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[hemmerling] Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data:
Name: Rolf Hemmerling
Address: Henckellweg 2, D-30459 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 511 2347019, Fax: +49 (0) 69 1330 3069 976, E-mail:
Nationality: German
Full-time job as engineer, IT manager, product manager or quality manager
Dipl-Ing.(FH) in Electrical Engineering / Information Technology
Certified Project Management Associate (GPM/IPMA)
DGQ Quality Assurance Representative and Internal Auditor
ISTQB Certified Tester, Foundation Level CTFL)
REFA-Basic Degree in Work Organisation
Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer ( 1Z0-851 )
LZH Laser Certificate
CEPT Novice Radio Amateur Licence ECC/REC (05)06
Handling of enclosed radioactive materials of Technical Qualification Group No. 2.2
Last jobs:
2012-07 - 2012-11 on/off it-solutions GmbH: Technical writer and black box software tester for the Manufaction Execution System software InfoCarrier™
2009-03 - 2009-08 DATACENTER GmbH & Co. KG: Project manager in the project “Design of a datacenter reference model and the foundations for the implementation of an ISO 9001 / ISO 27001 quality management system”
Winner of the state competition „Lower Saxony“ of the business IT competition “Accenture Campus Challenge 2008”
Methodical Competence:
Project experience and project management experience, experience in international and intercultural teamwork
Quality management, requirements management, IT management / IT security, testing, industrial engineering, process modeling
Professional Competence:
Development of systems for automatic data acquisition and instrumentation, development for embedded & real-time systems, machine-specific programming in C, Assembler
Development of business applications and software with Java, C++, .NET languages, SQL, UML, BPMN
Sales and marketing for small and medium enterprises and startups
Instrumentation, lighting technology, LASER and microwave technology, industrial image processing, industrial surveying and alignment
Process control engineering / automation, IEC 61131-3 languages, logistics, material flow and materials handling, visualisation, safety, security
European driving license BCE
German: Native Speaker. English: Proficient. Paper-based TOEFL: Score 623 of 677. Paper-based TOEIC: Score 940 of 990
Social Engagement:
1980 - 2014 Member of the non-profit fund-raising hospital radio “Klinikprogramme für Bielefeld e. V.”, honorary collaboration as soundman ( 1980-1987 )
1998-09 - 2010-02 Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts: Diploma program in “Information Technology”, with overall grade “good”, equivalent to “B”
1982-09 - 1998-09 Leibniz Universität Hannover: Basic study period of “Electrical Engineering”, with final pre-degree and student research project in the advanced study period of “Information Processsing“ successfully passed
1981-07 - 1982-09 Compulsory military service in the German army: Vehicle repair workshop
1972-08 - 1981-06 General qualification for university entrance with grade point average ( GPA ) “1.7”, equivalent to “B+” in USA, by graduation with “Abitur” ( High School Diploma equivalent ) from high school Max-Planck-Gymnasium in Bielefeld
Advanced Training:
Atmel workshop “Rapid Development with Atmel AVR XMEGA and Atmel AVR Studio 5: Hands on Training”, Altera - Altera BeMicro SDK Seminar
PHOENIX CONTACT seminar “Functional Safety” ( DIN 50128, IEC 61508 / IEC 62061 ), Texas Instruments - Functional Safety Seminar, K.A. Schmersal Holding GmbH & Co. KG “Current changes of safety engineering requirements concerning the functional machine safety”
AS-International Association - Online course “Virtual AS-Interface Academy” with certification ( “AS-Interface VA Diplom” ), PHOENIX CONTACT “PROFINET E-Learning” Online-Lehrgang, VDE seminar “Introductory PLC Seminar”
VDE seminar “Reliable Power Supply for Datacenters”. PHOENIX CONTACT seminars “TRABTECH Basic & Advanced Seminar”, “Seminar for UPS and Voltage Surge Protection”, “Safe Hazard Alert Systems”. DEHN “Protection against Lightning System Seminar”. VDE “Practical measuring course about protective measures in power plants and for electric devices DIN VDE 0100 / 0105 / 0113 / 0413 / 0701 /2/ 0751 u. BGV A2 (VGB4)”
Hager TEHALIT seminar “Elcom Basic Course”
TU Graz “International Summer School on Advanced Studies of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells”. WBZU “Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Course”. Lower Saxony Fuel Cell Summer School
Dresden Microelectronics Summerschool
Microsoft TheSpoke Training “Visual Basic .NET 2.0”
VGB Course for Students “Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant Technology”
hannoverimpuls “Summerschool - Foundation of an Enterprise after Graduation”. uniPRAX seminars for additional job-relevant qualifications. Continental AG „Case Study 'Engineering Challenge'”. „EXIST priME-Cup” at Philips GmbH
Relevant Expericence:
2008-04 - 2008-12 Project member of the department “Business” of the project “FHH-Motorsport” of Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, for participation at the Formula Student Germany competition 2009
2007-10 - 2008-04 Management of the department “Controlling” of the project “FHH-Motorsport”
2006-09 - 2007-02 Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH: “Development of a software-based process model reference documentation as base for process optimization and implementation of a quality management system”
2006-03 - 2006-10 Dr. Binner Consulting und Software: Project “Development of a software-based process model reference documentation as base for process optimization and implementation of a quality management system”
2003-01 - 2006-12 Online marketing, quality assurance and Internet presence consulting for “TC Unterhaltungselektronik AG”
2002-01 - 2004-12 Quality assurance for “USH Utility Software Hallbauer GmbH” and the Romanian TV software “ChrisTV” ( ”” )
2000-03 - 2000-10 Consulting of “The Digital Group of Telehealth Companies”, Canada, concerning their appearance on the world exposition “EXPO 2000” in Hannover
1999-06 - 2003-06 Content freelance developer for Burda “Talkingweb”, a computerized phone service
1991-12 - 2000-12 Heise Publishing, Hannover: Maintenance of the PEARL-Pool, a software directory for the programming language PEARL on real-time operating systems
1989-08 - 1989-09 Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart: Data aquisition for Leibniz Universität Hannover
1985-08 - 1987-03 Student assistant at the Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Nondestructive Testing (IKPH), Leibniz Universität Hannover: Development of software for real-time data acquisition and for data visualisation
Philips and DuPont Optical GmbH, department “Development Physics”
Siemens AG Bielefeld, telecommunication maintainance and assembly
Miele & Cie. GmbH & Co., assembly / testfield / quality assurance
Medical School Hannover, Central Research Workshops

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