Agenda - “Betriebswirtschaftliche Software”. German accouning experts rated this as “oldfashioned software”, in 2021-09.
Simba Computer Systeme GmbH - “Finanzsoftware für Steuerkanzleien, Unternehmen sowie kirchliche & soziale Einrichtungen”. German accouning experts rated this as “modern software”, in 2021-09.
Archive.Org "Jörg Bemmé Datensysteme" - “Tudo ist die Lösung für Warenwirtschaft und Finanzbuchhaltung am Arbeitsplatz. Durch das OpenSource-Konzept erhalten Sie den vollständigen Quellcode”.
xTuple Forums, Thread "Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software add-on to xTuple?" - “xTuple does include a good deal of MES functionality including serial or lot control, labor time input, posting operations as completed, push or pull methods of materials usage, scrap as incurred, standard materials by operation within the traveler, variance reporting, and the like”.
I was told in 2015, that 30% of all ( just German ? ) online shops in the Internet are built with Magento!
I was told by experts, that though Magento ( and other OpenSource Shop systems.. ) is OpenSource and “free”, there is a necessary implementation for the European / German law and business needs. This Implementation can just be done by special software houses ( i.e. “Magento experts” ), which makes the created shops proprietary and not OpenSource and free anymore....
There might be no purchase confirmation page. Even if there is such a page, the button button “By clicking the button, I confirm that I want to buy now” might be missing or is not named properly.
The time to delivery must be mentioned to the customer.
The customer must check at the field “Yes, I have read the Terms of Use and Data Privacy Statement and accept these conditions”, and must check at the field ” wlegal effects and conditions of withdrawal”.
There are services for webshop which check the webshop services - the web shop has to pass a test protocol - and provide legal protection:
CopeCart - “Shopsoftware, die sich um automatisierten Rechnungsversand, anbieten der Bezahlarten und Auszahlung Ihrer Einnahmen kümmert. Einmal anmelden, alles drin”.