[hemmerling] Internet Access, for Germany

Grit Coverage / Network Coverage for Germany

German Internet Service Provider

French Internet Service Provider


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Remote Access to Telephone Mailboxes

  • 1&1 Control-Center "DSL und Phone" → Click on “vv Weitere Einstellungen und Services vv”, select “Administration / Rufnummern verwalten”.
    • DSL / The Grid - FritzBox mailbox.
      • The local FritzBox must be activated at the FritzBox Webserver, by providing a 4-digit pin.
      • From remote telephones, call your own phone number, and if the answering machine starts, type ”#” followed by your 4-digit pin.
      • From local telephone, e.g. FRitzFon, type “* * 600”.
    • DSL / The Grid - 1&1 Mailbox.
      • At 1&1 Control Center, you can setup your 1&1 mailbox and the 4-digit pin.
      • From local telephone, call your own phone number e.g. “0511 2347019”. Type in the 4-digit pin.
      • From any other phone, dial the general 1&1 mailbox telephone number “0721-6090011”. To select your message box, by request, enter your phone number ( with leading 0, e.g. “0511 2347019” ) followed by a ”#”. Enter your 4-digit pin followed by ”#” by request.
    • “E-Plus” Grid, as of 2015-10.
        • From the smartphone with the E-Plus contract, phonebook entry “Mailbox E-Plus”, telephone number “9911”. There is no password.
        • For my telephone number “01522 8957694”, from any other phone, I must dial “01522 55” followed by my telephone number “8957694”, i.e. “01522 55 8957694”.
          • Enter “*” and then by request your password You once setup for this phone number. Attention, it is not necessarily a 4-digit number, but can be a much longer alphanumeric password.
          • If you forgot your once-set password, enter instead ”#” and the password is sent to your smartphone by SMS.

Mobile Phoning




    • “Seit dem 15. Juni 2017 ist das Datenroaming im EU-Ausland kostenfrei – das bedeutet, du kannst Telefonate führen, SMS verschicken oder im mobilen Internet surfen, ohne teure Gebühren zu zahlen”.
    • “Wie aktiviere ich Datenroaming? Wenn du im Ausland mobil surfen willst, aktiviere die Option 'Datenroaming' auf deinem Smartphone. Egal ob du ein iPhone oder ein Android-Gerät nutzt, die Funktion findest du schon mit wenig Klicks.
      1. Öffne die Einstellungen auf deinem iPhone.
      2. Wähle unter „Mobiles Netz“ die Kategorie „Datenoptionen“.
      3. Aktiviere das Datenroaming, indem du den Regler verschiebst.

SMS for Telephones of the Grid Net

Telephone Calls from Germany to foreign Countries

Cable / Fixed-Line Internet Service Providers

ADSL ( DSL & Cable Internet )

Cable Internet



  • QSC AG - ”Q-DSLmax”.
  • T-Systems - “T-DSL Business 1000 symmetrisch”, “T-DSL Business 2000 symmetrisch”.
  • HTP, Hannover - “htp Net Business Direct”.

News about DSL / Mobile Connection Incidents


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