Enforcment of the “Volk ohne Raum” policy of Turkey.
Enforcement of non-EU Languages as “Linuga Franca”, by publication of documents with equivalent informations and equivalent letter size in German, Turkish, Arabian, Farsi and sometimes additionally in Russian language, instead of publication just in German language and maybe additionally in English language. If EU or german parties do this, it is called “Opportunism” (
EN.Wikipedia "Opportunism",
DE.Wikipedia "Opportunismus",
DE.Wikipedia "Opportunist" ), “Collaboration” (
EN.Wikipedia "Collaboration",
DE.Wikipedia "Kollaboration" ), “Quisling” (
EN.Wikipedia "Quisling",
DE.Wikipedia "Quisling" ), “Wendehals” (
DE.Wikipedia "Wendehals (DDR)" ), “Märzgefallene” (
DE.Wikipedia "Märzgefallene" ), “Schreibtischtäter” (
DE.Wikipedia "Schreibtischtäter",
EN.Wikipedia "Desk murderer" ).
Arrangement of public events “just in a non-EU language” as “Lingua Franca”, instead of just in german language. This is pure pro-foreign ”
Approval to the founding of “Turkish Schools” in Germany, so that turkish pupils are separated from german and other foreign pupils. This is pure pro-foreign ”
Enforcement of tolerance concerning the “wearing of anticonstitutional pieces of clothes” ( e.g. “Burka”, “headscarfs” ), turkish greetings ( “Heil Erdogan” or any other comparable phrase in turkish language ) and crimes like “honour killing”, “arranged marriages / forced marriages”, “sex between adult males and female children, after arranged marriages”, “concision of females”, “polygamy” and “cruelty to animals” ( “kosher butchering” / “Schächten”).
Turkish, polish and russian pupils are not obliged to learn the mandatory second foreign language at school. Instead they are allowed to take courses in their “mother language” ( “Für Schüler/innen türkischer, polnischsprachiger und russischsprachiger Herkunft wird Türkisch, Polnisch oder Russisch anstelle der 2. Fremdsprache angeboten” ). But their “mother language” is by definition no “foreign language” for them. Especially they avoid to learn other EU languages like French and Spanish, which is a serious drawback for the European integration. Of course pupils with different migration background than Turkish, Polish and Russian have to learn both german and another two foreign languages. Is that fair ?
Acceptance of the claim of the right-wing extreme organisations to be the representative for all Muslims in Germany. Though there are Muslims from all countries and even some german Muslims living in Germany
Muzzling of people, who claim a critical opinion about this policy, or do not agree with a growing of the number of “turkish” and “russian” people in Germany. Especially there is a “Gleichschaltung” of all media concerning this attitude.
Especially, the accusation of “beeing xenophobic” and “right-wing totalitarianism” ( german: “rechtsextrem” ) is frequently used to accomplish this.
These kind of accusations are sometimes:
Some german censors of
DE.Wikipedia argue extremely left political opinions - by such the “control” and “define” the contents of Wikipedia pages with political topics with their opinion. They are also well known to supresss “expression of alternative opinions” of other Wikipedia users, by suspension of their accounts. Of course this behaviour is a violation of the “Neutral Point of View”.
Misinterpretation of the meaning of the term “diversity”, by its implementation.
Rating of people by their reputed “distinctive intercultural competence” due to a migration background.
Approval to “ethnic segregation” by politicans and political parties.
Introduction of an “Affirmative action” as legal policy in Germany.
The claiming lie that there will be a lack of qualified workers ( though since the early 2000, most workers were not hired anymore, but just hired by “temporary placement companies” ).
Redefinition of words, e.g. “xenophobic” / “to be unfriendly to foreigners” ( “ausländerfeindlich” ):
In the means of the peace movement of Germany in the 1950th, to be friendly to foreigners means not to conquer a foreign country. It is delicate that in the 1960th, many young germans of the peace movement of the “geneation of 1968” even shouted out “Ami Go Home”, so to ask foreigners to leave a certain country.
Nowadays, 2010, in the means of left-wing radical racists, do-gooder ( “Gutmenschen” ) and many german politicians, it is friendly to conquer a foreign country in the means of a forced movement of population and to force the acceptance of the conqueror's native language as new “lingua franca”. And that it is unfriendly and criminal to defend the rights against conqueror, for example to demand that the conquerors have to leave the country if they don´t want to integrate.
“Integrations- und Partizipationsgesetz”.
Use of hate speech against residents without income ( “workless people” ), e.g. by using the German words “Fachkräftemangel” und “Demographischer Wandel” as killer argument for migration of millions of workless foreigners and “refugees”, who then when they are there, shall get job prior to residents, so that the residents are kept in the state of having no income.
Self-censorship, overeagerness, predisposed obedience.
Eco Fashism.
DE.Wikipedia "Ami – go home!" - “In Deutschland wurde der Slogan in der Anfangsphase des Kalten Krieges durch ein gleichnamiges Lied von Ernst Busch (zu der Melodie von Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!, arrangiert von Hanns Eisler) bekannt; er fand sich auch auf frühen Propagandaplakaten der DDR wieder”.
Useless and senseless Actionism ( “Sinnbefreiter Aktionismus” ).
Claiming foreign non-EU people who act as “Bumbser”, i.e. “Schiffsbumbser” or “Bootsbumbser”, to be “victim of shipwrecking” ( “Schiffbrüchige” ) and “victim of maritime emergency” ( “In Seenot Geratene” ).
“Global Compact for Migration” ( German: “Globalen Flüchtlings- und Migrationspakt” ).
“Größenwahn”, “ideologische Verblendung”, “Gewaltverherrlichung” / “Gewaltverharmlosung”, ”( politische ) Naivität”, ”( politische ) Einfalt”.
Invasiveness ( German: “Invasivität” ), non-residents ( German: “Gebietsfremde” ), non-residence ( German: “Gebietsfremdheit” ).
EN.Wikipedia "Racism" - “In 1950, UNESCO suggested in The Race Question – a statement signed by 21 scholars such as Ashley Montagu, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Gunnar Myrdal, Julian Huxley, etc. – to “
drop the term race altogether and instead speak of ethnic groups”.
DE.Wikipedia "Rassismus" - “Im Jahre 1935 kritisierten Julian Huxley und Alfred C. Haddon in ihrem Buch We Europeans: A survey of Racial problems, dass es für die Idee verschiedener, voneinander abgegrenzter Menschenrassen keinerlei wissenschaftliche Beweise gebe. Klassifikationen anhand phänotypischer oder somatischer Merkmale und darauf basierende Bewertungen sowie jede Form von 'Rassenbiologie' lehnten sie als pseudowissenschaftlich ab.
Sie forderten daher, das Wort Rasse aus dem wissenschaftlichen Vokabular zu streichen und durch die Bezeichnung 'ethnische Gruppe' zu ersetzen”.
Introduction of widespread “Nepotism”, as this is usual practice of migrants ( from Orient, Africa, Russian speaking countries... ).
“Negro Advertising” ( “Neger-Reklame” ) - The unexpected and unfounded appearing of Negros / Africans / Afro-Americans / Black People ( in German: “Neger, Afrikaner, Afro-Amerikaner, Schwarzer” ) in online advertising / print advertising and TV ads, beeing e suggestive that black people are 100% of US or EU/German population.
Hate speech against democratic people who propagandise the democratic “pushback” & “remigration” of foreigners into their home countries.
Misinterpretation and misuse of the term “Woke”.
Misinterpretation and misuse of the term “Woke”.