[hemmerling] SIS630 Computers 4/4 - Some other Computers with SIS630, SIS630S or SIS630ST Chipset

Some other Computers with SIS630, SIS630S or SIS630ST chipset, but no clones of the Clevo models ( i.e. no 100% hardware compatibility ). The data is as of 2005-12-18. Please tell me if you own or know about other notebooks (N), desktop PCs (D) or motherboards (M) with SIS630, SIS630S or SIS630ST chipset or if you know the original brand names of the modells mentioned here:

D/N/M SIS630/SIS630S/SIS630ST Brand name Distributor Local brand names Linux and FreeBSD reports by
M SIS630S ? M756MRT PCchips - Bryan Moffit
D SIS630 IBM NetVista X40, IBM NetVista X40i IBM - -
D SIS630 ? Fujitsu-Siemens Celvin Fujitsu-Siemens - -
D SIS630 Clevo LP200SC Clevo - -
D SIS630S Clevo LP200ST Clevo - -
N SIS630 Asus A1000, A1300, A1000-B Series Asus - Alfonso Martone, Bertazzon Lino
N SIS630 IPC TopNote H IPC Archtec - Yorck Sommerhäuser, Stefan Bongartz, Claudio Clemens
N SIS630 NATCOMP @note 7521 NATCOMP Mitac MiNote 7521, MediaMarkt Network NBI-866 Premium XL Werner Heuser, David Finck, MEGABLANK, MEGABLANK
N SIS630S Medion 9438 Medion - -
N SIS630S VOBIS XD-14-C1200, 15-C1200 XI VOBIS - CHIP:Das Billignotebook
N SIS630S ? Uniwill N340s8 Uniwill, Gericom, Actina - -
N SIS630 Titan G 490 / 590 Titan - -
N SIS630ST i-Buddie A900 series Elitegroup - -
N SIS630 Apache C Besttech - Gunnar Kreitz
N SIS630 Gericom Webboy Gericom - Matthias Schütze, Gabor Takacs, Annika & Kai Groshert, Heiko Holtkamp, Jerome Griessmeier, Fabio Tosques & Werner Heuser, Robert Vojta / Robert Vojta, SuSE
N SIS630 Gericom Webgine Gericom - Klaus Brunner
N SIS630S Gericom Webgine, Gericom Webshox Gericom - -
N SIS630S Tidalpower Mininote 200X Tidalpower Tech. Inc. - Glen Harris
N SIS630 Targa Companion Targa / Targa / ZDNet "Targa", Actebit GmbH - -
N SIS630S Saffier 1400, Topaz 9000 JEWEL notebooks -
N SIS630S ? ? ? Adventa 5480DVD -
N SIS630S ? ? ? Advent 6413 -
N SIS630S ? ? ? Stamp 205 -
N SIS630S ? ? ? Jetta 7700 -

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