[hemmerling] Publications

  1. I am one of the co-authors of the book ”The ITSM Experience: Real Life Remarkable ITSM Experiences - 2010 Edition”. Publisher: Ivanka Menken, The Art of Service. Publishing house: Emereo Pty Ltd (30. August 2010). ISBN-10: 1742444741. ISBN-13: 978-1742444741
    Title page of the book "The ITSM Experience: Real Life Remarkable ITSM Experiences - 2010 Edition".
  2. I am one of the co-authors of the book ”The ITIL Experience: 67 Real Life Remarkable ITIL Experiences”. Publisher: Ivanka Menken, The Art of Service. Publishing house: Emereo Pty Ltd (2. November 2009). ISBN-10: 1742442188. ISBN-13: 978-1742442181
    Title page of the book "The ITIL Experience: 67 Real Life Remarkable Itil Experiences".
  3. “Sommer, Sonne, SummerSchool”, magazine “AStRein - Die Campus-Zeitung der FHH”, issue 03, October 2008, page 14.
  4. “The meaning of chinese fireworks for Europe. China firecracker”. News magazine ”Voice”, issue “02th”, February 2003, page 13, editorial contribution ( article ) by Rolf Hemmerling and Yanni Ji. Chinese adaption: Yanni Ji. Retranslation from chinese: Yanni Ji, Yan Guo
    Title page of the chinese news magazine "Voice", issue "02th", February 2003Page 13 of the chinese news magazine "Voice", issue "02th", February 2003Kuersche reading the news magazine "Voice".
  5. By my editorial contributions, I filled most part of the contents of the issues 2/1989, 1/1990, 2/1990 of the magazine “PEARL-Mail”, published by Prof. Dr. L. Frevert, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, IFE, Wilhelm-Bertelsmann-Straße 10, D-33602 Bielefeld, Germany. The issues were collected at the Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universitätsbibliothek Hannover, Germany. Signature “ZO 7502”.
  6. 1989 - 1992 I participated in the “FORUM” of the EFFO ( European Forum for OS-9, P.O. Box, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland ), which was published on floppy disks. My contributions and letters were published in the issues 11 - 23. The FORUM disks are archived at ftp://os9archive.rtsi.com/OS9/OSK/EFFO/

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