2009-12-15 | Speech “Cloud Computing, VS 2010 & MS Office 2010 - Was gibt es Neues?” ( “Cloud Computing, VS 2010 & MS Office 2010 - What's new ?” ) by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller, in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-12-08 | Event “Prozesse zum Leben erwecken - Aufdeckung von Prozessengpässen und -optimierungspotenzial mittels Simulation” ( “Making processes alive - Detection of process one-passes and of potential for process optimization by simulation” ) by BTC Business Technology Consulting AG and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-12-07 | Event “Projektmanagement bei der Realisierung von speziellen Messsystemen für die Luftfahrt” ( “Project management for the realisation of special instrumentation systems in the aviation” ) by Aerodata AG, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-12-03 | Participation in the event “TDWI Roundtable Hannover”, focussing on geographic information system, by TDWI Germany e.V. in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-11-23 | Speech “Managementsystem 2.0 - Managementsysteme dynamisch über Wikis gestalten” ( “Management system 2.0 - creating management systems dynamisch with Wikis” ) by Florian Rösch, TQU International GmbH . Speech “Der AKD Quality Manager- die Informationsdrehscheibe bei den ContiTech Gesellschaften” ( “The AKD Quality Manager- the information hub at the ContiTech companies” ) by AKD Unternehmensberatungs GmbH, ContiTech AG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-11-18 | Webcast “Modellbasierte Anforderungsanalyse” ( “Model based requirements analysis” ) by Tim Weilkiens, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH. | ||
2009-11-17 | Event “Auftaktveranstaltung ikn2020” ( “Launch event ikn2020” ) by ikn2020 - Das digitale Niedersachsen in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-11-13 | Conference “CoreMedia Open Space” by CoreMedia AG in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-11-11 | Event “LabVIEW-Tag” ( “LabVIEW Day” ) by National Instruments in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-11-10 | Participation in the training ”1&1 WebPartner StartUp-Training” by 1&1 in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-11-04 | Speech “Die zweckmäßige kaufmännische Organisation für Existenzgründer und kleine Unternehmen” ( “The useful business organization for entrepreneurs and small companies” ) by Hartmut Knigge, BeraterNetzwerk e. V. during the event “Gründerforum”, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-11-02 | Seminar “Planungssoftware Elcom (Grundkurs)” ( “Planning software Elcom (basic course)” ) by Hager Tehalit Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-10-26 | Speech “Konzernsicherheit - eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung” by Frank Busch, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-10-20 | - | 2009-10-21 | Seminar “Blitzschutz System-Seminar” ( “Lightning Protection System Seminar” ) by DEHN + SÖHNE GmbH + Co. KG. in Bremen, Germany. |
2009-10-19 | Event “Strategisches Projektmanagement in der KKH-Allianz” ( “Strategic project management in the KKH-Allianz” ) by KKH Allianz(R) , GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-10-13 | Event “GeneSys-WZB - Generisches Produktionssystem für den Werkzeug- und Formenbau” ( “GeneSys-WZB - generic production system for toolmaking and mold making” ) by Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover (IPH) und VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-10-12 | Event “Qualität im Schienenverkehr. Vergleich der 9001 et al. und der IRIS. Was können auch 'Nicht-Eisenbahner' aus der IRIS nutzen?” ( “Quality in railway transportation. Comparison of 9001 et al. and IRIS. What might be the benifit of IRIS for 'non-railroaders' ?” ) by Honeywell Bremsbelag GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and TÜV Nord in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-10-06 | - | 2009-10-07 | Seminar “Sichere Stromversorgung am Beispiel eines Rechenzentrums” ( “Safe power supply, considering a datacenter as example” ) by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Albrecht Englert, expert for inspection of electric facilities (VDS) and VDE Bezirk Kurpfalz e. V. in Mannheim, Germany. |
2009-10-03 | Event “Weltverlag lobby meeting” by Weltverlag Aktiengesellschaft in Bremen, Germany. | ||
2009-10-01 | Event “Regionalforum: Arbeitskreis IT-Stabilität und Praxisbericht der TUI InfoTec GmbH” ( “Regional forum: Study group IT stability and practical experience report of TUI InfoTec GmbH” ) by IMPAQ AG Deutschland, TUI InfoTec GmbH and itSMF in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-09-30 | Seminar “Abendseminar” ( “After works seminar” ) by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in Bochum, Germany. | ||
2009-09-29 | Event “Prozessorientierung - nicht nur, aber auch auf dem Papier” ( “Process orientation - not just only, but also on paper” ) by Semtation GmbH, Asklepios Klinik Altona, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and TÜV Nord in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-09-28 | Visit of the plant B+D Laserworking GmbH, organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Garbsen, Germany. | ||
2009-09-23 | Speech “Historisch gewachsen? Softwarearchitekturen dokumentieren und kommunizieren” ( “Historically grown? Documenting and communicating software architectures”) by Stefan Zörner, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-09-22 | Workshop “Mit prozessbasiertem Projektmanagement zum Projekterfolg” ( “Successful projects with process based project management” ) by microTOOL GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-09-22 | Event “Kontinuierliche Verbesserungsinitiativen auf Basis echter Prozessdaten” ( “Continous improvement initiatives based on real process data” ) by Cordys Deutschland AG and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-09-17 | Event “next meetup in Hamburg”, oranized by SinnerSchrader Aktiengesellschaft in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-09-15 | - | 2009-09-16 | Seminar “TRABTECH Grund- und Aufbauseminar Überspannungsschutz” ( “TRABTECH Basic Seminar and Advanced Seminar Voltage Surge Protection” ) by Phoenix Contact in Blomberg, Germany. |
2009-09-08 | Seminar “Planer-Aktivseminar: Überspannungsschutz und USV-Anlagen” ( “Active seminar for planners: Surge protection and USV units” ) by Phoenix Contact in Bremen, Germany. | ||
2009-09-04 | Participation in the event “Treffen für Professionals und Kreative im Bereich IPTV und der Zukunft des Fernsehens” ( “Meeing for professionals and creatives of the industry 'IPTV and the future of TV'” ) of Deutsche Telekom Interactive TV Award in the “Telekom Lounge” of the fair IFA 2009. | ||
2009-09-03 | , | 2008-09-04 | Events “ethernet@industry” in Hannover, Germany. |
2007-10-11 | , | 2006-09-14 | |
2004-09-02 | , | 2002-08-21 | |
2001-06-27 | |||
2009-09-01 | Event “Safety Integrated - Siemens Safety Days” by Siemens AG in Brauschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-08-27 | Workshop “UC4 Hands-On Workshop 2009. Learning by doing - UC4 live erleben” ( “UC4 Hands-On Workshop 2009. Learning by doing - UC4 live experience” ) by UC4 Software GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-08-25 | Online-Teleseminar “Reliability und FMEA bei elektronischen Baugruppen” ( “Reliability and FMEA for electronic boards” ) by alpha-board GmbH, Berlin. | ||
2009-08-24 | Speech “Führen nach den Regeln des Heiligen Benedikts” ( “Leadership according to the rules of St. Benedikts” ) by Senir Abbot Stephan Schröer, Abtei Königsmünster und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-08-18 | Vortrag “SQL Server 2008 - ein Überblick für Entwickler” ( “SQL Server 2008 - an Overview for developers” ) by Constantin Klein on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-08-14 | Online webinar “5 Richtige - Mit 5 Kennzahlen ein Unternehmen verbessern” ( “Improving a company with 5 performances figures” ) by BTC Business Technology Consulting AG, Oldenburg. | ||
2009-08-12 | Event “Small Talk Einsteigen! Mitreden!” ( “Small Talk Boarding! Join in the conversation!” ) by Barbara Schramm-Braun, Moderation Schleswig-Holstein and Nicola Harder, Spachsinn (R) - Training, Moderation, Kommunikation as well as GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-08-10 | , | 2009-04-20 | Participation in the meeting Web Montag Hannover in Hannover, Germany. |
2009-02-16 | , | 2008-11-17 | |
2009-08-05 | Speech “Energieeffizienz in der IT” ( “Energy efficiency in IT” ) by erecon AG i.G., PKURO Dipl.Kfm. Eckhart Mehler (Unternehmensberatung) and oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-07-21 | Speech “Das ASP.NET MVC Framework” ( “The ASP.NET MVC Framework” ) by Albert Weinert on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-06-25 | Event “Regionalforum: Cobit” ( “Regional forum: Cobit” ) by itSMF and networks direkt Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-06-22 | Event “Ausbauplanung des Flughafens Hannover” ( “Planning of the extension of the airport Hannover” ) by Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-06-16 | Speech “F#” by Steffen Forkmann on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller, in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-06-12 | - | 2009-06-14 | Event “TYPO3camp” in Hamburg, Germany. |
2009-06-11 | Event “Alles im Griff - 3 Regeln zur effektiven Selbst- und Teamorganisation” ( “Everything under control - 3 rules for effective self organization and team organization” ) by Simprove GmbH and Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-06-10 | Speech “Eclipse in Enterprise Applikationen” ( “Eclipse in enterprise appications” ) by Thomas Kratz , oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-06-10 | Event “Einmal Band und wieder zurück. Ganz entspannt!” ( “Relaxing tape backup and tape recovery” ) by WITcom by Wahl GmbH + Co. KG, BakBone Software, Inc, Netapp and Quantum in Seelze, Germany. | ||
2009-06-09 | Event “56. Deutsche Präsenzbörse - Renewable Energies” by CONTINUA Unternehmensentwicklung AG and SOLVAY GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-06-05 | Event “Arbeitssicherheit und Arbeitsschutz” ( “Occupational health and safety” ) by IAS Institut für Arbeits- und Sozialhygiene Stiftung ( IAS-Stiftung ), Zentrum für Energie-, Wasser- und Umwelttechnik ( ZEWU ), Handwerkliche Aus- und Weiterbildung im Netzwerk der Nachhaltigkeit ( HaBiNa ), Handwerkskammer Hamburg, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and TÜV Nord in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-06-04 | Workshop “Windows 7 - Jetzt wird's ernst!” ( “Windows 7 - plays for keeps” ) by faq-o-matic.net, NTUG, ice:2009, WITcom by Wahl GmbH + Co. KG and IT Emsland in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-06-04 | Event “Regionalforum: 'The Challenge of Egypt'” ( ( “Regional forum: 'The Challenge of Egypt'” ) by Lothar Buhl and itSMF in Isernhagen / Altwarmbüchen, Germany. | ||
2009-05-28 | Speech “Kaltakquise, Klinkenputzen oder wie? - Systematische Kundengewinnung” ( “Cold calling, canvassing for work - systematic customer acquisition” ) by Kay-Uwe Rohn, BeraterNetzwerk e. V. during the event “Gründerforum”, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-05-26 | - | 2009-05-27 | Seminar “Funktionale Sicherheit” ( “Functional Safety” ) by Phoenix Contact in Bad Pyrmont, Germany. |
2009-05-25 | Speech Softwareentwicklungsprozesse systematisch verbessern” ( “Systematical improvement of software development processes” ) by Heinrich Dreier, 3er Consulting, VDE, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-05-13 | Speech “Modelle von Modellen - Schön komplex” ( “Modelling of models - a complex matter” ) by Tim Weilkiens and Andrea Grass, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-05-12 | Seminars “Sound & Vibration-Seminar” and “Sound & Vibration Hands-On” by National Instruments in Bielefeld, Germany. | ||
2009-05-07 | Event “LabVIEW-Anwendertreffen” ( “Labview users meeting” ) by National Instruments in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-05-06 | Event “7 nach 5: Prozessmesstechnik - Füllstand und Durchfluss” ( “7 minutes past 5 pm: Instrumentation for process control - Charging level and discharge” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-05-05 | Seminar “Planer-Aktivseminar: 'Gefahrenmeldeanlagen - aber sicher ...' Schutz vor Brand- und Überspannungsschäden” ( “Active seminar for planners: 'Safe hazard alert system'. Protection of fire damage and surge damage” ) by Phoenix Contact in Sindelfingen, Germany. | ||
2009-04-30 | Speech “Forderungen - Welche Möglichkeiten haben Gläubiger, wenn Schuldner nicht zahlen ?” ( “Outstanding debits - What are the options of the debitee, if the debitor does not pay ?” ) by laywer Alexander Glas during the event “Gründerforum”, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-04-29 | Speech “Architekturbewertung - Über das Reisen mit Landkarte” ( “Evaluation of architectures - how to travel with maps” ) by Stefan Toth, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-04-29 | Workshop “Sybase SQL Anywhere Workshop” by Sybase GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-04-28 | Seminar “Explosionsschutz leicht gemacht” ( “Explosion prevention made easy” ) by Phoenix Contact in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-04-27 | Speech “Globally Harmonised System ( GHS ): Mehr Durchblick im Änderungsdschungel” ( “Globally Harmonised System ( GHS ): More transparency in the tangle of change” ) by Dr. Ulrich Hatzfeld, Pader Consult, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-04-22 | Participation in the meeting of the discussion group “Business Excellence”, organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI, hosted by Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH in Duderstadt, Germany. | ||
2009-04-21 | Speech “Von “CAB” zu “CAL” - Modulare Client-Architekturen für WPF-Anwendungen” ( “From “CAB” to “CAL” - Modular client architectures forr WPF applications” ) by Jörg Jooss on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller, in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-04-16 | Speech “Zahnriemen statt Kette - Systemvergleich und Perspektiven zur CO2 Reduzierung” ( “Gear belt instead of chain - system comparison and perspectives for a CO2 reduction” ) by ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-04-07 | Seminar “Embedded-Seminar” by National Instruments in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-04-02 | Event “Regionalforum: Service-Erbringungskonzept im Überblick” ( “Regional forum: Survey of service delivery concepts” ) by Paul G. Huppertz and itSMF in Isernhagen / Altwarmbüchen, Germany. | ||
2009-04-01 | Speech “Komplex oder doch nur kompliziert? Was Projektleiter von Schachspielern lernen können?” ( “Complex or just too complicated ? What project managers can learn from chess players” ) by Guido Zockoll , oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-03-24 | Speech “Qualität in Projekten” ( “Quality in projects”) by us4quality, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and TÜV Nord in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-03-23 | Event “Von einer pragmatischen Projektvorgehensweise zum professionellen Projektmanagement nach IPMA in einem Dienstleistungsunternehmen” ( “Turing a pragmatic project approach into a professinal project management according to IPMA, in a service company” ) by arvato direct services, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-03-23 | Speech “Lebensmittelsicherheit” ( “Food reliability” ) by OTG - Ostfriesische Teegesellschaft Laurens Spethmann GmbH & Co. KG, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-03-19 | Speech “Fahrdynamikregelung im BMW X6” ( “The vehicle dynamic controll of the BMW X6” ) by BMW AG and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-03-19 | Seminar “Design und Implementierung von Signalverarbeitungssystemen mit MATLAB und Simulink” ( “Design and implementation of signal processing systems with MATLAB and Simulink” ) by Mathworks in Bremen, Germany. | ||
2009-02-17 | Speech “Web & Silverlight” by Philipp Bauknecht on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-03-11 | Speech “Brückenbau: Wie passen BPMN und UML zusammen?” ( “Building bridges: How do BPMN and UML fit together?” ) by Andrea Grass and Stefan Zörner, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-02-26 | Speech “Nutzerorientierte Gestaltung (User centered Design) für neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen” ( “User centered Design for new products and services” ) by Cogneus Interface Design during the event “Gründerforum”, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-02-23 | Speech “Revision ISO 9001:2008 - Änderungen” ( “Revision of ISO 9001:2008 - changes” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-02-19 | Seminar “Modellierung und Verifikation von ereignisdiskreten Systemen in Simulink” ( “Modeling and verification of event descrete systems with Simulink” ) by Mathworks in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-02-20 | Participation in the event “TDWI Roundtable Hannover”, focussing on “OpenSource-BI” by TDWI Germany e.V., Pentaho Corporation and ITGAIN GmbH in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-02-18 | - | 2009-02-19 | Conference “Hybridfahrzeuge und Energiemanagement 2009” ( “Hybrid vehicles and energy management 2009” ) by GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2009-02-17 | Speech “Einführung in die Softwareergonomie” ( “Introduction to software ergonomy” ) by Holger Mester on the regional event of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig, guided by Karim El Jed and Lars Keller in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-02-11 | - | 2009-02-12 | Conference “AAET 2009, 10. Braunschweiger Symposium - Automatisierungs- und Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel” ( “AAET 2009, 8th Braunschweig Conference - Automation, Assistence and Embedded Real Time Platforms for Transportation” ) by GZVB in Braunschweig, Germany. |
2009-02-10 | Event “7 nach 5: SIMATIC NET - Netzkomponenten aus dem SCALANCE Produktportfolio” ( “7 minutes past 5 pm: SIMATIC NET - net components from the SCALANCE product portfolio” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-02-10 | Visit of workshops on the fair KOMCOM Nord 2009 - Die IT-Fachmesse für den Public Sector in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-02-09 | Speech “Hinweise und Erläuterungen zur 'neuen' ISO 9001 Ausgabe 2008” ( “Advices and explanaitions about the 'new' ISO 9001 issue 2008” ) by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and TÜV Nord in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-02-05 | Event “Kein Projekt ohne Veränderungen - Veränderungen zum Erfolg führen” ( “No project without changes - making changes successfully” ) by GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V, Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V, Leibniz Universität Hannover and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-02-04 | Speech “Was ist eigentlich ein Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ?” ( “What is a Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ?” ) by Stefan Zörner, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-01-29 | Speech “Unser Umgang mit dem Neuen - Eine verunsicherte Gesellschaft im Umbruch” ( “Our handling of new stuff - an alienated society in a peroid of change” ) by Ranga Yogeshwar and Stadtwerke Hannover AG in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-01-28 | Show “Multivisionstour 'Planet der Wälder - Expeditionen in die grünen Paradiese der Erde'” ( “Multivision tour 'Planet of forests - Expeditions in the green paradises of Earth'” ) by Greenpeace e. V. in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-01-27 | Event “Regionalforum: ITIL Business Simulation 'Service Management in Action - Fox Port'” ( “Regional forum: ITIL Business Simulation 'Service Management in Action - Fox Port'” ) by itSMF and New Horizons Hamburg GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. | ||
2009-01-22 | Event “Regionalforum: Measuring the performance of IT” ( “Regional fforum: Measuring the performance of IT” ) by itSMF in Altwarmbüchen, Germany. | ||
2009-01-21 | Speech “Wo ist mein Geld geblieben? Controlling für das Unternehmen” ( “For what did I spent my money ? Controlling for enterprises” ) by DATEV eG during the event “Gründerforum”, organized by BRAUNSCHWEIG Zukunft GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany. | ||
2009-01-15 | Event “Erdgas - ein Abriss” ( “The basics of petrol engineering” ) by BEB Transport und Speicher Service GmbH and VDI in Hannover, Germany. | ||
2009-01-13 | Event “Service-orientierte Architektur (SOA)” ( “Service oriented architecture (SOA)” ) of the series of events “FHH meets economy”, organized by Fördergemeinschaft und Alumni-Vereinigung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Fachhochschule Hannover e.V.. and Fachhochschule Hannover, Stelle für Weiterbildung und Technologietransfer in Hannover, Germany. |