[hemmerling] Privacy Policy for the App "Conference Selfie"

Posted: 2016-05-23

Thanks for using “Conference Selfie”! Here I describe if and how I collect, use and handle your information when you use the App.

Collection and Storage of Informations on the Device

By using the App, the user creates photos which are stored as files on the physical file system of the device in the directory “file:/ / /mnt/sdcard/Pictures/”. Some data - fhe filename with the full filepath - is also stored in an App-specific database on the device.

The user may delete the files of photos taken by the App, by the delete functions of the App. The user may also delete the photos at “file:/ / /mnt/sdcard/Pictures” manually, by a filemanager App.

By deleting the database by the App function “Delete Database”, the physical files of photos taken with the App at “file:/ / /mnt/sdcard/Pictures/” are not deleted. The app function has the meaning of a “Reset”, to start with an empty photo list in the App again. The reason to use this functions might be that the list of photos handled by the app got out of sync with the physically stored photo files.

Transfer of Data from Third Parties

By the button “Visit the Project Website” the App launches a brower app and loads the URL of a website. Besides that, the App doesn´t communicate with third parties ( nearby devices, Internet services ) to pull data from it.

Transfer of Data to Third Parties

By the button “Visit the Project Website” the App launches a brower app and loads the URL of a website. Besides that, the App doesn´t communicate with third parties ( nearby devices, Internet services ) to push data to it.

Does the App work properly without Internet Access?

The App is fully functional without connection to the Internet. However, by the button “Visit the Project Website” the App launches a brower app and loads the URL of a website.

Rolf Hemmerling
Henckellweg 2
D-30459 Hannover
E-Mail: hemmerling@gmx.net
Tel: +49 511 2347019

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