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[Hemmerling] Telephony by the "Session Initiation Protocol" ( SIP )

The "Session Initiation Protocol" ( SIP )

SIP Telephones


Software Tools

Soft Phones

  1. antisip softphone - free softphone for WinXP and MacOSX.
  2. Ekiga ( formely: GnomeMeeting ) - free OpenSource softphone for Linux with GNOME desktop.
  3. ENUM RTC Softphone - free softphone for Windows ( sourcecode + binaries ).
  4. 1&1 SoftPhone - free softphone for Windows.
  5. NCH Software "Express Talk VoIP Softphone" Free Edition - free softwphone for Windows.
  6. Gizmo5 free softphone for Windows, MacOSX, Linux.
  7. KPhone ( KPhone, Sourceforge:KPhone, Sourceforge:KPhone ) - free softphone for Linux.
  8. Linphone - free softphone for Linux with GNOME desktop.
  9. Google Open Softphone - free Java softphone, running on Linux and Windows. “The phone is tailored to be used in a Callcenter environment based on asterisk. It currently lacks a few features which a home user would expect. Most importantly these are SRTP and NAT traversal”.
    • OSSPhone - OpenSource SIP softphone.
  10. Phoner by Heiko Sommerfeldt.
    • PhonerLite - free VoIP/SIP softphone for Windows.
    • Phoner - free softphone for Windows. Phoner supports VoIP/SIP, CAPI and TAPI modes.
  11. QuteCom ( formely: WengoPhone ) - free OpenSource softphone for Windows, MacOSX, Linux.
  12. SJ Labs SJphone - free softphone for Windows, WinCE, MacOSX, Linux.
  13. Empathy - free softphone for Linux with GNOME desktop.
  14. Twinkle - free softphone for Linux.
  15. Zoiper IAX & SIP softphone (formerly: “Idefisk” ) - free softphone for Windows, Linux, MacOSX.
  16. freenet iPhone 1.9.0 - discontinued free softphone for Windows ( - May 26, 2008 ).
  17. Nero SIPPS - discontinued free softphone for Windows.
  18. pulver.Communicator - discontinued free Softwphone for Windows.
  19. “T-Online Internet-Telefon” - discontinued free softphone for WinXP.
  20. Vovida Open Communications Applications Library (VOCAL) by Vovida Networks.
  21. Zultys Technologies "LIPZ4" by Zultys, Inc.- discontinued free softphone for RedHat 7.1 / 8.0 / 9.0 Linux with KDE.
  22. innovaphone AG - commercial softwphones for Windows.
  23. The commercial Samsung OfficeServ Softphone for Windows.

Soft Phones Frameworks

Soft Stacks

    • OpenSBC - OpenSource SIP proxy and B2BUA ( Back to Back User Agent ).

SDKs, Frameworks, Developer Toolkits

Hardware Phones

Some other Hardware Phones

    • HTTP for configuration, using Web browser. SNMP sending traps to the management software.
  • xx
  1. Cisco.
  2. Polycom.
  3. ZyXel.
  4. Cyberdata.
  5. Counterpath.
  • SIP IP DECT Cordless and WiFi Phones Provider.
    1. Hitachi.
    2. Dlink.
    3. Kirk Wireless.


Communication Server

Office Communication Server


Asterisk Resources

Standard Asterisk Implementations

SIP Router Project / SIP Express Router (SER ) / OpenSER

Some other Communication Servers

    • OpenSBC - OpenSource SIP proxy and B2BUA (Back to Back User Agent ).


SIP Service Provider

SIP Service Provider with free Basic Account ( 2022 )

  • fonial GmbH - “Ein Unternehmen der EnBW”.
    • fonial GmbH "Ihr SIP Provider aus der Cloud" - “Ein Unternehmen der EnBW”.
    • Tarif “fonial FREE”.
      • “Bei ausgehenden Telefonaten fallen folgende Verbindungsentgelte pro Minute an”.
      • “Neue Rufnummern bestellen”.
        • “SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren”.
        • “Adressnachweis” - It is necessary to upload documents. No sending of a paper letter to the postal address.
      • “Einrichtungsassistent”.
        • “IP-Endgerät anlegen” :-(.
          1. Anderer Hersteller.
          2. snom D305, D315, D335, D345, D375, D385, 710, 715, 720, 760, D710, D712, D713, D715, D717, D725, D735, D745, D765, D785, C520, 820, 821, 870, 360, 370.
          3. Gigaset C500HX, C570HX, CL660HX, C430A Go, S650H PRO, S850A GO, SL750H PRO, E630 HX, R650 H PRO, S650 IP PRO, PRO Maxwell, PRO Maxwell 2, PRO Maxwell 3.
          4. Yealink T21P, T31P, T41P, T42G, T42U, T46G, T46U, T48G, T48U, T41S, T42S, T46S, T48S, T49G, T57W, T58A, T56A, T55A, CP920, CP960, T53W, T54W, T29G, VP59.
          5. Mitel 6755i, 6863i, 6865i, 6867i, 6869i, 6873i.
          6. Softphone.
        • “Interne Durchwahl” - “Die Nebenstelle muss mindestens 1, maximal 999 sein”.

Some other SIP Service Providers ( 2008 )

  1. Kostenlos Telefonieren”, ” Kostenlos Telefonieren”.
  2. Voiceglo
  3. Stanaphone


SIP Criticism

  1. There is no status display, whether a person is willing to accept calls, which is a standard feature for Unified Messaging systems ( “Availability” / “Kommunikationsbereitschaftsanzeige” ).
  2. There is no way to encrypt communications on ISO Layer 2, where it would be useful. On the other hand, Microsoft with its properitary protocols encrypt communications on ISO Layer 3 ?! There are 3 different ways to encrypt communications, Microsoft choose one of it.


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