[hemmerling] Project Management

Organizations, Events

Project Management Organizations

Classical Project Management Organizations

Agile ( Project Management ) Organizations


  1. Barcamp AUGENHÖHEcamp, 2017 in Hamburg, Berlin.
  2. Free online event “Free Scrum & Agile Training 2022”.

Library of Project Management Methods and Vocabulary

Scrum, Agile Development Extreme Programming / Xtreme Programming

Local Optimization vs. Global Optimization

  • Agile methods → local optimization.
  • Traditional planning methods → global optimization.

Mandatory ( must-have ) Requirements for using Scrum in a Project



Dynamic Systems Development Method ( DSDM )




SCRUM & Agile Development


Burn Down Chart
Tools for Information Reduction
  1. Kanban board.
  2. Burndown Chart.
  3. Feedback screen.
  4. Holiday calendar.
  5. Design Wall.
Decision Poker
Delegation Poker
Planning Poker

Online Course "Agile Scrum Training & Scrum Certification Preparation Training"

The Course
  • Scrum Recap: If you need a recap read the Scrum Guide here: Scrumguides.
    • “Download the official Scrum Guide PDF in English”, “Download the official Scrum Guide in over 30 different languages”.
  • Do the open assessment of your choice at Scrum.org "Open Assessments". I recommend until you get 100% 3 times. This is just a guideline. You need to feel confident :-).
    • Scrum.org "Open Assessments" - “Copying and pasting questions, answers, or feedback from this open assessment may result in your IP being blocked from the test host platform”. However: “You can use the Google Chrome browser to save any web page in PDF format including your Test results page”.
      1. Scrum Open.
      2. Developer Open.
      3. Product Owner Open.

Training & Training Experts



Literature suggested on my Agile-Working Workshop 2016-10

Agile Multi-Team Frameworks, with the Goal of Scaling Agility

Approaches for Introduction of Agility

  • OpenSpace Agility – “Because real enterprise Agility requires real human engagement”.
  • Using an extra “Transition Team” with the backlog of all problems of the angile turnover.



Generalt Resources

Lean Software Development ( LDM )

Work 4.0


Special Project Management Topics

Inception Phase

Issue based Development

"IT Kanban" - Kanban in the IT

Kanban Services

Featureban - The Simulation Game

Mike Burrows
Some other Featureban experts


From User Story Mapping to Roadmap, according to it-agile GmbH of 2018-08


T-Shirt Size Goal Metric Date Feature
Goal / Acitvity A1 A2
User Step / Task T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
User Story / Subtask A ST-A1 ST-A2 ST-A3 ST-A4 ST-A5 ST-A6 ST-A7 L Effect1 M-1a 2018-01-01 FA
User Story / Subtask B ST-B1 ST-B2 ST-B3 ST-B4 ST-B5 ST-B6 ST-B7 M-1b 2018-01-01 FB
User Story / Subtask C ST-C1 ST-C2 ST-C3 ST-C4 ST-C5 ST-C6 ST-C7 M-1c 2018-01-01
User Story / Subtask D ST-D1 ST-D2 ST-D3 ST-D4 ST-D5 ST-D6 ST-D7 M Effect2 M-2a 2018-01-01 FD
User Story / Subtask E ST-E1 ST-E2 ST-E3 ST-E4 ST-E5 ST-E6 ST-E7 M-2b 2018-01-01
User Story / Subtask F ST-F1 ST-F2 ST-F3 ST-F4 ST-F5 ST-F6 ST-F7 2018-01-01
User Story / Subtask G ST-G1 ST-G2 ST-G3 ST-G4 ST-G5 ST-G6 ST-G7 S Effect3 M-3a 2018-01-01 FG
  • Metric = Indicators by which we realize that something successfull happened.
  • Indeed, features FA, FB, FD, FG don´t appear in the user story ( Activity, Task, Subtask ), i.e. neither the same words, nor by description
  • Function points may be used to monitor the roadmap.
  • Principle “Outcome ( effects! ) instead of Output ( features! ).


Time Estimation & Time Tracking as Base for successful Project Management


  • Time Estimation & Time Tracking as Base for successful Project Management - in most project, you get time paid, your time as project manager and that of your team :-).

Lean Forecasting

Websites with Webcasts about Project Management

Rules of Thumb for Shipping Great Software on Time

Special Projects


Example of failed Projects

  • FlugzeugLorenz: Junkers Ju 288 - “Der Technologieträger Ju 288 soll der Junkers AG endgültig die Vorherrschaft im “großdeutschen” Flugzeugbau sichern”.

Example of good Project Communications

Literature, Videos

Project Management

Management 3.0


Forums, Newsgroups

Appropriate OpenDirectory Directory Pages

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