[hemmerling] Europass Curriculum Vitae 2/3

in the style of the Europass.

Work experience 2/3

49 Date: Since 2009-10-30
Occupation or position held: MINT-Botschafter ( “MINT Ambassador” )
Main activities and responsibilities: Beeing an advocate ( “ambassador” ) for mathematics, information technology, nature science and technology, and to make positive impact on children, pupils, teenagers and the public
Name and address of business partner: mintzukunftschaffen.de
MINT Zukunft e.V.
Spreeufer 5
D-10178 Berlin
Type of business or sector: public relations, marketing

48 Date: 2009-08-01 - 2009-10-18
Occupation or position held: Business plan developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of the business plan “Sports Watchers” for the category “Freestyle” of the business startup competition “Deutsche Telekom Interactive TV Award”
Name and address of the customer: interactive-tv-award.de
Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
D-53113 Bonn
Type of business or sector: Foundation of an enterprise

47 Date: 2009-03-01 - 2009-08-31
Occupation or position held: Project manager. Quality Assurance Representative and Internal Auditor
Main activities and responsibilities: Project manager in the project “Design of a datacenter reference model and the foundations for the implementation of an ISO 9001 / ISO 27001 quality management system” in a German datacenter
Name and address of customer: http://datacentergermany.de/
Landschaftstraße 2 a
D-30159 Hannover
Type of business or sector IT service provider

46 Date: 2009-01-30 - 2009-03-10
Occupation or position held: Temporary project manager, project member, quality representative
Main activities and responsibilities: Temporary direction of the project „Use of 6Sigma + Lean for the implementation of a quality management system in a service company”
Name and address of customer: fh-hannover.de
Fachhochschule Hannover - Fakultät IV
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
D-30459 Hannover
Type of business or sector: Research and Science

45 Date: Since 2008-09-22
Occupation or position held: Product tester and marketeer.
Main activities and responsibilities: Participation as product tester and marketeer in the projects:
1. Airwaves Strong ( 2011-01-24 - 2011-02-22 ).
2. Dr. Oetker Pizzaburger ( 2013-10-21 - 2013-12-07 ).
3. Gillette ProGlide Power Flexball ( 2014-11-25 - 2015-01-19 ).
4. Avery Zweckform Notizio ( 2015-01-06 - 2015-07-27 ).
5. Braun Series 3 ( 2015-05-27 - 2015-07-15 ).
6. G DATA Secure Chat ( 2015-09-10 - 2015-xx-xx ).
Name and address of customer: trnd.com.
trnd AG
Winzererstr. 47d
D-80797 München
Type of business or sector: Crowd marketing, crowd product test

44 Date: 2008-04-12 - 2008-12-18
Occupation or position held: Project member of the department “Business”
Main activities and responsibilities: Project work in the department “Business” of the project of students of Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, targeting on the participation at the Formula Student Germany competition in 2009: Development and administration of the overall project schedule. Preparation of a timetable for the “Folder for Plan Sponsors”. Becoming familiar with the requirements for documents to be submitted to the comptition ( e.g. business plan, cost report, presentation ). Consultation of the project management about the introduction and implementation of quality assurance procedures and of best practices
Name and address of the project: fhh-motorsport.de
Fachhochschule Hannover - Fakultät 2
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
D-30459 Hannover
E-Mail: info@fhh-motorsport.de
Type of business or sector Automotive manufacturer

43 Date: 2008-03-01 - 2008-06-27
Occupation or position held: IT developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of the IT application “Web 2.0 enterprise mashup software platform for the global sourcing of non-governmental organisations”, a contribution of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Fachhochschule Hannover to the business IT competiton “Accenture Campus Challenge 2008”. Winner of the state competition “Lower Saxony” in the competition category “Web 2.0 enterprise mashups for the global sourcing”. We qualified for the german final in Kronberg against 87 other german teams
Name and address of organizer of the competition: accenture.com/campuschallenge
Accenture GmbH
Campus Kronberg 1
D-61476 Kronberg
Type of business or sector: Startup company, foundation of an enterprise, Internet business

42 Date: 2008-03-04 - 2008-04-04
Occupation or position held: Business plan developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of the business plan “T-Home Entertain Hotel-TV” for the business startup competition “Deutsche Telekom Interactive TV Award”
Name and address of customer: interactive-tv-award.de
Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
D-53113 Bonn
Type of business or sector: Foundation of an enterprise

41 Date: 2007-10-29 - 2008-04-12
Occupation or position held: Manager of the department “Controlling”
Main activities and responsibilities: Management of the department “Controlling” of the project of students of Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, targeting on the participation at the Formula Student Germany competition in 2009: Development of the project charter, the project work breakdown structure and the project schedule of the department “Controlling”. Exploratory talks with members of university staff. Getting into contact with project managers of competitive teams
Name and address of project: fhh-motorsport.de
Fachhochschule Hannover - Fakultät 2
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
D-30459 Hannover
E-Mail: info@fhh-motorsport.de
Type of business or sector Automotive manufacturer

40 Date: 2007-09-24 - 2007-12-20
Occupation or position held: Light planner
Main activities and responsibilities: Light analysis and light planning for the room R3974 in addition to light analysis for the room R3978 of Fachhochschule Hannover, habitat Ricklinger Stadtweg 120.
Name and address of customer: fh-hannover.de
Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
D-30459 Hannover
Type of business or sector: Light technology, light planning, energy design, architecture

39 Date: 2007-08-17 - 2009-07-31
Occupation or position held: Promoter ( “iSC City Scout Hannover” )
Main activities and responsibilities: Execution of marketing activities at the university place Hannover, Germany ( membership promotion, encouraging members in networking at the university place, specifying the places of deposition of flyers and places of installation of posters. Installation of posters, deposition of flyers ), contact person at the university place Hannover
Name and address of customer: InternationalStudentsClub.org
InternationalStudentsClub e.V.
Pariser Straße 11
D-50259 Pulheim

iSC International GmbH
Pariser Straße 11
D-50259 Pulheim
Type of business or sector Web 2.0, social network, student online community, network platform for students

38 Date: 2006-12-03 - 2012-06-30
Occupation or position held: Promoter
Main activities and responsibilities: Execution of marketing activities at the university place Hannover, Germany ( membership promotion, encouraging members in networking at the university place, specifying the places of deposition of flyers and places of installation of posters. Installation of posters, deposition of flyers ), contact person at the university place Hannover
Name and address of customer: nurhannover.de
nur!studenten GbR
Kleine Rosenthalser Str. 2
D-10119 Berlin
Type of business or sector Web 2.0, social network, student online community, network platform for students

37 Date: 2006-11-22 - 2012-06-30
Occupation or position held: Promoter
Main activities and responsibilities: Execution of marketing activities at the university place Hannover, Germany ( membership promotion, encouraging members in networking at the university place, specifying the places of deposition of flyers and places of installation of posters. Installation of posters, deposition of flyers ), contact person at the university place Hannover
Name and address of customer: StudiVZ.net
studiVZ Ltd.
Voigtstrasse 38
D-10247 Berlin
Type of business or sector Web 2.0, social network, student online community, network platform for students

36 Date: 2006-11-08 - 2012-06-30
Occupation or position held: Promoter ( “Uni-Scout” )
Main activities and responsibilities: Execution of marketing activities at the university place Hannover, Germany ( membership promotion, encouraging members in networking at the university place, specifying the places of deposition of flyers and places of installation of posters. Installation of posters, deposition of flyers ), contact person at the university place Hannover
Name and address of customer: Studylounge.de
Studylounge GmbH
Turmstr. 5
D-35578 Wetzlar
Type of business or sector Web 2.0, social network, student online community, network platform for students

35 Date: 2006-09-26 - 2007-02-12
Occupation or position held: System developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of a temperature testbed for electric motors in the project “Development of a testbed for the determination of the thermal transition resistance at AC commutator engines”
Name and address of customers: kag-hannover.de
Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH
Pappelweg 4
D-30179 Hannover
Fachhochschule Hannover
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
D-30459 Hannover
Type of business or sector: Drive technology, test bed construction, instrumentation

34 Date: 2006-08-02 - 2006-08-07
Occupation or position held: IT-Coach
Main activities and responsibilities: Honorary attendance of a female student with migration background of Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Faculty IV - Business and Informatics, in the last week of her work for her diploma thesis “Optimization of project collaboration of a large IT project by provision of an information portal”. Consulting about the design and the completion of Java source code, by addition of comments ( in JavaDoc style ) for an application running on an Apache Tomcat server, the selection of UML modeling tools and the migration of the UML project documentation from Poseidon for UML, Community Edition to IBM Rational Rose
Name and address of customers: No specifications due to data privacy protection
Type of business or sector: IT consulting

33 Datum: 2006-03-22 - 2006-09-21
Occupation or position held: Business Process Modeler
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of an industry-specific process model for the industry “store construction of hairdresser's shop” in the project “Development of a software-based process model reference documentation as base for process optimization and implementation of a quality management system”. Modelling of the main, management and support processes, creation of a reference structure tree, reference documentation and a process map, using the workflow management software SYCAT.
Name and address of customers: sycat.de
Dr. Binner Consulting und Software
Successor company:
sycat IMS GmbH ( formerly: Binner IMS GmbH )
Hollerithallee 9a
D-30419 Hannover
Successor company:
proWert Consulting GmbH( formerly: Binner IMS GmbH )
Hollerithallee 9a
D-30419 Hannover
Successor company:
Prof. Binner Akademie
Schützenallee 1
D-30519 Hannover
Fachhochschule Hannover
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
D-30459 Hannover
Type of business or sector: Industrial Engineering, Business Process Engineering, Business Process Management

32 Date: Since 2005-03-13
Occupation or position held: Assurer
Main activities and responsibilities: Assurance of the identity of individual persons and organizations, as part of the participation in the “CAcert Assurance Program” ( “CAP” )
Name and address of business partner: CAcert.org
CAcert Inc.
P.O. Box 81
Banksia NSW 2216
Type of business or sector Trust center. Community oriented Certificate Authority (CA), which grants free certificates for everybody

31 Date: 2004-12-03
Occupation or position held: Proband
Main activities and responsibilities: Participation in a TV market study
Name and address of customer: Parge & Partner Dr. Markt- und Meinungsforschung
Gablenzstr. 9
D-24114 Kiel
Former website: http://www.parge.de
Website archive until 2008-06-08: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.parge.de
Type of business or sector: Market research

30 Date: 2003-11 - 2006-08
Occupation or position held: Online promotion, quality assurance, consultation about the company's Internet appearance
Main activities and responsibilities: Online promotion of the TV software Tivion Media Center, quality assurance for the TV software Tivion Media Center, consultation about the company's Internet appearance
Name and address of customer: telecontrol.de
TC Unterhaltungselektronik-AG
Koblenzerstr. 132
D-56073 Koblenz
Type of business or sector Multimedia manufacturer and software house

29 Date: 2003-10-27 - 2003-12-31
Occupation or position held: Business plan developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of the business plan “TVad-killer” for the enterprise startup competition “Startup-Impuls 2003”
Name and address of customer: hannoverimpuls.de
hannoverimpuls GmbH
Vahrenwalder Straße 7
30165 Hannover
Type of business or sector: Foundation of an enterprise

28 Date 2003-02
Occupation or position held: Freelance author
Main activities and responsibilities: Publication of the article ”China firecracker
Name and former address of employer: China
Beijing 100034
West District
Xi Hung Cheng Gen 1. North Street
Wang Gao Xi Zi Lou
«voice» Za Zhi
Yanni Ji
Former website: cnvoice.com
Website archive until 2003-08-03: cnvoice.com
Type of business or sector: Paper news magazine

27 Date: 2002 - 2004
Occupation or position held: Quality tester
Main activities and responsibilities: Quality assurance for the video surveillance software “TVMail” ( Software testing, functional testing, functional test, Black Box testing, Black Box test, explorative testing )
Name and former address of customer: USH Utility Software Hallbauer GmbH
Jürgen Hallbauer
Frühlingstraße 3
D-83135 Pfaffenhofen/Schechen
The company was closed after the death of the owner Jürgen Hallbauer in 2006
Former website: ush.de
Website archive until 2006-06-15: ush.de
Type of business or sector Software house

26 Date: 2002 - 2004
Occupation or position held: Quality tester
Main activities and responsibilities: Quality assurance for the TV software “ChrisTV” ( Software testing, functional testing, functional test, Black Box testing, Black Box test, explorative testing ), produkt design: “Zoom funktion for supression of the split-screen advertising during 'Formel 1' transmissions on 'RTL'”
Name and address of customer: chris-tv.com
Chris P.C. srl
Christian Ciplea
Cluj-Napoca, 3400
Type of business or sector Software house

25 Date: 2002-12
Occupation or position held: Quality tester
Main activities and responsibilities: Quality assurance for the software ”Cyberlink Power VCR II 3.0”, “GlobeFM”, “GlobeTXT” for use with the TV card “KNC One TV Station RDS 'with Bt 878 Chip'” ( Software testing, functional testing, functional test, Black Box testing, Black Box test, explorative testing )
Name and address of customer: knc1.com
z.H. René Hoffmann
Am Sportplatz 11
D-38173 Evessen
Type of business or sector Manufacturer of TV cards and TV software

24 Date: 2002
Occupation or position held: Video maker
Main activities and responsibilities: Production of the video for the song “Tried To Call”. Extra at the production of the video “The Price”. Publication of a promotion article in the chinese news magazine “Voice”
Name and address of customer: kuersche.de
Plazza de Rosalia 6
D-30519 Hannover
Type of business or sector Music, music video

23 Datum: Since 2001-02-26
Occupation or position held: 1&1 Profiseller
Main activities and responsibilities: Acting as agent for Internet and telephon services
Name and address of business partner: 1und1
1&1 Internet AG
Elgendorfer Straße 57
D-56410 Montabaur
Type of business or sector: Sales

22 Date: 2000-03 - 2000-10
Occupation or position held: Consultant
Main activities and responsibilities: Conulting for the company appearance on the world exhibition ”EXPO 2000” in Hannover, Germany. Research into the installation of a webcam for the Canadischen Pavillion. Photo documentation of the EXPO 2000 fair stall
Name and address of customer: telehealth.ca
The Digital Group of Telehealth Companies
Wayne Bell
CEO, Digital Telehealth
One Research Drive, Dartmouth
Nova Scotia, Canada B2Y 4M9
Type of business or sector Medical technology, training and consulting

21 Date: 1999-07 - 1999-08
Occupation or position held: Student apprentice
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of data acquisition software with 80C166 microcontrollers, hardware assembly of an interface board for a 80C166 microcontroller circuit board
Name and address of employer: mh-hannover.de
Hannover Medical School (MHH)
Central Research Workshops - OE 8810
Microprocessor Engineering Department
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
D-30625 Hannover
Type of business or sector Medical technology, university, medical school

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