[hemmerling] Realtime Operating Systems, Operating Systems for Embedded Systems, Distributed Operating Systems

Related pages:


Realtime Operating Systems

OSEK. FreeOSEK / OpenSEK and the OSEK Implementation Language (OIL)

OSEK and the OSEK Implementation Language (OIL)

FreeOSEK / OpenSEK





Amazon FreeRTOS

The Operating System


TCP/IP Stacks for Embedded Systems & Multi-Platform TCP/IP Stacks



File Systems

ARM Platform

The Operating System

CMSIS-RTOS - An RTOS API defined by ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard ( CMSIS )

  • ARM "CMSIS - Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard" - “The CMSIS consists of the following components: ... CMSIS-RTOS API: Common API for Real-Time operating systems. It provides a standardized programming interface that is portable to many RTOS and enables therefore software templates, middleware, libraries, and other components that can work across supported the RTOS systems”.
  • ARM "ARM mbed Developer Site / CMSIS-RTOS" - “The CMSIS-RTOS is a common API for Real-Time operating systems. It provides a standardized programming interface that is portable to many RTOS and enables therefore software templates, middleware, libraries, and other components that can work across supported the RTOS systems”.


Atmel AVR Platform

Espressif ESP32 Platform

Freescale Platform

    • The commercial realtime operating system Embedded Access Inc "MQX RTOS".
    • MQX by Freescale - OpenSource but not license-free realtime operating system, for some Freescale platforms ( Coldfire, Kinetis/ARM Cortex M4,.. ).
      • Business model:
        • In general, you need a commercial edition of the Freescale IDE & Compiler ”CodeWarrior” for compilation and use of MQX. You might succeed with one-time configuration & compilation of MQX using the commercial professional edition of CodeWarrior, and then switch to the free edition for compiling you own application and linking your code with precompiled MQX modules to a working application.
        • The commercial professional edition of CodeWarrior with “Task Awareness” debugging for MQX is enabled to debug MQX applications on task level.
        • The “Task Awareness” works just with MQX, so no benefit using the commercial professional edition of CodeWarrior with different operating systems like FreeRTOS or with simple schedulers.
    • Note on Coldfire support: “By Products: ColdFire Processors.... MCF520X (now available for alpha customers)”.
  • µMicrium C/OS-II - for Freescale platforms without MQX support.
  • Freescale eGUI - “Graphical LCD Driver for MCUs and MPUs”.

Microchip PIC32 Platform

Microware OS-9

OSEK, RTA-OSEK, Virtual Function Bus, AUTOSAR OS and AUTOSAR

Distributed Computing

Operating System




RT-Thread IoT OS

The OS


Texas Instruments Platform ( MSP430, ARM,.. )

Tock Embedded Operating System

  • Tock Embedded Operating System - “Programmable IoT starts at the edge. An embedded operating system designed for running multiple concurrent, mutually distrustful applications on low-memory and low-power microcontrollers”.

TRON Project

  • EN.Wikipedia "TRON project", EN.Wikipedia "TRON-Projekt" - “TRON itself does not specify the source code for the kernel, but instead is a “set of interfaces and design guidelines” for creating the kernel. This allows different companies to create their own versions of TRON, based on the specifications, which can be suited for different microprocessors. While the specification of TRON is publicly available, implementations can be proprietary at the discretion of the implementer”.

Some other Realtime Operating Systems

Realtime Languages with Multi-Platform Runtimes



Lua, eLua

Operating Systems & Frameworks for Robotics

Distributed Operating Systems


  • vita nuova "Inferno" - “A compact operating system for building cross-platform distributed systems”.
  • vita nuova "Limbo" - “The application programming language for Inferno. Syntactically similar to C, it has several features that make it simpler, safer and yet more powerful and better suited to the development of concurrent, distributed systems”.


Market research "Realtime operating systems", 2005-06-22

Some other smart and tiny Operating Systems

    • “A pre-emptive, real-time and multiprocessor Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language. Menuet64 is released under License and Menuet32 under GPL”.
    • “Fits on a single floppy, boots also from CD and USB drives”.
  • “HUAWEI LiteOS”.
    • HUAWEI "Huawei’s Agile Network 3.0 Architecture Launched at Huawei Network Congress 2015", 2015-05-20 - “As part of HNC, Huawei will also launch its Agile IoT Solution, which consists of three core components: Agile IoT gateway, Agile Controller and LiteOS, a lightweight IoT operating system (OS). 'Huawei believes that standardizing ICT infrastructure will foster the development of Internet applications, including IoT applications. To address this, Huawei is launching our IoT OS, LiteOS'”.
    • According to staff members in 2016-03, “HUAWEI LiteOS” focusses on beeing a hardware-independant layer ( API ) for applications and on power managment of the MCU and other components ( for energy saving). It was not confirmed that it contains a task scheduler.


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