“Street addresses don't always point to precise locations. what3words has given every 3m square in the world a unique 3 word address. The words are randomly assigned to each square and will always stay the same. Now it’s easy to find and share any location with just three words”.
GVH Entdeckertag "Kostenlose Fahrrad-App", 2019 - “Die Region Hannover präsentiert eine App mit Navigationsfunktion und weiteren nützlichen Features. Sie ist kostenlos und kann ganzjährig genutzt werden”.
Earthview-DE.com - “Bitte installieren Sie die FindYourMaps -Symbolleiste, um Satellitenkarten abzurufen. Mit Street View oder Luftbildkarten Jederzeit!”. Requires browser plugin . Browser plugins are available for Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Explorer, Opera.
How to become superuser: Experts told me, that it is important to write “good valuable tips”, and that it is less important or even not important at all to have many “followers”.
User experience:
In opposite to Google-Maps, where you see “all” shops and restaurants instantly, with FoureSquare you must first enter a search item, e.g. “breakfast” and a location. If you move outside the location, a “search” button appears. Sales point which don´t meet the search critera, are not displayed.
It is important to invest time to add “Tastes” at Foursquare "Add Tastes", to get proper search results. E.g. “You have 12 tastes. Add tastes to personalize your search results”.
With the Fouresquare app, the language of the app is the system language. E.g. if you set the system language to English, you must enter English keywords, e.g. “breakfast” , no way that Fouresquare finds proper results if you try to search by a German keyword ( e.g. “Frühstück” )
With the Fouresquare website, the language is always English.
Commercial service Inside Motion UG (haftungsbeschränkt), 2023 - “Die 360-Grad-Touren mit Google Street View sind ein effizientes und innovatives Marketingtool”.
2024-01: ”'Maps' button gone from Google Search” .
Google Play, Electromaps "Electromaps" - “Electromaps makes electric car driving easy. Find charging stations, recharge all over Europe and pay for everything either automatically via ISO 15118 (direct communication with your electric car), via RFID, directly from your smartphone or by credit card. The billing depends on the capabilities of the charging station”.
The commercial Komoot.COM, Komoot.DE - “Der beste Routenplaner für Wanderer und Radfahrer”.
Experts told me:
This app, though for wanderers & bicycle drivers, is used to plan the routes for busses, serving rail replacement service ( “Schienenersatzverkehr” ). The USP is that planned routes may be exported and transfered to other devices. Each device needs a commercial license, of course. But as the routes are for wanderers and bicycle drivers, sometimes the generated routes can't be driven by busses .
Stadt Paderborn "Auskunfts- u. Informationssystem Starkregen (AIS) Paderborn" - “Bei einem Starkregenereignis besteht die Gefahr, dass Straßen und Grundstücke überflutet sowie Tiefgaragen und Keller geflutet werden. Um die unterschiedliche Überflutungsgefährdung im Stadtgebiet Paderborn anschaulich darzustellen, wurden im Auftrag der Stadt Paderborn Starkregengefahrenkarten durch die Dr. Pecher AG, Erkrath erstellt und in einem „Auskunfts- und Informationssystem Starkregen“ (AIS) visualisiert. Im AIS werden u.a. die Überflutungsausdehnungen und -tiefen sowie Fließgeschwindigkeiten und -richtungen bei unterschiedlichen Starkregenintensitäten dargestellt”.
“However, positioning technology marches on. With the dawning of a high accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) in the early 1990s, Loran-C slowly became antiquated and finally the USCG took Loran-C transmitting stations offline in 2010. With no Loran-C signal, Coast Survey followed suit and began to eliminate Loran-C lattices from nautical charts. Most charting customers welcomed the removal of the busy lattices from the chart as it made the chart more readable”.
“So why do some people still want nautical charts with a Loran-C lattice? Prior to GPS, many fishermen and commercial diving operations did not use a true latitude and longitude (Lat/Lon) geographic coordinate system to position their offshore features. They identified their favorite fishing or diving locations by Loran-C time delay coordinates. When Loran-C lattices were removed from NOAA charts, many fishermen were left with Loran-C coordinates that had no corresponding Lat/Lon. Therefore, they did not have a way of plotting their Loran-C coordinates on current charts”.