Tip: Open one browser tab window for each translation direction. So if you want to chat in let's say Spanish but you don´t understand Spanish, open one browser tab window “Your native language → Spanish” and another browser tab window “Spanish → Your native language” .
VoyCabulary - “Online web dictionary & thesaurus word linking lookup reference tool”, ” VoyCabularytm makes the words on any webpage into links, so you can look them up with just a click–in a dictionary of your choice”, English, Spanish.
“Is the new and easy way to have real conversation with soemone who speaks a different language”.
Experts told me on the IFA2018: Pocketalk connects to the Internet. The Internet Pocketalk service knows about free translation services and selects the “best” translation. The additional benefit to free textual translation services by Internet is primarily the speech recognition ( of the user ). Speech output is also provided, but thats not a USP.
“With LingoHut you can learn over 45 languages like Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish or Turkish from your own language. LingoHut contains 125 lessons to learn useful vocabulary without prior knowledge”.
Commercial, but affordable Vocabulix - “Learn Languages free and online with Vocabulix” - English, Spanish, German, French, Italian training. Was free at the start of the service, now not free anymore.
Lichtwerk & Kamera Filmkunst GmbH "cinéma français - in der KAMERA" - “Die Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft Bielefeld bietet in der Regel am letzten Montag des Monats einen Kinoabend in der Kamera an. Es werden aktuelle neue französische Filme im Originalton mit deutschen Untertiteln gezeigt. Alain Houdus von der Deutsch-Französischen Gesellschaft führt vorher, in französischer Sprache in die Filme ein”.
2022-01-01 by “Club franco-allemand Bielefeld”: “Hallo / Salut! La page Facebook du club sera désactivée dans les prochaines semaines. Pour ceux et celles d´entre vous qui n´utilisaient que cette page facebook, et qui veulent rester informé(es), vous pouvez rejoindre notre groupe Whatsapp ou vous inscrire sur la liste de diffusion pour recevoir le bon vieux email de rappel de la Stammtisch chaque mois. Merci de réagir à ce post si vous souhaitez rejoindre le groupe Whatsapp ou la mailing liste, je vous contacte ensuite en message privé. Sinon, comme on existe en vrai, pour nous trouver il suffit de retenir que l´on se retrouve le dernier jeudi de chaque mois, 19h30 au resto l´arabesque de Bielefeld”.
Recommended by Indiegames developers for translation of the game text contents, in 2021. It was considered too be “much better than the free Google Translate”.
“Easily localize all your digital content from start to finish. Transifex offers two solutions – File and Live. File is suited for complex apps and other digital content, while Live is ideal for websites”.
Translizer - commercial human translation services.
TranslatorPub - ”#1 Translation- Portal”, “Freelance and Full-Time Translation Job Portal”, “Paid Membership Required To Apply for Jobs”.
“Oh-oh...Dein Bild entspricht leider nicht unseren Community-Standards. Wenn Du damit fortfährst, wirst Du vielleicht nicht in die Community aufgenommen” .
“Über 12000 Menschen nutzen bereits hypereffizienten Sprachlern-Techniken, um innerhalb weniger Wochenerste Unterhaltungen in einer neuen Sprache zu führen. Die Methode dahinter? Die konsequente Nutzungderselben Gedächtnis-Techniken, die auch der amtierende Weltrekord-Halter benutzt hat, extrem schnell einen Wortschatz aufzubauen”.
Fluentfuture - “Learn a language for free meeting other members and teaching each other. Or pay rated teachers for individual language lessons. Study languages using our extensive online learning materials”.
Coursera "Global Translator Community" - “Objective: First and foremost, by translating top courses you are helping millions of learners who may otherwise struggle to understand courses taught outside their native language”.