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[hemmerling] Video Cameras & Video Recording Systems

My Digital Video Cameras ( DV Cams ) & Cam2PC Interface Hardware

Canon MV20i / Canon Elura

  • Wide-angel converters.
    • Warning: I tested several wide-angel converters with my Canon MV20 video cam, and all failed, as there were shadowed objective corners visible if the video is displayed by a video-processing computer ( not necessarily if the video is displayed on a TV screen, or on the LCD display of the video cam ):
      • Sony VCL 06-37H, 37mm ( little shadowed corners ).
      • Hama 0.45, 37mm ( large shadowed corners, heavy distortion, fisheye view ).
      • Hama 0.5 Digital/44330,37 mm ( large shadowed corner ).
      • Hama 0.45, 46mm ( large shadowed corners ).
      • Kenko KWG-05, 0.5x, 37mm ( large shadowed corners ).
    • I did not yet test these wide-angel converters:
      • JVC GL V 0637U, 37mm.
      • Panasonic VW-LW 4307WE, 0.7x, 43mm.
      • Canon WD46, 46mm ( this is the original device for the Canon MV 20 video cam ).
  • Accumulators.
    • The accumulator Troy Products C-L736A with 1800 mAh, Varta V277 with 800 mAh and Conrad #350180-62 with 800 mAh and #355160-62 with 750 mAh are suitable for my Canon MV20 video cam.
  • Windshield.
    • The Rycote Mini Windjammer ”Rycote RY-IC2” is suitable as wind screen for the microphone of my Canon MV20 video cam.
  • Tripod.
    • The tripod CULLMANN “Universal Magic” is the best choice for video filmers ( like me ) who use a bicycle for transportation !
      • Interface module for video and photo cams: CULLMANN "CROSS CX470 #40470L" - “CULLMANN CX 470, Artikelnummer 40470”, “CULLMANN Magnesit Cx470 Schnellkupplungsplatte M 40470” ( eBay ).
      • Additional interface module to attach a smartphone: CULLMANN "CROSS CX141 #41141" - “Um die Mehrzahl aller gängigen Smartphones schnell und bequem zu befestigen, lässt sich Smartphonehalter CROSS CX141 in der Breite stufenlos von 57 bis 92 mm verstellen. Mittels genormten 1/4 Zoll Anschlussgewinde kann der CROSS CX141 auf jedes Hand-, Ein- oder Dreibeinstativ oder auf jeden Stativkopf montiert werden”. Not available in 2020-12.
    • I was advised to try a “fluid head with balance spring” like the Manfrotto #503 to shoot perfect horizontal turns with my DV cam ! Alternatively, with cheap heads, I was advised to hold the head with the left hand and the cam with the right hand, when doing camera turns.

Canon MV 400i

Intenso Viddy ( since 2013-04 )

Canopus EZ-DV - My Firewire DV-Cam Interface & Editing Software


My Logitech/Connectix Quickcam 1.0 for Windows ( since 1997 )

My UMAX AstraPix 320S ( since 2001 )

My Tchibo USB-Notebook-Kamera TCM 226878, Artikelnummer "D 255 631" ( since 2007-09 )

  • Treiberupdate "Tchibo TCM 226878 Treiber" - Download of Windows drivers.
  • *Software drivers not intended for Win10 :-(. The software driver for W2k & WinXP still installs on Win10. But the cam is not recognized as “Camera” by Win10, by the Windows camera app :-(.

My Microsoft LifeCam ( since 2021 )



My Poly Studio P5 ( since 2023-03 )

The Webcam


Online Portals


Poly Sync 20+ [USB-A]


  • The StudioP5 camera has a mechanical shutter function, by turning a ring at the camera case around the camera lens. Turn the ring to the left, until the green LED light of the camera turns on.
  • Problems:


  • Linux compatible webcams:
    • Philips PixelPlus Philips SPC 900NC USB webcam.
    • UVC 1.00 device Trust Webcam.

Some other Digital Cams

Digital Mini Cams ( Spy Cams, Spycams )

Action Cams


Utilities & Accessories for Digital Video Cameras


Remote Cam Control, sometimes enabling effective Zoom Control

  • As alternative to zooms with “controlled” zoom speed, zooming faster and delaying speed during post processing is o.k., if the speed reductions is less than 33%.
  • Bebop “ZOE DV-Lanc” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ).
  • Computeruniverse "Canon Fernsteuerung ZR-1000" - remote control of DV cams ( by LANC control ).
  • HGV “LP CAM Control” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ).
  • IRdeo - “InfraRot und Video”. PC remote control and PC interface for video processing #.
  • “SkyTools CamEye II”.
    • "CamEye II" - Remote control of DV cams ( by LANC control ). “Die Fallschirmsportschule Ganderkesee ist Distributor in Deutschland für Produkte der schwedischen Firma SkyTools”.
  • ue-consult “RM-bare” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ). RM95 Clone (RM95-MB ) - a replacement for the SONY RM95 service remote control.
  • VariZoom “StealthZoom” - Enables the use of the zoom function of DV cams ( by LANC control ).

DV-IN Enabling for DV Cams ( European PAL Editions )

Tripods and Heads

Mini Tripods

Tripods and Heads

IEC 1394 Firewire PCI / PCI Express Cards

Analog Video

Video Recorders

  • Cleaning of the rubber pressure wheel ( “Gummi-Andruckkopf” ) - with glass cleaner, which contains no alkohol ( e.g. “Sidolin” ).
  • Cleaning of the video head - with video head cleaner ( “Videokopfreiniger” ), which contains alkohol.

Video Decoders

  • Macro 2000 Kopierschutzdecoder, Conrad #38175S-14.
  • Video Limiter VL-103A, VL-100, VL-110, VL-200, VL-220 by Ingrid Ellerbrok, elro eletronic, Berliner Str. 12, 13467 Berlin.
  • ViTec 9000, ViTec 9320 by ViTec Audio-Video GmbH.
  • ELV Video-Kopierschutz-Decoder VKD 7002.

Video Switch Boxes



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