[hemmerling] SIS630 Computers 3/4 - Local brand names of Clevo Notebooks with SIS630S or SIS630ST Chipset

Local brand names of Clevo notebooks. The data is as of 2008-04-01. Please tell me if your Clevo 2700c / 2200c, 2700s / 2200s , 2700t / 2200t notbook is sold with different brand name in your country:

Local brand name Distributor Country Original model Linux reports by
Baycom Worldbook, Baycom Worldbook II,tronic'5 27C Baycom, tronic'5, Atelco Germany Clevo 2700c Rolf Hemmerling, Klaus Sausen
Baycom Worldbook III, tronic'5 27T Baycom, tronic'5, Atelco Germany Clevo 2700t -
Gericom Overdose S Gericom Austria, Germany Clevo 2200c Sergi Coll, Philipp Letschert
2700T ONT ONT / ONT / ONT Switzerland Clevo 2200t -
PowerNote 2773, PowerNote 2786, PowerNote 2710 PowerLine Netherlands Clevo 2700c -
Promedion Pronote Netherlands Clevo 2700c Maniac
Brilliant 2700c Computerland, De NO-NONSENSE computerwinkel Netherlands Clevo 2700c -
Young Sun 2700 Silverline, Young Sun 2700T Silverline Completer Netherlands Clevo 2700c -
Brilliant 2700c JEWEL notebooks Netherlands Clevo 2700c -
Entreprise 5000, Symphonic 4000 UNIKA France Clevo 2700c -
In Systems DesigNote 2002 Inforlandia, OKIOS XXI Lda Portugal Clevo 2700c -
FOSA 2700C FOSA Singapore Clevo 2200c -
Pro Star 2253 SabreTek USA Clevo 2200c -
Sager NP2260 Sager USA Clevo 2200c Eugene Anikin
Sager NP2280 Sager USA Clevo 2700t -
Progress 2700/2800 Series Idea Progress, ElettroNEWShop.It Italy Clevo 2700c Luca Fini
KEYMAT series “FLAG COMPLETO” ( KEYMAT notebook FL 4090 DX ) Keymat Italy Clevo 2700t -
Polaris XP 2723 / XP 2724 Comex Italy Clevo 2700s -
Polaris XP 2734 Comex Italy Clevo 2700c -
9200 Powernote Angel Computers Canada Clevo 2700c -
BEST Apache C, BEST Apache T BEST Sweden Clevo 2700c, 2700t -
Mesh Mesh Computers UK Clevo 2700t -
AJP-2200C AJP Computers UK Clevo 2700c -
Quadra 141-1200C Digital Networks UK Clevo 2700t -
Viglen Dossier NS Viglen UK Clevo 2700c Yee-King Adaptive
Sigma Si RockDirect UK Clevo 2700c -
Pico Premier Pico Systems UK Clevo 2700t -
Iridium Starbook 510 Iridium Computers, Warwick, UK / Iridium Computers, Warwick, UK UK Clevo 2700t -
2200S, 2200T AJP Computers Ltd UK Clevo 2700c, Clevo 2700t -
Ahtec Sonic 2200 Series Ahtec Systems Spain Clevo 2700t -
Hundyx TL2000 Hundyx Spain Clevo 2700t -
Ahead Click Series ( Ahead Click 2700, Ahead Click 2200 ) Ahead Spain Clevo 2200c, Clevo 2700c -
? Futuretech Spain Clevo 2700t -
Excel 2700 Protac Australia Clevo 2700c -
Portocom FreeBook Portocom Hungaria, Slovakia and Czech Republic Clevo 2700S -
Portocom FreeForce Portocom Hungaria, Slovakia and Czech Republic Clevo 2700C -
Notex PCX Computer Slovenia Clevo 2200c -
UMAX ActionBook 570T UMAX Czech a.s Czech Republic Clevo 2700c -
Discovery KT5 RoverBook Russia Clevo 2700c -
California Access 6700 California Access, Karen Poland Clevo 2700t -
Proline, Model 2700T Pinnnacle Micro South Africa Clevo 2700t -

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