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[hemmerling] Coding Dojo / Coding Kata: How to play Kata FizzBuzz with NUnit

1 Installation and preparation

  1. Please install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional.
  2. Please download and install NUnit V2.
  3. Call WindowsUpdate to update your Windows system. If necessary reboot your Windows.
  4. With Visual Studio, create a C++ console project.

2 Create a Class

  • Create a file “Fizzbuzz.cpp”.

3 Create a Test Class

  1. In Visual Studio,... ?
  2. The file “FizzBuzzTest.cpp” respecitvely the class “FizzBuzzTest” is created automatially.
  3. If you try to compile and run it, it stops with the error message ”?”.

4 Testing and Coding, 2011-10-02

4.1 The final Test Class

The functions “test01”, “test02”,.. are previous versions of the function “fizzBuzz”, which document the development of the testing and coding process.

4.1 The final Class to be tested

The functions “fizzBuzz01”, “fizzBuzz02”,.. are previous versions of the function “fizzBuzz”, which document the development of the testing and coding process.

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en/fizzbuzz02.html.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/15 19:55 (external edit) · []
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