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[hemmerling] My "Calendar of Events", the detailed list of internships, work placements, advanced trainings and other activities

2019-12-12 Speech “M. Rother & M. Möhle: Fragestunde zum SQL Server + DAX” ( “M. Rother & M. Möhle: Question period about SQL Server + DAX” ) by Marcus Möhle and Michael Rother at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-12-12 Seminar “Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) im Unternehmen – 5 Schritte zur Implementierung” ( “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the enterprise - 5 steps for implementation” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-12-10 Seminar “Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Produktion – eine Einführung” ( “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the production - an introduction” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-12-10 Regional meeting with the special topic “Neuigkeiten rund um Exadata OnPrem und in der Cloud” ( “News about Exadata OnPrem and in the Cloud” ) of DOAG Deutsche ORACLE-Anwendergruppe e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2019-12-09 Event “Erfolgreiche Projekte durch Reduzierung schädlichen Multitaskings” ( “Succesful projects by reduction of harmful multitasking” ) by VISTEM GmbH & Co. KG, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-12-04 Event ”NBank Durchstarterpreis Verleihung” ( “NBank Durchstarterpreis award” ) by NBANK in Hannover, Germany.
2019-12-03 - 2019-12-04 Conference TECHIDE by Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Verkehr und Digitalisierung in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-29 , Event “acocon Kinoforum” ( “acocon cinema forum” ) by acocon-group ( acocon GmbH, goldsteps consulting GmbH & Co. KG, bluecue consulting GmbH & Co. KG , greenique, ein Geschäftsbereich der acocon GmbH ) in Bielefeld, Germany.
2018-11-30 , 2017-11-24
2016-11-25 , 2015-11-27
2019-11-28 Seminar “Digitalisierung richtig angehen” ( “How to start with Digitalisation” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-26 Seminar “Beschäftigte und ihre Daten im Unternehmen, Modul 3: Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, Modul 4: Clouds und Social Media” ( “Employees and their data in the enterprise, module 3: Options of implementation, module 4: Clouds and social media” ) by the competence center! in Oldenburg, Germany.
2019-11-25 Seminar “Mit Digitalisierung die Anforderungen von morgen meistern” ( “Mastering future requirements by digitalisation” ) by CSP GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-22 Seminar “Gewusst wie! Social Media als moderner Verkaufskanal für den Handel?” ( “Know how! Social Media as modern sales channel for the commerce?” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-21 Seminar ”Digital Durchstarten Mit Facebook” ( “Digital startup with Facebook” ) by Landvolk Hannover e.V. and Facebook in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-20 Event “Agile WH: 'Systemtheorie” ( “Agile WH: 'System theory” ) by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-19 Event “Wer spricht eigentlich, wenn ich rede?! - Transaktionsanalyse in der Praxis” ( “Who is talking, if I am talking? Practical use of transaction analysis” ) by Tanja Sommer and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany
2019-11-16 Barcamp IT Barcamp by IT-Hub Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2019-11-15 Seminar “Intelligenter Materialtransport mit Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen (FTS)” ( “Intelligent materials handling by automated guided vehicle systems (AGV)” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-14 , Conference ”Industrie 4.0 Kongress 2019” ( “Industry 4.0 congress 2019” ) by NiedersachsenMetall in Hannover, Germany.
2018-11-22 , 2017-11-16
2019-11-14 Event “Einsatz von Jetbrains MPS zur Modellierung von DSLs” ( “Use of Jetbrains MPS for DSL modelling” ) by SET GmbH at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-11 Event “FIREABEND - Meetup der Gamesbranche in Niedersachsen und Bremen” ( “FIREABEND – Meetup of the gaming industry Lower Saxony and Bremen” ) by nordmedia GmbH and Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur gGmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-09 , Participation in the workshops of the events ”Gründertag Hannover” ( “Startup Day Hannover” ) of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hannover (IHK).
2018-11-03 , 2017-11-04
2013-11-02 , 2011-11-05
2010-11-06 , 2003-11-01
2002-11-02 , 2001-11-03
2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07 Hands-on workshop “SIMATIC PCS 7 Einsteiger Workshop” ( “SIMATIC PCS 7 introductory workshop” ) by Siemens AG in Essen, Germany.
2019-11-05 Seminar “Personal 4.0 – Wie werde ich ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber?” ( “Personal 4.0 – How to become an attractive employer?” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-11-04 Seminar “Kurz-Einführung Design Thinking und Scrum” ( “Brief introduction to Design Thinking and Scrum” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-30 , 2019-11-01 Seminar “Neuronale Netze & Deep Learning” by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-28 Seminar “Qualitätsmanagement intuitiv und effektiv mit Wikis gestalten” ( “Intuitive and effective implementation of quality management with Wikis” ) by KontextWork, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-24 Event “Aufstellen des idealen Teams” ( “Setup of an ideal team” ) by Jens Krüger and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany
2019-10-23 Seminar “Mehr als nur Technik – Anforderungen der Digitalisierung in den Bereichen Arbeit und Organisation” ( “More than just technology - Requirements of digitalisation in the domain of labour and organisation” ) by the competence center! in Garbsen, Germany.
2019-10-21 , Event ”FuckUp Night Hannover Vol. XVI, XIII, NGO-Special, IX, VI, V, IV, II” in Hannover, Germany.
2018-11-22 , 2018-06-12
2018-05-16 , 2017-11-07
2017-01-24 , 2016-05-25
2016-03-22 , 2015-05-26
2019-10-18 - 2019-10-20 Seminar ”Millionaire Mind Intensive "Berlin"” by T. Harv Eker in Berlin, Germany.
2019-10-16 Conference “APITs Lab Anwenderkonferenz” ( “APITs Lab user conference” ) by APITs Lab and nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-16 Event “Agile WH: 'Agile Safari ivv” by Informationsverarbeitung für Versicherungen GmbH (ivv) and Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-11 Conference Regionalkonferenz - Maschinelles Lernen in der Industrie: Moderne Ansätze" ( ( Regional conference - Machine learning in the industry: Modern approaches” ) ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-08 - 2019-10-10 Exposition & conference 5G CMM EXPO in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-08 Seminar “Programmiersprachen und Frameworks für Data Science” ( “Program languages and frameworks for data science” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-10-07 Virtual conference DiMitEx – die virtuelle Messe mit Anwenderkongress für die Digitalisierung im Mittelstand.
2019-10-05 , Conference PowerShell Saturday in Hannover by PowerShell Usergroup Hannover and Elanity Network Partner GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2018-09-29 , 2017-08-26
2019-09-28 - 2019-09-29 Seminar Power-Days by Jürgen Höller Academy and Mike Dierssen in Hannover, Germany.
2019-09-24 Seminar “Innovative Geschäftsmodelle – Technologische Potenziale kreativ nutzen” ( “Innovative business models - Creative use of technological potentials” ) by the competence center! in Lüneburg, Germany.
2019-09-23 Event “Datenbank Schemaänderungen mit Zero Downtime” ( “Database scheme updates with zero downtime” ) by Carsten Birkelbach at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-09-17 Event “Agile WH: 'Das Team Canvas'” ( “Agile WH: 'The Team Canvas'” ) by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2019-09-17 Fair EMO Hannover - The world of metalworking in Hannover, Germany.
2019-09-13 - 2019-09-14 Conference “cim lingen” ( CIM Lingen - community in motion ) by IT-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH Emsland ( it.emsland ) in Lingen ( Ems ), Germany.
2018-09-01 ,
2017-09-09 , 2016-08-27
2015-09-19 , 2014-09-13
2019-09-12 Seminar “Beschäftigte und ihre Daten im Unternehmen, Modul 1: Beschäftigtendatenschutz, Modul 2: Daten am Arbeitsplatz” ( “Employees and their data in the enterprise, module 1: Data privacy of the employees data, module 2: Data at the workplace” ) by the competence center! in Oldenburg, Germany.
2019-09-11 Event “User Group Treffen 'Testen & Test-Management mit Produkten von Micro Focus'” ( “User Group Treffen 'Testen & test management with products of Micro Focus'” ), organized by Vivit in Hannover, Germany.
2019-09-11 Event “Jan Theysen - Wie man die richtigen Projekte für sich und sein Team findet” (“Jan Theysen - How to find the right projects for yourself and the team” ) by Jan Theysen on the Hannover Game Development Meetup at SAE Institute Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-09-06 Speech “Azure Data Explorer: Big Data (nicht nur) für IoT” ( “Azure Data Explorer: Big Data (not just) for IoT” ) by Markus Raatz at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-09-05 Event “Firmenjubiläum 30 Jahre COMPRA” ( “Company anniversary 30 years COMPRA” ) by COMPRA GmbH in Hildesheim, Germany.
2019-09-03 Seminar “PLCnext Technology” by PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH in Bremen, Germany.
2019-08-29 - 2019-08-30 Seminar “Werden Sie schlank! Lean Production trifft Industrie 4.0” ( “Get lean! Lean Production meets Industry 4.0” ) by the competence center! in Garbsen, Germany.
2019-08-29 Event “5. Fachforum Digitalisierung. Online-Marketing - Kundengewinnung in der digitalen Welt” ( “5. Expert forum digitalisierung. Online marketing - Customer acquisition in the digital world” ) by Krischan Kuberzig, Unternehmer Hildesheim / NiedersachsenMetall – Verband der Metallindustriellen Niedersachsens e.V. and Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH in Hildesheim, Germany.
2019-08-25 Seminar “Begeisterung ist Standard! Verblüffen ist die richtige Perspektive - von Innen nach Außen!” ( “Enthusiasm is standard! Surprise is the right perspective - from inside to outside!” ) by GreenSocks Consulting GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-08-22 , 2018-08-16 Event “Praxisforum” ( “Practice forum” ) by the competence center!, Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-08-22 Hands-on workshop “Industrie Workshop SIMATIC T-CPU und SINAMICS S210” ( “Industry workshop SIMATIC T-CPU and SINAMICS S210” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-08-22 Event “Projektmanagement in Offshore-Großprojekten - Von der Vertragsentwicklung bis zum Projekt-Setup” ( “Project management in large offshore projects - From the contract development to the project setup” ) by TenneT TSO GmbH and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany
2019-08-20 Event “HIT-Breakfast 'TWENTY2X – Was steckt drin?'” ( “HIT breakfast 'TWENTY2X – What's inside?'” ) by Hannover IT e.V. and Deutsche Messe in Hannover, Germany.
2019-08-13 Event “XING Ambassador Expertendialog, Best of Webmontag Hannover” by Webmontag Hannover as part of the Ideen-Boulevard in Hannover, Germany.
2019-08-13 , 2018-08-14 Event Ideen-Boulevard by kre|H|tiv Netzwerk Hannover e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2019-08-09 Speech “Analysis Services – Und die Reise geht weiter” ( “Analysis Services – And the journal continues” ) by Gabi Münster at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-07-27 , BarCamp UXCamp Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
2018-08-11 , 2016-08-13
2019-07-25 Seminar “Machine Learning für Industrie 4.0 – Eine Einführung” ( “Machine Learning for Industry 4.0 – An introduction” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-07-17 Event “Agile WH: 'House of Scrum'” by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2019-07-15 Event “Einführung von Programmmanagement” ( “Introduction to program management” ) by Essity GmbH, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-07-12 Speech “101 BI and AI” by Alexander Klein at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-07-10 Seminar “Überspannungsschutz selbst installieren” ( “Self installation of voltage surge protection” ) by PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH in Leipzig, Germany.
2019-07-01 - 2019-07-03 Conference Droidcon Berlin in Berlin, Germany.
2016-06-15 - 2016-06-17
2019-06-28 Event “Parallel Divide and Conquer with CompletableFutures” by Dr. Heinz Kabutz - JavaSpecialists at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-27 Seminar “Intelligente Prozessüberwachung” ( “Intelligent process control” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-27 Event ”Shopify Meetup Hannover #2” by YAY! Digital GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-24 Seminar “High-Level-Structure in der praktischen Anwendung” ( “High-level structure in practical application” ) by PRO ERGEBNIS GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-20 Event “Mitarbeiterentwicklung auf Augenhöhe: Das geht!” ( “Employee development on eye level: Yes we can!” ) by Marc Dürr, Andre Fuchs, PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-19 Event with the focus topic “Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht? Neue Wege zur Mitarbeitergewinnung” ( “Fitting - New methods for staff recruiting” ) as part of the series of events “Werkstatt attraktive Arbeitgeber” ( “Workshop attractive entrepreneurs” ) by Klemens Keindl, Agnes Wörner and Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-19 Event “International Data Space” of the series of events ”Unterstützung der Digitalisierung durch Forschung und Innovation” ( “Support of digitalisation by research and innovation” ) by Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-19 Event “Domain Driven Design mit relationalen Datenbanken und Spring Data JDBC” ( “Domain Driven Design with relational databases and Spring Data JDBC” ) by Jens Schauder at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-18 - 2019-06-19 Seminar “Produktionscontrolling im Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0” ( “Production controlling in the age of Industry 4.0” ) des Kompetenzzentrums! in Garbsen, Germany.
2019-06-13 - 2019-06-14 Seminar “Visual Analytics - Prinzipien und Methoden” ( “Visual Analytics - Principles and methods” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-13 Speech “Cloud based Big Data/ Data Lake – The modern Way” by Guido Jacobs at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-06-12 Discussion event “Neue Mobilität mit MOIA?” ( “New mobility by MOIA?” ) by Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-07 Seminar “Rechtliche Aspekte der Nutzung von Big Data” ( “Legal aspects of the use of Big Data” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-06 Event “Einsteigerworkshop - Netzwerkinfrastruktur” ( “Beginner's workshop - Network infrastructure” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-06-05 , Event ”Auftaktveranstaltung X4B - Experts for Business” ( “Kick-off event X4B - Experts for Business” ) by Experts for Business, Jens-Uwe Meyer and NiedersachsenMetall in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-27 Seminar “Lebensqualität gestalten - Aufbau eines betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagements als sinnvolle Ergänzung zum betrieblichen Gesundheits- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement” ( “Creating a quality of life - Establishing a company mobility management system as a useful supplement to company health and sustainability management” ) by EcoLibro GmbH, VCD Kreisverband Hannover e.V., PedsBlitz Hannover, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-25 - 2019-05-26 BarCamp BarCamp Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2018-05-26 - 2018-05-27
2017-05-06 - 2017-05-07
2014-06-21 - 2014-06-22
2019-05-24 Event “HANNOVR #9 - The Virtual- & Augmented Reality Conference” by Meetup "HANNOVR" in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-21 - 2019-05-23 Visit of the Fair LABVOLUTION in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-21 Event “Lösungsworkshop” ( “Solution workshop” ) PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-17 Webinar “IDSA & der Niedersächsische IDS Hub” of the series of events ”Unterstützung der Digitalisierung durch Forschung und Innovation” ( “Support of digitalisation by research and innovation” ) by Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB).
2019-05-16 Event “Java 8 hat einen Nachfolger - Java 11 LTS” ( “Java 8 has a successor - Java 11” ) by Max Grabenhorst at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-15 Event “Agile WH: 'Spieleabend'” ( “Agile WH: 'Game evening'” ) by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-14 Seminar “SmartBond Technology Tour” by Avnet Silica and Dialog Semiconductor in Dortmund, Germany.
2019-05-10 Speech “Power BI Basics - Erste Schritte mit Power BI” ( “Power BI Basics - First steps with Power BI” by Marcus Möhle at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-05-09 , Conference ”Arbeitgeberforum 2019. Digitale Arbeitswelt - Herausforderungen 2019” ( “Entrepreneur forum 2019. Digital working economy - Challenges 2019” ) with participation in the discussion forums “Forenrunde I - Kommunikation” and “Forenrunde II - Pitch Black” by NiedersachsenMetall, Allgemeine Arbeitgebervereinigung Hannover und Umgebung e.V. ( AGV ) and Leon Windscheid in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-06 Event “Videomarketing & Storytelling” as part of the series of events “Austauschforum Wissensmanagement – Damit Know-how bleibt!” ( “Exchange forum knowledge management – So that know-how is kept up to date!” ) by Bodo Kern, the discussion group “Business Excellence” organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover as well as Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-05-02 - 2019-05-04 Fair ”micromobility expo” in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-25 Event “nordmedia Business-Frühstück: 'Eine fantastische Reise durch eine unbekannte Welt in virtueller Realität'” ( “nordmedia Business breakfast: 'A phantastic journey through an unknown world in virtual reality'” ) by Soul Pix, Frank Sennholz and nordmedia GmbH in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-25 Event “Agile Transformation - Was ist ein großartiges Unternehmen und wie schaffen wir es?” ( “Agile Transformation - What is an awesome enterprise and how can we make it?” ) by PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-17 Event “Agile WH: 'Lean Coffee'” by Iryna Nikolayeva and Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-13 - 2019-04-14 Barcamp PythonCamp Cologne by Python User Group Köln and GFU Cyrus AG in Köln, Germany.
2018-04-07 - 2018-04-08
2017-04-08 - 2017-04-09
2016-04-02 - 2016-04-03
2015-03-28 - 2015-03-29
2014-03-29 - 2014-03-30
2019-04-11 Speech “Common Data Model - Open Data Interface” by Oliver Engels beim Regionaltreffen at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-04-09 Hands-on workshop “Easy, fast and affordable low-power RF design with BlueNRG-2 and S2-LP” by STMicroelectronics GMBH, Sigfox and WEPTECH elektronik GmbH in Dortmund, Germany.
2019-04-05 Event “Reactive Relational Database Access (R2DBC)” by Mark Paluch at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-04 , Conference “Digitale Perspektiven. Indy4 Konferenz zur Digitalisierung in Produktion und Services” ( “Digital perspectives. Indy4 conference about digitalisierung in produktion and services” ) by Indy4 Group, HERFURTH & PARTNER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH,!, Digitalagentur Niedersachsen and Automotive Nord e.V. on the fair Hannover Messe in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-04 , Conference “IIoT Infrastructure Conference @ Hannover Messe” by IoT M2M Council on the fair Hannover Messe in Hannover, Germany.
2019-04-02 Event “Digital Factory Night 4 Startups #HM19” by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-28 Seminar “Anwendungen von Big Data und Data Mining in Produktion und Logistik” ( “Applications of Big Data and Data Mining in production and logistics” ) by the competence center! in Hannover, Germany.
2018-03-27 Event “SIWAREX Wägetechnik Workshop. Industrie Workshop für Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer” ( “SIWAREX weighing technology workshop. Industrial workshop for mechanical engineers and factory builders” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-26 Speech “Der Weg zur Prosperität” ( “The route to prosperity” ) by Stephan Schulmeister, Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V and ”Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Landesbüro Niedersachsen” in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-25 Seminar “Wenns soft wird, wirds hart - Arbeiten an der Organisationskultur” ( “If it is getting soft, it's getting hard - Improving the organisational culture” ) by Benedikt Sommerhoff, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-21 Event “Moderne Führung: Handwerk oder Magie?” ( “Modern leadership: handcraft or magic?” ) by PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-20 Event with the focus topic “Hype-Thema Agilität - Stabilität und Agilität verbinden” ( “Hype topic agility - Linking stability with agility” ) as part of the series of events “Werkstatt attraktive Arbeitgeber” ( “Workshop attractive entrepreneurs” ) by Klemens Keindl, Agnes Wörner and Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-20 Event “Agile WH: 'Kommunikation in der neuen Arbeitswelt” ( “Agile WH: 'Communications in the new working world'” by Agile Wednesday in Hannover, Germany.
2018-03-19 Hands-on workshop “Industrie Workshop - SINAMICS Safety Integrated” ( “Industry Workshop - SINAMICS Safety Integrated” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-18 Conference Regionalkonferenz - Data Science in der Industrie: Umsetzung, Recht und Ethik" ( Regional conference - Data science in the industry: Implementation, legal matters and ethics ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) in Garbsen, Germany.
2019-03-18 Event “Morgen agil – Implementierung agiler Arbeitsweisen in Unternehmen” ( “Tomorrow agil – Implementatuib if agile operation methods in companies” ) by HDI Systeme AG, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-15 Seminar Mega Branding by JT Foxx in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-15 Speech “Power BI Dataflows” by Markus Thomanek beim Regionaltreffen at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-03-14 , 2019-03-21 Seminar “Einführung in Data Science” ( “Introduction to Data Science” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) yand Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-14 Event “ArchUnit: Testen von Architektur und Design” ( “ArchUnit: Testing of architekture and design” ) by Thomas Much at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-03-13 Seminar “Functional Safety” by Avnet Silica, Renesas Electronics Corporation and MESCO Engineering GmbH in Schkeuditz, Germany.
2018-03-07 Event “Perfect Use SIMATIC PCS 7 Industrie Workshop” ( “Perfect Use SIMATIC PCS 7 industry workshop” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-27 Event “Sabotage qu'est-ce que c'est” by CurrentSystem 23 GmbH at CGI at the regional meeting of .NET Developers Group Braunschweig in Braunschweig, Germany.
2019-02-26 Event “User Group Treffen 'Testen & Test-Management mit Produkten von Micro Focus'” ( “User Group Treffen 'Testen & test management with products of Micro Focus'” ), organized by Vivit in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-25 Seminar “MotivationsPotenzialAnalyse” ( “Potential analysis of motivations” ) by Eberhard Otting, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2018-02-25 Seminar “Business Model Innovation & Storytelling” of Jessica Schmeiß by Google Zukunftswerkstatt in Hamburg, Germany.
2019-02-21 Event “Blockchain in a Nutshell” by Nicolai Bartkowiak and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-21 Seminar “Machine Learning für Industrie 4.0 – Eine Einführung” ( “Machine Learning for Industry 4.0 – An introduction” ) by Applied Machine Learning Academy ( AMA ) and Forschungszentrum L3S in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-20 Event “Bunter Abend” ( “Event with mixed topics” ) at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-19 Seminar “METZ CONNECT Future Days 2019” by METZ CONNECT GmbH in Bremen, Germany.
2019-02-18 Regional meeting with the special topics “Data Guard” and “Neues Tool zum DataGuard 'gDBClone'” ( “New tool for DataGuard 'gDBClone'” ) of DOAG Deutsche ORACLE-Anwendergruppe e.V. in Hannover, Germany.
2018-02-14 Vortrag “Connecting SQL and Blockchain: The Azure Blockchain Workbench” von Christoph Seck at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-02-12 Event “Das Gespinst der Digitalisierung” ( “The cocoon of digitalisation” ) by Ulrich Sendler, Forum für Politik und Kultur e.V and ”Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Landesbüro Niedersachsen” in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-11 Event “Mit Wissen und Begeisterung lösen wir die Herausforderungen unserer Kunden” ( “We solve the challenges of our customers with knowledge and enthouisasm” ) as part of the series of events “Austauschforum Wissensmanagement – Damit Know-how bleibt!” ( “Exchange forum knowledge management – So that know-how is kept up to date!” ) by AVENTICS GmbH, Prof. Dr. Sönke Lieberam-Schmidt, the discussion group “Business Excellence” organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover as well as Region Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-07 Event “Siemens Industrie Tag 2019 - Zeitersparnis dank optimalem Engineering” ( “Siemens Industry Day 2019 - Time saving by optimal engineering” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-02-05 - 2019-02-06 Exhibition and conference WT - Wearable Technologies Europe 2019 ( WT ) at Messe München in München, Germany.
2019-02-05 Hands-on workshop “STMicroelectronics and Sigfox Developer Workshop” by STMicroelectronics GMBH, Sigfox and Innovation World Cup Series, c/o Navispace AG in München, Germany.
2019-01-30 Seminar “Anomalie-Erkennung” ( “Detection of animalies” ) by PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH in Leipzig, Germany.
2019-01-28 Seminar “Cyber-Sicherheit” ( “Cyber security” ) by CIPHRON GmbH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. ( DGQ ) and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-01-28 Event “Hybrides Projektmanagement im Mittelstand: Ein Erfahrungsbericht” ( “Hybrid project managemetn in medium-size companies: A field report” ) by StoneTurn, GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagment e.V and VDI in Hannover, Germany.
2019-01-23 Event “Wissen kompakt - Safety Integrated 'Der gelbe Faden durch die Automatisierung'” ( “Compact knowledge 'The Automation Guide'” ) by Siemens AG in Hannover, Germany.
2019-01-21 Event “Thread Safety with Phaser, StampedLock and VarHandle” by Heinz Kabutz at the regional meeting of Java User Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.
2019-01-17 Hands-on workshop “Microchip — Create Secure IoT Endpoints with SAMl10/L11 Workshop” by Microchip Technology and Future Electronics Deutschland GmbH in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-01-17 Speech “Administrations & Performance Tuning Goodies mit Marcus & Michael” ( “Administrations & performance tuning goodies with Marcus & Michael” ) by Marcus Möhle at the local meeting of PASS Deutschland e.V., Regionalgruppe Hannover / Göttingen in Isernhagen, Germany.
2019-01-15 Event “Projektstart - gut vobereitet?” ( “Project start - well prepared?” ) by Marco Jacob and PMI Frankfurt Chapter e.V., Local Group Hannover in Hannover, Germany.

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