
  441. ( STI-Consulting GmbH ), 2016-08, 2021-04.
    1. Stadtwerke Bielefeld GmbH, 2023-05.
  442. ( Stolzberger GmbH ), 2020-07.
  443. ( STI-Consulting GmbH ), 2021-04, 2021-07.
  444. SYCOR GmbH, 2018-11.
  445. symmedia GmbH, 2022-03.
  446. SYSGO AG, 2017-07.
  447. ( Systeme24 ), 2011-07.
  448. Talanx-Gruppe.
    • Talanx Systeme AG ( Talanx AG ), 2016-09.
    • HDI Kundenservice AG ( HDI ), 2016-09.
  449. talicom GmbH, 2017-10.
  450. TD-ORBIT GmbH, 2012-02.
  451. ( Team Synergy GmbH ), 2017-09.
  452. TECCON.
    1. ( YACHT TECCON ), 2010-05, 2011-06.
    2. ( AIR TECCON GmbH ), 2020-12.
    • Invitation to Munich for an interview in 2011-09.
    • 2013-01, 2013-06, 2013-11.
  453. TE Connectivity, 2014-05.
  454. ( TEKsystems ), 2015-08.
  455. Telegate AG, 2013-04.
  456. ( Telemotive AG ), 2014-04/2014-05.
  457. telexiom AG, 2018-06.
  458. TenneT TSO GmbH, 2013-06.
  459. Testbirds GmbH, 2017-12.
  460. TheBigWord.Com, 2010-06.
  461. Think-Cell, 2018-06.
  462. ( timecon GmbH & Co. KG ), 2014-04.
  463. ( Tina Voss ), 2010-08.
  464. ( Tintschl AG ), 2011-06, 2013-08, 2013-10, 2013-10, 2015-01.
  465. TIXEL GmbH, 2014-10.
  466. Tönnies Holding ApS & Co. KG / Tönnies Business Solutions GmbH, 2022-01.
  467. ( top itservices AG ), 2011-01, 2012-04, 2017-09.
  468. totorio IT GmbH, 2019-02.
  469. TQ-Systems GmbH, invitation to Seefeld/Munich for an interview in 2011-08.
  470. TRINTECH B.V., 2018-03.
  471. TRIOLOGY GmbH, 2018-10.
  472. Trips GmbH / TRIPS engineering services gmbH & co. kg, 2015-04.
  473. trivago, 2014-11.
  474. TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG / HÜTTINGER Elektronik GmbH + Co. KG / “TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG”, 2012-05.
  475. TÜV Nord, 2008.
  476. üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG, 2016-05, 2017-03, 2018-01, 2018-08, 2019-01, 2020-06.
    • “umlaut safety GmbH”, 2021-09.
  477. Universität Bielefeld, Zoom video interview 2021-07.
  478. ( unitepeople GmbH ), 2012-03.
  479. ( univativ GmbH ), 2023-05.
  480. ( VaD Consulting ), 2011-07.
    • Valeo Klimasysteme GmbH - invitation to Bad Rodach for an interview in 2011-12.
    • Valeo GmbH Stuttgart, 2014-01.
  481. VARTA ( until 2018: Johnson Controls, since 2019: Clarios ), 2011-04.
  482. velian GmbH, 2013-09.
  483. ( Vesterling Consulting GmbH ), 2011-08, 2013-01.
  484. ( viaNostra GmbH ), 2014-04.
  485. viastore SYSTEMS GmbH / viastore GROUP, 2019-11.
  486. visiosens GmbH, 2013-03.
  487. ( VISPIRON AG ), 2011-05. 2011-06, 2012-02.
    1. Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co KG, 2015-08.
    2. Viessmann Elektronik GmbH, 2015-08.
    3. Viessmann Wärmepumpen GmbH, 2015-08.
    4. Viessmann Hausautomation GmbH, 2015-08.
    5. Viessmann Werke Berlin GmbH, 2015-08.
  488. VOIPFUTURE, 2013-08.
    • Business unit “VW Konzernforschung, - Fahrerinformationssysteme”, 2008.
    • Business unit “VW Konzernforschung, Brennstoffzelle”, 2008.
    • Business unit “VW Entwicklung / Komponenten und Elektronik / Elektronik-Versuch”, 2008.
    • Business unit “VW Development of electric cars”, 2010.
    • I applied for participation in the VW case study workshop “Case Study mit VW Consulting: Aufbau internationaler Wertschöpfungsketten in der Automobilindustrie” at Leibniz Universität Hannover in 2008.
    • I applied for a job as temporary worker of SPIRIT/21 AG at T-Systems, Wolfsburg, to work in projects for Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, 2011-03, 2011-05.
    • I sent an initiative job application to a VW staff member of Braunschweig, 2011-04.
    • I applied at Autovision for VW jobs in Braunschweig, 2011-10.
    • I applied at an engineering company for a job in the plants of Audi AG, by contract for work and labor ( “Werksvertrag”, not “Arbeitnehmerüberlassung” ), 2013-01.
    • I applied at a job in the plants of Volkswagen AG in Braunschweig, by contract for work and labor ( “Arbeitnehmerüberlassung” ) or as freelancer, 2013-05.
    • I applied at a job in the plants of Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg, by contract for work and labor ( “Arbeitnehmerüberlassung” ) or as freelancer, 2016-08.
    • Volkswagen AG, Hannover, 2020-07.
    • AutoVision / Volkswagen Group Services GmbH.
      1. ( AutoVision GmbH ), 2011-10, 2016-09.
        • Interview at the job fair Career Dates in 2013-05.
        • Interview in 2017-06.
  489. ( VMR Consultants / jPeople ), 2014-04, 2015-04.
  490. WAGNER Group, 2021-04.
  491. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, interview in 2009-01. 2010-07, 2016-01. 2021-03.
  492. Weatherford Oil Tool GmbH, 2018-11, 2020-10.
  493. Welotec GmbH, 2017-11.
  494. Westfalen-Blatt ( ZVG Zeitungsvertriebs- und Servicegesellschaft mbH ), 2022-03.
  495. WEWA AG, 2015-02.
  496. ( win2you ), 2011-02.
  497. Diebold Nixdorf Holding Germany Inc. & Co. KGaA ( formerly: Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH ), 2011-04, 2021-10 ( telephone interview in 2021-12 ).
  498. WITTENSTEIN AG, 2013-12.
    1. ASIS GmbH, 2014-08.
    2. ( HEITEC AG ), 2014-10.
    3. proCtec GmbH, 2014-08.
    4. SEAR GmbH, 2014-08.
    5. WBS TRAINING AG, 2017-02.
  499. ( workflow plus GmbH ), 2012-01.
  500. ( work performance GmbH ), 2011-09.
  501. wpte GmbH, 2015-08.
  502. Xenium AG, 2012-05.
    • I applied for participation in the special event “Xenium Recruiting Days 2012” of access KellyOCG GmbH in 2012.
  503. ( XENOS GmbH ) 2019-09.
  504. ( XPSNET e.K. ), 2011-02.
  505. Xylem Water Solutions / Xylem Water Solutions Herford GmbH, 2020-01.
  506. ( YAVER GmbH & Co. KG ), 2013-08.
  507. Yelp, 2016-10.
  508. Yoga Vidya, 2024-03.
  509. ( ypsilon3 gmbh ), 2015-02.
  510. Ypsilon.Net AG, 2018-06.
  511. Zalando SE, 2014-10.
  512. ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2014-05, 2014-07.
    • I applied for participation in one of the events “In Touch With ZF”, 2019-05.
  513. ZMD, as freelancer hired by Xiopia GmbH, 2011-03.

Events of Interest

  1. I applied for events of access KellyOCG GmbH.
  2. Soft-Skill-Wettbewerb by MC Dr. Meyer-Camberg Institut gGmbH.
    • I participated in the competition in 2008.
    • I applied for participation in the event in 2011 ( 2011-09-12 - 2011-09-16 ).
  3. I applied for participation in the event Karrieretag Familienunternehmen in 2010, in Bielefeld.
  4. I applied for events of Careers International.
    • 2011-05-09 - 2011-05-10, “Business Intelligence”, in Berlin.
    • 2011-05-13 - 2011-05-14, “Engineering Excellence”, in Brussels.

Companies which invited me for a Plant Visit, Office Visit or Facility Visit

  1. Alstom LHB GmbH, plant “Salzgitter-Watenstedt”, 2007.
  2. Avnet EMG GmbH, Braunschweig, 2013.
  3. Robert Bosch GmbH, Hildesheim, 2008.
  4. CeH4 technologies GmbH, Celle, 2012-11.
  5. ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH, plant “Vahrenwald”, in 2003.
    • Visit of the Deutsche Flugsicherung facilities on the Brocken mountain, in 2008.
    • Visit of the Telekom tower ”Telemax” and the T-InterConnect facilities, in 1999.
    • Visit of the Telekom tower ”Telemax” and the T-Mobile facilities, in 2007.
    • Visit of the Telekom facilities on the Brocken mountain, in 2008.
  6. Daimler AG, regional supply depot “Hannover”, 2007.
  7. European Aeronauctic Defence and Space Company ( EADAS ), Airbus Hamburg / Buxtehude, 2011-08.
  8. enercity, power plant “Kraftwerk Leinhausen”, 2010.
    • Facility in Ahaus, 2008.
    • Plant in Mühlheim, 2008.
  9. ibk Industrieservice GmbH, 2011-08, 2010-09.
  10. Komatsu Hanomag GmbH, plant “Hannover-Linden”, 2007.
  11. Lenze AG, plant “Groß Berkel”, 2006, 2008.
  12. Mercedes-Benz in Bremen, 2015-02.
  13. MTU Aero Engines, Hannover, 2006.
  14. NDR, transmitter at the location “Hemmingen”, 2007.
  15. OneSubsea GmbH / Camereon, Celle, 2013-11.
  16. oose Innovative Informatik GmbH, 2008 - 2012, 2013-.
  17. Philips Lighting, plant “Springe”, 2006, 2007.
    • Visit of the symposium “7. Feldbus-Kongress” at PHOENIX CONTACT in Blomberg, in 2002.
    • Visit of the SMD production facilities of PHOENIX CONTACT Electronics GmbH in Bad Pyrmont and test center for EMC and environmental sustainability of Phoenix TESTLAB in Blomberg, in 2007.
    • Visit of the production facilities of PHOENIX CONTACT Electronics GmbH in Bad Pyrmont in 2009, 2013, 2014.
    • Visit of the test center for EMC and environmental sustainability of Phoenix TESTLAB in Blomberg, in 2011-05.
  18. Qimonda, Dresden, 2007.
  19. Ricoh Deutschland GmbH, Hannover office, 2011.
  20. S-Bahn Hannover, repair shop “Eisenbahnausbesserungswerk Leinhausen”, 2010.
  21. SMA Solar Technology AG, plant Niestetal, 2008.
  22. Viscom AG, 2006.
    • Visit of the plant “Wolfsburg” in 1996.
    • Visit of the plant “Stöcken” in 2003, 2008-09, 2013-10, 2016-08.
    • Visit of the Autostadt in 2010.
    • Plant visit “Hannover-Linden”, 2004.
    • Visit of the WABCO test area in Jeversen, 2002.

Companies to Compliment

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