[hemmerling] Telephone information services of the Deutsche Bahn AG

Labour Strike Hotline

  • Tel. 0800-99 66 33 - Information hotline about traveling in case of labour strikes.


  • In the 1990th and early 2000s, many DB-Reisezentrum offices could be called by local telephone number 19419, with the suitable preselection code. Nowadays, as of 2012-01-01, this number is not valid for most offices anymore.

Telephone information services for the Area of Lower Saxony / Hessen / NRW - OWL

Service / Station Telephon number Operation
Days Daytime
DB Auskunft + 49 30 2970 Mon.-Sun. 00:00-24:00 o'clock
Free computerized voice message system + 49 800-1507090 Mon.-Sun. 00:00-24:00 o'clock
Streik-Notfallplan Hotline + 49 800-0996633 Mon.-Sun. 00:00-24:00 o'clock
3S-Zentrale Bielefeld + 49 521 785-1055 Mon.-Sun. 00:00-24:00 o'clock
Service-Point Bielefeld + 49 521 785-1530 Mon.-Sun. 06:00-21:30 o'clock
DB-Reisezentrum Bielefeld + 49 521 785-1733 Mon.-Fri. 06:15-20:00 o'clock
Sat. 08:00-18:30 o'clock
Sun. 09:00-20:00 o'clock
Service-Point Hannover + 49 511 286-3468 Mon.-Sun. 00.00-24.00 o'clock
DB-Reisezentrum Hannover + 49 286-5464 Mon.-Fri. 06.00-21.30 o'clock
Sat. 08:00-21:30 o'clock
Sun. 08:00-21:30 o'clock
3S-Zentrale Kassel + 49 561 786-1055 Mon.-Sun. 00:00-24:00 o'clock
DB-Reisezentrum Kassel HBF not available :-( Mon. 07:00-18:00 o'clock
Tues. 08:00-20:00 o'clock
Wedn.-Fri. 08:00-18:00 o'clock
Sat. 08:00-20:00 o'clock
12:45-15:00 o'clock


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