[hemmerling] The Sequence of Steps of a Windows 10 Pro ( Win10 Pro ) Installation


  • Save the mail filter of Thunderbird E-mail client, especially if you move to a new location with a new E-Mail database ( it is stored in the mail folder, and is still available if you deinstall and reinstall Thunderbird on the same computer and same operating system ).

The Process

The Sequence of Steps of a typical Windows Installation, with Installation of Application Software, taking Win10-Pro as example:

  1. Windows settings.
    1. Language settings.
      1. Set “Windows display language” to “English ( United Kingdom )”.
      2. Set “Keyboard” to “German (Germany)”.
      3. Set “Regional format” to “German (Germany)”.
    2. Date & time settings.
      • Time server: “2.de.pool.ntp.org”.
  2. Activate the “Administrator” account.
    1. Login in the user account ( which you created at installation ) and open a “command.com” console with administrative privileges.
      • Either:
        • At the Windows appstarter of Win10, search for “cmd” or “command”. Mouse-rightclick on the item “Run as Administrator”.
      • Or:
      • Or:
        • You can also open Command Prompt by clicking Mouse-rightclick when your mouse is over the Windows appstarter symbol. Execute the “run” menu option and enter “cmd” at the prompt. Win10 informs “This task will be created with administrative privileges”.
      • Execute at command.com prompt “net user administrator /active:yes”.
      • Warning: If you do a typing mistake, e.g. forget the ”/” of ”/active:yes”, you might change the ( by default unset ) password of the Administrator, e.g. “net user administrator passwort” sets the password to “passwort” :-(.
    2. Configure PowerShell.
    • Activate the execution of PowerShell scripts.
    • Open a “command.com” console with administrative privileges.
    • Execute at command.com promt “PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted”.
    • Create the directories “C:\users\Administrator\Documents\WindowsPowerShell” and “C:\users\Administrator\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules”.
      • Copy the safed personal files “Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1” and “Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1” to directory “C:\users\Administrator\Documents\WindowsPowerShell”.
  3. Disable “User Account Control (UAC)” ( “Benutzerkontensteuerung” ).
  4. Configure “File Explorer Options”.
    • “Control Panel / File Explorer Options / View”:
      • ”[x] Display the full path in the title bar”.
      • “Hidden files and folders (x) Show hidden files, folders and drives”.
      • ”[ ] Hide empty drives”.
      • ”[ ] Hide extensions for known file types”.
      • ”[ ] Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”.
  • Configure Temp Folder.
    • Create the folders “c:\tmp” & “c:\temp”.
    • “Control Panel / “System”, “System Properties / Advanced / Environment Variables”:
      • “User variables for Administrator”
        • Modify “TEMP = “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp” to “c:\TEMP”.
        • Modify “TMP = “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp” to “c:\TEMP”.
      • “System variables”
        • Modify “TMP = %SystemRoot\TEMP” = “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP” to “C:\TEMP”.
        • Modify “TEMP = %SystemRoot\TEMP” = “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP” to “C:\TEMP”.

My personal Choice of Applications

The basic free Desktop Applications for 64bit Windows Computers

  1. Office, including Editors, Printing & PDF.
    1. PDF Reader “Adobe Reader” ( Adobe Reader for Windows - Enterprise ).
    2. “Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM)” Reader “Sumatra PDF” ( Sumatra PDF ).
      • “Install for all users”. Don't touch this if you install on your personal path. You may switch:
        • ”[ ] Install for all users” ⇒ “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\SumatraPDF”.
        • ”[x] Install for all users” ⇒ “C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF”.
      • Installer: “Custom Setup / Optional Components / Legacy Filters” ⇒ ”(x) This feature, and all sub-features, will be installed on local hard drive”.
    3. Editor Notepad++ ( Notepad++ ).
    4. PDF printer driver ( PDF24 Creator ).
  2. Internet / World Wide Web / Network Tools ( net ).
    1. Browser.
        • (Mouse rightclick) ”[x] Menu Bar”.
        • “ButtonBar / More tools / Customize toolbar...” ⇒ Add “Home” to your toolbar.
        • “Tools / Settings”, search for “Update”.
          • ”(x) Check for updates but let you choolse to install them”.
          • ”[x] Use a background service to install updates”.
        • Is it necessary to stop Firefox from caching?
      1. Chrome ( Google Chrome ).
      2. Microsoft IE11 ( “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”, to be executed in the directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer” ).
      3. Microsoft Edge ( always installed ).
    2. NTP Client.
      1. AboutTime ( AboutTime ).
  3. Multimedia ( mmedia ).
    1. Paint.NET ( Paint.NET - Current version, FileHippo "Paint.NET 3.5.11" for WinXP ).
    2. Rufus ( Rufus ).
    3. Screenshot maker Lightscreen ( Lightscreen ).
    4. VLC media player VideoLAN "VLC media player".
    5. Windows MovieMaker of Windows Essentials 2012 program suite ( CHIP "Windows Essentials 2012 (Full-Installer) Version v16.4.3528.0331" ) - The installer of “Windows Essentials 2012” just doesn´t create any shortcut or enty in the start menu. You must create a shortcut on the Windows desktop manually, naming the MovieMaker application “C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\MovieMaker.exe”.
  4. Tools.
    1. Archiver ( DVD/CD/ISO & Packer/Unpacker ).
      1. WinRAR ( WinRAR ).
    2. Virtual machines ( vm ).
      1. VirtualBox ( Oracle VM VirtualBox - “VirtualBox platform packages” & “VirtualBox Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack” ).
      2. VMware Workstation Player ( VMware Customer Connect "Downloads" ).
      3. Android 4.4.2, SDK 19 emulator BlueStacks ( BlueStacks ) ⇒ Whatsapp, Telegram.
  5. Development ( develop ).
    1. Java Development Kit ( Oracle "Java Downloads" ).

My basic commercial or hardware-specific Desktop Applications for 64bit Windows Computers

  1. Multimedia.
    1. DVD/CD/ISO creator Nero12.
    2. “Corel Draw 13” - For W2k - Win8.1 :-), but not for Win10 :-(.
  2. Hardware.
    1. Graphics driver.
      1. Nvidia graphics card “GeForce GT 740M” for Asus K95VB.
      2. ATI/AMD for Hewlett-Packard HP 255 G5.
    2. Key2Joystickbutton mapping software JoyToKey ( JoyToKey ).
      • “By default, JoyToKey will store the user data (configurations) under 'JoyToKey' folder in user's Document folder” ( e.g. “c:\Users\Administrator\Documents” ).
    3. Mouse automation software GSAutoClicker ( Goldensoft "GS Auto Clicker" ).

ASUS K95VB ( Win2 )

ASUS K95VB ( Win3 ) for Application & Game Develoment

Game & Contents Development with Core, Multimedia, Gaming with Core & WarThunder

  1. Games.
    1. Core Games.
      1. Core Games ( Core Games ).
      2. Lua.
        1. Sourceforge "LuaBinaries", Sourceforge "LuaBinaries" - “5.3.6 / Tools Executables”.
          • You need all 3:
          • “lua-5.3.6_Sources.zip” - Source Code and Makefiles.
            • “lua-5.3.6_Win64_bin.zip” - Windows x64 Executables.
            • “lua-5.3.6_Win64_dllw6_lib.zip” - Windows x64 DLL and Includes (MingW 6 Built).
        2. MinGW 6.3 “mingw-get-setup.exe” ( Sourceforge "MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows" - "Installer" ).
    2. WarThunder ( WarThunder ) & WarThunder SDK ( WarThunder Wiki "War Thunder CDK" ).

Messenger & Messenger Platforms

  1. Internet / World Wide Web / Network Tools ( net ).
    1. Zoom ( Zoom ).
    2. qTox ( qTox ).
    3. Skype ( Microsoft Windows App ).

Application Development

  1. Internet / World Wide Web / Network Tools ( net ).
    1. Application server XAMPP for PHP projects ( SourceForge "XAMPP" ).
      • Warning message before installation “Important! Because an activated User Account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of XAMP are possibly restricted. With UAC please avoid to install XAMPP on C:\Program Files (missing write permissions). Or deactivate UAC with msconfig after this setup”.
  2. Development ( develop )
    1. Concurrent Versions System.
      1. GitExtensions ( GitHub.io "Git Extensions" ).
      2. Local Git server ( GitoLite, GitLab ) or free Git online service ( GitLab )?
    2. Integrated Development Tools( e.g. Eclipse ), based on Java.
    3. Microsoft Windows development tools ( e.g. Visual Studio CE, Visual Studio Code ).
      1. Visual Studio Code ⇒ “System Installer”.
        • “This User Installer is not meant to be run as Administrator. If you would like to install VS Code for all users in the system, download the System Installer instead from http://code.visualstudio.com”.

Hewlett-Packard HP 255 G5 ( Win9 )

  • Core Games crashes :-(.

Lenovo ThinkCentre 58p ( Win4 )

  1. E-Mail Client Thunderbird ( Thunderbird, Mozilla Releases - Thunderbird ).
  2. Application server XAMPP ( SourceForge "XAMPP" - Legacy XAMPP 1.7.7 for legacy DokuWiki versions ).
  3. FTP clients
    1. FileZilla ( FileZilla ).
    2. WS_FTP 5.08 ( OldVersion "WS_FTP LE" ).
  4. Editor for DokuWiki files Notepad2 ( flo's freeware "Notepad2" ).

Some other Applications for special Purposes, installed just by Request

  1. Browser.
    1. Yandex ( Yandex Browser ).
    2. Opera ( Opera Software "Downloads" - “Download the offline package” ).
  2. Free graphics software Gimp ( Gimp ).
  3. Microsoft Download Center "Windows USB/DVD Download Tool" - “The Windows 7 USD/DVD Download Tool uses material from ImageMaster, a .NET C# application for reading and writing disc images (*.iso files)”.
  4. Microsoft Office 2000.

Problems & Fixes


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