[hemmerling] In the View of other Artists (Portraits)

  1. Portrait “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben” ( “The 6 basic states of Rolf's life in school” ) by Thomas Taylor, material: crayon on paper, original size 30 cm x 39 cm, created in the period 1974-1980.
    • Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben.
    • Detail #1 von “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben”: “1. überlegen” ( “1. thinking” ).
      • 1. überlegen.
    • Detail #2 von “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben”: “2. antworten” ( “2. answering” ).
      • 2. antworten.
    • Detail #3 von “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben”: “3. triumpfierend und Applaus erwartend blicken” ( “3. looking in triumph, while expecting applause” ).
      • 3. triumpfierend und Applaus erwartend blicken.
    • Detail #4 von “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben”: “4. beschädigt werden” ( “2. getting damaged” ).
      • 4. triumpfierend und Applaus erwartend blicken.
    • Detail #5 von “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben”: “5. verdutzt und verärgert werden” ( “5. disconcerned and getting annoyed” ).
      • verdutzt und verärgert werden.
    • Detail #6 von “Die 6 Grundfunktionen von Rolfie's Schulleben”: “6. protestierend heulen” ( “6. screaming under protest” ).
      • 6. protestierend heulen.
  2. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by a cartoonist of the german newspaper ”Handelsblatt”. Material: Felt tip pen on paper, original size 40 cm x 57 cm, created 1984-04-04 - 1984-04-11 at the Hannover Fair 1984 in Hannover, Germany.
    • Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by a cartoonist of the german newspaper 'Handelsblatt'.
  3. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by Wolfgang Rather, Braunschweig. Painted with a pen on a the special device “Oki-Kopie-Board”. Material: Print on thermo paper, original size 30 cm x 21 cm, created 1985-04-17 - 1985-04-24 at the Hannover Fair 1985 in Hannover, Germany.
    • Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by Wolfgang Rather.
  4. Digital image “Painted BY DRIVES”, portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by an automatic robot system ( two servo motors '1FT6', two computer-controlled transformers 'MASTERDRIVES Motion Control') of ”Siemens Automation and Drives”. Material: Airbrush ink on paper, original size 42 cm x 59 cm, created 1999-03-18 - 1999-03-24 at the Hannover Fair CEBIT 1999 in Hannover, Germany.
    • Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling, painted by drives.
  5. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by an unknown artist on the website “hemmerling.blickts.net”, original size 170 x 320 pixels, of 2002-01-03. A photo of Rolf Hemmerling was used as template.
  6. Digital photo collage “EVENTOS”. The utilized photos were taken by the “N-JOY-Digicam-Team” on the CEBIT 2003 party event “N-JOY EVENTOS NIGHT” of N-JOY in the “Design Center” in Hannover on 2003-03-15, at 20:00 - 02:00 o'clock. The portrait was published on the WEB site of N-JOY as 19.th picture. Digital photo, original size 320 x 240 pixels, of 2003-03-15.
    • Screendump of the webpage of the digital online photo gallery of the EVENTOS party, which includes a portrait of Rolf Hemmerling enthält. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling, taken by the 'N-JOY-Digicam-Team'.
  7. Digitale Photo-Collage der Website Spotlight.de vom 2005-03-03.
    • Portrait von Rolf Hemmerling in der digitalen Photo-Collage der Website 'Spotlight#.
  8. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by Harold Hugenholtz. Painited digitally on a tablet PC, original size 800×600 pixels, printed on digital photo paper, original size of the digital papier print 15 cm x 10 cm, created on 2010-10-26 at the fair The Power of 3 - SNW Europe, Datacenter Technologies, Virtualization World in Frankfurt, Germany.
  9. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by a cartoonist, engaged by Konika Minolta. Material: Felt tip pen on paper, original size 42 cm x 30 cm, created 2015-03-16 at the Hannover Fair CeBIT 2015 in Hannover, Germany.
    • Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by a cartoonist, engaged by Konika Minolta.
  10. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by Roberto Freire. Material: Felt tip pen on paper, original size A3, created 2015-04-16 at the Hannover Fair 2015 in Hannover, Germany.
  11. Photo of Rolf Hemmerling by the photographer Marco Leibetsedier, created 2015-06-15 at the fair “ACHEMA 2015” in Frankfurt, Germany.
    • Photo of Rolf Hemmerling by the photographer Marco Leibetsedier.
  12. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by di Vino - Stefan Wein at the booth of pmOne AG on the conference TDWI Konferenz 2018 ( 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-27 ), original size 911 x 759 Pixel, of 2018-06-26. There is also a printed copy 15 x 10 cm, printed by a color printer.
    • Portrait von Rolf Hemmerling.
  13. Portrait of Rolf Hemmerling by the forum participant PilleMcCoy im Forumsbeitrag War Thunder - Official Forum, Thread "Spiele Nation Deutschland - US XM-1 General Motors Pack möglich?", originale Größe 911 x 759 Pixel, vom 2018-07-19. Als Vorlage diente ein Photo von Rolf Hemmerling aus 2007.
    • Portrait von Rolf Hemmerling as "Ludwig Erhard".

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