PIC32MX1 and PIC32MX2, with up to 50 Mhz CPU clockspeed, 3.3 Volts technology ( with some input ports which are “5 Volts tolerant”, but no 5 Volts output ports ), are the most powerful ( Microchip ) CPUs available in DIL package.
The Microchip GestIC devices are shipped with a 32-bit PIC32 and a 8-bit PIC18 CPU. While you can develop and upload firmware for the PIC18 CPU, the PIC32 has its own proprietary firmware for gestic recognition which you can´t access.
You may use PIC32MX with either with “MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework” or “Microchip Library for Applications”, for PIC32MZ, “MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework” is the only officially supported framework available.
“MLA v2013-12-20” - Latest edition for “MPLAB X IDE”.
“MLA v2013-06-15” - Latest edition for “MLAP 8”.
“Support for PIC16, PIC18, PIC24 and dsPIC33”.
PIC32MX is supported by the “Microchip Library for Applications” - a library is shipped with the compiler. PIC32MZ is unsupported.
“Starting with the 2013-12-20 release, the MLA will only include pre-built projects for MPLAB X IDE. Not all demos have been ported to the new version of the MLA. Please see the Legacy MLA tab below if you need: Pre-built projects for MPLAB 8”.
The problems and drawbacks of “Microchip Library for Applications” arise, if you try to combine different code examples. In opposite, with “MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework”, such problems are avoided the design.
The free “Gnu C/C++ 4.5.2” based compiler MPLAB XC Compilers for Linux and Windows.
“MPLAB XC Free Edition: Supports all the devices and commands of the Standard and PRO Editions. No time or memory restrictions. Limited code optimizations. Unrestricted use—ideal for a low-cost academic or commercial solution. Allows for all the code optimization and commands of the PRO Edition for 60 days – you decide when to turn it on. An option to activate the use of the PRO Edition features and optimizations is included. After 60 days, the compiler will revert back to the levels of the Free Edition”.
Get the Media Access Control (MAC) address of your computer.
Execute the command “xclm –hostinfo” from a command window on the computer on which you installed the MPLAB XC32 compiler, to get your MAC address.
Alternatively, during compiler installation, the MAC address is detected by the installer and displayed as “Host ID” and can be copyied+pasted to the website.
Enter the MAC address into the field, select your operating system and click on “Get free XC32++ License”.
The free “C” compiler Microchip Technology Inc. "MPLAB C Compiler for PIC24 MCUs" Lite Edition” for Windows. No C/C++ compiler! “The Compiler Evaluation Version is free! It is full-featured for the first 60 days. After 60 days only optimization level 1 can be enabled in the compiler. The compiler will continue to function after 60 days, but code size may increase. There are no restrictions on the use of this C compiler”.
MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18.
The free “C” compiler Microchip Technology Inc "MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (C18)" for Windows - No C/C++ compiler! “The Standard-Eval Version is free! It has all the features of the full compiler and libraries. After 60 days, the optimizations related to procedural abstraction and to the extended instruction set of the newer PIC18XXXX devices will be disabled. Code compiled after the expiration date will function but may occupy more memory space”.
The free Proteus VSM MPLAB Viewer. The Integrated Solution for PICMicro Development, provided by Microchip Inc for its classical “MPLAB” IDE ( but not yet for the “MPLAB X” IDE , integration is announced / expected for Autumn 2012 . Microchip is going to release a mplabX plugin to intergrate the proteus VSM in MPLAB ). It is based on the free demonstration edition of “Proteus VSM”. “You can write your own software programs to run on the existing sample design suite for evaluation”, using the virtual hardware “Explorer 16 Virtual Evaluation Board”.
There is a free edition with codesize limited to 2 KBytes.
On Windows Vista and newer, the installation setup wants to install the software by default at “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for PIC” .
The IDE:
All derived files are always in the same directory as the source files, you can not select another directory .
The menu function “Project / Clean Project folder” lets you delete ( generated ) project files. The default setting of “Clean Project Folder” does however not remove the following file types: *.mcl, *.ini, *.brk, *.bmk, *.dic, *.hex, *.log. You should check these project files if you want to delete them. Leave other files alone, they are really project files.
So my suggestion: To clean all targets, execute the menu item “Project / Clean Project Folder”. Let the IDE delete the following filetypes: *.asm, *.asm.ini, *.brk, *.c.ini, *.cfg, *.cp, *.dbg, *.dct, *.dlt, *.hex, *.log, *.lst, *.mcl, *.mcppi_callertable.txt, *.user.dic.
Even then, just the calling the IDE and the (automatic) loading a project, causes the generation of files of filetypes *.bmk, *.brk, *.c.ini, *.cfg, *.dct, which must be deleted manually or better by a batch file.
The commandline compiler has the commandline option switches:
- N : “Output files generated to file path specified by filename”. Indeed, ”-N” defines the name of the project file, e.g. -N”C:\users\pic18project\pic18project.mcppi”.
- B : Save compiled binary files (*.mcl) to 'directory'.
Step 3: Download and install the Microchip auto-install .zip file for each class you are taking,
Step 4: Open, build, and run the “Getting Started” project found at C:\MTT\<classname>. Correctly running this lab verifies the setup of the tools needed for your class. It will also provide the password that may be needed to log in to your class.
Requirements: Attendees should be familiar with power conversion basic concepts and the basic of architecture of Microchip dsPIC MCUs. Suggested classes: PWR3101 =√ + TLS0101 =√ + MCU3101 =√ + MCU3201 =√
Requirements: TLS0101 =√ oder TLS0103, Kenntnisse der Programmiersprache C (TLS2101) =√, COM3101 = just as commercial online training, no course offer in 2012.
Free online training “TLS 0000: Getting Started with Microchip Live Online” ( 2012-01-09 =√, 2012-01-18, 2012-01-23, 2012-01-30, 2012-02-06, 2012-02-13, 2012-02-20, 2012-02-27, 2012-03-05, 2012-03-12, 2012-03-26 ), 16.30 - 18:00 CET.
TLS 0101.
Alternative commercial online training “TLS 0101: Getting Started with Microchip Development Tools” ( 2012-01-09, 2012-01-16, 2012-01-23, 2012-01-30, 2012-02-06, 2012-06-13, 2012-02-20, 2012-02-27, 2012-03-05, 2012-03-12, 2012-03-26 ).
TLS 2101.
Commercial online training “TLS 2101: Introduction to the C Programming Language for Embedded Control Engineers” ( 2012-02-01, 2012-02-29 ).
TLS 2130 √.
Alternative commercial online training “LS 2130: Getting Started with MPLAB C for dsPIC DSCs and PIC24 MCUs” ( 2012-02-03, 2012-03-02 ).
MCU 3101 √.
Alternative commercial online training “MCU 3101: Getting Started with 16 bit Microcontroller Architecture and Instruction Set” ( just on 2011-03-13 ).
MCU 3121 √.
Alternative commercial online training “MCU 3121: Standard PIC24/dsPIC Peripheral Configuration and Usage Using the C30 C Compiler” ( 2012-01-18, 2012-02-15, 2012-03-14 ).
MCU 4101.
Commercial online training “MCU 4101: Introduction to PIC32” ( 2012-01-19, 2012-02-16, 2012-03-15 ).
“The hands-on exercises will use the Explorer16 board (DM240001) with the 32MX360 PIM ( MA320001 ) OR the PIC32 Starter Kit (DM320001) and ownership for the tools must be confirmed before the class start”.
Additional commercial online training “MCU 3122: Extended PIC24/dsPIC Peripheral Configuration and Usage Using the C30 C Compiler” ( 2012-01-20, 2012-02-17, 2012-03-16 ).
MCU 3201.
Alternative commercial online training “DSP 0201: Using DSP Features of the dsPIC DSC Architecture” ( 2012-01-24, 2012-02-21, 2012-03-20 ).
COM 3101.
Additional commercial online training “COM 3101: Introduction to Full-Speed USB”, a mandatory prerequisite for COM 3202 ( 2012-01-27, 2012-02-24, 2012-03-23 ).
“This classs requires the additional purchase or previous ownership of the following development tools for use in the hands-on section of the class: PICDDEM FS USB board, PICKit 3 debugger and adapter”.