Odoo Community Association ( OCA ) - “A nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use”.
Patches provided by the community are just merged into the current development version, which is not intended to be used in production.
Patches provided by the community aren't merged into the latest stable community edition.
Patches provided by the community are merged into the stable commercial edition ( i.e. a special stable patched version just available if you subscribe for a commercial maintainance service ).
“Three-tier high-level general purpose application platform under the license GPL-3 written in Python and using PostgreSQL as database engine. It is the core base of a complete business solution providing modularity, scalability and security”.
Patches provided by the community are both merged into some stable community editions ( the latest, some older,..) and the current development version.
Extending the Tryton client ( e.g. to support a new widget ) is difficult. As very few Tryton developers provided upgrades to the client in the last few years, and as the status of the client code and documentation is not perfect and especially not easy to understand and to handle, it can be expected that writing a new widget for the client might just be done by a handful of Trycon developers in the world...
Additional mandatory prerequisites according to “installation.rst”:
PyGTK - “PyGTK lets you to easily create programs with a graphical user interface using the Python programming language. The underlying GTK+ library provides all kind of visual elements and utilities for it and, if needed, you can develop full featured applications for the GNOME Desktop”.
Jason Erickson, Stickpeople Project "win-psycopg" - “A Windows port of the psycopg python-postgresql database interface”, “This windows version of psycopg2 is built using static libraries of the following packages: PostgreSQL libpq 9.3.5, OpenSSL 1.0.1i, zlib 1.2.8 ).
GitHub "miohtama/python-Levenshtein" - “The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity”.
I experienced: A Tryton 3.4 client may just communicate with a Trytond 3.4 server, communications with a Trytond 3.5 server is refused .
Trytond uses the database, but the view and the models are defined in the file system. Each “object view” is a Trython object. A Tryton client is used to display a view. Trytond is parsing the XML files and stores the infos in its database.
“Trytond - u mymodule anothermodule athirdmodule - d mydatabase”, “Trytond - u all - d mydatabase”
checks the module directory/directories for Python .py files, checks all XML files for changes and updates the database with the changes in XML files. Trytond parses all .py Python files to detect if there are new fields ( = global class variables ) in the .py Python files.
It makes use of the introspective Features of Python, to get variables from global classes.
The developers of “TinyERP” and its successors think of their software to be a framework, not a product to be used by b2b end users. They expect that other developers download from CVS system and do not ask for packages.
“Wenn du Tryton (den Client) und Neso (das kleine All-in-One-Paket) installiert hast, hast du auch automatisch den Server mitinstalliert”.
“Es gibt 3 Passwörter”:
“der admin für den Tryton server, der wird in der trytond.conf festgelegt und ist sozusagen der Superuser und Datenbanken etc. in Tryton anzulegen oder zu löschen”.
“ebenfalls in tryton.conf wird eine Benutzer angelegt, mit dem sich der Tryton-Server mit der Datenbank verbindet. Also ein Datenbank-Nutzer”.
“beim Anlegen der Datenbank ein Admin für das Unternehmen/Datenbank, der administrative Rechte über das Frontend hat”.