Question #1: Can I mark contents ( text, images ) like I can do with a real paper book with a yellow marker pen ( or a pencil ), as simple student user, to support my personal learning ?
Answer: Most systems don't support this .
Question #2: Can the student make a printable PDF from an online contents ( i.e. a single PDF of 100 pages from an online module consisting of 100 HTML pages ), by fingertip ?
Answer #1: Typical PDF makers don´t offer this, so far .
Answer #2: Some WIKIs, e.g. Mediawiki ( Wikipedia,.. ) offer this.
Question #3: Why should the teacher prepare online contents in an E-Learning system with much effort, if the student still wants and needs a printed copy ( i.e. a printable PDF document ) of the contents, for learning ?
Some of the most serious errors have been errors of educational and course design and have included:
Failure to engage the learner.
Mistaking “interactivity” for engagement.
Focussing on content rather than outcomes.
Mirroring traditional didactic approaches on the technology.
All the above are really all part of the same problem: namely, the adoption of view of learning as an information delivery process coupled with the practice of procedures.
Learning is a social process and development is linked to the specific culture in which learning activities are shared.
Learning activities need to be 'authentic' - normal to the culture in question and involve its tools and artifacts.
Learning is situated in the dual contexts of culture and learning environment and that learning involves the interaction of learners and experts within them.
Enculturation involves the development by the learner of the use of culture-specific meaning-making, or semiotic, tools.
Individual and social learning have a complex and necessary interdependence.
Expertise involves perceiving the relationship between specific and general knowledge and skills.
The need for both learning activity and assessment to be clearly related to syllabus and to reward understanding.
The need to match assessment, content and resources to the learner's current level.
ALICE, a Project co-funded by the European Commission - “Aimed to define models, methodologies and prototype software components able to solve some of the most relevant problems of current e-learning systems and tools”.
Most relevant problems of current e-learning systems and tools:
Lack of Interaction: most of the times the only interaction available is to click on “next” button to step through the material presented.
Lack of Challenge: unchallenging material makes the learning experience unattractive and discourages progression.
Lack of Empowerment: the learner expects to control the learning experience, while, often, the learning experience controls and limits the learner.
Lack of Social Identity: the learner is often isolated from his/her peers reducing the collaboration and the learning achieved through social interaction.
Moodle isn't Web2.0 intuitive - thre is a fairly steep learning curve for course creators.
By being out of step with Social Media (Web2.0), it is not overly appealing to students.
Learning managment systems tend to be teacher and classroom-centric != students self-regulated and globally connected education.
LMS's are not natural nodes of sharing and creativity.
Learning Management Systems are in effect “Walled Gardens”.
they are safe environments where content can be controlled and users limited.
in many ways...
An LMS is to the World Wide Web what a textbook is to a differntiated and constructivist learning environment.
it constrains student-regulated communication, creativity, and collaboration.
For Moodle to be a truly disruptive technology that advances best practices in education, it needs to be more open to the free exchange of information and ideas outside the school. More open to student participation.
How can we create windows in Moodle's walled gardens ?
Thesis from his peech at the conference “Herrenhausen Conference: '(Digital) Humanities Revisited – Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age'” by Volkswagenstiftung in Hannover, Germany ( 2013-12-05 - 2013-12-07 ):
“Kritik am 'Präsentatismus des digitalen Zeitalters'” ( Criticism of the dominance of visual presentations in the digital age ).
“Kritik am 'Digitalen Vergessen'”. ( Criticism of the digital neglecting ).
“Rezeption ist nicht alles, das Objekt selber ist auch wichtig” ) ( There is something beyond reception. The object itself has power ).
Preview phase ( listening to the instructions of the teacher ) - sometimes this phase is faded-out in Heinz Klippert's visualisation of the learning spiral.
Input phase ( procedural and with regards to content ).
Preparation phase ( reading a text,.. ).
Coaching ( in groups with members chosen by accident ).
Speech of Heinz Klippert on the Hannover CeBIT Fair 2012 “Unterrichtsvorbereitung leicht gemacht”, 2012-03-09.
In each of the 7 steps, the students perform a special learn activity ( “Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten und Lernen ( EVA ) - konkret” ) in a special lesson format ( PI = “Plenum phase”, EA = “Self-assessment”, TA = “Tandem work”, GA = “Group work”, DK =“Double circle” ), which might be varied - so components for self-contained learning have a fixed structure, but the elements can and should be varied.
In general, a teaching unit should last 90 minutes ( double period ), not 45 minutes ( single period ), for successful teaching with this or even with any other concept.
As teacher, you should prefer to use the available material, instead of wasting much time for research for new material. Teachers should save time by avoiding time-intensive modification of available material.
If there are little number of social learners, they are successfull.
If amout of social learners is large, so that just little number of individuals is doing his/her own thing and making real experiences, social learning is much less successful.
Rendell, L., Fogarty, L., & Laland, K. N. (2010). Rogers’ paradox recast and and resolved: population structure and the evolution of social learning strategies” Evolution 64(2): 534-548.
The commercial online course Rosetta Stone TOTALe - “Sprachen intuitiv lernen. Ohne Übersetzen und Auswendiglernen. Immer und überall”, special GMX price offer, 2012-06.
Hands-on workshop “Anforderungsanalyse mit LEGO” ( “Requirements analysis with LEGO” ) at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen in Wolfburg, Germany, 2014-03-06.
Doblin, Helen Walters "Design Thinking Isn’t A Miracle Cure, But Here’s How It Helps" - “The value of multi-disciplinary thinking is one that many have touched upon in recent years. That includes the T-shaped thinkers championed by Bill Moggridge at IDEO, and the I-with-a-serif-shaped thinker introduced by Microsoft Research’s Bill Buxton, right through to the collaboration across departments, functions and disciplines that constitutes genuine cross disciplinary activity”
Businessweek "Innovation Calls For I-Shaped People" - “First of all, I should acknowledge the influence of my friend, the co-founder of IDEO, Bill Moggridge. He came up with the wonderful formulation of 'T-shaped people'”.
EN.Wikipedia "T-shaped skills" - “Tim Brown, CEO of the IDEO design consultancy defended this approach to résumé assessment as a method to build interdisciplinary work teams for creative processes”.
The crash course takes 60 hours, the 10-day compact course 100 hours, for the same price .
You can withdraw the course for free, before the first course day.
You have to apply for the test at least 5 weeks before.
You can withdraw the test for free, before the test day.
It is not mandatory to take the test date directly after the course.
There is a “holiday course” ( e.g. 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-20 ), where the following written test is “after holidays ( e.g. on 2012-09-04 ), and not “next Tuesday”.
Advantage?: The IHK lecturers are involved in the processing of the IHK test, regulary.
“Praktischer Teil der Ausbilder-Eignungsprüfung” = “Präsentation einer Ausbildungseinheit gemäß Rahmenstoffplan” ( in 2009, it was mandatory to do the presentation with overhead projector + printed slides, not with a computer with PowerPoint / OpenOffice Impress slides ).
Conclusion: Learner language differs from native speaker language! So if you explore “learner language”, you will find different vocabulary, different idioms,..