[hemmerling] Small Office & Home Office ( SOHO ) Software

Conferences, Workshops

LibreOffice Conferences ( 2011 - )

Event "LibreOffice Hamburg HackFest 2013", 2013-06-15 - 2013-06-16

Office Suites

OpenOffice / Libre Office / Star Office / Lotus Symphony

Apache OpenOffice / Star Office

Libre Office

IBM Lotus Symphony


  • The commercial Impress Password Recovery for Windows. It may help to find forgotten passwords for OpenOffice documents. A free evaluation version is available.


  • Warning! LibreOffice 3.6 has save problems with DOCX format:
    • Fault: Images loaded vom DOCX files are not saved when saving in DOCX format, sometimes, without warning.
    • Ok: Images loaded vom DOCX files are saved properly when saving in DOC format.
  • OpenOffice / LibreOffice scriptoing needs a Java runtime environment ( e.g. to edit graphics, for macros,..).
      • “Legacy versions of OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 and older included a JRE packaged with the download. Apache OpenOffice 3.4.0 and newer do not!”.
      • For Linux: “You will need to have a JRE version (32-bit or 64-bit) that is compatible with the architecture of the Apache OpenOffice version you downloaded”.
      • “The Windows version of OpenOffice is 32-bit and therefore it requires a 32-bit JRE. Even when you have a Windows version with 64-bit installed. Furthermore you have to install a 32-bit JRE - additionally or instead - when you already have a 64-bit JRE installed”.
      • “Einschränkungen der 64-Bit-Variante für Windows: Die 64-Bit-Variante hat noch Einschränkungen: Verbindungen zu älteren Datenbanken im Microsoft-Access-Format (*.mdb) können nicht hergestellt werden. Des Weiteren ist das Einfügen von Bildern direkt vom Scanner nicht möglich. Dieses Problem ist ab der Version 6.3.0 behoben. Benutzen Sie bitte in beiden Fällen bei Bedarf die 32-Bit-Variante von LibreOffice”.
      • “Java unter Windows: Für einige LibreOffice-Funktionen benötigen Sie eine Java-Laufzeitumgebung, hier kurz Java genannt. Abhängig von der verwendeten LibreOffice-Variante, 32 oder 64 Bit, benötigen Sie auch die 32- oder 64-Bit-Variante von Java. Auf einem 64-Bit-Windows-System können Sie die 32-Bit-Java-Variante parallel zur 64-Bit-Variante von Java installieren”.

Microsoft Office

Some other Office Suites, Publishing Systems & Editors

Office Suites as Web Services




Google Services
How to use Google Calc on Smartphone


Zoho Office Suite


  • Prezi - “A presentation tool that helps you organize and share your ideas”.
    • Buisness model:
      • Free online tool, with free import option for Powerpoint slides.
      • Free online content editing, just-commercial offline content editing.
      • Free export, free slide player for Windows.

Proton Drive


Portable Applications ( for use with removable Media )

Printer Drivers

  • The Windows printer driver “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” may be used to extract images/photos from any software, which generated document. It uses the ZIP format. If you unzip files created by the “Microsoft XPS Document Writer”, images and photos are stored in the “Resources / Images” folder path.

FAX Software

What You must teach an Rookie to master LibreOffice Text / Microsoft Office for Job Applications

  1. Document size ( Letter vs. A4 ).
  2. Fonts ( ARIAL → CV, Times New Roman →Newspaper, COURIER → computer code )
  3. Styles ( “Apply Styles”, “Font Name”, “Font Size” ).
  4. Visible and hidden Tables, “Table Format”, “Table-Table Boundaries”.
  5. Table of contents.
  6. Resizing of images, “Keep Ratio”, image size reduction with GIMP, Paint.NET, Microsoft Expression.
  7. “Footnote”, “Endnote”.
  8. Using a simple text editor ( e.g. Notepad on Windows ) as copy+paste buffer, to get style-free text for import.
  9. Strategy to clone a document, i.e. to exchange text and graphics, instead of building a document from scratch.
  10. Check the document by:
    1. Creating a PDF.
    2. Do a visual inspection of the PDF.
  11. Hard page break ( ctrl+return ).


TeX, LaTeX


Free Editors


  • The free text editor AB-Edit for Windows.


ACME - The Original
ACME SAC ( Stand Alone Complex )

Bluefish Editor


  • The free text editor ConTEXT for W2k, WinXp, Win7 #.

EditPad Lite

  • The free EditPad Lite for Windows. It can read and display DOS text files, by changing the character set to “DOS 850: Western European” after loading. By copying the contents with Copy+Paste to the Windows clipboard, the contents is converted to Windows fonts.


  • The OpenSource Geany for Linux and Windows using GTK2.


  • The Opensource text editor jEdit, written in Java.


  • The OpenSource KeepNote - note taking and organisation for Linux and Windows - “you can store your class notes, TODO lists, research notes, journal entries, paper outlines, etc in a simple notebook hierarchy with rich-text formatting, images, and more. Using full-text search, you can retrieve any note for later reference”.



  • flo's freeware "Notepad2" for Windows - UTF8 enabled editor. May edit Linux/Unix-style text files ( with LF as end-of-line ), like DokuUWiki files.


  • Obsidian - Commercial editor based on markdown language, free for personal use ( “Personal” version ).
  • Some users formerly used “OneNote” in the past.



  • The free text editor SciTE Editor.


Weaverslave ( formerly: HTMLPad )

  • The free text editor Weaverslave ( formerly: HTMLPad ).

Free collaborative Editors

Shareware Editors

Note-taking Application

Android & Apple iPhone+iPad+MacOS & Windows

Android & Apple iPhone+iPad


Apple iPhone & iPad & MacOS

  • Apple Notes.
  • Goodnotes.
  • Notability.



E-Reader, E-Book, E-Paper

Portable Document Format ( PDF )



Quick-Start Tools for Beginners, suggested by Experts

Interactive internetBook

  • Systime A/S, Denmark - “Interactive internetBook”.
  • I was told by experts that the Interactive internetBook” is proprietary, but based on HTML5.



  • The calibre ebook management for Windows, Linux by Kovid Goyal - “E-book editor for the major e-book formats. calibre has a built-in editor that allows you to edit e-books in the most popular e-book formats, EPUB and AZW3 (Kindle)”.

Commercial Services



  • TechBook "Worauf es bei E-Book-Readern wirklich ankommt" - “Bis 2015 setzte der Onlineriese auf ein Format namens AZW, seitdem vermehrt auf sogenannte KFX-Dateien... Die kostenlose Software Calibre verwandelt AZW-Dateien ohne Kopierschutz etwa in ein ePub-Format um”. “Denn mit dem kostenlosen 64-Bit-Tool beherrschen Sie alle wichtigen Buchformate von EPUB, das iPhone und iPad, Tolino Shine und Sony Reader verwenden, bis zu MOBI, KF8 und AZW3”.
  • CreateSpace - An Amazon company - Community of authors. “Free Publishing Resources” - Tips how to publish a book efficiently.
  • Amazon.com Author Central - “Join Author Central: Confirm your identity. Please use the search below to identify a book you've written. You can search by title, author or ISBN”.

Tools & Software for Tablet PCs

Literature Administration

Aktualisiert 18.01.2019”.

Software for Startups and Small Business

Calling Cards

Student Software for Digital Editing - Research - Archiving

Commercial Software for Technical Writers / Technical Journalists / Technical Editors

General Windows Tools, also for Small Business & Home Office

    • “294 applications available in a few clicks! In all areas : Audio, Video, Graphics, Internet, Games, Security, Education, System, etc.
    • “Free, Ready to use, Portable applications, Automatic online updates, Synchronization with the online catalog”.


Forums, Newsgroups

Appropriate OpenDirectory Directory Pages

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