Let me introduce to You, my name is Rolf Hemmerling. These are the meeting places I visited / I was invited to, for participation in conferences, workshops and seminars. So if want to visit any of the locations or if you even want to organze an event, you may ask me for my impressions and my option, and I would be pleased to become your consultant.
In addition to this list I entered all places I ever visited on my graphical map at TripAdvisor.
Btw, I was told by sales staff in 2013, that the costs of a hotel event with lunch, per participant, are about 30 EUR - 40 EUR .
Some rules if you must book a hotel for an event:
Book the hotel first, immediately after you registered for the event.
Remember that you may cancel a hotel for free, if you book by an online hotel portal.
Remeber a hotel room won´t get less expensive, but might rise by 100% or more, if most rooms are booked in the hotel for the booking date ( and really just for the booking date, might be as cheap as expected at other days ).
If the hotel very-next to the event is too expensive, and no time to leave the event for check-in at a hotel more far away, think about traveling a day earlier just to do the check-in.
The checkin times might be so limited, e.g. 14:00-18:00.
Or there might be an social evening event of a conference, so that you must check-in at hotels far way after 22:00, which is often not possible.
Hotel room for 2 nights in the expensive hotel next to the event: 100 EUR * 2 = 200 EUR.
Hotel room for 3 nights in an inexpensive hotel far away from the event 50 EUR * 3 = 150 EUR plus some costs for local transportation. You may even select a cheap train on the travelling day, and use the day for sightseeing and / or a museum visit.
After the hotel booking, book the train. Remember if it is cheaper to check-in 1 day earlier, you must take a train 1 day earlier...
Event: Conference “Zukunftssicherung Digitaler Kompetenzen – Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Bildung” ( “Guaranteeing the future of digital competences - Challenge for economy and education” ).
Event: “IuK Branchenforum - 'Mobile Business – Geschäftsmodelle der Zukunft'” ( “IuK Branchenforum - 'Mobile Business – Business models of the future'” ).
Originally planned location: Neues Rathaus Hannover, Location: Trammplatz 2 ( Room 68 and 69, beneath the garden saloon ), D-30159 Hannover, Germany.
Event: Seminar “Analog Dialogue – Discovery through Discussion Seminar Series: Lösungen für Signalaufbereitung und Isolation” ( “Analog Dialogue – Discovery through Discussion Seminar Series: Solutions for signal conditioning and isolation” ).
Event: Seminar “Planung eines Groß-Events aus Sicht der Hochfrequenztechnik” ( “Planning of a major event from point of view of high frequency technology”.
Event “8. IT-Business Club mit AutoVision: Demografischer Wandel - Herausforderung für KMU” ( “8. IT-Business Club at AutoVision: Demographical Change - Challenge for small and medium enterprises” )
Event: Seminar “Gewusst wie! Social Media als moderner Verkaufskanal für den Handel?” ( “Know how! Social Media as modern sales channel for the commerce?” ).
Event: “Jan Theysen - Wie man die richtigen Projekte für sich und sein Team findet” (“Jan Theysen - How to find the right projects for yourself and the team” ).
Event: “User Group Treffen 'Testen & Test-Management mit Produkten von Micro Focus'” ( “User Group Treffen 'Testen & test management with products of Micro Focus'” ).
Event: “FIREABEND - Meetup der Gamesbranche in Niedersachsen und Bremen” ( “FIREABEND – Meetup of the gaming industry Lower Saxony and Bremen” ) with the focus topic “Screening der 'gamescom: opening night live'” ( “Screening of 'gamescom: opening night live'” ).
Event: “User Group Treffen 'Testen & Test-Management mit Produkten von Micro Focus'” ( “User Group Treffen 'Testen & test management with products of Micro Focus'” ).
Event: Meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence” about the topic “Qualitätsmanagement im KRH Klinikum Siloah” ( “Quality maangement at KRH Klinikum Siloah” ).
Event: Speech “Digitaler Kapitalismus. Trends, Widersprüche und Herausforderungen für eine solidarische Wirtschaftspolitik” ( “Digital Capitalism. Trends, conflicts and challenges for solidary economic politics” ).
Event: “Design eines Isolierten Systems. Einführung zur Entwicklung normgerechter isolierter Designs für Daten- und Powersysteme” ( “Design of an isolated system. Introduction for development of isolated design for data systems and power systems, conforming to standards” ).
Event: Speech “Ab morgen sind wir demokratisch? Herausforderungen für Unternehmen der Zukunft” ( “From tomorrow we will be democratic? Challengen for enterprises of the future” ).
Event: “Praxistour Industrie 4.0” ( “Practice tour Industry 4.0” ) with the focus topic “Smart Manufacturing Execution System - Der klassische Maschinenbau in der digitalen Transformation” ( “Smart Manufacturing Execution System - The classical machine building industry in the digital transformation” ).
Event: “User Group Treffen 'Testmanagement und agile Entwicklung mit HPE ALM.net / Quality Center und HPE ALM Octane'” ( “User Group Treffen 'Testmanagement and agile development with HPE ALM.net / Quality Center and HPE ALM Octane'” ) with live webcast by Ofer Spiegel and Adi Kidron.
Event: Hands-on workshop “Einführung in Bluetooth Low Energy + Energy Harvesting Connectivity” ( “Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy + Energy Harvesting Connectivity” ).
Event: Meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence” about the topic “Evolutionäre Organisationsentwicklung” ( “Evolutionary development of organisations” ).
Event: Meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence” about the topic “Evolutionäre Organisationsentwicklung” ( “Evolutionary development of organisations” ).
Event: Meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence” about the topic “Co-kreative Organisationsentwicklung mit Business Model Canvas und Lego Serious Play” ( “Co-creative development of organisations by Business Model Canvas and Lego Serious Play” ).
Event: Speech “Customer Experience thats sells - exzellenter Service mit DIN SPEC 77224” ( “Customer Experience thats sells - excellent service with DIN SPEC 77224” ).
Location: Karlsruher Str. 8, D-30519 Hannover, Germany.
Date: 2015-07-02.
Event: Hands-on workshop “Blue Box Workshop 2015. CORTEX-M Anwendungen Debuggen & Testen - Zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die richtigen Tools!” ( “Blue Box Workshop 2015. Debugging & testing of CORTEX-M applications - The right tools at the right time!” ).
Event: Seminar “Effiziente und sichere Entwicklung komplexer Regelungssysteme mit Simulink” ( “Efficient and safe development of complex control systems with Simulink” ).
Event: “Datenkraken im Netz und der BigBrother Award” ( “Data collectors in the Net and the BigBrother Award” ) with flim “Meine Daten gehören mir!” ( “My data belongs to me” ).
Event: Conference “DIGITALER KAPITALISMUS - Mehr Wohlstand oder sozialer Rückschritt?” ( “DIGITAL CAPITALISM - Increase prosperity or social regression?” ).
Event: Workshop “Einführungsworkshop 'Systemisches Arbeiten in Sozialarbeit, Pädagogik, Beratung und Therapie'” ( “Introductory workshop 'Systemic work in social work, pedagogy, consulting and therapy'” ).
Event: ”'Ethik im digitalen Raum - Internet-Ethik'. Verleihung des SUMA Award 2013” ( ”'Ethik in digital space - Internet ethics'. Granting of the SUMA Award 2013” ).
Event: “Busines Prozess Management - keine Angst vor der Digitalisierung von Betriebsabläufen!” ( “Busines Prozess Management - no fear of the digitalisation of operating procedures!” ).
Event: “4. FireAbend – Initialzündungen für die Gamesbranche Niedersachsen” ( “4. FireAbend – Booster detonation for the gaming industry Lower Saxony” ).
Event: Speech “Gesellschaftspolitische Reformperspektiven für einen sozialen und ökologischen Kurswechsel” ( “Sociopolitical reform perspectives for a social and ecological change” ).
Event: Conference “Couragiert – Risikobereit – Fehlertolerant: Wie kreativ und innovativ ist Europa?” ( “Courageously - prepared to take risks - fault tolerant: How creative and innovative is Europa?” ).
Event: “GreenIT Hybrid Forum Hannover 'Smart Working: Zeit für kurze Wege'” ( “GreenIT Hybrid Forum Hannover 'Smart Working: It's time for short routes'” ).
Event: Workshop “CryptoParty1: Offener Workshop für mehr Sicherheit und Anonymität beim Mailen und Surfen” ( “CryptoParty1: Open workshop for more security and anonymity with E-Mail communication and Internet surfing” ).
If you do not arrive in time, you have to notify your arrival by a mobile phone call with the host → Ask for the number in advance of the meeting, in time.
Location: Karlsruher Str. 8a, D-30880 Laatzen, Germany.
Date: 2013-04-18.
Event: “Antriebs- und Automatisierungslösungen mit SINAMICS G/V und SIMATIC S7-1200” ( “Drive and automation solutions with SINAMICS G/V and SIMATIC S7-1200” ).
Location: Planet M, Expo Plaza 4, D-30539 Hannover, Germany.
Date: 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-18.
Event: Hackathon “Hackathon beim Corporate Media Forum - kleine Anwendungen, große Ideen!” ( “Hackathon at the Corporate Media Forum - Small applications, big ideas!” ).
Event: Meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence” about the topic “Grundrichtungen modernen Managements und ihre Synthese im EFQM- und DQS-Modell” ( “Basic concepts of modern management and its synthesis in the EFQM and DQS model” ).