Development of a smart frugal metering solution, for a smart world: “Smart Blitzmerker: Bring your own Device - Get your own Data ( BYOD - GYOD ). Smart frugal metering solution, for a smarter World”.
About the project name “Smart Blitzmerker”: “Blitzmerker” is a German word, means somebody with rapid comprehension. “Blitz” is German for lighning, or photo flash, and you see meters must get some light before we can take a photo. So first photo flash or some other light on, then take a photo, and then light off to save power consumption . Smart Blitzmerker is then name, as unfortunately Blitzmerker is taken in the Internet, while “Smart Blitzmerker” was free, i.e. not yet used, no hits by the search engines.
Free tools to do “Unit test” and “Behaviour Driven Development” for Java, Python, C#, C/C++,... . See section “Work Principles in our Team” for a list of pages which contain links to such tools.
There might be other licenses for special distributions, e.g. where a major component or runtime has another license, and we have to provide our software just as part of this component / runtime ( e.g. an Android app runtime of a special programming language like Tcl/Tk or Python, with its special license ).