Related page:
"The TIME_FORMAT specified is matching timestamps (Sun Dec 31 00:00:00 2006) outside of the acceptable time window. If this timestamp is correct, consider adjusting MAX_DAYS_AGO and MAX_DAYS_HENCE. Failed to parse timestamps. Default to timestamps of previous event(Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 2014).
Section "Timestamp" Field: Timestamp format Value: %Y-%m-%d
Timestamp format = %Y-%m-%d Timestamp fields = Datum, Uhrzeit
Field preamble = ^#.* Field names = Auto Field names on line number = (empty)
Field names on line number = 10 Field names on line number = 2
sourcetype=vornamen Anzahl_Knaben!=Anzahl sourcetype="vornamen" Datum="2006-12-31" | top 4 Vornamenstatistik Haeufigkeiten sourcetype="vornamen" Datum="2007-12-31" | top 4 Vornamenstatistik Haeufigkeiten sourcetype = "vornamen" Datum != "#" | top 4 Vornamenstatistik Haeufigkeiten by Datum sourcetype = "vornamen" Datum != "#" | top 4 Haeufigkeiten by Vornamenstatistik, Datum
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin\Python.EXE R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information.