Warning: I tested several wide-angel converters with my Canon MV20 video cam, and all failed, as there were shadowed objective corners visible if the video is displayed by a video-processing computer ( not necessarily if the video is displayed on a TV screen, or on the LCD display of the video cam ):
Sony VCL 06-37H, 37mm ( little shadowed corners ).
Hama 0.45, 37mm ( large shadowed corners, heavy distortion, fisheye view ).
Hama 0.5 Digital/44330,37 mm ( large shadowed corner ).
Hama 0.45, 46mm ( large shadowed corners ).
Kenko KWG-05, 0.5x, 37mm ( large shadowed corners ).
I did not yet test these wide-angel converters:
JVC GL V 0637U, 37mm.
Panasonic VW-LW 4307WE, 0.7x, 43mm.
Canon WD46, 46mm ( this is the original device for the Canon MV 20 video cam ).
The accumulator Troy Products C-L736A with 1800 mAh, Varta V277 with 800 mAh and Conrad #350180-62 with 800 mAh and #355160-62 with 750 mAh are suitable for my Canon MV20 video cam.
The Rycote Mini Windjammer ”Rycote RY-IC2” is suitable as wind screen for the microphone of my Canon MV20 video cam.
The tripod CULLMANN “Universal Magic” is the best choice for video filmers ( like me ) who use a bicycle for transportation !
Interface module for video and photo cams: CULLMANN "CROSS CX470 #40470L" - “CULLMANN CX 470, Artikelnummer 40470”, “CULLMANN Magnesit Cx470 Schnellkupplungsplatte M 40470” ( eBay ).
Additional interface module to attach a smartphone: CULLMANN "CROSS CX141 #41141" - “Um die Mehrzahl aller gängigen Smartphones schnell und bequem zu befestigen, lässt sich Smartphonehalter CROSS CX141 in der Breite stufenlos von 57 bis 92 mm verstellen. Mittels genormten 1/4 Zoll Anschlussgewinde kann der CROSS CX141 auf jedes Hand-, Ein- oder Dreibeinstativ oder auf jeden Stativkopf montiert werden”. Not available in 2020-12.
I was advised to try a “fluid head with balance spring” like the Manfrotto #503 to shoot perfect horizontal turns with my DV cam ! Alternatively, with cheap heads, I was advised to hold the head with the left hand and the cam with the right hand, when doing camera turns.
*Software drivers not intended for Win10 . The software driver for W2k & WinXP still installs on Win10. But the cam is not recognized as “Camera” by Win10, by the Windows camera app .
The StudioP5 camera has a mechanical shutter function, by turning a ring at the camera case around the camera lens. Turn the ring to the left, until the green LED light of the camera turns on.
Error message “Network connectivity is not available. Some features may be limited until connection is restored” ?!
“Mini Kamera, reagiert auf jede Bewegung bei Tag und Nacht... Vielseitige Mini-Kamera speichert Fotos und Videos in High-Definition mit 1280x720p”.
“Sie erhalten außerdem einen Montage-Clip für eine einfache Befestigung an Ihrer Kleidung oder im Auto, sowie eine 8GB Memory Micro-SD Karte um Ihre Aufnahmen speichern zu können”.
200 mAh, continuous operation time of 45min . No Wifi / WLAN .
As alternative to zooms with “controlled” zoom speed, zooming faster and delaying speed during post processing is o.k., if the speed reductions is less than 33%.
Bebop “ZOE DV-Lanc” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ).
HGV “LP CAM Control” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ).
IRdeo - “InfraRot und Video”. PC remote control and PC interface for video processing #.
“SkyTools CamEye II”.
Archive.org "CamEye II" - Remote control of DV cams ( by LANC control ). “Die Fallschirmsportschule Ganderkesee ist Distributor in Deutschland für Produkte der schwedischen Firma SkyTools”.
ue-consult “RM-bare” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ). RM95 Clone (RM95-MB ) - a replacement for the SONY RM95 service remote control.
VariZoom “StealthZoom” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ).
“Siggi's Information Digital Video and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HOCM) Page” ( - 2000-10-18 ) - How to assemble the serial control cable for Panasonic DV cams. DV-IN enabling Panasonic and Sony DV / D8 cams. DV remote software for Panasonic DV cams ).