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[hemmerling] Healthcare 1/2


Informations and links on this page here about medical products are not meant to be a medical advisory. Please consult a health professional / doctor / medic if you are ill !


Directories of Medical Doctors

"Doctor on Call" ( "Bereitschaftsarzt" )

"Emergency" ( "Notfall" )

  • Germany-wide Telephone Number for “Emergency” ( “Notfall” ): 110.

Health Insurance

  • AOK NordWest - Die Gesundheitskasse ( formerly: “AOK Westfalen- Lippe” ).
    • Smartphone app Google Play "Meine AOK" - You are forced to install it for online communications, in 2024 :-(.
      • “Antrag auf einen Zuschuss zum Zahnersatz” ⇒ This is the “Härtefallantrag”.
      • “Professionelle Zahnreinigung - Im Rahmen des AOK-Gesundheitsbudgets übernimmt die AOK NORDWEST bis zu zwei Behandlungen im Kalenderjahr in Höhe von bis zu je 50 Euro”, i.e. You have to pay 90 EUR - 50 EUR = 40 EUR.
      • “Schutzimpfungen - Setzen Sie einfach Ihr AOK-Gesundheitsbudget für empfohlene Reise-Impfungen ein – zum Beispiel gegen FSME, Malaria, Tollwut, Gelbfieber oder Hepatitis A/B”.
      • You may ( and shall ) pass the bills to the AOK Nordwest, afterwards, also by the online portal.
    • AOK Wahltarife - “Bonus - Naturarznei - Zahnersatz - Krankengeld - Ausland”.
    • AOK NordWest "Auslandskrankenschein bestellen" - “Damit Sie gut in Ihren Urlaub starten, können Sie online als AOK-Versicherter eine Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte (EHIC) bzw. einen Auslandskrankenschein bestellen”.
    • AOK NordWest "FAQ - Die Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte (EHIC)" - “Ein gesetzlich Krankenversicherter muss nicht mehr für jeden Auslandsaufenthalt einen neuen Papiervordruck beantragen. Es gilt das auf der Karte aufgedruckte Gültigkeitsdatum. Die Europäische Krankenversichertenkarte wird den Versicherten bisher zusätzlich zur nationalen Krankenversichertenkarte zur Verfügung gestellt”. The EEIC is intended just for the case of emergency. In general, you should become member of the compulsory illness insurance of the country in which you have your principal residence, and by that insurance you get your EEIC card.
    • The new illness insurance card 2012, for Germany.
      • The new illness insurance card includes the EEIC function, infos are printed on the backside of the card.
      • AOK - Bild-Upload-Service für die elektronische Gesundheitskarte - The new card has a new chip, which can be just read by new card readers :-(. For a transition period, it might be a good idea to keep the old card ( you must not scrap the old card, according to the health insurance companies ).
      • Please tell your illness insurance if you scrap the EEIC card after you got the new illness insurance card.
    • If you travel in foreign countries for a maximum duration of 6 weeks/year, it is useful to sign an extra extra foreign-country illness insurance “Auslands-Krankenversicherung” for 6 EUR/year. This includes the option of a flight back to home, in case of urgend illness.
      • “Die AOK NordWest bietet im Sportstudio Bodytalk, Bewegungs- Kurse für Gesunde und für Personen mit gesundheitlichen Risiken an”.
      • “Haben Sie Interesse am AOK Wohlfühl-Programm oder an den AOK-Kursangeboten? Zu Kursarten und Kursinhalten gibt Ihne gerne unser Diplom-Sportlehrer Ralf Neuhaus Auskunft. Diesen erreichen Sie unter: 0800-2655502849 oder per Mail:”.

Doctors in Hannover

Doctors in Bielefeld

Family Doctors ( German "Hausärzte" )


Eye Care / Glasses

Ophthalmologists ( German: "Augenärzte" ) in Bielefeld



    • Jahnplatz 10, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • Marktkauf, Artur-Ladebeck-Str. 81, D-33617 Bielefeld.
    • 2023-11: “Black Weeks: Jetzt Termin bis 29.11. buchen und auf 50% auf alle Gläser + zusätzliche Reduzierungen freuen”.
    • Oberntorwall 21, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • Loom, Bahnhofstraße 28, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • “Bielefeld Zentrum”, Bahnhofstr. 16, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • “Bielefeld Brackwede”, Hauptstraße 78, D-33647 Bielefeld OT Brackwede.
    • Bielefeld by brillen-galerie GmbH, D-Obernstraße 12, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • Aldea Augenoptik (Inh. Kai-Uwe Waymann), Marktkauf, Rabenhof 74, D-33609 Bielefeld OT Baumheide.
    • optik fleer, Amtsstr. 33, D-33739 Bielefeld OT Jöllenbeck.
  1. Brillenladen Bielefeld - Bodo Bienfait, Rathausstraße 3, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • “Bielefeld-Zentrum”, Obernstraße 8, D-33602 Bielefeld.
    • “Bielefeld-Brackwede”, Cheruskerstraße 23, D-33647 Bielefeld OT Brackwede.
  2. Optik Winter GmbH, Niederwall 5, D-33602 Bielefeld.
  3. TÖNSMANN OPTIK + AKUSTIK GmbH, Voltmannstr. 158, D-33613 Bielefeld - “klein,aber fein - ein Betrieb der OUNDA GmbH”.


Germany - Sales of standard ready-made Glasses for Reading ( "Lesebrillen", "Fertiglesebrillen" ) for Budget Prices


Additional Tools

Glasses for Computer Workplaces

Special Insurances for Glasses

  • HanseMerkur - “Brillenversicherung (Nulltarifversicherung)”.

Old Glasses


  • “Die Brille ist nicht verkehrstauglich” :-(.
  • Sufficient standard:
    • Silicate glasses.
      • “Silicate glasses” versus “Plastic glasses”:
        • Plastic glasses don't break if they fall on the floor :-), but they can be easily scratched :-(. After 2-3 years the plastic glass might appear “milky” :-(.
        • Silicate glasses break easily if they fall on the floor :-(, but they are much more resistant against scratching, in comparison to plastic glasses :-).
        • You should avoid “dry” cleaning the glasses, as this leads to scratches on plastic glasses and to the coating being rubbed off on coated silicate glasses.
      • Plastic glasses and coated silicate glasses should be cleaned with dishwashing detergent dissolved in water. Glass cleaner is just ok for silicate glasses without a coating!
    • Plain antireflection coating ( not double antireflection coating ), not a must!
    • Frame with spring-loaded hinges ( German: “Federscharnier”, “Rahmen mit gefederten Scharnieren” ).

Dry Eyes

Medicaments in Case of Dry Eyes


Dental Care

Dentists, Hannover

Dentists, Bielefeld

Interdental Teeth Brushes





Kaufland ( Real )






Death & Leaving Home for Hospital

Suitcase for Hospital Visits


Deseases - Standard Deseases

Medicaments in Case of Fever and Pain


Medical Anti-Snoring Hardware


Snuffle & Rhinosinusitis ( Inflammation of the Sinuses, "Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung" )

Medicaments in Case of Snuffles


Medicaments in Case of Cough, with Decongestant Effect

Cough Syrup

Cough Drops

Medicaments in Case of Dry Cough

Medicaments in Case of Bruise

General Medicaments in Case of Bruise

Special Medicaments in Case of bruised Ribs

Medicaments in Case of Mosquito Bites

Medicaments in Case of Onychomycosis, Fungus Infection of the Nail, Fungal Nail ( Nagelpilz, die Nagelmykose, Onychomykose )

Medicaments in Case of Verruca

Medicaments in Case of Dysentery

Medicaments in Case of Vaccination Pain

Medicaments in Case of Toothache / Tooth Pain

24-Hours Summer Fever ( "Sommergrippe" )

  • My doctor advised me, in case of influenza (“Grippe”, with dysentery ( “Durchfall” ) and fever ( “Fieber ), but no cough ( “Husten” ), to drink and eat:
    1. No milk, no fancy cake ( due to fat! ).
    2. No lemon juice, no orange juice.
    3. Yes: Cola, apple juice, pear juice ( “Birnensaft” ), banana juice, Camomile tea ( “Kamillentee” ).
    4. Yes: Bouillon soup, any kind of packet soup ( “Tütensuppe” ).

Virus, Influenca



Deseases - Special Deseases

Medicaments in Case of Scall

Medicaments in Case of Scall

Medicaments in Mouth Infection

Deseases - Deseases by Animals ?

General Healthcare


*Frauenärzte im Netz "Familienplanung & Verhütung > Hormonelle Verhütung neben der Pille > Drei-Monats-Spritze / Depot-Spritze".

Girls Only - Just for Girls

Hearing Aids for Ears



  • As of 2023, statutory health insurance companies ( AOK,..) pay 700 EUR for an hearing aid, per ear ( so 2 ears = 1400 EUR ). A new device is payed currently after 6y, but in the future it might be after 9y.
  • There are 2 kind of devices:
    • In-ear hearing aid ( “In-Ohr Hörgerät ). Amplifon brand product “ampli-mini” ( hearing aid battery #10, lasts 3 days ).
    • Behind-ear hearing aid ( “Hinter-Ohr Hörgerät” ). Amplifon brand products “ampli-easy”, “ampli-connect” ( hearing aid battery #312 & #13, lasts 7-10 days ), “ampli-energy” ( accu, lasts 30 hours but much less if audio streaming from smartphone & tv is used ).
  • Battery technologies:
    • Accus:
      • There are hearing aids with accu, both for in-ear and behind-ear. The in-ear hearing aid is quite large and does not fit for every customer's ears.
      • Accus of behind-ear might have power for 30h, but not if audio streaming is used ( to stream audio from TV, smartphone,..). The acccu of accu-powered hearing aids is expected to work for 6y.
  • BLE.
    • Streaming audio by BLE.
      • I was told by experts, that streaming audio by BLE works with “Samsung Galaxy 12” or newer.
      • There are BLE TV adapters for HDMI jacks.
    • Google Play "Amplifon", to communicate by BLE with the hearing aids.
  • There is optional insurance that pays if you lose a hearing aid.

Power Intensification ( Leistungsverdichtung )

Sleeping & TV

Temperature Measurement with a professional clinical Thermometer

My Thermometer

Some other Thermometers


Water Purification


Cleaning of Ears & Cutting Nails & Shaving - Professional Products

Professional Earwax Cleaning

Professional Nail Shortening

  • Be careful if you try to buy online, or without professinal sales: There is a big difference in application for corner nippers ( “Eckenzangen” ), cuticle forceps ( “Hautzangen” ), head cutter ( “Kopfschneider” ), nail clippers ( “Nagelzangen” ) :-(, but hard to detect from photos :-(.
    • For self-service, just nail clippers ( “Nagelzangen” ) are the right tools, for cutting your own nails :-).
    • Especially head cutters ( “Kopfschneider” ) are for use by professional services, to cut the customers nails, NOT the own nails! :-(.



  • Gesundheits-Laden "Politzerball" - “Die Nasendusche nach Politzer ist ein Gummiball mit aufgesetzter Nasenolive. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Nasenduschen wird der Politzerball nicht mit Wasser verwendet. Diese Nasendusche wird oftmals in der HNO mit Luft verwendet”.




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