On 2011-07-04, I was certified as radio amateur. I gained the certificate “Amateurfunkzeugnis der Klasse E” ( “CEPT Novice Radio Amateur Licence ECC/REC (05)06” ):
Proficiency in Rules and regulations: 84 points of 102 points ( 34 questions, 6 wrong answers, 82% correct answers ).
75% correct answers ( equivalent to 8 wrong answers for a test with 34 questions ) is the minium to pass each of the 3 tests, successfully.
The introductory amateur radio course at DARC e.V. - Ortsverband H13 - Hannover ( 2010-09-16 - 2011-04-11 ) prepared me well for the certification test!
The software collects wrong answers so that you can be forced to answer questions which you did not yet answer correctly, frequently.
Especially, there are references in the software on the question screens to the specific lessions of the free online course Eckart K.W. Moltrecht, DJ4UF - "Amateurfunklehrgang", which grant help to answer that specific question.
eQSO - “A client / server software program designed by Amateur Radio enthusiasts for linking Amateur Radio RF gateways and repeaters via the Internet”.
It's like with business calling cards: Because of changes in your life ( relocation, new call sign → after upgrading the amateur radio license from class E to class A, new phone number, new website URL,... ) most of the cards will never be distributed. If you buy 500, you will put 450 into garbage. If you buy 1000, you will put 950 into garbage...
It can generate QSL cards, so that the radio amateur can print it with the QSO-dates on glossy photo paper. The motive can be change by each mode. Mobile QSOs can be confirmed, with the proper location data.
Get a A/D converter board with ADC 10 bit, successive approximation method ( not Sigma Delta, not Dual Slope ), e.g. AD 9280, AD9282, plus a controller board with USB interface, to control the device by a Windows computer.
Automotive SDR focusses on “Phase Diversity”. “Antenna Diversity” is already below the accepted requirements level. You need a DSP with about 500 Mips for data processing.
FUNKECHO - Dein QTH im Internet! Forum - “Funkverzeichnis, Funkerkarte und Funkforum. Egal welche Funkklasse, ob CB-Funk, Amateurfunk, PMR, LPD, Freenet, Betriebsfunk...”.