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[hemmerling] Namibia Media 1/2 - News & Entertainment by Paper Newspapers & Paper Magazines, Radio & Online Streams, TV, Online Media


Terrestrial and Online Radio Stations with Broadcasting License or which are legal without Broadcasting License

  1. 99fm # - “The #1 English Nabian radio”. Live stream.
  2. Eagle FM Namibia – The Eye # - “Namibia's number one talk radio station”. Live stream.
  3. Efm Radio - Live stream.
  4. NAMCOL "Campus Radio" - 107.7 Mhz FM & live stream, but just at scheduled shows.
    • “View Our Broadcasting Schedule”.
    • “Educational programs from 8:00 to 17H00 -Friday 8:00 to 13H30”.
    • “You can listen to our radio by pressing the play button below”.
    • Licensee: Namibian College of Open Learning.
  5. OTJI FM 107.6 - Live stream.
  6. Rapids FM # - Live stream.
    • No moderators and no team featured on the homepage.
    • The facebook page photo shows 4 Africans.
    • Licensee: Radiance Consulting and Trading Services t/a Rapids FM.
  7. “Urban Cafe Radio” - No FM broadcasting advertised. Live stream.
  8. West Coast FM # – “Your Host At The Coast”. Link to live stream.

Non-English Radio Stations ( Africaans & German & Local African Languages ) with Broadcasting License

  1. Hitradio Namibia # - Live stream.
  2. “Kairos Radio 97.1fm” - “A community gospel radio station”.
  3. “Kanaal 7” – “Media Netwerk vir Christus”.
  4. Kosmos 94.1 - “Namibië se nommer 1”.
  5. Oradio Station Yandje OMULUNGA - “Omulunga Radio is a commercial radio station that speaks to the Owambo people of Namibia”. Live stream.
  6. Shipi FM - English website, radio in local African langugage. Live stream.

Online Streaming, without License

  1. Afrika-Boom, Namibia.
  2. Zeno "Amapiano" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  3. Connected Rhythm - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”.
  4. Zeno "Daures online radio" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live hardStream.
  5. Zeno "DIE CHEF" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  6. Zeno "Dj Cameron" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  7. Facebook "Cameron Tshoopara (Dj Camzo)" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  9. Zeno "Dj Stompie" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  10. Zeno "Dunkie Radio" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  11. Zeno "EARLY B" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  12. Zeno "GoodNews World Radio" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  13. Zeno "HLS RADIO" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  14. Zeno "IXA YESTER" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  15. Zeno "KIN AFRICA FM" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  16. Nam Radio - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  17. Zeno.FM "Ngwee FM" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  18. NUST FM - No FM broadcasting. No 24/7 service, instead scheduled shows and broadcasting loops of pre-recorded shows. Live stream.
  19. “OLDIES”, ”DJ Baddo”.
    • Zeno "OLDIES" - “Oldschool Buddie”. “DJ Baddo - The 80”. No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
    • NaijaDjMixtapes, NaijaDJMixtapes - “Non Stop Nigeria, AfroBeat & Foreign Dj Mixtape Download Website”.
  20. “ONAIR2” / “Longbeach Radio” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”.
  21. “Potters House Online Radio” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  22. Zeno "P.R.S. FM RADIO STATION", Otjiwarongo, Namibia - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  23. Zeno "Repentance channel" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  24. “Roots Online” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”.
  25. “SM Radio” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”.
  26. “SOUTH FM”, “OJETU FM” & “Suide FM”.
  27. Zeno "YouNic Fm" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.

Non-English Online Streaming ( Africaans & German & Local African Languages ), without License

  1. ALEX FM NAMIBIA - Mixed German & Africaans radio - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”.
  2. Radio Eendrag - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  3. Zeno "jkmradio" - “tube of Jonathan”. “Jonathan Kingdom Minister - Omurari Wa Ndjambi ”. No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  4. “Model Prayer Ministries Radio Katima”.
  5. Musical Venture Radio - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  6. Namib Radio - Mixed German & Africaans radio. Limited hours of broadcasting shows with radio moderators. No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  7. Zeno "OTJIUANA FM" - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.
  8. Padlangs Huistoe XM – Jou Lekker Kuier Radio - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live stream.
  9. “Gildo Sousa”.
  10. “Tz Gospel Online Radio” from Zambia, not Namibia - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”.
  11. Zeno "Traditional Music Radio" - “24/7 Traditional Music Namibia”. No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Live Stream.


Major Newspapers

  1. Namib Times - “Serving the coastal community since 1958”.
  2. New Era LIVE - “Owned by the Government of the Republic of Namibia”.
  3. “OmuTumwa”.


Some other News Sources

TV & Online TV & Online Videos

TV, Online Videos & Online TV

Videos about Namibia

    • “Die 29-Jährige ist seit Jahren in den Regenwäldern dieser Welt unterwegs. In Namibia trifft sie Menschen, die sich für Artenvielfalt einsetzen”.
    • “Video verfügbar: bis 17.02.2023 ∙ 23:59”.

Terrestrial Radio Stations and Online Radios with Broadcasting License, but with weak, insufficient or no Internet Presence

  1. “Adventist Radio Namibia” - No FM broadcasting advertised.
  2. Community radio “Base FM 106.2 Namibia”.
  3. “Focus FM”.
  4. Community Radio “Kharas FM 103.5” / “Karas Community Radio 102.3fm” / “Radio Karas”.
  5. “Khorixas Community Radio” / “KH-fm”.
  6. “Radio Live FM 90.3”.
  7. “Namibia Press Agency Radio” - No indication that there is any broadcasting at all.
  8. “NCBN – Namibia Community Broadcasters' Network”.
  9. Community radio “Oranjemund Community Radio”.
  10. “Shalom RADIO 106.3 FM” / “Shalo'm Messenger Ministries”.
  11. “Supreme Voice Radio” - No indication that there is any broadcasting at all.
  12. “UNAM Radio”.
  13. “Universal Media” - No indication that there is any broadcasting at all.

Permanently Closed Media

Permanently Closed Radio Stations and Online Streaming

  1. Zeno "CMEDIA RADIO" - No live stream in 2023-01-11.
  2. Radio Eros - Namibia” - Permanently closed.
  3. Zeno "Seek God", Namibia - No live stream in 2023-01-11.
  4. RFI English live” - Permanently closed?!
  5. Informanté Radio” - Permanently closed.
  6. Kalahari Stereo” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  7. Kavango Stereo” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  8. Community radio ”Katutura Community Radio” - Permanently closed.
  9. Radio KiepKiep” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  10. LLLC FM” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  11. Pronk Radio” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  12. Radio Sa Tunes” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  13. Shack72 Online - Windhoek ” - No FM broadcasting, but just “online radio”. Permanently closed.
  14. “Voice of Namibia” - Permanently closed.

Permanently Closed Newspapers

  1. Insight Namibia.
  2. Namibia Today.
  3. Oshili 24.
  4. The Patriot.
  5. The Southern Times - “The Newspaper for Southern Africa”. Very-latest news of 2022-07-28, most latest news of 2022-02-27.


Radio Resources


Smartphone Apps

News Resources

en/mediana.html.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/07 15:23 (external edit) · []
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