I am one of the co-authors of the book ”The ITIL Experience: 67 Real Life Remarkable ITIL Experiences”. Publisher: Ivanka Menken, The Art of Service. Publishing house: Emereo Pty Ltd (2. November 2009). ISBN-10: 1742442188. ISBN-13: 978-1742442181 .
“The meaning of chinese fireworks for Europe. China firecracker”. News magazine ”Voice”, issue “02th”, February 2003, page 13, editorial contribution ( article ) by Rolf Hemmerling and Yanni Ji. Chinese adaption: Yanni Ji. Retranslation from chinese: Yanni Ji, Yan Guo .
By my editorial contributions, I filled most part of the contents of the issues 2/1989, 1/1990, 2/1990 of the magazine “PEARL-Mail”, published by Prof. Dr. L. Frevert, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, IFE, Wilhelm-Bertelsmann-Straße 10, D-33602 Bielefeld, Germany. The issues were collected at the Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universitätsbibliothek Hannover, Germany. Signature “ZO 7502”.
1989 - 1992 I participated in the “FORUM” of the EFFO ( European Forum for OS-9, P.O. Box, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland ), which was published on floppy disks. My contributions and letters were published in the issues 11 - 23. The FORUM disks are archived at ftp://os9archive.rtsi.com/OS9/OSK/EFFO/