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[hemmerling] DokuWiki




  • CosmoCode GmbH "ICKEwiki" - “Ein Business Wiki, dass sich hervorragend an die Prozesse und Strukturen ihres Unternehmens anpassen lässt”, “ICKEwiki basiert auf dem populären Open Source Wiki DokuWiki”.

Tips & Tricks

  • If you see just “Media files” in the editor, instead of the editor toolbar, after a fresh Apache server installation - maybe it helps to change the UI template to another, and then back to the original UI template :-)?! Have a try, if everything else fails..
  • ”./lib/tpl/<template>/meta.html” - The place for HTML header code ( Meta tags, Javascript code e.g. for Google Analytics ).
  • ”./conf/entities.conf” - The place for DokuWiki HTML macros.
  • User of Filezilla to transfer “pages” text files with LF as end-of-line ( of DokuWiki ) from / to Windows computer to / from an FTP server: “Edit / Settings / Transfers / File Types / Default Transfer Type”.
    • Windows computer ⇒ FTP server: “Auto”.
    • FTP server ⇒ Windows computer: “Binary”. Else there is 1 space line between each content line :-(.
  • DokuWiki Forum "Escaping ^ in a table cell" - “Solved ... % % ^ % % ...”.


DokuWiki Projects ( Plugins, Templates,..)

Wiki Events

Forums, Newsgroups, Newsletters, Mailing Lists, Blogs

DokuWiki on Free.Fr, Howto


Limitation when running patched DokuWiki 2009-02-14 on Free.Fr: Corruption of "big" multimedia files

The most serious limitation of patched DokuWiki on Free.Fr is, that the media manager of DokuWiki does not load “big” media files ( e.g. a 500 KB PDF file or bigger ) properly, but it corrupts the data and aborts the file transfer. In opposite, media files of 100 KB are handled properly. The exact maximum filesize which his handled properly is currently not explored. Verification:

  • Just upload a PDF file “a_pdf_of_500kb.pdf” of 500 KB or more size to ”/data/media/”.
  • Create a media link on a DokuWiki page:
  • Download the file on your local computer, by clicking on the media link “a_pdf_of_500kb” and then selecting the option to do a “save as”.
  • Result: The download is saving corrupted data to your computer: The saved file will have a filesize less than the original filesize.
  • Of course the original data on your server is not corrupted, as you can prove by an FTP download.
  • The Free.Fr webserver is not corrupt too. If you delete the .htaccess file of /data on your site, you might access and download the file properly by

or from within DokuWiki, you can grant uncorrupted access to the file by one the commands


Tips how to run DokuWiki on Free.Fr

DokuWiki verifies automatically, whether a plugin directory contains certain special files and directories.

  • If such a requested file does not exist, the webserver of Free.Fr issues an error - the execution of PHP code is stopped, the website “crashes”.
  • The webservers of (all) other (known) hosters do not issue an error, but the let the PHP application handle the event. DokuWiki is designed to handle the case, that certain special files and directories of plugins do not exist.

Free.Fr Administration, Howto

  • Website Hoster 'Free.Fr'.


Official Documentation

System Faults

  • “DokuWiki Setup Error”, 2023-06-04.
    • “The cachedir ('cache') does not exist, isn't accessible or writable. You should check your config and permission settings. Or maybe you want to run the installer?”.
    • “DokuWiki Installer. The installer found some problems, indicated below. You can not continue until you have fixed them”.
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/pages is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/attic is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/meta is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/cache is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/locks is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/index is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
      • {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/tmp is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
    • Reason: By error I deleted the DokuWiki directory ”/wiki/cache” ( in my implementation ”/wikidata/cache” ) :-(. Solution: Create the directory by FTP client. Check the directory attributes that it is “writeable” for the directory owner.


Forums, Newsgroups

DokuWiki Sites on Free.Fr

en/dokuwiki.html.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 23:40 (external edit) · []
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