“Zur 5G CMM EXPO wird es zwei Abendveranstaltungen geben. An diesen können Sie teilnehmen, wenn Sie ein Ticket für den Tag gekauft haben oder wenn Sie ein extra Ticket für die Networking Events kaufen”.
Google Werbung 2019-10 “Jetzt den Aktionscode 5G4CMM im Ticketshop eingeben und ein kostenfreies Ticket erhalten! Die gesamte Anwendungsbreite des 5G-Standards für alle vernetzen mobilen Dinge. Infos hier. Innovationen. Wissen aufbauen. Networking”.
2.4 Ghz, 5 Ghz → Mostly normed wireless communications . Good range in US style ( “wooden” ) houses , weak range in European ( “stone & armored concrete” ) houses.
868 Mhz → Wireless M-Bus , KNX PLC = KNX RF , but mostly proprietary wireless communications , often due to “all inclusive service” service models of service providers. Acceptable range in European ( “stone & armored concrete” ) houses, higher range than with 2.4 Ghz.
433 Mhz is “the future” from point of view of some technology experts.
“Sign up to get an IoT Developer Kit ON US. Upon release this summer, we’ll give away the first 1,000 kits to the first 1,000 developers to join the waitlist. To join the waitlist, simply select 'IoT Developer Kit'—those who are eligible will receive one FREE Kit”.
“Our IoT Developer Kit uses LTE CAT-M, a leading LPWA network technology for Internet of Things applications offering a connection speed of up to 375 Kbps. It can connect resource-constrained devices to the internet and transmit small amounts of data over long periods of time, while providing high signal penetration and maintaining minimal power consumption. Out of the box, you can see the device’s data over our cellular network without additional coding”.
“32-bit ARM Cortex M4 MCU”, “LTE CAT-M Module, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, BLE Bluetooth”, “Segger J-Link programming interface”.
“IMPORTANT - ONLY iBeacon license holders will be approved. NOTE: This is NOT the same as Apple MFI or Apple iOS developer program licenses. CONFIRM: Do you have an iBeacon license from Apple?”
“Provide the ACCOUNT NUMBER for the COMPANY requesting access to the software. NOTE: Find this in the Company Info section under the License Info links in the iBeacon Portal at mfi.apple.com”.
iBeacons transmit a UID ( identical for all iBeacon items of a project ), a major and minor number ( 64 values ), and an ( computed ) estimated range of the iBeacon from the interacting Smartphone. Just that. Its a helper service to supply “location based services”.
Welcome to Tile, the world’s largest lost and found. This app works with Tile, a tiny Bluetooth tracker that finds everyday items in seconds—like your phone, keys, and wallet.
Attach or stick Tile to anything you need to find fast. Use the app to help you find your Tiled items quickly and easily. You can also use your Tile to ring your phone — even on silent!
Ring your things. Use the app to ring your stuff. If your Tile is within the 300-foot Bluetooth range, it will play a loud tune until you find it.
Ring your phone. Can't find your phone? Press any one of your Tiles to make your lost phone ring—even if it's on silent.
I was told by experts: Since 2014, placing a Bluetooth enabled product on the market requires to pay a license fee for each single item . Before that, buying a “complete Bluetooth module” of a sub-manufacturer and integrating it into the product, was not subject of a license fee . With a complete Bluetooth solution, you must not pay.
Bluetooth LE enabled devices and operating systems:
Android 4.3 → See Google Android. With earlier releases of Android, the hardware was Bluetooth LE ready, but not software-enabled.
PC Magazin "Bluetooth 4.2 erklärt: Das kann die nächste Version" - “Zu guter Letzt wurde mit der Version 4.2 eine sichere und variable Verbindung zum Internet geschaffen – nach Paketstandard IPv6, mit dem sich die Anzahl der möglichen Geräte potenziert. So kann nun das Internet der Dinge, also Haussteuerung (z.B. Beleuchtung, Heizung, Sicherheit), Smart Meters und Kommunikation mit Haushaltsgeräten auf Basis von Bluetooth entwickelt werden. Ist ein Übergabepunkt zum WWW vorhanden, kann dann alles weltweit gesteuert werden”.
“Bluetooth 4.2 introduces several new features that improve speed and privacy over Bluetooth 4.1 but the main advantage is allowing chips to use Bluetooth over Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for direct Internet access. With this, the possibilities expand beyond thoseof current designs and markets to include any type of Bluetooth device requiring speed and security in the IoT”.
IoT Capabilities:
Low-power IP (IPv6/6LoWPAN).
Bluetooth Smart Internet Gateways (GATT).
“With BLE 4.2 Bluetooth Smart sensors can transmit data over the internet”.
“Symmetry Electronics is able to support your BLE 4.2 designs with the recently released Silicon Labs Blue Gecko line of BLE modules and development tools. The certified Blue Gecko module allows you to quickly add Bluetooth connectivity to your applications with software stack and an intuitive scripting language for development”.
At the “Funk-Roadshow 2011” on 2011-11-15 in Hamburg, all participants were invited to become sponsored “EnOcean Associate” for 2 years. To apply for this sponsored membership at EnOcean Alliance Application Form, select “Application as = 'Associate'” and at “Sponsored by:”, please enter “Roadshow 2011”.
Regularly, the membership fee as “Associate” is $500 ( USD) for 2 years.
So if your business partnership should not result in a monetary benefit , be shure to cancel the free membership in time.
Remember “Fees apply ... from date of registration”. If you do not cancel the membership, you wll pay $500 for the 3rd. and 4th. year, and furtheron.
The contract documents in German language do not contain:
A return address of the organization. It is just printed on the website ( postal address, FAX telephone number, E-Mail ).
A “period of cancellation” ( “Kündigungsfrist” ).
The required form of a membership cancellation ( e.g. just cancellation by a paper letter and FAX letter, or even by E-Mail ? ) .
However, the German contract documents contain severe typing mistakes ( “Einschräkungen” ), and part of the German contract text is written in captalized letters, which makes it hard to read even for German natives .
The commercial software BootUp GmbH "myHomeControl" for Windows with .NET 2.0 - “A building/home automation system with build in visualisation and control capabilities designed for the use of EnOcean based devices”.
EN.Wikipedia "IEEE 802.11ax" - “It is designed to operate in license exempt bands between 1 and 6 GHz when they become available for 802.11 use. All Wi-Fi 6 devices work over the previously allocated 2.4 and 5 GHz bands”.
Actility - Making Things Smart "ThingPark" - “The ThingPark Wireless Network”, “ThingPark Wireless, the Internet of Things network dedicated to long range low-power sensors”, “A LoRaWAN long range bi-directional low power network”.
IBM Research "IBM Long-Range Signaling and Control (LRSC)" - “IBM 'LoRa WAN in C' is the LoRa WAN implementation of choice, and a perfect match to the IBM LRSC on the end device. It is provided as open source under the Eclipse Public License (EPL)”.
GitHub "Lora-net/lora_gateway" - “The source code of firmware” of the “LoRa Lite Gateway” gateway by IMST GmbH. *”Driver/HAL to build a gateway using a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1301 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers”.
My board “VT-SS-002-BDB - Smart Sensor #2: LoRaWAN Sensor Node” - “The LoRaWAN Smart Sensor together with local sensors is managed by an NXP Cortex M0 microcontroller. Whether a private or public LoRaWAN network is being used, Avnet Silica can support the integration between the network server and a cloud service such as Devicepoint”.
Alleantia ISC communications is based on “Modbus TCP” and “Ethernet/IP”.
Experts told me, that “Modbus TCP” was selected as base communications protocol due to the need to support some special sensor nodes, for which “Modbus TCP” is the major communications protocol.
Even SIEMENS supports “Modbus TCP”.
SIEMENS S1500 PLC is shipped with “Modbus TCP” protocol stack.
Legacy SIEMENS S300 PLC has a commercial option for a “Modbus TCP” protocol stack.
On the Hannover Fair CeBIT 2017, a Multitech's staff member announced the planned launch a budget gateway “Lora Access Point, MTCAP LEU1” in mid-2017. As of 2017-03, Currently, the NodeRed GUI implementation for this device is under development.
Extra LoRa Network server ( unique selling proposition! ). You may switch between packet forwarding ( LoRa network server deactivated ) and active LoRa network server.
NodeRed graphical user interface ( GUI ) for configuration, based on IBM's AEP.
There are several optional hardware order options. There is always an Ethernet connector
On the secIT by Heise congress fair 2024, I got an NFC device by it-sa in the form of a pen, which if activated by a smartphone, opens a URL at the default browser.
For Android smartphones, the NFC device must be held at the back of the smartphone ( i.e. at the side of the front camera ).
Experts told me, that for iPhone smartphones, the NFC device must be held at the front of the smartphone ( i.e. at the side of the display ).
“The physical layer and the data link layer of KNX-RF were defined jointly with the wireless MBUS standard, and S-mode complies with the KNX-RF standard”.
TI already may provide a Wireless M-Bus stack for some of its hardware products, by special request.
Techbook "Was taugt Smart Home für 5 Euro?" - “Zuerst benötigen Sie den WLAN-Schalter von Itead. Dessen Smart-Home-System trägt den Namen 'Sonoff'. Diesen gibt es bei verschiedenen Online-Händlern direkt aus China für 4 bis 10 Euro – etwa bei Banggood, GearBest oder Amazon”.
SATzentrale - Das Sat- und Medienportal "Antennenarten" - “Digiglobe-Antenne. Eine als Haus/Garten-Lampe getarnte Sat-Antenne. In der Kugel ist eine kleine Offsettantenne versteckt. Die Sat-Signale gehen durch die Kugel durch und werden so empfangen. Der Clou: Durch eine eingebaute Lampe kann die Kugel auch zum leuchten gebracht werden”.
Typical sales in 2002 for 229.90 EUR.
At some auction platforms, second-hand devices are offered for 700 EUR, in 2016 .
With LoRa, you may spread the spectrum, so that you have both the option for high data volume ( with lower range ) and low data volume ( with maximum range), e.g. 20 messages/d.
With Sigfox, you are limited to e.g. 20 messages/d.
In comparison to LTE-Narrowband, LoRa and SigFox have very limited bandwidth.